PRESS Kl \ THIS Vt K.KK 9,625 I President Floyd B. McKissick Announces ,y B« U 1, KV 4*2 Soul City Given $27 Million Grant 17 I .... r I Funds To ^ ^ ^ ^ Be Lsed In State ★ ★ ★ ★ At Regional Meet In Durham ★ ★ ★ ★ soui. c rn novel b. McKissick. president of The Soul Ciiv Companv, confirmed Tufstiav that all of the final closing documents enabling him to proceed with the dt*\'»‘lop* znent of the multiracial new community ol Soul City, had been ‘<i};ned and deliveretl recejiilv m New York. Mr. McKissick also announced that the sale of the HI'r>-(iuarantee-d Bonds assured tundin^r in excess of 'JT million dtillars for develoiuiifo: ot North Carolina's first new lowm and a retrional water system to serve Soul City and the m iKhborint^ com munities ot Henderson and Oxford McKi''Sick litnner Durham attorn^'v and Natumal Dirrdor of the ('ongro-- of Racial- EqualitN, tormeil McKissick Enterprise.s. Inc nearly six years atio m hegin Soul' f'lty and to underteiki* t>iher ecoiue mic developieent prtjjocis to be owned and controlh'd by blacks and othi'r minorities McKis sick Enterpri'-es Mibmilled it 's formal proposal for Soul t iiy to the lU'l) Neu Comiuuniiies Administration on Februarv 24. 1971 tin June 28. 1972. the new lown ileveloper received an Dffei oi t'ommilmen* Iroiti Hl’I) Iti guai.; *'i t-J million dollars in pi v .'i iMun/wmg On February j.. IU7-I, .M<- Kissick Knteipn-.»-s formed a . North (‘iiriJini. Iiuulcd part nersf ip 'Ihe Sou. r’liy I'om pan\ Ir; a.idit’-.:. r . Mi\i‘".,ck Enterprises ih, n. la! Fart- See siH 1. ( J1 ^ F j. Mrs. Sitiilli, NAACP Lists Goals North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 33 NO, 20 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURbAY. MARCH 23, 19V4 SINGLE COPy a?.- 300 Protestors Vow Many Marehers As Boy, 14, Id For Rape ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ Principal-Preacher Named Wake Town’s ^^Citizen Of The Year 99 Br ow n Will Give Talks ATl.AM \ U.i l.vnda Brown **irulh. pldinlili and J LeVoiiiii • liamber.s aitorney. both inaior coriiponenis of now famous sr luMil rlesegregaluin court v^ili be speakers at the :ifltt) ciimuai mei‘hn^ of the Association ot Social and Behav loi .il .scieiiiists. which will h(' held tiere Api li 3 a at th(‘ Hyatt Hegeiic\ Mote) Mrs Sinitli was tht- ll-vear- old black uiil whi). by her attendanci* at McKinley Kle ment.irv School, procipilaled Ihe brown v iTo|>»*ka. Kan.^.1■• board ot h.iUication Supreme t 'ourl decision Mi <'haml«*rs is the NAAt'P l..egal Defense and Education Fund aitorney who i ‘.eiilualiy won the- .Swann \ .M»-i lenburK rase - a landmark school deseiti citation decision in Charl'iih- N.ulb t arot'ii.i •'Twenlv ve.irs .iDct the Supreme Court deci.-ion He assessmeiit m.-i l:> Kvaluj- lion" IS the 'h'-me of |t|'s vear'.s ASHS meetmi.' Jerry FuUei executive di rector III 'O'- .;il .\d\ isory Council oil ‘■iju ilii' 1)! l-.duca tional DpiHirtiimiy ni.iiidati'd by (he F.m r-’eniM .sc-hool Assistance- > ic l‘*72' will moderate Mn- ij, r :m> se.ssion 'See tilVK TALKS. P Freeman Cited For Services FUyUAY-VARINA William M. Freeman, principal of the Fuquav- Varina Junior-Senior High School and pastor of tiie We.sU'v’s Chapel AME Zion Church in Lillin^ton, was prsenlwl the Citizen of The Year' award by the Fnquav Varina Chamber of ('omnuTcr^ at its annual banquet here last week. Krt'eman. a member of the Chamber of Commerce who also serves on the Board of tSi**- CITIZEN OF. P. 21 R-WCA To Install Its Officers BY MISS J E HICKS the Halei^h-Wake Citizens Association will hold its regu lar mi*eting at St, Ambrose Episcopal Church a( 8 p.m, Thursday night. March 21 There will be an i''"tallation ol officers al St, Ambrose Kpi>»copal Church Officers eletid at the last meeting are as follows: Pres ident . Ralph Campbell ; vice president. Mrs, Mary Perry, recording secretary* Mrs Marjorie Scott; corre sponding secretary. Miss Jeannette Hicks, treasurer. J J Sansom, The executive committee will meet at 7 p.m also al St. Ambrose. Re-Jailed At Own Request? CLAYTON - Some 300 protesting: students, led by the Revs. Benjamin .P. Chavis and Leon White, officials of the Commission for Racial Justice, vowed last Tuesday afternoon to continue to sta^e marches and nrotesta against the dea H • penalty in North Carolina, after a 14-year-old black youth was allegedly re-jailed for the reported rape of a 7-year-old white Rirl hwe. “for his own (tfotection." Although, po lice and other white officials here said the number of marchers was much lower, a head count showed them See RAPE CASE. P. 2) Oldest Lawyer fonvers, D.Mkh , | 'onveiit.on’s s.crplar, limpral. and R.,,.. .lohn Repjional NAACP Convention Sets Goals For The Crisis ‘.''"