Hdlviflh Mrmorial imUlorium Sv~ I-. •. L#gL/in'—1' ene l•R^XS Rl N THIS WKKk 9,760 ^Death Marchers’ Spurred At Rally National NAAC.P Office Savs Roy Wilkins NotFired North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. .1:1 NO. II HALEIGH, N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. .IAN. 19. 1974 SIN'GI.K COPY lor While Two \Iothers .4w(iy-Si.v K’ds Perish In Fire ★★★★ ★★★★ 7-Week-Old Infant Allcfied Victim Suspect Child Abuse Here Parents ‘Mum’ In City Case .\l ( l\ II. nil.II IS n.MIKK'S TOMB - Allania - Rev. W. C. Smllh (Kl. leads the prayer Tuesday. Jan. 15. Hi (he tomb of slain civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as ceremonies got underHa> In celebrate his 4.5th birthday. At the tomb are Mrs. Coretta King (C). wife of .Martin Luther King. Jr., surrounded by her children. Between Mrs. King and Rev. Smith is ('ongressman Andrew A'nung. long'lime associate of Dr. King. To Mrs. King’s rear is .Atlanta’s Mayor Maynard .lackson. ,\( exin'ine left is Cesar Chavez. L'nited F'arm Workers official. (IT»I) (Paintinis^ Of Dr, Kinff Will Hnn^ In Georgia’s Capitol National Black News Service A riuA.VJ .V • Lt. Gov. Lester G. Maddox, an avowed segregationist, is opposing the decision by Go' .Jimmy Carter to hang a painting of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., along the walls of the state's capitol beside Civil War heroes and segregationist go\ ernors. organized Augusta schools about that time, are expected to be placed there shortly. Maddox, who may run for a second term as governor, said he was unalterably opposed to placing King’s portrait in the Iherv are n«i displays of black', in the Capitol building now Three years ago. Gov. Carter decided, after his mauguraiior.. th.it • the time f'T i.iii.il discrimination is over " Me appniiited a biracial inmirii'-sion ot four black and lour uhiie (J«*orgians and a.sketl them to recommend lltr«-e Geori'ia blacks to be placeu in the capilol Dr King s inTtrait. which is be:r.f> painlrd by George Maim.' al iiig wiih that of Hct.rv .McNea) '1 urniM-. a .Me'lioit- - I t ishop who served in liie ■ iegi>i.i'me in the T IHHli';' .;rii LiiC. l.aney. who Final Rites Hr-ld For gallery. “He did a disservice lo the country.’ Maddox, who won a national reputation a decade ago for opposing Dr. King and other civil rights leaders, said f«iee DR KING. P, 2J A«. Teacher /li-.V.. . l-uilogisiic serv- !i » - I • j i. Tn ’. or I.ocke. w»rv ' • lui'lcit .s.iiidav. .tan i; i, *1.. ii.’onuin of /ebulon lii^ii Seth' . tie died Juesday, l.m s ij' VV„kf Memorial lioso.i.i!. It.iU-i^h (n!ic‘.ttmg were hi . H Itoi'ti. pastor, he. Hr d;auan. .md ];«v t. !' Huiiiig. who ileliv.-red r:,e eiilogy Inter- nont was 111 VSakiMieUl Baptist Church Cciiir'erv m Zehulon. .1 1 i.o. r.e ie::;e(l in l%2 ai'er coiTipieimii l-i years as a vocatior.a! agriculture teacher in Nor'h ( arolin.i. bncke was (>otti iii Rowan Coiinr.. an.l '•(,*;iplelcd his o.irlv i-ducation in that area. ite w; ' •» I’r.idua’*' of \ (.' A&T College ’ \A r Ma'e t .niver- 1 'if.'i iistmro Histearhing I .l eei' I’K juried assignments at '■ ..ulituig M gti .vhool, .Spring Hope I'eahody .Academy. iTov, N C Berry O Kelly High StL.ool. Mr-ltiod and for :J0 \eui» Itc: |%L». he taught at Shepard iligl'. School ZetiuSon S<e J. T‘ I.OCKK. H 2 ril N'M.A.N F.ATALLY WOL'NDED - Chicago - Policemen carr\ fatally wounded gunman, identified as Kohert Majuwa. who hart taken three hostages in the Lake Point 1ov\er Kuiik Jan It. then released the hostages and stioi hiniscit wiien police surrounded the building. Hohtages, two women employees of the* bank and a man. were not iiijuied. .A bank employee said Kajav\a was infuriati*ri when he was refused permission to take ainihing (loin a safely deposit box because of his debts d Pti Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK IIM viimil I IIOMKS “Where You Can ftwn A’mir Home .Sooner" According to statements ssued by two members of .he Raleigh Police Depart- nent at 2:51 a m. Sunday. :hild abuse charges could eportedly be brought a- ;ainsi persons involved in ■he alleged injury of a 7* veek'old baby bi.»y. Officers .1 \!. KariTier and .