swJMtirij^ruTCxne do. :ivj. i*Ki>.>uiN 9 625 TUI> 11 K Pioneered In Sixties' Rights Struggles i., 1. ]{y 4iaoi 1 11 I W I . I . I\ ‘V Jesse Jackson Shaw Finals Speaker i' ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Kaleijili-Wake Citizens Assoeiatinn Sets ★ ★ ★ ★ PUSWs Pre-Election Mass Meeting Talk Here “kin <H {’. Xt.KK.HITKS IS ANOTHER FIRST* MoMIc. AU. • Wadiri.'. n; U illaie waters. Miss Donna Alexander. 17. of East ttranue. N I ilu first lilack girl ever in America’s “Junior Miss raut-.nit 'M ii. • in the (lulf of Mexico, during a picnic at Dauphin tia.. \pril 2K. Donna and 49 other outstanding hi;iii s«i!i«ol s'-iiMM twirls, laie from each state, are competing for at v.-hol.irships at Mobile, with natiunallv televised finals set ini M.1V 'i She is Ihe granddau^iter of Mr. and Mis \v i‘. Dntntt. Misses Ma>e and 11. Karle IJgon. of • ‘ .iiunii with Miss .1- K Hicks. Raleigh, will fly to Mtihiie le Wii:u •>> Ihe lugeanl. Miss .Alexander is also the great gr.iiiilcl.i'U'.l.i* I ol the late .lohn \V. I.lgon, for whom the Raleigh junior tuiiii •■hnni is n.iiiietl- *1 I’li J. Harvey Kerns Asks For Ltieal Urban League (Marencp E. bighlner. endors ed the Urban League project and made plans for a return visit by the Urban League of ficial to further the develop ment of a local Urban Le^ue. (See KERNS ASKS for 1C'' ‘ ami oliii'i of U I*vrr'..i.' ,it Ifl WMS .1 !!.• anf I Mill': itoginii nt l.CUiU-' of tr.n ('otnimr' ' r.'ttii .Alfiliatf liiirposc. goals the theme I.' 1(1 .Mixuiuy Mr Walter Ho- till’ nccasion iMnis. .Assist- .1 tl»c Siiiiiiiern N.iiiiinul I'rban Ml.I The group in the Black Miled liv M.ivor SCLC In Economic Offensive ilS‘ .'MUitii' r liire.-iti for a I (•chH" ■■ 'Im nailn. deni .1 hniii II' told all' » I..M hoaplI :-l:n ‘The • n [ n.'uiershlp , .iitoardof I..!' ;>('•! plans ,s". I to focus ' 'll oil the I.' the jUMir l:i(i l> Alter- nii.il pre.si- ii.iler ol the III K.im.Mlion, ;: : at liic 1 11 '['ling ;IheSl I.r >i:;t the nation iann.iT on the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA COACH • Charlottesville. Va. • The I'niversity of Virginia has hired its first black coach. William C. Cofield. 34. was named as assistant basketball coach. Cofield resigned the dual position of basketball coach and athletic director at the College of Racine in Ra cine. Wb. (UPl) Candidates Invited To Give Views BY MISS J E HICKS In preparation of the Mav 7 primarv election, the Raleigh-W’ake Citizens .As sociation will hold its usual pre-election mass meeting at 8 p.m. on Monday. .\Iav 6, at the St. .Ambrose Episcopal Church. All citizens are invited and urged to attend this important me<>ting. Ail Citizens and members, it is hoped will be present and have some input in the selection of a slate The Political Action Committee as usual, will present a suggested slate to the group who in turn will debate the list or nominate other candidates from the floor. In other words, the slate offered to the community will have been chosen by all citizens attending the mass meeting. Be it recalled that the Political Action Committee. James A. Shepard chairman, sponsored a series of .Meet the Candidate sessions at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church earlier. The exposure and statements of candidates will • .See R-WCA PLANS P 2' Chisholm Cleared Of US Charge BY LOUISE E WYCHE National Black News Service WASHINGTON - To really no (me’s surprise. Congress- woman ^irley Chisholm has been practically cleared of charges that she and her campaign for President com mittee mishandled funds. The allegation, which was made in a lO-pagc report by the General Accounting Office - an arm of the Congress • said there were “apparent violations” of federal ck'ction and corporate regulations. However. Mrs. Chisholm, from the