i PRESS RIJN . THIS WEEK “ffoU Raleifih Native Aumding NCCU Sayg •• B4x 1^36 ^ il'f. ;i_» Was Beaten By Two Policemen^ Stealirifr -A it it ir ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ By Local LRLTA Committef* New Housing Bill Is Nixed Landlord Measure Blasted The (JRLTA Task Force, at its March 3 meeting, decided not to support Ju diciary I Substitute for H. B. 6'f3, adopted by the committee Thursday, Feb. 28. pending consideration of 17 amendments to the substitute bill by the North Carolina Realtors Associa tion. While the URLTA Task Force does not sup port the Substitute bill in Its present form, the task force is directing its influ ence toward amending the now one sided-imbalanced bill. DllNlAN North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOl.. 33 NO. IP KAI.KIGH, N.C WEKK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1974 SINGLE COP\ 20c 'Bull City' Mnn Allegedly dmitted By Coed Kills Neighbor TO PKKKOKM ,AT WHITE not SK • Vtashington • Pearl Bailev will be the featured eiiterluiiiei at a White House (linticr late .March 7 in honor of the nation's .10 governors and their wives, it was announced March I. d Pii ★ ★ ★ ★ The ni;i.i«»r ditfercnct* in the Subsimn'- bill and the present law. an outgrowth of old English Mimnion law', is (he estabhshir.cril of an implied warrantv of habitability in all dwelling loa-'cs which would allow truants to withhold rent from tin ir landlords who fail to mair.lriiii th<*ir premises up to the minimum housing and building cf>de^ The problem arises under the Subslitule Bill in the 'Ct,lions which suppos edl> priiteut tenants who exe»' i-e thi- right to withhold rent Alien their dwellings are below ihe minimum standards and their existing right to complain to building in- spi‘clors The .Suhslitule bill opens these tenants to retalia tory ^•vu•l!nn through 12 giant loopholes that were placed in Ihe bill h' atipe.ise the Healto^*' .Vs.sociaiion which had ridicat- SIRHENDERS l.\ COP .MCKDERS • Columbia. S.C. • Dennis •'Bo-Bo” Wilson. 19. gets off Ihe plane here, after he arrived in ihe cus(i>d\ of .S.( . LawEnforcenient Division iSLEDi officers at the t'olum- bia Municipal airport. Wilson turned himself in to officers in Philadelphia. He was sought in the slaying of two police offic ers. api) Raleigh Native Declared State’s ★ ★ ★ ★ Community Forum In 2ud Month ^Educator Teacher The Rally Set On Death Penalty Receives Honors The North Carolina corned Citizens and Relatives Gon tSee HfiUSING. P. 2» Trial Opens With Fix Of Slayings National Black-News Service WASHINGTON. D C. ■ The trial of five black men in the largest mass murder case in Washington history opened here with the prosecution submitting pholugruphs of throe of tho viclims. The pitluros, in black and while, shnwod Iho bodies of the adults slain oxocution-style rnoio than a year ago in (he Hon.*fi ‘tirihodoxi Moslem house at 770(1 pith St., .NW'. donated b> .Milwaukee Bucks hasketball star Kareen Abdul .lahbar Excluded were color photo graphs as well as pictures portraying any of the four children, aged 9 days to 24 ye.irs. discovered by police drowned in a second floor hathiub and a basement washtub Dell nse attorneys for the five PhiLnlelphia men charged with the crimes, all disciples of Plliiah .Muhammad, spiritual leader of the Black Muslims, sought to exclude any and all photographs on the grounds that such emotion charged picliires would prejudice the (See TRIAL OPENS. P. 2) Against the Death Penalty a..i>ou..c(.d plaiu, lo: massive demonstration in the form of a rally, protest march to protest the North Carolina Capital Punishment laws. The rally is set for Wedni*sday. March 1.1. 1974. in Raleigh. The Rev. l^on White, field director for the N. C.-Va. Commission for Racial Justice, and Golden Frinks. State Coordinator of the Southern Christian Leadership Con ference (SCLCi. issued a joint press release announcing (he largesi and most significant rallv in recent times. Thev (See RALLY SET. P 2» Two Plead In nocent In Killing Miss Patricia A. Andrews, Raleifih native and a teach er at Weldon High School, is the Carolinas' “Out standing Young Educator of the Year.” Mis.s An- dlews. F.