f* .'' ’ .V- i O/' Cj^an’llr ('.ampany's Produrts •-j'iry'M*'?. . 4K01 PRESS Rl N THIS WEEK Blacks Urge Nat’l Boycott jf ^ 4 4 In Moslem Slaying Case Rejects Move Of imiAN 11(1 (.In, !»'• % 1 . . r N M\ III • ( IIKISTIAN CHRISTMAS FAMll.Y OF >,hmsn al>o\p are the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larnie 1 N, ,11(1 famih. chosen as this year's C.AROLINI.AN r;i I /iii.ts I amilv of the Year." From left are. l.arnie .( studeta at h ranees Lacy Klemenlary School. Dr. i.>tnii (.arvex Morton, a student at Kentwood Day „l .hs. Horton, the former Miss Kalrena Baldwin. I'l have been: l%K. Deacon and Mrs. Chester IDeaeoii and .Mrs. Delmus R. Ingram. Sr.: 1970. ,1 M.. I eiitha Dehnam; 1971. Dr. and Mrs. James A. ^ j ihe llev and Mrs. Joseph P. Dempsey and their North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 33 NO. 8 RALEIGH, N'.C. WEEK ENOING S.^TliRDAY. DEC. 29, 1973 SINGLK COPY 1.5c- After Sen ing /(> Coniieted Kit /-. Hin-lon Family iapist Jailed Agcdr ★★★★ (yoals For Raleigh (iroiip Makes (MVKRS HtlDV OF SHOOTOI T VICTIM - Homesicad, Fla. leJeiiix e eoxei s the bodx of one of three victims of a sh<Ktlmi( Dec. :o .11 .( lfomest(‘ad filing station. The "western movie" shooting rupied inside a buscarrxing bean pickers when il pulled up to the st.ition. leaving (he driver and a husband and wife dead. CPI' • m —J station, leaving (he driver and a husband and wif 107:} Yule Choice City Iransportioii ustuay Bus Vote Racist: K.(. I'lii' t^<*nsiiiiicrs U A PKTK WILDER i! Pr iind Mrs. Larnie Glenn Horton, (he is .,‘sisiHni for minority affairs to Cover- liuUhouser. Jr.), has been chosen The . l‘.»73 Christian Christmas Family of to the capital city after six •ars as president of Kittrell College. Dr. il the position of Administrative Assist- -rnor. Dr Horton's meteoric rise reads xlgder story. and language requirements for Master Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in 1961. with a major in philosophy. From 1%1'62. he accepted the academic dean position at Kittrell College, from 1964-66. he wa.s pastor at Emmanuel AME Church. Durham. In l%6-73. he became president of Kittrell College. Kittrell In l%7. he received ihe Master of Divinity degree from Duke I niversity School of Religion. In 1969.’ he received the honorarv doctorate from the Naiionai Theological Seminary and College . • The Rev. Dr. Horton is married to the former Miss Katrena Baldwin. Mrs. Horton is a most accomplished mate. .Aside from her elementary training, she received her college training at Winston- .See L HORTON. P, 2) 1. . I \ (■ • in Pitlsboro on ' : • .'i ihc -.on of the ! S.idic Horton. He ■ l.-.i llor'on High School. ).<!!' .HI'! (oiiliimed his it Morri’^ Brown . (loorgia; he ’■ . . it, ii with an .A.B.. ,, '..-.,|.iiv in 1960 He • : ,1 pastoiiite of . ' ' N.ix.iphiivv Circuit . , n'raic cx.lend- During this . I . i.'iu'.i More Irain- : . r. 'l iho (!» gree fisliiiifrion ill Host Workers Want 7 Rehired LOUISVILLE. Ky. Supporters of black work ers at the P. Lorillard Tobacco Company here, have called for a boycott of the company’s cigarettes and tobacco. "The black workers art de manding the reinstatement of 7 workers who were fired last August after a protest against discrimination in hiring and upgrading. They are also demanding that Lorillard be gin a positive program to deal (See BLACKS URGE. P 2> Employees Wansley Rep. S. Chisholm Lvr rC! DC • The 'tiMur hilurma- .tiuiHunrcd the ‘ I Hiisumer con • ! in Warhing- I > <i.itlci Milton ' 1" c'.nliTcnce I mr Kcon- aiucs " th.il its ■;;iii(!!v Ixnng ; ‘n' lonsuming • diinunsinng in ;h "ii- increases ^ ' '.f.irce lesourc^ • ■ e i> (iesignup r. ^.•:'mcnl 41 ,n I'CHiinn^c :• pursue tht- nJiii'on h| our 'hlling the need.s {lopi-lation. il.c I onsum- a • .social ... lugaied him- 'UM)«<-it:(>n of ■ "ii 'lO.s without -i;Mn.ic forfeit- .•...liofial re- ■ >1'. ll> Li-ing lig -xstem ih.i’ possess .!l'\ P Of HUD Disciplined •lu.uou CHRISTMAS PRESENT - Auslio. Tex. - >Ij Marie Bellard isn't able to do much but grin at her h(jst"“ (l.i. after a District Court ruled that she was thej^i^ in cash she had found earlier. Mrs. Bellard a mattress In the motel vv':ere she is a iiiai#. .ALCfnti Forrest ItA Still In Trouble RICHMOND. Va. - Thom as Wanslev has been jailed again in the wake of a □^‘ision bv the U.S. Circuit Court of AppeaLs. uphold ing his conviction on an alleged trumped-up rape charge. The 28-veur-old black man has already 8ervi*d 10 years on this charge. .