THI> % » KK 9,625 Prosulonl-Enicriliis Of Fayt’ttvviUv Stole Dr. Seabrook Dies Rites Are Set For ★ ★ ★ ★ Dr. King’s Widow Sees if ir if it Thursday Dirty Work In Death KAYFTTKVILI.K • In dp;iLb, .• ii; !ifp. wiihoul fanfare, jriaveside rites will be held for Dr. .1, W. Sea- brook. H7. president-emeri tus of F'avetlt‘\ille State IJnivcrsiiy. will be held in Rockfisl: ( emeiery. on Rt. 301, south of the city. 3 30 p.m., Thursday. Rev. H. J. Miller and Father Albert T. Heath will do the simple ceremonies. North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOI- 33 NO. 21 RALEIGH, N.C. WEEK ENDING S.ATURD.AY. MARCH 30, 19- SINGLE COP^' 2Ck' J>r '-I ,iln-(*uk Mas oeen contu'ch'd will; now Kayetle- \ille Stale t ni\ersjty since 192:{. .;hen he- Un then Biddle 'luitt .j I Sinilii I niv < and tieoaim- vii i- pn-Mdenl to Or K K SiMlh 'Ih<- Kayelleville school on. of the first accrediiiH? si.ite hi^h scIkkiIs. After Friendly (Creeling. Man His ‘Pal’ turned >i Cl; Ii diii'iiift hi'< ‘in due to the l..e< vear> ol ri eurriculuin ti In l'«2K. .I'-ereditiMl i« iii'Nl class of u'Innu rnethiKls. >i'ar 'Ihi.swas ha! It added two lea'ion to its ★ ★ ★ ★ 192 .iceaine an tolh'gi'. with l)r .''i'.jiircK.f; 'jH-arhead in^ the •^e In 19:u. he look o\c.'- a ;.ii- elera and reitiain- ed uiDi! I'l.'. Tin* seheMil made trenieod<io> >ini1e'- uiuSr his ; cliMiiisii.iiinn Its name was eliann'-'l diiei- time', miui- lie if if if if For Over 8100,()00-Blaek ★ ★ ★ ★ Architect Suing NC^s UDI hei Fas.i I'ollei. •oiler I m\ ;-l < iomei !ed ttlltl It. • 'Me st.ite Te.iehers I-a', el lev die Slate .tint F'.i>etti*ville Sitile •I '!!' adnimisira- S*' l»l( '» ,\HH«».iK P 2» Partisan Hirino Is iKicr Fire IIikI O’. P.Mli: TOWNSKND N;.., Black News Service WASHINtiTON The Civil -v-rvea f-i.Tinission has ord- e: eu i.. .ig >>. thi ee ollicials 1)1 the I S. Department of H.iusinp and frhan Develop ment charged with managing a pecinl job refetral unit ih'Mgned to hire and promote Itcpuhiicaiis in violation of Fi'deral civil service laws. 1*he order follows a similar diri'cMve two months ago that the (ieneral Services Adminis tration fire four officials and •suspi'iid four others for 30 to 90 days (or seeking to subvert the , law requiring selection of fcdt-ral employees on a merit basis. Fnlikc (iSA administrator Arthur Sampson, who is hacking ttie USA official in a legal challenge ol the Civil S,*e PARTISAN. F 21 ?r Blood Found On Floor At Scene T\KilKKI. IS-MOST VAI.l'XBLF K \SKKTR.\l.i. PI..\YKR” IN ,\MKKI( \ - (;recnslHM o, N.i \II- \nterican David Thompson wears the spoils of victory around his neck and signah d a •'f .lUn N.t Slate copped the \( .\A vrowii and Thompson took Most Valuable Plaver hoiioiN .( IM i weighting 40 pounds, for ‘See SHOOTS ‘PAL’. P. 2) PRINCIPALS IN RALKI(>H*S FEBRUARY Ml'RDERS • Shown above are Mrs. Gladys Lewis Branche. SS. 1712 Sundial Place, accused of (he shooting death of her son. Maurice Herbert Branche, 22. TIS-A Cumberland Street. On the right is Clarence Hamlin. Jr., 26. 1254 .New Bern Avenue, who was charged in the death of 3l-year*old James Arthur Anthony. 1224 Blarney Court, last month, allegedly following an argument over (he kicking of a dog. Both persons were charged with murder and are now awaiting trial. The gun deaths took place less than a mile apart. IS ecu Law School CHAKLOTTK • Mystery shrouds the shooting of a man. unidentified, who had walked up to him in Ec- kerd's Drug Store, here and said hello to his supposed ’friend' Monday aflerniwn. It occurred in the down town area during a busy peak of the day. The also un known gunman slarttHi shooting at him immediately after the greeting The man fired upon, was hit. as blood was found on the floor, was able to race out of the store past several customers, with the man with the pistol charging after him for a block, but ceased to fire anymore according to reports. People in the street* started screaming and got 0!:l of 'he way. Both the chased and his pui^uer disappeared around a c-orner into a parking lot. In the exact spot where they had been standing in the store, blood was discovered by employees and investigating police officers. The