This Time In Rock> Wake County District Attor ney Burley B. Mitchell, was responsible for a charge of stealing a 35 cent bottle of aspirin l)eing dropped in Dis trict Ciiurt here Monday a- gainst Morris <.Moe) Rivers, star bdskelball player for the North Carolina Stale Univer sity \Notfpack basketball team. The attorm'v said he decided to drop the case 'because I felt the state simply could not f irove any intent to commit arceny ” Rivers was accused on Tues day. Jan 15. 01 the theft of the aspirin irom the Mission Val ley Food Marl .A private se curity guard '•igned the war rant “Rivers said he left the store with lh<‘ aspirin in his hand." Mitchell said. “His girlfriend would have testified that he had it in his hand when he asked her for .15 cents to pay for it because he didn’t have change. At that point, the pri vate dct» rtivi came up. "My feeling is that nis evi dence, together with the fact that as a member of the team, he can get asprin from the trainer any lime without charge, would tend to make a Prisoners Win Hifr Court Suit National Black News Service SPRINGFIELD. Mo - A pro gram called “behavior modifi cation" by prison officials and “brainwashing" by inmates, has h(‘en settled in Federal court in favor of the prisoners. Officials of the Federal Bu reau 01 Prisons, have announc ed they will soon dismantle a behavior modification project in Springfield and other site:;; across the county The project, known as START lan acronym for Spec ial Treatment and Rehabilita tive Treatment I involved lock ing “troublesome inmates" in cells for hours and depriving them of all privileges. If they behaved, there were rewards which eventually resulted in the restoration of all privileg es. START rapidly Irecame a program scorned and hated in prison populations. There were ^linger .^trikes staged, at least ’one suicide and protests from several ('ongressmen and the National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation The latter organization was instrumental in getting the Federal Bureau of Prisons to 'Seo PRISONERS. P. 2> this week 10,060 Frinks Leads New Protests Entprtainer ISo Longer T.harmed' Davis, Nixon ‘‘Out” EOIINrAN HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY li wished to alJ by lovely Fayetteville State I'niversily freshman coed Barbara Williams of Charleston. South Carolina. (FSU Photo by John B. Henderson). Charge Dismissed Against M. Rivers North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 33 NO. 15 RALEIGH. N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. FEB. 16. 1974 Sl.N'GLE COPY 20c Bullet Bends Badge, But Cop’s Life Spared jury have more^lhan reason able doubt about intent to com mit larceny” Mitchell said the warrant under which Rivers was charged was also defective and would have to have been changed by the court. “Under those circumstanc es. I decided to nol pros the case. " he said. Rivers was suspended for one game after the charge was brought tor missing curfew by basketball coach Norman Sloan. Sloan said the suspen sion was routine penalty for mission curfew. The charge was filed at 10:15 p.m Sloan declined to tell newsmen last month, when the curfew was Wake GOP Body Ends City Meet Veteran black Republicans, joined by convert^-D e m o- crats, met here. Saturday, Fe bruary 9, to evaluate the first 12 months of the Holshouser Administration, as it related to the black community. It was the concensus that the governor had made more black appointments in his first year than all the Democratic gover nors made in the past 72 years. However, they were much con cerned about the persons ap pointed and the method used to select those persons. They were not critical of the governor, but felt that his black aide. Dr' Lamie Horton, was more concerned about building his image than building a strong mack following. The persons attending the meeting^ (See WAKE GOP. P 2) RICH Park To Be Scene Of NAACP Talk Mrs. Fran Stevenson will be the speaker and answer ques tions Sundav afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the monthly meet ing of the Raleigh-Apex Chap ter of NAACP Mrs. Stevenson is secretarv to Representative Ike Andrews of the Fourth Congressional District The public is invited to attend this meeting. The meeting is held monthly at Rich Park Housing office. 