•\ three judge panel o\eri-‘.i! ed t S District Judge Re!K-rt Merhinge. who last January, overturned Wanslev s convic tion and granted hail. Mer hinge said Wansley had not received a fair trail (See RAPIST IS. P 2i mrt Rides WASHINGTON, D.C. - Under the guise of conserving sctirce energy. U.S. Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.l steered an amendment to curtail school busing through the Mouse .lest r $10,000 lev under Altq T!ic measure was added to the bill giving the President emergency powers to deal with the energy crisis and would prevent allocations of fuel for busing children beyond the neighborhood sch<X)is. Blacks and liberals immed- ialel> rose to the floor of the House attacking the admend- men( as racist. Rep Bella Ahzug’s 'I) N Y I. charged that the amendment was "••acist and demagogic ' only iM liavi* l.or remarks ordered Nirickt-n irnm the record by the Speaker of the House Carl MIhtI ' I) Dkla 1. CRIME BEAT From Balcieh’s Official Police Files SRC Says 2 Issues To Merge .ATLANTA • The Southern Council, announces the mergjW of its two publica tions. Nw South and South Todav. into a btanonth^. gen- eral-intcrtit nufiziM aimed at a widening audivnet df interesind Sntittenitrs. Tht magazine. Southtro Veken. '.Mil bogto pilblicfttlon with a .March^rii, 1174 fag;ue. Acoordiiig to Geoi^e H. K'i.ser, ccecuUve director of the Couiidl, tht deciikm to merge the two potolications came after 2 yean of hard planning, promotion. organlmtioA and drawn ing "The idea began,” heaaid. "when the Council was re-examining all of its pro grams, We realized that we had two publications that were • See SRC REVEALS. P. 2) National Black News Service WASHINGTON • The De partment of Housing and Urban Development, has taken j disciplinary action against 35 employees charged with "irre gularities" in connection with housing subsidy applications filed just before the subsidy program was frozen JaiL 3 The disciplinary 40lnns grow nut of im^<i|[Mion^ ordered Sq^tary *|me.s J*es in Wfu^ lliyen*i.v0 were Ctarged ■«» mihwart IM MIkM .tomimratinn's treere n( #ie hoo»lrjt#ubsidy pngMniAy fllixif loiV minute ■|ll>l|tall4|,« FUrnier HUD fjeeielary Oeorge Romney, ordered the freeze lj(*tore he Ml the Nixon Cabinet PondiilgK study of the program*? effectiveness. Romney ordered HUD not to issue any new insured loan commitments to subsidize home rental and ownership under the 2:i5 and 236 pro grams. (See HUD WORKERS, P 2> ^ A recent i fisit dev|i h. was ^ mal ursday by (tdViKiph'ilfh m s po r I a t i (mBTi miW) n 1 m i t • !•> Goals ilLDialoigh is a gl[iissroots..^itflinumty action fpfhtip jgb purpose is to in«gaM[7iizen participation In (Cwsion-mnking and to bring about comprehensive, long-range planning, based on interaction among individuals. Powell’s Hearings Started National Black Nexvs service W.ASHINGTDN ■ Ih-aringson Ihe nomuijiion ot the new chairman of the KmikiI Em plovment Opportunity Com mission. John H Powell. Jr.- have finallx begun - mur mtnUhs after the White Mouse announced his seleciiun tor the post. . . Powell, who was tapped K- succeed William Brown III, who reportedly is in line for aii ambassadorsnip. is the genera counsel lor the I b. Cixil Rights Commission and a favorite of Sen Jacob Ja\ as ol New York, a Republican Manx members ol the Senate Lalwr' and Public Wellare ComniUtee. were concerned See POWELl i- |n^\JAf}jtoiizatioi^ and GFR HeUWflSe com- inended the Voorhees Study, but emphasized to Raleigh’s Ma\or. Clarence Lightner. and the Cilv Council, to whom il was addressed, that the energy crisis makes imperative strong, immediate leadership in transportation matters. The response urged that the proposed Transit .Authority be set up now. even before funding grams haxc been received and that It include broad repre sentation from citizen groups. It also urged that buses be ordered immediately, noting (hat other cities are already ahead ot Raleigh on manufac turers' production waiting h»>t- (nials lor Raleigh's Trans- Set TU.\NSPiiKT.\TION. P 2 Appreeiation Money Is Won By Mrs. Hall M.' Pmkif S Hall, ww E. Marlin Stri-et. «as thf lirst winrn-r in this week's C.