two men ran right past an off-duty policeman, who was on his way from a bank with two sacks of money. Watergate Cfted By- Mrs, King Squabble Broadens Refu8ed To DURHAM - Principals in a squabble that has broadened on the campus of North Carolina Central University, over the alleged firing of a professor in the Law School, find themselves stalked by the failure of the dean, the Student Bar Association and the administration to reach com mon grounds. The much enbroiled law- school is now faced with the fact that Harold R Washing ton. an associate professor of law. has reportedly appealed his dismissal to the univer sity’s trustee board. The matter is expected to be aired before the body on April 24. It IS apparent that the trouble started when the dean of the law school IS alleged to have informed Washington that his services were being terminat ed at the end of the current academic year. Washington is reported as countering with the iSee NCCU LAW P 2i Send Cash Starvation Of World Forecast GREENSBORO - Attorneys for Harold Sanders. Washing ton. DC. architect, filed suit for more than $1(K).U00.00. in Middle District U S, Court recently, against United Dur ham Incorporated, for services rendered and punitive dam ages The complaint alleges that the said Durham corporation contracted w ith Sanders, under a bona-fide AlA contract, to deliver plans to it for the construction of a building project, which the corporation represented to the architect as a shopping center The complaint further avers that the corporation refused to carry out its part of the contract, giving him no alternative but to seek re course in a federal court The complaint named Rich mond E Stewart as the president, and Ervin .Allen ol Fayetlev ille. a-* the developer The corporation is not only engaged in building homes. reportedU tor low-income See sriT FILED 1* 2* NEW YORK • Almost 6 years alter the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., his widow still feels that the government has not dealt ••properly" with the crime In an article pultlished in April McCall's, Mrs Cnretta Scott King, told Pnnchilla Pierce, a contribu ting editor of McCalls: •'The same kind of people who were paid to do the dirty work in Watergate, were paid to do the dirty work in the Kennedy and Marlin Luther King assassina- Inins ■■ Mrs King added; Tm really uncomfortable talking aliout this, mainly because I don’t like the negative way in which people deal with It. I think there are positive ways of approaching the assassination that can bf- transforming and redeeming ’ Those ways, she explained, include making her hiishand's birthday a national (See MRS. KING. P 2) CRIME BEAT lr..n. Ital.ich-s ll'tln.l t llilOK''>\0)» rsi Ukit lid !<ki in dA Hbw mnIk judgr Af jar* Wr . Jht lAcis as or lind ih<m > iha drrr>liii| oifkrtrs Tak«-«p 4 rimt ( olumns. mrr<)« I hfing rrglsirrrd d> ■ paStc t«|'AO>nC Sis lindings ahilr ar mpl* V»rp AlUhf ' ■•sd b< !•) The • rliTiA Irt ■■ Issues, Na Atisivers Tallis Set \ lap I la\e>. ^tau• .io<l p m . \t.i: !| \r Paul .\MK( huuti V. at Harrington ''in' o( di-.eii"-i'>n li'.id* ‘ Rimard F It.. : i' ‘-i for eleetam .i*. suik i Judge; George F ' • director of financial Augustine's College; lorney J Ward Purnngton. Slate House of Repr<-ienl.itiv e< and canilidnte for elociii'r c the U S. Hou-a- ’ol Pi |»rc ■■ ' lives' will he pn-.-'Cni Mr Ball will be moderator for the session and will give information on income lax accounting for busmesse- and Sanders will talk about income lax accounting for individuals - record keeping, deduct.hie items and non dedui tihl** i • StH- ISSI ES AND. P NORTON DEFEATED IN SECOND ROUND ■ Caraga*. Venezuela - Challenger Ken Norton U hammered against the ropes by savage attach by champ (ieorge Foreman, during their World Heavyweight title fight here March 26. Norton lasted two rounds before losing on a TKO. (I'PI) Big Plans Mapped By R-WCA In City Sigmas Set Workshop Here Sat. BV MISS J K HK’KS ■■lunm or (■ Miur* (luShi iDlrroM ».ilh on Inward, rlimlnaitiid ••' ronlrM^. II n.uN indoiduaH hatr nqursird iSai hi (itrn the ruAMdrraUon ol liiokiflg tPrir »« Ihc polirp At the regular monthly