‘i B f»rice answered a cal! lo Wake .Memorial Hospiial. where they were met by .Mis Vera Price I*ressl«*y. i;lMi K Hargett Street, mother of the child, f’hristopher Gabnel Presslev. The iniury n'<-ei\rd was a depiessei! .skull wo < meiiaii met; lUeu .md vo inches in diameter. The officers s^aid Mrs. Pressley told them that at approximately 12:45 that day. the child had the colic and she and her husband, whose name was not on the general offense report sheet, look the child to the Emergency Room at the hospital. Upon examination, the at tending physician found the indentation in the skull on the left side of the head. The woman stated the baby had not fallen and could not account for the injury. Investigative notes revealed that Dr. F. D Burroughs, a <Sec CHILD ABUSE. P 2' 500 Fete St. Aug.’s President .Approximately 5U(i dlumiii. officials and friends of St Augu.s'ine’s College, braved the snow and freezing weather to attend the fir«t Testimonial Dinner-Dance in New York, honoring Dr Prezell R. Robinson, president of .St Augustine s College. The ela borate event was held on F'riday. Jan. 11. in the .Astonan Room at the A.storian Manor. Astoria, (iiieens. and was sponsored by the Greater New York Alumni Chapter. As keynoter. Dr. Robinson said that black colleges today represent a reservoir of talent “but." he declared, ' ihey cannot perform miracles." Me slated that people have the idea that black colleges can do more witii less money than white colleges and 'hey are expected to reach the sami- goals as msiiiulions like Howard S<jme people hau* the notion ol eliminating the black 'See DR ROBINSON. P - .ipprevialiini (.hecks K on Hy 2 toadies Two Raleigh area ladie-, were declared winners ot Si'i checks each in The CAROLIN- l.ANA -Appreciation Money Feature, sponsored aDo by pariicipating mer-.hants of the city and county inning are .\lr> Virginia Green. l..;r» Walnut Sireel. whose nanu- appeared mi the advertisement paid for by Liles Shoes, hll Fayetteville Street, w here the inotio.s are Geared lo a .Modest Budget and Latest Fashions In Quality Mrs Freida Hinton. P.y K Garner Loop Rd,. saw her name in the ■See AFPHECI.ATION. P Zi Opponents Of Penalty Speak Out STAFF WRITER I’here have been many significant marches, begin ning with the sometime denounced ride of Paul Re vere, in the history of Am erica. The I960 marches. s«>ine of which ended in bloodshed, did more to a- waken this nation to its human decency and were one of the direct causes of the election of Richard Nixon, came back to Ral eigh last Sunday. NciiMer the powers-that-be. nor ilie citizenry ha\e had time 'o evaluate the results that will '■ome Irnm the “Death March " However, it can be sani that the crowd that atlendcd the rally in Raleigh Memorial .Auditorium was 'old. in no uncertain terms, that the death penalty, as practiced in North Carolina, is the handiwork of persons, -teeped in sin, engrossed in ■nequity and saturated in hale. The speakers described the practice as one designed to get \engeance from the black and the poor. The speakers pointed •') the fact that there are 21 human beings now languishing on "Death Row" at Central F’nson, lor having been found guilty of commuting capital e.'-imes. A breakdown of the (rimes shows that 13 persons are charged with murder, line pMsem. commenting on mur der, had the following to sav: See DEATH RALLY. P 2- •’KILLl.Mi Hl-AihlS KILLI.M. _ . . niihister and member of the State Parole Board, speaks at a rally against the death penall' Carolina Jan. 13. Dr. Davis called for rejection of the death penalty because “killing bcgei im. IS • HHiriKn. • lie. Gardy Davis, a uurn.im. x.v v in North gel' killing." NAACP: Media Was Off Base NKW YORK CITY - .Members of the staff, NAACP. were in a dither Tuesday morning. Jan. 15, when The CAROLINIAN cn.