555 Method Road. Or. Charles W. Ward is pre sident State Man Held In Fracas With Law DURHAM • For a tew minutes, neither bis love for his large white wife, nor the impending danger of being killed by two deputy sheriffs seemed to have daunted John Bullock. Jr., a black man. from spending his wrath on J. C. Grav, Jr. and L. C. Creech, deputy sheriffs, who went to his home at 916 N. Elizabeth St.. Monday at 1 p.m., aUegedly to evict him and his wife for the non-pay ment of rent. One of the officer’s life was appan ntly saved when a bullet, sent toward his chest, was deflected by his badge. Information gathered from reliable sources, revealed th^l the officers were standing on the porch explaining to BulloTk that they had a job to do - take him, bag and baggage, along with his wife, out of the house. To their surprise. Bullock is believed to have raised his right hand and begun firing, with a 22-caliber pistol that the officers had not seen The officers are said to have made a hasty retreat from the porch and proceeded to take cover beside the porch. How ever. before Gray could escape Bullock had sent a bullet to ward his chest, that penetrated a heavy jacket he was wearing, but had apparently been de- ilecled by his badge’, which was E mned on the jacket on front of is heart. As soon as the officers real ized that Bullock meant real trouble, they began firing. Shortly after the shooting be gan, Durham police arrived on the scene. Bullock is said to have gone into the house with his wife. Jo Ann. and readied for battle. One of the city policemen is said to have fired a shotgun into the house Neither Bullock nor his wife, was hurt, but his large bundle of marriage bliss is said to have convinced him he could nol win a i he finally succumbed to he pleadings and surrendered. Creech attributes Bullock's bad marksmanship to his not killing both of them The fol lowing is said to have been the (S«« MAN HELD P. 2V ★ ★ ★ ★ Seeking New Members ★ ★ ★ ★ r NAACP Sets Drive Resident Of Person Selected CHARLOTTE • According to Kelly M. Alexander, president, N.C. Stat« Con ference of NAACP Branch es. H. B. Sects, who ia j president of the Person County Branch, Roxboro. was named general chair man of the 1974 member ship drive, at a meeting of I the state staff, held in Greensboro recently. St NAACP TO P 2) IT’S NOW 20‘ Beginning with this edition of The CAROLINIAN single copy price will be increased to 20 cents. This unavoidable price increase is due to not only newsprint increases, but the general overall inflation spiral, which has affected busi ness, industry and living costs throughout the coun try. Policies O f Nixon \Not Davis* National Black News Service LOS ANGELES - Sammy Davis, Jr., who took a lot of I abuse several years ago when he endorsed President Nixon’s re-election bid, says he is now quite disappointed with the President’s s o c i a 1-orient^ programs. The object of severe critic ism from blacks and liberals for endorsing the President, Davis was photographed in 1972 hugging the President at the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach. He said he was endorsing the President because he felt he had done a good job for blacks (See SAMMY DAVIS. P. 2) Appreciation Check Won By City Woman Mrs. Nettie Harrington of 1211 S. Bloodworth Street was the recipient of a $10 check last weekend as she saw her name in the advertisement paid for by the Natural Health Food Store in The CAROLINIAN'S Appreciation Money Feature, sponsored jointly by the news paper and participating busi nesses Natural Health Food is lo- (See APPRECIATION. P 2) MAYOR LIGHTNEH Mayor And Dr. Bryant To College Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, president of St. Augustine’s College, has announced that the I07lh Founders’ D a y - Homecoming activities have been scheduled as follows: The Founders' Day Assembly will be held on Thursday. Feb. 21. at 11 a.m. in the Emery Health and Fine Arts Building. The (See MAYOR AND, P. 2) tRIME BEAT I rum K.'ilt'ieH's O' I'oitt-r Filrs 11)11 oil's SOTI. thi, ralumn Traiur« O |ir»ducrd in Ike public InirrrM uiik an aim lauardt rllmlnaiinc lit conieoit. Sumrrout Indh Idualt havr rcqurtied ihal Ihc) bv gitrn ihr rontidarailon al otrrioohint Ikdr on the polira blailrr Tklt ur uould Hhr lo do. Houatrr. II is n. Hr mrrrl) pulilish Ihr lads at wr find ihrm rr|iorlrdb> ihr arrrsiing oMIcrrt To hrep' oui ol Dir (rlmr Brai Columns, mrrrl) mrans nol briny rrgltlcrtd b> a poSrr oKiirr in rrporiTng hit (Indlnct uhlir on dui). So timpi) krrp oft thr "Blallcr'' and )au uon’i br in Thr Crlmr Bial. CHECK IvS FORGED Mrs. Azelene L. Williams, an employee of Hudson-Belk De partment Store. 