beginning, insisted that the investigations were merely an attempt by the Nixon Administration “lo gel me." and contended that she had been singled out for “in vestigation" and “harass ment" since she lius Uiken such a strong independent po litical stand. She was highly critical of the administration's policies. (See REP CHlSllDl.M. I’ Appreciation Checks Claimed By Tiro Here Two persons claimed checks in the amount of $IU each last weekend in The C.AKOLIN- lAN’s Appreciation .Mon(*> Feature. James C. Ritter 606 Quarry Street, saw his name in the ICIATION. P. 2) ROLINIAN North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOI.. 33 NO. 26 RAI.P:1GH, N.C. week ending SATUUD.-XI'. MA'i I, 1974 SINGLE COPY 20c Pitpniar NY.' Bandletnlin- I ieliin In Bathtub Murder ★ ★ ★ ★ For Annual Session ★ ★ ★ ★ State Elks Convening Here Police Hundreds To Attend Meetings BY W. A. “PETE" wilder The North Carolina State Association of Elks, I.B.P. of Elks of the World, will converge on Raleigh this weekend, May 4-8. _ _ The designated place of the meeting is the celebrated Sir Walter Hotel. The sessions will (Sea STATIC ELKS. P .,2) , W. Wallace, To Address Banquet Wilton Larry Wallace, a 1968 graduate of John W. Ligon High School h Te. and the first black student uody president of Vanderbilt University. Nash ville. Tennessee, now a stHiond year law student at Harvard I'niversily. Cambridge. .Mass., w ill be the guest spt'aker at the Elks' “Brother of the Year" banquet. Saturday. Ma\ 4 at 7 p.ni. at Ihe Sir Walter Hotel (See W WALLACE. P 2> CRIME BEAT From Kalr»eh‘N D'ficl.il I’olirr Files r.l)ITnR’S sort TBii cvluma tr Imiiv* Ik |.rn4urrd in (hr [..iliilf inirrro •iin in»ard\ rlimmanni ill ranlcMt. Sitmirau- indniduali »■«( rrqiiriird Ihct tlir> h< (i\«n itir raniidfratiaii a( •\rrli>okin( ihrii liii.ng an ihr paluc hlaiur Thi-«r Muuld la do Hoar^ar, .1 o mil uur iiu-iiii..' la br |iidfr ar >ur> Wa ni rt |iui> ... iht la Cl I ai a* Ond ih« m lapuiird b> ibi armling allitari Ta baa» >•1 al The (nmr Baal roiitmiii. marrl.« loi baing ragiiiarad b> a |M^» n rri>arii)i( hit lindinai ahila -imply ka«p all Iba "Blaliar" aad aa a,in't fer in Tba Crima Bial. THROWS H*)( K IN W INDOW Mrs M:ir\ Williams. 549 E Hargett Sircet. Apartment 2. told Olficers .1 L Brown and B T. Hitlenhouse al 6:0.i a.m Sunday that she was looking out of the window of her apartment, when she saw a subject walk past on the sidewalk The wuinan said that when this person got past, he threw a rock through the side window on the west side of the house Although she didn't recognize the person, Mrs, Williams said he wa.s about 26 years of age. 5-9 tall and weighed about 145 pounds Damage was placed at $.i See CRIME BK.AT, I’ > The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, founder and president of PUSH. People United To Save Humanity, will deliv er the commencement ad dress at Shaw University's 109th graduation exercises, to be held on Sunday. May 12. at 3 p.m. at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. Shaw president. Dr. J. Archie Hargraves, annoimci'd that other commencement activities will include the annual alumni meeting at 10 a.m. in the University Union, the alumni social at 4;30 p m. in Meserve Hall, and the senior banquet at 7:30 pm. in the I'niversily Union, all schedul ed for Saturday, May 11 On Sunday. Ma> 12. the senior worship service will lx* held at 11 am. in the University Church, followed by the graduation exercises at 3 p.m. and the President's Reception for graduating sen iors. their parents, friends and alumni at 5 pm in the University Union. As a student at A&T University. Rev. Jackson was among the student leaders in the civil rights movement of the sixties. A recipient of u grant from thg Rockefeller Fund for Theological Educa- iSec REV JACKSON. P 2) BUYS