“k’’ "BUeakinK" was brought up at the closing session of the mJTt Convention S.iturdav, it played no part in the .setting of goals to rn“^u^de?mfnh./Jh‘“'fh reversing the gains made in civil right.s ana unaermininK the fibre of faith in our pfovernment. The hundreds of dcU-gatc.s from the seven stales. North and South Carolina. (Jeorgia. Florida. -Alabama. Mississipin and Tennessee, reviewed tlu* crisis that existed btdore the sixties • segregation ever\ where, job discrimination wa.s the vogue, and incqualii v was a pasttime. The delegates also heard many victims, including Au iluTine l.ucyi Foster, tell of the trying instances that occurred, leading to the iiborhw birth of equably. Deaths, beginning with Harrv I .Moore and liis wife in 1951 lb Marlin Luih(*r King. Freedom inarches were brought into l('cu> Irom the first one plai.Mc.lhy A. Phillip Randolph that i'l'OJghl consideralion See N \..\CP LISTS. P. 2* r' .-vi r. i Shaw’s National Alumni Plan Conferencc-’Shop I'he Nnlinnal Atnmni n ii. RECEIVES CITIZEN OF YEAR * Pl.AQUE - Jim Butts. o president of the ^ uquay-Varina Chamber of Commerce, is shown JfH /he on the left, presenting the ‘Citizen of the Year ’ plaque to William 9J9 W. Freeman, principal of Fuquay-Varina Junioi-.Senior High School, and pastor of \\esle\ s Chapel AMK Zion Church in l.illington. topic which shall Ih* followed by a (orum significant consist ing of audience participation Dr. Ben Williams is a graduate of Arkansas Baptist College, where he got his first iSee FORUM SET. P. 2> ‘Decision-Making; Process’ Theme Of Thurs. Forum On Thursday. March 21, 1974, the Community Forum Series moves to the campus of St. AuKUstine's CoUeRe. This particular session is slated as the highlight of the entire series thus far. The topic at 8 p.m. in the Boyer Classroom Building, will be ' The Political Dei ision- Making Process ” This topic is also the general theme of this entire 8 session forum series The guest speakers are Dr. Helen Chavis Othow and Dr Ben Wiiiiams. Both will make 30 minute presenlation.s on this Appreciation Check Coes To William H. Hall William H Hall. 1418 Beauty Avenue in Joe Louis Park, was the lucky winner of a $10 check last weekend, after he spotted his name in the ad\ertisement of The l.og ('abin Restaurant, located at 2701 Rock Quarry Road Evangelist E M Smiley is Ihe manager and the Cabin specializes In e\erything Irom gOi.d religious services to the best in home-cooked food daily It also serves as a nursery sch(M>l during Ihe day .see APPRECIATION. P 2) DR HELEN C OTHOW TIIDM»'snN MM 'S VM ni M \K< H OF DIMES GIRL - Raleigh, \C - D.ivtt IlioiKO'Oii. Norih (arolina State Univerilty's All-Anierii .m n.i'-t.fO.rftl pia\<‘i. talked with H-\ear-old 1-ee Tillery of Kaleigh I n.-'dax. dui ing practii-e Lee Tillery U the March of Dimes girl *r.>r. F :l-*ii h aed h> i oim idence this was Thompson’s first prat (ire ■ >. i. w ..s in|ui ed during a game last Saturday. March Ih I FI Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK \ t { .11 » 1= I . run For Tlu* Finest In Economical Clothing DURHAM • The man who is believed to have been Ihe oldest black practicing lawyer. M Hugh Thompson, having begun in Asheville in the early 2hK and coming here in 1923, will be funeralized at St. Jo.seph AME Church. 4 p.m.. Thursday, with Rev. P. R, ('ousin in charge. Tommy, as he was known in local circles, was burn in (ioldsboro. where he attended (he elementary schools of that city He was a scion of a well-known family and was a \eleran of World War I. He is .said to hive suffered a foxhole attack on the last day of the war. when a shrapnell pene trated his knee, which caused him to have a stiff leg throughout the rest of his life. Even though he was in and out of hospitals throughout (he (See LAWYER DIES. P. 2) CRIME BEAT From lt.ili'u:h'\ orflrlil I'tiiiri- h\es loR'sMill rni« column cr ti uiur« iiducrd In Ihe iiublii inlrr««i utin on ■ ■•Horiis <lim*naiinf ii« (onirnik. «riiu> indi> idudik h«\r rrqucMrd Ibdl br |i>rn thr (un%id»raiian ol lookinf ihcir on ibr p«ltr» ir Thiv u( H uuld !