-VKO- I.IMAN .Apprecialion Miiney Kealure Her name was found ui Hie adyertisemenl paid for hr Thnmpson-Lvnch Company. 211 W Hargett Sireel The company has been serving ils cu.himers since 1912. special- i/.;ng in Zenith and other hec .AffRECl.ATUlN P 2i J - The _ trial of men charged with the murders of seven flanufi Moslems he shifted to tht U.S. Courthouse here from the D.C Superior Court, has been rejected. 0 S Pourl ot .-Xppeals aciing chief judge. J. .Skelly Wrighl. lofd D.C. Superior Court Chn l Judge Harold H Greene, lhal the trial would be no less disruptive if it were held in the federal court building The trial is staled In gel Started Jan H. but Ihe detense has already moved to postpone the Inal, partially becau.se of Ihe site Dfticials expect the in.il Oi he Ihe longest and most sells.ilional since the local court gained full lelony )uns- dlclion 19 months ago In rejecting the appeal ol Greene. Judge Wnghl said, there was insuft'cieni inlornia- (See COURT KLlES. P. 2> It ■> Ml I i this rulumn or (l iiluiT ,1. i1 in itii tiut'lic inirrrO with an wdids I'liminatini il> runiantv. .us indiMdual. riatc rrgur%lrd (hat • 'I** (onvidrraiion of kina lol.nc un ihr (lolirr Ini-iui utiuld''kr to do. HoHrkrr. uui U'l-tlion ■•. 0, judir or jurv Wr ' I iM iait> av Hr Itnd ihrm i]ti- ihi urti-.iinf oIIk rrv Tokrrp If), (iinii H, I niutnnv. mrrrly i<..i I'liHk iriivlxrd a poArr .1. ni'iiriiiR 1,1. lindinRv uhtir on uli llir ’ B'oiirr" 4iid p ( -ir • Hiai SWSIII BUY BEAT HER .\U s .Lie .-Xnn Robertson. 19, ♦dll (jorman Street told Officer (• W Hairr at 6:51 p.m. Tuc'di''. that she and her husband Gregory Powell Ro bertson 20. 306 Freeman .s'reet became engaged In an arguineiu at his house and he grabbeii her and started hitting ■,nti kicking her. causing M-ruiehes. bruises on her face ami neck, injured linger on the right hand and bruises on the li.wer leli leg. The woman Mgned an assault on a female warraiii and her estranged husband wa< arrested. This case has been set for Jan. 7 in Wake [Jislricl Court. See CRIME BEAT P 3i Hep Shirlex l’hl^boJm voic ed supporl for ),er bdlow Congressw (inian shout ing. "She’s only telling n Iiki* it is ' Black ('ongre^-m.tn Hep •See REP ciHSHid.M P 2 Are Goals Of Raleig;li Limited? Do communities <aughl in last growth have problems' debate of the complex i.ssm-.s produced by "growing pains can be viewt-d at H pin Tuesday. .Ian. » on WHAl. TV. Ch 5. ’Goals for H.iu igh. a grassrmils, eomnuinib at '‘in organization, ha^ prepared the debate on the »ontroversial topic. "Should Haleigli's Growth be Limited” ' Patterned after the l.mied ETV "Advocate.s.” four pro minent citizens form 'h*- tw(, debating teams, moderated le WK.AL's puiilic service (lire' ■ lur. Charles Gaddy For limit ed growth arc .lame'* Kui./ey adxoeate attonej, am! ‘ - witness. Arthur Cooper ogist and siH-ciali’-t in lie source Management for lim N C. Deparlinen' of Natural and Economic Hesfiurces \ gainst limitation on gr(,wth i- advocate Jyl*-> Coggm.s. dexx loper and former State Sena tor. and his witness repr^'sen* ing the Chamber i'f ( ommerc,-. John G Marl, president Stackpole Components The public and memiiers civic dulls, church groups, and garden cluh'- being urged to fo.n: watching parties to pronioie living-room discussion .d>oi.t the issues of uneoni rolled growth. Local newsp.tpt rs adl carry a voting coupon Tuesday (o be mailed to Goals. \Ml.\L- (See ARE RALEIGH'S P ? lA iv. •if itudy TV ,H Uliil VH E PKEMDEM - Baltimore - Vice President (herald Ford, shares a '• Ml (.ill I L> and Sgt. J. R. Mims (Cl at Baltimore Washingloif Int'l Airport Dec. 21. ,v (.. ( (dorado from Madrid. Spain, where he attended Prime Minister Blanco's o I., iijitimore (o pick up his family, and ten serxicemen, who hitched a ride on the \ir b (•rce Jet. • I Pli Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK III l)S,tN-lti:t.K S'lOltl-'.S "For Best Bargains In Tao Fine Stores" I'HGFS M\(T\ \(^ T<» RESUA • Washington • Mm. Anna Cllnkacales. of Baltimore Md., delivers a Christmas presenl to President Nixon at the While House ' “^•‘***‘* urging him not to resign and asking ( ongress not to impeach him. Mr*, (bakscales oiganiied a door-uedoor campaign in Baltimore to raise the signature* of support >11 l»

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