FIRE ENGINE FOR II • New York Bennie ii. Thompson, the first hlack mayor of Bolton. Miss., stands beside surplus New Aork fire engine .April 29. which he hoiiglit from eilx for token sum of SI. Thompson hoiiglit thr engine after Bolton's only piece of fire fighting eiiiiipment a inimii moiinled on a truck bed • broke down last Deeenibei An aide to Mayor Beanie paid (he H cent sales tax. <( Pl> Jud^e Keith To Get 59th Spin^arn Medal NEW YORK - The 59th Spiiigarii Medal will be pre sented lo Damon .1. Keith. U. S. Judge for the Eastern Dis trict of Mirhigan. on July 2. during the 63th annual con vention of the National .Asstx* lation for the .Advancement uf Colored People, in New Or leans. JuK 1 5 Announcement ol tne selec tion of the noted Detroit jurist for this coveted honor, was made here .April 30 by Bishop .Stephen J. Sponswood. chair man ol (he NAAi-'P Bf'.irri of Directors The Spingarn A- ward Commitiee. at an curlier meeting, chose Judge Keith to receive Ihe award as the Am erican ol .African descent who had made “the highest a- chiexement during lh( pre- icding year or years m any honorable field oi human cn- rieaxoi Judge Keith's pnmarv a- chicxenients consisted oi :i senes of landmark dev sioii- re atfirimng the r:g!i' " Baffled In Death DURHAM - Another baffling murder case is on the records of the Durham Police Department as the result of a man being found dead in a bathroom Saturday morning of two gunshot wounds. As late as iSee BATHTUB. P. 2) Death Trial Witness Is Balking BY PAGE TOWNSEND National Black News Service WASHINGTON - James Pricr?. reported to be the prime government witness in Ihe trial of Philadelphia Black Muslims on mass-murder charges, has balked repeated ly at testifying for the prose cution. Price is also accused of in volvement in the murder of iliree adults and four small cliildrcnof the Hanafi (Ortho dox' Muslims, but his case was Nevei«*d from that of the other five defendants with the cx|x*ctalion that he wuuld provide essential testimony. Since then, he has consis- ienilv refused to testify on grouiids that his testimony would tend lo incriminate him crican ciit/in. . irn^spcctivc of contrary to his Fifth Amend- race, creisi or color, to nijov ment rights This position was the full lx*ncii1s of the litjcrty- taken despite a March 4 order protcciir.g tjrovisions •»! the by Judge .lohn Sirica granting (■‘onstitiiiion of itic t niled limited immunity from culion Under the grant, he (See WITNESS BALKS. P. 2) Stales iSee Jl'DGF- KEITH JESSE JACKSON Tenants Hold Back Rent Here WAYSIDE APARTMKNIS (Editor's Note' The follow ing remarks were made by Patrick Brvanl, a repres^-nla- live of the Raleigh Tciumts Organization: > “Today (Tuesday i we meet lo announce that tenantN of Wayside Apartments are withholding rent in an effort to force the landlord lo repair the premises lo meet the iUi- leigh minimum Mousing standards W’e also mt*»*t to allow candidates for the House of Repre.senlaiivis to discuss their housing p r o- grams with members of lUi- (See TENANTS HOLD, P 2' Am , ON URH.AN AFFAIRS - WiBbliigton • Mayor John Orr of MUml. Ha ‘left). larkson of Atlanta. Ga. (center) were In Waahlngtou 1® . iui.sbl(*nai Ecoiijmlc lubcommlliee on Urban Affairs April 2H. They .ue Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK M\( K'S For The Best In Kqulpimiil RADIO Ir r\ \n<l lot) Stnimls DlSf USSINi. XskM'idi mn lur Sii Kl I- in I DISEASE HERE ■ Dr. ChirlM Whitun, pretldHit of the li. ki, . .'Vl a recBil .peaker hare at the Hilton Inn. belnrr the - "T pi-oiccl- 1(1 ( linni foi Ihe ' "“""In,! S*pr;;;iSeni‘Ji'iiie'Ril.t|ih Chapter ol Chums. Inr. v,i-.:>n > MoreUiiJ, D-Pa^(UPD^_ ^ ' ■ Wl 111* I [ *rYou Don’t Have Bucks, You Do Have Ballots Use Them Wisely.

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