*kr in do Huurirr. i>.( bur i/ukiiiun lo br )ud(r nr juf) Wr l> I’uMisi. ih< farik Ik ur find Ibtin, irdbkihi oc ri'kilnf offirrrk Tokrtp “■ ' “ ■ (olumnx. mrreu SHOT OVER 'GRASS’ Cohen Glen Jordan, 18. white male. 602 Dixie Trail, told 06 ticer D M Mattocks at 5:25 p m. Saturday, that three black males came into his house and demanded some ’'grass. ' "I told them that I had none and one man who had a gun said he would shoot if I didn't give it to him Jordan said he repeated that he didn't have any and the man shot him in the left knee. He also suffered a laceration on the left side of the head He was treated and released at Wake Memorial Hospital (See CKLME BEAT, P 3i the National Alumni Asso ciation of Shaw University is conducting a one-day confer ence-workshop at the Hilton Inn in Raleigh. March 30 Thi.s activity is slated to be a well designed, highly orgainzi-d and constructive event In deal with the problems plaguing black education, especially ns Unity Of Women Is NCNW Goal The National Council of Negro Women will observe their most important national observance Sunday. March 31, “A Call for Unity." The umlv observance wilh thousands of women across ihe nation celebrating the same causo. is based on a philosophy of commitment, unity and sell reliance. The observance will seek a coinmilmeni from more black women and new affilial ing organizations to he NCNW's banner of strength through unity The call for black women's unity is grounded in the illustration of the NCNW founder. Ur Mary McLeod Bethune. who said iSee NCNW GOAL. P 2» It alleets Shaw University. The workshops arc chaired by highly coincH'ient Shaw grad uates who ha\.- distinguished themselves as outstanding Americans Diaing Ihe past year, strung Ixmd'. Ol eo-qH‘ration have been foriiu*<l lietwivn the National Alumni .Association and the unn ei'Mtv'M Board of Trustees, The alumni fts'l that this type <»f as-«oeialmn is absolutely llel•e^saIy if predominantly black inshtutions of higher learning are (o serve the cdiicahonai social and cultur al oeetls ol the many black -indents, whfi. at this time in our history, would have a most diilicull time realizing (heir lull ixilentiai on (he predomi- naiiiK white canlpus. The national office emphas izes ihai it i.> not opposed to inF'gration at the level of higher edueatinn. and (hat il would like see Ihe day when ail .\iiiertcans are able to enjoy al) 'ights and pnviledges eneoiiipasM'd m the national diean. l util such time, the .ilunmi sMie. Ihe black college od university campus pro- .ide' the atmosphere that is. fai ei'iidueive to niaximum l.utnan growth and develop- mejH as it relates to the overall well lieii.g of the individual. l'ro|Misals emanating from the conlerence-workshop will Credit Union In Martin Has Million BY J B IIARRKN Wll.LlAMSTD.N - As we delivered CAROLINIAN s to agent .Nicholas la*alhcrs. 2lii N. Elm .SU. we learned that • among other things Mat tin County Negroi's have huili what is reported to be the laslest grow ing Credit I nion in the world'' Over a linei sp.ui of years. Mr. l.«*aitHTs saul Ihe Martin County I i-fleral Credit Union has ainussc.I assets of more than a nonuin dollars, a ucurd saio to unsurpassed lo ino - annals anywhere 'Set- CHKDIT IMON, R j, Blacks At Duke Set Bi/or Event UURH/\M • Activities cover mg many diflereni facets oi black college students' life on campus, wilt he programmed in the period March 27 April 11 at Duke University, rather than as one "Black Wtek project Duke's black student (xipui.i (Ion of about 30(i. working in committee and a.s a Ki'o>d>. have planned a whole senes t»f events during that lime iimler the blanket title ' Black Direction'. ■ 1974 ' The 2 week program has b«*er. divided into topical lecture and discus ion pi-nods with a numlier of prominent invited leaders, providing current insight into the directions being laken ISee SHAW_AL]L'MNI. P, 2l iSee DUKE BLACKS. I* - hUtSji MOULD F.\( E CERTAIN TORTl RE OR DF..ATH - MUml. FI*. - Legal Defense aUornev D;in .Mazer (Li is a ding lasi-minute appeals to stay deportation of Haitian refugees baik to Porl-au-IM'iiice Ha, vheie other cviles such as iUitian-born importer, Jerome .-Vtilus iK>. claim they face certain torture and or death il'PI)

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