PRKSSKLN THIS WEEK V,04U In Leather Strapping Of Youth-Judge Rules §,%<dLWake Teacher Is ‘Not Guilty' Attorney Floyd McKissick Says ^ ITipjpiri^ $5 Million To Soul City UN I AN North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. NO. 19 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH J.6. igy** SINGLE copy 20c by KOOD.STUFFS • San Francisco . Votunlcers IlcarsI s Ihlrd allcnipl to convince his daushlcr's kidnapers to release her The Ihlrd da.v of the ■People in Need • free fotld !' **“•' "•'ere hundreds lined up to Sf .slT. a" a“i? If"'"*'-* This woman. Mrs. l.orene Howard Of Oakland and her 4->ear old daughter. Sugar Momma icu) are (ra'i,7“'li''a^ Bxxls'uffs which Ihc.v received in Ih? West Oakland dislribution center. (I’PD Rocky Mount’s Popular Joseph Pittman Is Dead Justice Department Indicts Cop For Beating Prisoner HOCKV MOUaNT - community was deeply sad dened March 8 hy the news that Joseph Pittman, age 55, a resident of 209 Halifax Street, had passed alter a brief period in the hospital. Although it was known that popular Jno" (as he was calk'd), had b«*en previously ^ nospjialiyctl. he was thought to Clprivs Ask End To Deaths The Inlerdenominatio n a I Ministerial Alliance is asking the Wake ( oiinty delegation to srv.nser ; ., die dentil penalty ,n North Carolina The Alliance takes the posi tion that as long as man has life there is the possibility that he can be reformed. The release slates lhal the Alliance does not approve of or condone crime in any lorm. that it does not approve of the crimes for which the death penalty is im posed. ttut it goes on to .state that it 1 IS uneqyivocally opposed to the death penalty us imposed bv the slate ^ The Ministerial A 1 i a n ce slated that the Judeo Christian religiruj gives firm grounds on which to oppose the death pen alty ^ The Hc' erend J, A. Boyd is presiden* Ruiidolph htitute RuJei^h The ’ rsl Annual North Car olina .s'.siie i (invention of the A. Philip Randiiluh In.stitufe affi liates will be held at the Gov- e:r.oi '.> Inn, Research Triangle Pork, on March 22-24 During this convention, a xiite t iiarier is to be issued and election 1)1 slate officers will ViKe plac.e Norman Hill .\ssociate Di- factor, A Philip Randolph In- •.tiiei,., York City will be tl’.c speaker at the ojvening .'e»inn Tilt- Convention banquet wilt In IrcH Satuidav, .March 22, at 7. «i p in bdvurri lluslin. exe- cull' i (iircctirr. \ Philip Han- (tolnh Iietiii.ic and a w e 11- k'. e h:i>or lender, vmI! be the gue-.' spe. k' r for Mils occasion Th" A Ptidip Randolph In- slit'jie's ' objectives’ are ilv »• M f nlatk masses in i.'gs «»i nur p»..htical and to i.oeit doors of ' ia'an ill ihi;- country bl a ks l or these all ‘cg iiv'n'r; of the coulvi benefit III 'll ince .It Some of t. .loll • A(rl; c 0 n- . s.-ii »n.. BV J B, HARREN The have been well ★★★★ Top U. S. Ministers To City As Shaw Sets Pastors Bonds Of In PITTMAN Pittman had travebd Tar- heelia like a spider weaving a web. as he plied his trade of selling clothing, funeral and office supplies to many businesses - many out of the slate. A deacon at the Mt. Zion First Baptist Church, here; a recent addition to the Rockv Mount Planning Board and the (See JOE PITTMAN, P 2) Women In Action End State Talks The North Carolina chapter of Women-In-Aclion for the Prevention of Vuilence and Its Causes. Inc., held its second annual slate conference on Saturday. March 9. at the Sheraton Crabtree Motor Inn. .Members from the Durham chapter were also present The conference began at 9::’.(l a m with a "eet acoiialnii*d se.sbion," Miss Louise Latham ^president of the Raleigh chapter) presided during the conference and introduced tin* Honorable Mayor of Raleigh, (’larcnce Lightner. who gave greetings to the group. He marks wer#then made by Mrs. Asa T Spaulding, the founder of Women-In-Action. Alter Mrs Spaulding's remarks, volunteer .service awards were presented to .Miss .Jeanette Micks and .Mrs Leila Coltraine for service rendered for the eall-ior-aclion-line. The group took a look at v\omen-ln-Aciion in the com- (See WOMEN IN, P, 2i HUD In Project SOUL CITY - The issuance of $5 million in HUD guaranteed bonds to the new town development of Soul City. North Carolina, was announced last Thurs day. by Floyd B. McKis sick and Alberto F. Trevino. The HUD ^aran- teeo funds will be used • convert raw land into improved land under Title VII of the Housing and Urban Development Pro gram. Also in attendance was Alex Armendaris, Director of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise. U. S. Department of Commerce, which agency has assisted with the financial closing of the Soul City Project. Floyd B. McKissick Enter prises. Inc., acquired the initial tract ot land consistii.g of 1,810 acres in 1969 and immediately filed application with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Ik.