^lglisb lualiuet'vr at Weldon High School since September 1964, re ceived the honor at the annual N.C. Jaycees Con vention, held in Raleigh. Miss Andrews was nominat ed by the Roanoke Rapids Jay- cecs* and is the first nominee coveted slate award. When informed of the award, Miss Andrews said: i always have believed in young people. Each child born in this world, is a new hope, a fresh promise and a wonderiul possibility and as an educator. I’m just glad I can Ik* a part of this plan.” M. C, Newsom. Jaycee pre sident. said: “Miss Andrews has done an outstanding job in (See TEACHER IS. P. 2) Year’ Battery Argument Is Cited DURHAM - Death invad ed the sports circle of the city again Sunday morning when Willie Leo Hender son, veteran pitcher, who claimed to have been the father of the “hesitation pitch," which made Bobo Newsom and Satchel Paige famous, was killed by a buUet, Bred from a 22-caii- bre pistol, allegedly, in the hands of Charles Milton Williams. iSee KILLS MAN, p. 2i CRIME BEAT ITiim ltal«‘t£h'> (Pftri.vl I’olior Eil*-s hiuMi-i National Black News Service SAN FRANCISCO. Calif ■ Not guilty pleas have been entered by two members of the Syinhioncse Liberation Army to charges that they murileid Oakland SchiKil Supt*nntendent Dr. Marcus Foster. Russell Little. 24. and Joseph Hemiro. 27. who are members of the same group holding Patricia Hearst captive, en tered their pleas after being brought, in chains, into the courtroom of Judge Stafford P Buck lev Judge Buckley immediately ordered the chains removed at (See TWO PLE.AD. P 2) MAYORS DISCUSS ENERGY CRISIS - Washington - Mayor Joseph Alioto of San Francisco (standing) and .Mayor Richard Hatcher-of Garv, hid. (seated), co-chairmen of the Legislative .Action Committee of the I’. S. Conference of .Mayors, hold a news conference March 5. They discussed a mayors campaign to deal with the energv crisis and related problems. (UPI). ^.tllTOR'SVOlK' lAiHtulumnor li.iiurr Is ■•ruduicd In Ihi- puhlir inirrrst miiii an ■im Inwards rlimlnaiini iis mnirnis Ntimcruus indis iduals has r rrqursird lhal Ihr) br gisrn ihr 4onsideralion nl vrluoking Ibnr lisi.nc on th< iiolirr HouldHkrindo Howrtrr II is niil oui uusiiion in hr judRr or jur> mj rrls |.ul»M»h ihr fails as »r f.nd ihnn rt iKirii d bs ihi jrri'surif offitrrs lukrtii OUI Ilf rb( ( nmr Bral (olumns. mrnls mians nul brinf rrdisirrrd b) a iiuSk offiitT in rriioriinf his findincs t-hiU on dui; ?H) simpis krrp oil Ihr "fl'mirr" and >au wnn’l br in The (run* Rial Winters To Moderate Rap Session Sunday BV W A, PETE WILDER P.ATRU IA a ANDREWS John Winters, reajtor. will be the moderator for "Issues and .No Ansuers" rap session at St. Paul A.ME Church. 402 W Edentnn Si . .Sundav at 1:()0 pm The subject for dhseussion Sunday IS Housing fov Low Income and Disadvantaged Cili/ens Thoiiia' Bom! will give the Minority Firms Arc high points on F'arm and Rural Housing. Pal Bryant will rap on tin- Landlord-tenant Hous ing aspects Harold High. William Henry Peace and Douglas Fultord have been invited as resource persons. Thi^ promises to be one of the i.iost mleresiing sessions yet held The refreshment and MKial hour will begin at 12:30 p in Your family and friends ar(- expected. BEATEN AND ROBBED Donnell Clark, 17, 4124 S Swain Street, told Officer J W, W'eatherspoon at li:3u p.m Friday, that he was attacked by two black males, who fieat him in the face and about the body, then took $40 in cash from him at 708 E Marlin •Street. He said he can identiH' his attackers and will sign strong arm robberv warrants against them. Listed as suspects were Harold Watson 24. and someone whose first name is Archie. 35. of F Davie Street Beginning o,i March 7th. the ( ommumty Forum moves into Its second nuinth of operation. Being s|)onsored by the division ol .Administrative Sciences, this community edui’alion project has bad four torunis ill various ji^ations throughout Ihe City Amaleigh. Coming up on Imr^day. .March 7. is the next forum. It shall he held at the Watts Chapel Baptist Church located on Holly Springs Road, west of Route 70. beginning at 8:00 () in. The topic for the evening shall lie "The Lack of Access lo Ihe Decision Making Process” There shall be a panel of three -'[H'.ikers which shall be lollowed by a forum: With audience participation, .Mrs Elizabeth Cofield. Wake Cfiunly Commissioner. Mr. D. A Dupree, a development ''VI:- •! .it Shaw I'niversity. and Dr Patrick F Kllioll, chair man. DivLsionol Humumlios & (funnniiiicaiivc .Arts and can didate lor the Wake County Bf>ard ol Education will form |ihe distinguished panel who Ivvill speak at (he March 7th. Icommun'iy lorum The public is invited to latleiid and special encourage- [meni is given lii the residents in (he Watts Chapel Baptist area and south lialeigh to f jiariicipate. In the following weeks, the programs are as follows: On Thursday. March 14. the subject will be "Power. Involvement and Self-Determ ination. " to be held at the F. J Carnage .Junior High School. 