-a-ti tlu' national office lo u.-icertain a national news report that the Board of Directors, in secret session, had fired Roy Wilkins from his post as executive direc tor. The firing was unequivocally denied. However, it was 'See ROY WILKINS. P. 21 Landlord T.ARBORO PROTESTERS AT RAI.I.Y - Raleigh. N.C. - Protestors from nearbv Tarboro N ( . A ^ J Into downtown Raleigh Jan. 13 to attend a rallv against the death penally in North ( arolmj T^IIU J. by the North Carolliia-Virginla Commission for Racial Justice, ilT'li Meet Tues. A public forum on proposed tenant-landlord legislation to govern tenant-landlord rela tions in the Slate of North Carolina, will Ije held in the Raleigh ('ity Council Cham bers on Tuesday. Jan. 22 at 7:30 p m The purposes of the meeting are: to provide an opportunity for individuals and groups to 'See LANDLORD. P 2) NWr.F MEET liicie will be a meeting of (he Itali-igh-Vpex Chapter of the N \ \CP Sunday, Jan. 20 at 4 |i.m. at Rich Park. \ Farmers Hume .Adminls- iration oflicial will be p.'esent to discuss the Rural Develop ment \c( and low income iidiisiiig in the rural area. Everyone is invited lo come out and join in the discussions. Tlie Rev, Dr. Charles \\. Ward. Sr., is president of the chapter. Find Bodies Near House’s Back Door i CRIME BEAT From Kaleieh’s Offlci.il roller Files RM.KKill ( AfiE STAR FACES THEFT (HAKfiE Raleigh. N.C. - .Mop Rivers, a guard on the Ihird-ianked North Carolina Stale hasket- hali team, was charged with shoplifting a li.Vceiit aspirin bottle and released on bond pending (rial Jan. 13. <UPi) ngloge single sto^ farmhouse in Crawfordsville, .Arkansas, were out Monday, six of their children died in a fire that consumed their home. Ages between 6 yeqrs and 14 months, the children were found huddled near the back door of the house. Authorities believe that they were attempting to claw their way to freedom when death struck. Similar cases have been reported recently here in the state. Kach«‘ll Jackson. 5: Willi.irr. Jackson 6 William Craig 4. Shawn Craig. and Bor. Craig. 14 inonihs WiMie .'.l.ic Jackson was the mother of the Jackson children and Dehln (ireen was iho mother .if the Craig children “Wh«*n we found the lnwhes tonight, they ’.vere all b.iek close lo the liack door," he said W. C. Sumter, county coroner, staled. "The house was in full flames before anybody even discovered it." A fire department spokes man said cause of the blaze was nut determined, although arson was not suspected. He said the mothers of the six wen- away from home at the time ol the incident. The victims were identified as Michael C. Jackson, 4; (.See KIKE VICTIMS P '•SOM Ihi <1 in thi |iut, >rit' t Iimin^linc lumn 6r <i jlur* m,.l‘ l>n| liM.n* on ih. |>nlKr >'Uld ''kt III di, lliix. \rr. n lu h< judsr nr iur > VVr II iniii. J' lind inrm n stinR ••l|i(<r> Inkri p Brdi (iiiumn%. m«rrl» rr(i\trr<'d h« 4 poKrr ^ lindin(% u liilr on I) ih( ' B'niirr’ and . -imr hi «i \l)\nTSl I TTINt. .MAN Diiicer R C Ga\ was called lo ‘(14 E Worth Street at 5:30 a in last Saturday There he t.liked with Joseph Kennedy Hill. 4ii. .114 Love's Lane, who rec.'ived a laceration lo his left '•lioulitei. ami Miss Catherine Hedgepeih. 3.5. 307 S. Blood- Worth Streoi. who admitted 'hat she cut Hill with a knile. H.;l .Njud she did not cut him and declared he wasn't even cut "Hill was intoxicated at tlu time he was being questioned." ended the offic er's, report • See CRIME BE.A'i. P. 3) CEDEND F(H N’l) (iUILTY - Santo Domingo, D.R. • Houston Astros' star outfielder Cesar Cedeno takes stand during his trial here Jan. 1.5. .A Dominican Judge found Cedeno guilty of involuntary manslaughter for llu* motel room shooting of 19-v ear-old .Altagracia de la Cruz, and fined him tht equivalent of Sloo. closing tlu- case. (UPD

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