>velopment. The Soul City Company, a limited partnership and the developing entity, is comprised of Floyd B. McKissick Enter prises. Inc.. National Corpor ation for Housing Part n e r- ships. and Madison, Madison International. The issuance of the Soul City bonds is a first in many as- fiects It is the first free standing new community to be develop^ by HUD and it is the first predominantly black company to receive a HUD guarantee It is also the larg est black venture ever a t- (See SOUL CITY. P. 2) KISV. JAMES ALEXANDER DR. K. 0. P. GOODWIN ★ ★ ★ ★ Meet Jailhouse Scene Of Assault A Hanover, Massachu setts, policeman was in dicted by a federal grand jury last Thursday, on a charge of beating a teenage prisoner at the police station. Attorney General William B, SaxiM! said the indictment was returned in U S. District Coun in .Boston, Massuchu<,c!ts it gainst Officer Allan P. Jot The indictment said Jones beat Phillip A. Klasson. then 17, on June 23, 1972. violating his constitutional rights not to be deprived of liberty without due process of law. The indictment occurred at the police station where Klas son and two teenage compan ions had been taken after theii (See BEATIN(5. P. 2) CRIMfe BEAT 1 ruin Kati'ich's OfflrLU I’ulii't' Fili-s DR. WILLIAM A. JONES DEOTIS ROBERTS Two-Day Con ference Will Attract Many tne uor ‘•Iruktu-A to ; 'Uiij rfjjoiv L!a< k N •>! by ttu if , l!u- lOiuo ;.irm.Uii . IkVlNl .1 tMioqui' wii! -J ‘ . 4 I . It v(= i niSl*!-. i.ri n.u.-; ii'Ki- 1: j; h i' ciikiiliun.i) infoiination .'ilMUi fhi;. convention, you may cental' I'clc Leake, c o r r e sponding secreiary, ('. A. Piiilip Kandolph Institute at 828-8778 ti t > ta- I pf»rl of this • -ng .'ver.f.- j o u •.«*.' ;ni later than The Shaw Divinity School of Shaw University. Raleigh, will sponsor its first annual Pas tor’s Conference at Shaw Uni versity. March 18-20 The con ference will begin Monday March 18, at 7:30 pm and Wednesday. March 20 at 12 45.' All sessions are in Shaw Univ. Church, it was announced this week by the Rev, James Z, Alexander, dean of the School of Religion. ^ The theme of the conference ^ppCPClCtllOH will be. “What’s Happening Now: In Christian Theology*’ In Church Admini.stration? In Sheparding the Flock Dr. James Deotis Roberts, dean. School of Theology. Vir ginia Union University. Rich mond, Va.. will deliver two lectures on Christian Theology entitled, “Current Trends In Christian Theologv ' Dr Ro berts lectures will be delivered Tuesday. March 19. at 9:30 a m. and 4 p.m K 0 P, Goodwin, pastor. Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Win ston-Salem, will deliver two lectures on church administra tion entitled. “Managing the Modern Church ’ Dr, Good win’s lectures will be delivered Tuesday. March 19. at 2:15 p.m. and Wednesday March 20. at 9:30 a.m. Dr. William A. Jones, pastor, Bethany Baptist Church.- Brooklyn. N V.. will deliver two lectures on sheparding the See PASTORS’ MEET. P 2) Checks Won Hy 2 In City KOIIOK-s SOU Thisrolunin ur li .iiuf, U |,rndu<r<l In (hr |>ublii inirrr>l uiih dt •im ii>UAr4l« rllminniing iin <unllnl^ N«imir<iu\ indniduAlY hair rrc|u, ,i,d ihai ■bry hi' glipn llir innNldi raiion m • irrlunking ihpii i.n (hi iioliri blotlir. Thu Hr muuld f'kr lu do Mhu, irr il ii nii( our JiidRi- oi juf' «i mirrly )>u>>l,v| hr (jris a\ imd th. m rrixirird hi ihi artruing oHii ifi, |<, ki i |i bill a| The (rime Bral folumns, mriiU niians nnt bring rrgivirrrd h. a imbi, in mioriing hu fimlings rhilr duo vi NimMli krr|) olt ihi "tl'niirr ' j id vou uon i hr in Thr ( Btal ASSAULTED I.N STORE Miss Rachel Leak. 26. told Officers J. L. Brown and B T. Rittenhouse at 7:30 p.m. Sun day, that she was clerking in the L'il (!■ iA Store. 1601 New Rcrii .\.inue. when Claf ence Brown. 1527 Fender St . came in. The woman .‘^aid Brown threw some merchan dise on the counter and .struck her in the face. MLss Leak suffered a bruise on her fore head. No other information was listed on the general of fense report sheet. (See CRIME BEAT. !