142.7 l.’arnage Drive, at 8 p.m. Sjjcakers will lie Mack Sowell. Dr Mohar iined Shadid and Dr. laiveiii.i .Miisoii. Dll Thursday, March 21. the subject will 1)1- "The Political Dfcision-niuking Process." It will he held at St. Augustine's College and will feature Dr. Helen Chavis Dthow and Dr, Bee. Williams as speakers. This program begins at 8 p.m. Thursdav. March 28. the -iiihji'ct will tie "Summary. Fef‘dhack and Interaction ' .Martin Street Baptist Church, lim F. Marlin Street, will be tlie site ol this program, which also gets underway at 8 p.m. The speaker will he Dr. Bonnie ille-pie DURHAM - One of the most bizarre cases of police brutality was related in District Court here Tues day by Miss Jeanette Bak er, 22-year-old member of the senior class at North Carolina Central Univer sity, where she was beintr tried on 7 counts of law violations. Miss Baker was charged with one count of shop lifting from Roses's in Northgate Shopping Center. The petite 1281b Raleigh-born young lady told how she was apprehended by three burley white men, mauled choked, manhandled, handcuffed and even knocked down after having been arrested Saturday afternoon The evidence revealed lhal one James Eubanks, repre sented as a security guard at the store, weighing 188 lbs., had reason to believe (hat (he young lady had taken unto herself merchanidse which had been hidden or unexposed, lo wit-having placed it in her pocketbook and was therefore a fit subject lo he held under surveillance until an authoriz ed Durham policeman arived. However. Eubanks testified lhal he used every means he knew lo detain the suspect until two other sworn agents of proper law enforcement ar rived. It turned out that Eubanks used every device he knew to detain her He said he held her arm. threw blocks in her path and even prevented her from having free use of her body. W hen he found that he w as not able to restrain her further, he called a policeman, who turned out lo he hefty Ervin Rolverls. who resented (he fact (hat Miss Baker would not comply with the requests of Eubanks. Roberts alleges that Miss Baker used some prolane language and he told her she was under arrest for using profane language. By this lime 239-lb Offiter '‘mpirin ho' lbf*aaaiifc.'r.oT-pd to 4-omeTi\'er with the scout (See WAS BEATEN. P 2) Witnesses Attend NC Bible Talks Jehovah s Witneses from the local congregation have just returned from a two dav Bible seminar which was held in Roanoke Rapids The highlight of the assemb ly was the discourse Sunday afternoon. "Be Confident of Divine Victory.” delivered by I*aul A Allen, a district overseer of Jehovah’s Wit nesses from Brooklyn, N Y.. when 1.705 delegates heard Ihe speaker stress the world s concern over material short ages Concerning Jehovah's Wit nesses .Mr. Allen said. "Ji-ho- vah’s Witnesses arc not immune to everyday problems such as food shortages, un employment. rising cost n/ living But they reflect confidence in (<nd's assurance to provide for His, people. Undue concern over material things can cause one not to see the really important thing, which IS life a.s approved (See WITNESSES. P. 2j ippreciation Named Here piibhcatinn :de;mtying 178 imn-irii\ husiiit-ss llr^.^ in Raleigh h.is been relj-usert by North I'arolina Sta»e L'm \«iMt\ and the Raleigh Chan.her oi ('on.merce as a !ir>! -'op ill niiMoniy inisiiu-.s ('.herli Won By Frank Huckett I In dirMiiu'. .v\i .See MINCiKIT'. pul>l P 2 -Led Frank Hacketi, 1301 Raleigh Boulevard, picked up a $10 check at Kar Parts. Inc.. 2712 .S Saunders Street, last week end as he was (he lone lucky winner m The C.AROLINIAN's .Vppreciation .Monev Feature See APPRECI ATION P 2> Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK WATi IN<< LDR FREE. FOOD • San Francisco - People began lining up before dawn March 5 for the third duiliihiition of free food which Randolph Hears! hopes will win his kidnitped dauchler's freedom This line was almost 236 strong at sunrise at San Francisco’s (irove Si. disli ibuiinn i enter. 1 ne liearst-s|.oiisored "People in Need" program, set up at drinand of the mbionese t.iberation \rtii\. which kidnaped Patricia Hearst rnore than a month ago. said it expected (u distribute about 33.00V bags ui PmkI. SI MHSI \li <DMPAW "For Pron pi And Courteous Service" RALEIGH MOTORIST KEEPS ON PI SHlNti - Thiv unidentified Raleigh driver of the econumv fialeigh Volkswagen automobile, apparenily gave out of gas as he was parked in a line of cars leading to the Sunoco Service Station, located at Ihe corners of E. Cabarrus and S. East Streets, so he l>egun to push his vehicle toward hi>> seeable destination last weekend- The gas lines in the Raleigh area had lessened this week, however. 'Photo by J. D. Hinton).

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