meeting of the Raloigh-Wake Citizens .Association, held at 8 p.m at St. .Ambrose Episcopal Church Thursday, president. Ralph Campbell, reported that he had written letters opposing House Bill 750, which prevent* Raleigh residents from voting for the election of the Wake Countv School Board alter 197.') He also cxprcs.sed his support for continuing the use ol surplus commodities for the pulilic school lunch program, head start, day care center*, etc He wrote letters express ing this view to Senators Ervin. Helms and Congressman An drews Me stated that food stamps will be available for low-income families July 1 To keep up with legislation aliecting the black community. Mr Campbell appointed a legislative sludv committee - 'Sec K-WCA MAPS. P 2. The Eta Sigma Chapter ol IMu Beta Sigma Fraternity. Inc , will siMinsor a bigger and iK'tter business worksfitip tor minority liusinessnun \i.irch ;i0 Hcgistration loi the vvorksfiop will liegin at 9; 15 a.m at the East ll.irgelt Stri-et YWCA W 1. Burton minority fiusiness development consiii- tanl. North Carolina Slate Deparinieni of .Natural He sources, will lecture o:i "The Stale ot Minorilv Busimss " at 10:15 a m Allen Koals director of .Metropolitan BuMness League. Richmond. Vii uiniu. will ^pt-ak on the suhp-ii of Smalt Businessmin • .Avoiding (»v4*r payment ol Taxes .St‘e SKiMAS SET •' 2; BY MICHEL JEAN PETIT National Black News Service \NASH1NGTDN. D C - Glob- al famine to millions of people Chochs I IK IK.VDKH CII.AT • Thf Honorablr Oarencf 1-.'h . ■ r\a1t..d rulrr. chat. wUh KnallMl Ruler Julius R. Hj, the. made plans last Salurdas. lor the Slate I uovi-iit’.ot t» he held here in Mav. State Elks Plan ( ify Convention 1 ..•v'.t .iH Clarence h 1 • :iii. ; !♦•:? !ormi-i Exalted • ! d- hf 1 odge No 277 r! 1 ). ';.-o Ruler.Mr M.. 1 shttre the I a -t of lot ai pi. . n> lt* ff re local 1 1 n( the Sta'e \ , I. v t • ! 1 tieginning \1. 1 t t • .It • .;u - tuve fieen PKIK WILDER l.umniing at the local temnie (or sometime, looking forward to hosting lh«' stale txHly NewL. panelled wallK new lighting effects fresh painting ji the loi*al dining room area. n«-w ligh! colored vinyl asfu-los ll(K>ring are only a lew ot the improvements complet «-d on the dsvjciation’s calen dar S»H. ELKS PLAN P 2 .Africa. Asia and Latin America, mav (Kturasaresull of the world-wide oil shortage This pessimistic assessment wa > maae by John H Knowles, president of the Rockefeller Foundaiion in a speech to the Board ot Trustees ot the I rl>an Institute Me quoted a studv by Jame^ P (Jrant, president of the overseas Development ('"un- ciL who estimated that the ii.trease in prices lor p<‘!iol eum tood. and terlihzer- wouid cost the developing ctiijiiines which do not expiet oii >15 billion in 1974 The most i aia.sfrophic r«tenl develi*pmenl has bi-en the ihange from a buyers market to a seller N market lor en«Tgy. fooil aiwi lert;h/er Kt.owie-* t.i d The pr‘4« of lertil'/er ha> -See ST\R\ \TI(»N P .> Appreeialion Won Ity H onion Mon. Richard L Moore, .Ir 212n sanderttird Ri-ad w»)s la>! week s winner in Tin- ( I.IM.W - Appieeialion .Money Feature He ..uv hi- n.»me in se. \PPRH lATInN P 2 STABBED BV I NKNHAAN? Mrs Rosa Cora Boddie. 56. *)4:l-B E Hargett Street, (old uitieer.N L B Newborn and F. D McLamb a( 3 48 a m. -Mondav. that she was "at Miirv .Spencer s house on lir.igg Street ' The woman declared that she was slabbed by an unknown piM’son She .liso vaid that Mr-* Spi-ncer k’.uwx who slabbed her Inv e-i igaliv <• notes rev ealed that I he tops were unable to gel miH-ii inlorniation iroin .Mis F ''fie She siillered a cut on •in- uptwr '--de -il 'he let* leg CRIME BKAI P 3 Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK rilK ( AKPLI PI.ACE f-i-' lh«- s,»ttesi I'.i.e't Carpets In Town' t»l ARDINfj \A ATE AIATERIAI. • AAashinglon • .Allornrvs for the House .luUk-iarv ( ommitd-i*. Albert lenoi-i. It-ii with hat. and John Doar. crnler. are surrounded bv guaids anr iiewsinen Vlanh ii. as ihe\ drperl the I .s. Distiici Court after taking possession of the secrei V\jiei'u.iie (irand .liiiv it-piii from Judge John J. Sirira •l'PI>

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