> 3f HANK .AARON'S B U D Y- GI ARD - West Palm Beach. Ha. - The .Atlanta Braves an nounced last Friday, that they have assigned Del. Sgt. Calvin Wardlaw (shown in this recent • He photo) to be bodyguard to s agger Hank Aaron. The htalement said that Aaron had and that the move is precau tionary. Aaron said. “I don't consider him a bodyguard. He s a friend that's all. He might be able to help in certain situations, such as big crowds outside the clubhouse after gjme.s ' i| |»i) Mayor Lee Is Student Keynoter The North Carolina Student L«''* its firt.l ban quet ilegirl.itiwi at ihe Sir WaKer Halingh Hotel on Wed nesday night, March 6. The keynote speaker. Mayor Howard I^eof Chapel Hill, had enfouragemeni for NCSL, say ing that this is “not just a mock session, hut very real and ser ious business.’’ and that NCSL was “laying guidelines for fu ture tioiiiiral doings.” s'ated also, that “New blood is tioeded in the political arena. And the old blood .should be swept out ■’ .\noihi r major point in I.«e’s sjieech was that everyone should “prevent the clock from tiirning back by joining togeth er. despite labels an’ affilia- ti»)ns. ti) work for freedom jus- liCf. and equality for all.” The assembly was addressed by other prominent figures, Lt. (fO\e] noi James Hunt spoke of when hi* was a member of .NC.Si. ,in(l also slated that he would 1m; disappointed if a re- .•Yolution loncerning streaking were lU.: drawn up at this '-^(•.‘-SioU Dr Diiuglas Carlisle, as peeial gu(;st speaker, felt that ■ Nl'M. IS more sincere, more down lo earth’’ than some o- th(’r ^fudl•Il^ legislatures he has been What interested D r . Carlisle the most about North Cai iilina and NCSL. is its "lack t.f ariilu ality ' Me also called .NCSL “refreshing stimulating, and well ii.formed." ( Kher Speakers included FJiillip Kirt; administrative assistant of the Governor, who reb.vcd words of welcome, coijgratulalions. and encour- ageiuent from (»ov. James Holshouser. Count Is Dismissed FUQUAY.VARINA ■ A black teacher at the Fuquav-V arina Junior Hii^h School, Miss Jessie n. Mebane, was found not Kuilty here last Friday on a chargfe of assauUiri,< a sti^ent. believed to be white, by whipping him with a leather strap. The charge uaf brought bv Mrs. John Shofner. who testified that the whipping left wells on her 8th grade son Timmy’s back that lasted for three days. I must say I'm quite happy It s been resolved I am glad lb be able to get hack to the duties at hand.” Miss Mebane said after Chief Wake County District Judge George F Bason, who heard the nonjurv trial case, acquitted her. Crucial questions in the case were extent of the student’s injury, if any. and whether the punishment was justifiable as “reasonable force.” North Carolina law on Dhvsical (See TEACHER IS. P 2) Convicted NC Bomber Gets Life WILMINGTON* - Lawrence H Little. 19. propaganda minister for the militant segregationist Rights of White People organization, was found guilty and sentenced lo life imprisonment Saturday. March 2. for the bombing of the office of a black newspaper here last May. An all-white jury of 8 women and 4 men deliberated for only about 25 minutes before reaching its verdict. Little, who offered no evidence m his own defense, showed no emotion when the ‘jcntenco was passed by Jiulgc Bradford Illlery in .Ne.’. Hanover Supi>rior Court Lillie was acquitted Iasi month of charges he had bombed B nai Israel Svnago- guehere. He .si ill face.** ch .rges resulting from bombings at Jacobi Supply Co,, Service Glass Co and an occupied apartment at Kiversuie Apart- (See GETS LIFE. P. 2) HJUND GUILTY OF STATE TROOPER S MURDER - New Brunswick. N.J. - A 7-man. 5-woman jur>. .March II. found black militant Clark F. Squire guilty of charges that he mur dered a state triNiper last .Mav 2. during a shootout on (he New .Jersey Turnpike. Squire, wlio has been identified as a mem ber of the Black l.iijcrdlion Army <HL.‘\), was calm when the verdict was read (U'PI) , A l-DFT H HI) DOFS NOT WRIT E . Tm. . .\onh Tfxai Malf I lia. )iiri d an l■^.. .lluicl wlio call, himaelf a poet, a poet ohudw'. Old ui ill- ai.d a di ud olfender who coun.el. .Iudeiita...all lor 112..20 a year. .Now a number of people are watching B. F. .Maiz to see if ihe\ gel ih-.'ir money’s worth. (UPl) Two persons saw their names in The CAROLINIAN’S Appreciation .Money Feature last week and claimed their checks of $10 each from the participating merchants. Clinton Downing of 713 De- lany Drive in Modonna Acres, found hi.s name in the adver tisement of Buffaloe and Ccim- 'See APPRECIATION. P. 2j Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK BROWN BE I.TY COMPANY “For The Best In Fine Real Estate” if oLe'r?r™’^erand ' ’’i "“l' '’•■art of Ibo c.nlrv compulsory schooling prog,am dc.l“,',cd''"o co“rrocr' (^1

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