319 Fayette ville Street, reported to Officer J. L. Stoudemire at 1:05 p.m. Saturday as follows: "I took this check on John Schwimmer and Company from a young black girl who gave her name as Asheiehn Moore, 459 Dacian Road. She obtained money and merchandise in the amount of $70.92. It was later learned the check was written in the a- mounl of $7.92 and that a zero had been forged behind the seven and “ty ” added to the written seven. I know this girl when I see her and I was raised in the same part of town as she. Her description as I remember is approximalelv 20. five feet, five inches tall. ISO pounds, dark complexion." (See CRIME BEAT. P 3) DR J ARCHIE HARGRAVES Hargraves Honored By UNCF Shaw University president J Archie Hargraves was award ed a recognition plaque at the annual conference of the UNCF’s National Alumni Council President's Recogni tion Dinner last week The conference was held at the Shoreham Americana Hotel in Washington. D.C. Plaques were awarded to each president of the 41 mem ber colleges of the UNCF in recognition of the concerted untiring efforts of the honorees in making the nation aware- that "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste ' Also in attendance at the conference from Shaw were Sandra Lee, “Miss Shaw Uni versity." a senior math major from Blakely. Georgia and (See DR. HARGRAVES. P. 2) MAYOR. CHAMPION IN ACTION' • Atlanta • Tennib buff. Mayor Ma>nard Jackson (top) of Atlanta, and head football coach Pepper Kodgers (bottom) of Georgia Tech, plated in an im promptu tennis match Feb. 11 with Stan .Smith, winner of the iSM Uorld Championship of Tennis, to keynote thr formal annount • • ment of the 1971 Peachtree Corners-FirsI National Hank rennis Classic to he held here later this winter, d PI’ Church Scene Of Frinks^ Address BY J B HARKEN ROCKY MOUNT - CominK on the heels of another March .-Against the Death Penally, and parucularlv on behalf of the three Edgecombe Counlv blacks • Vernon L. Brown. Bobbv Hines and Jesse Lee Walston - Golden Frinks moved his crusade against Turheeliu •« use of the Gas Chamber (allegedly used nrincipailv against blacks) from Tarboro into Rockv Mount, where a pep rally was held Monday night at North Find Baptist Church, the Rex. Elbert Lee. Jr., mintsler The speaker went tin re Slew the ret'uril how alter the U S Supreme Couri ! death senience-s 'tie See FRINKS LKMis V j RCA Plans Important Feb. Talk.s BY MISS J E HICKS The Raleigh Citizens cialion will hold an important meeting at 8 p.m Thursday. Feb, 21 al St. Ambrose Episco pat Church After the report of the nominating commiltoe. of ficers will be elected for a two year term Members oi this committee are chairman, Mrs Cobb, James Coiield. Harold Webb. Daryl Welister and .lohn Baker A committee cho.sen to revise the RCA Constitution, will also report its findings The meni hers are Attorney Ernest Rat cliff. Attorney Samuel Mit chell. .Mrs. ('aesarea Ix'bnam. the Rev. Leon Pennv Other persons asked to make reports are Vernon Malone, chairman of the education committee and Harold Webb, political action. In his address to the small group which, reportedly, is gathering momentum here. Frinks outlined how the death penalty has l>een used almost exclusively against blacks since 1910. He cited licures which purportedly proved that “of ;iB3 death sentences over the past 72 years. 290 were blacks. ' Frinks stated he had "never heard of a white man lieing sentenced to or put to death tor raping a black wo man." Unit Of Police On Way Out? BY JEANNE A FOX National Black News Service DETROIT - Detroit's contro versial police unit. STRESS 'Stop the Robberies. Enjov .Safe Streets I. may be disband ed as part of some depart mental reorganizations. Phillip Tannian. Detroit's Police Commissioner, has revealed. STRESS was the name given to a decoy operation unit t^gun in early 1971 It was soon used (Sec UNIT or P. 2) SOUGHT IS’ KIDN \PPING • San Francisco - The San Franciico Bureau of the FBI. last week, ^itleascd (hese composite sketches of tuspecU In the kidnapping of Patricia Hearsi from her Berkelex. Calif., lownhuuse Feb. 4. Thr composites were drawn from Information received from wlta« sscb. including .Miss Hearit't fiance. Steven Weed, who was beaten, kicked and bound during the abduction. A letter received Feb. 7 by a Berkeley radio station, said the 19-year-old daughter of aewspapei executive Randolph A. Meant, had been “arretted b> combat units’’ of the terrorist Symbiunese Liberation Army. Dmriptions of the sutpeett, are. L-R: male Negro, early 20's. 5-10, 16U Ibh . short natural hairdo: male Negro, age 20, &-U to 6fl.. short natural hairdo, mustache and nay haxe been wearing glasses: white female American, early 20's. 5-5 to 5-6, 120 fbs long dark hair. (IPI) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK }H! H ItMU RE CO. "For The Best In Quality And Economy" "HIS EXCELLENCY THE DUKE OF ELLINGTON" CITED - Washington - Mrs. Julie Nixon Elsenhower, shows the Presidential Commendation card which she presented lo Duke Ellington (behind her) Feb. II President Nixon’s card to the Jazz-planlsl-composer was addressed to “His Excellency. The Duke Of Ellington.” and read “There will never be another you." The card salutes Ellington for six y ears' service as a member of the .Advisory Council of the National Endoxxment of the .Arts. (UPI)