PRESS Rl'\ Q AOCt THIS W EEK In Moslem Murder Triuls Jurist Frees Death Suspect ^Sinrlnir JL ^Sinclair Must Be Acquitted^ On Income Tax Evasion Hai)s-lilach ***¥■ WASMINd'lON ■ One o! the fivt* defendants in tlio Handi: Moslem mass der trial has been freed bv a direcletj verdict of acquait- tal bv !).('. Superior Jud^o Leonard Ibaman. As the lllhweek ol testimony and the i .ise i«»r the ,prosecu tion ended. .nid«e briiman approveil n tlelense rnnlion. ruhtm that Jerome Sinclair he ac piiiii'd on Xi counts of nuirde:. rohhery and * assault, because there vsas insufficient ev uh*nce presented against him during the trial The naltih-dressed .Sinclair, who had ;i bro.ul smile on his face, wa^' led nut ot the courtroor.. ti,\ f < marshals. He will not l>e tieed. howeser. fiending the outcome o| armed rohlMr\ < horges m Philadel phia The ot < 0 detendant James I'lK'e, to testilv in the trial, hnkinp. Smclaii with the fourothei deienilants. plased a maioi p.,M ,n Sm. i-.M- .s releii 1 Hill at the • i!*!,- rum- the pidge leii cHfl erdicts of ac(|Uillal auauj'-! the other tour defend >te. He I:-.-,.,.r, d,d di.stmss !}„ |j:th couiit ot the indi. tnn i.t. « liarpmg them ■Uth a ve.e mlejd In kill ila.nii.t- Kh.i.ili'., le.nler ol the llaii.iti vMit) noi pieM-nl at the H.'ia' ol tlie minders Siiii,. Kh ftid not lestifs Hrarn.m ruled there was not SUttici.-hl e\ Klein e In |Ust|f\ . -hat . f« I He Tile deS,.)'- u, m nn Inal ‘■d f-' h 'o: t killings of , 11.11-.!; '.Insli Ii.v af Iheir .ooihwe-' -i:ii H'lin Imuse Jarh, Jill In Rnleifrh The Kaleigh Chupler of t^rk .d.d Jill ,f .Vm.n ,. :..c . ^,ai.i trihiiie to (’hireiiie K l»ighl- he.-. Mayor ol the cit> of Haleigh; .Mis c Wimlicrlev. member ot the Haleigh .Schrml Board, \ernon .Malone. Hal- eigh .Si imoi Hoaid. and William |{ Knight. Haleigh (Tty t oimcilrnan. for Ihetr dedication and sei\ues to the eommunit, ol Haleigh, Sun day. at a lecepimn. given in their honor Mrs K H Cofield was .ilso honorinl ^ .Mrs Klame \\ Ht-rrv . president ol the Haleigh chapter ot Jack and Ji]| presideil ovei the allair Mrs, Marjorie Dehjiam presented each honoree w ith an i-ngraved plaque. Hecogmlmn ol special Ruests was given h\ Mrs Perry The ho.'ts .mil hostesses fur this oci-a-'.on were lunior and senior l< .mis of Jai-k and Jill The Heceptioii Pommiltee of Nurry T Johnson, Alice T Solomon. KKie H Perry. Marjorie lietmam. pro\ ided delicious udrc sfnneiit.s for the occa.sion Apprerifition (Jiecii It on Hy tf illiam (iPX William K of J9 pare Terrav e in Chavis Heights, saw his nanit in the advertising slot, pan! tor h\ the one Hour Mart linking .Serv ice. 3911 Western Boulevard. last week. » .nd cl limed a clu ck ;n the amoiini $10 j.-,, , ,|,y, (See APPhKCIATIU.N i‘. 2) Senator Pleads No Contest Maryland Solon Is Accused BALTIMORE, Md. - Prominent State Sen. Clarence M. .Mitchell. Ill, has pleaded no contest in federal court to Cargos of failing? to file income tax returns from 1967 to 1970. The -n. contest” plea is a legal device identical to that used bv lormer \ jce fTesident Spiro T Agnew - with two important e.xceptions I ft was determined that the Inlcrnal He venue Service a.tually owed .Sen .Milehell small relund.s lor the \ears !!Hi7. I'lii'i and 197!) and thill his total ta\ for I9fi« would have been ahoul SI22 Subtracted trom the refunds due. .Mitchell oweil onlv $,',11 47 for the tour-year [MTiod, according to the IBs estimate See SEN Pf.KADS. P 2j A hip To XAACP In A Fifiht .National Black .News Service WASHI.NfnON The chief VSaslunglon !ot>b\isl lor the \.\.\(’P. scureil olt two armed nibliers who shot him once in the hand He threalem*d lo "blow then heads oil” with a gun he told them he had - he fe.illy didn’t I wa^ outraged that this was hapjverimg on mv dfxirsiep.s.” !■<! ' ’ -- liiMi . r li rights leader (‘laience Mitchell "This IS my territory ” Mitchell commutes between Washington and Baltimore, where he lives, daily and had arrived at home alxiut in p m whi'M two men slopped and asked directions- Theii one pulled a revolver and demanded (he w allet of the man who has long l>een a major (See AIDE TO. P 2) THw-mmoLmAM^ ^orth Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 33 NO. 27 RALEIGH. .N.C. WEEK K.NUINd .S.VTL HD.AV. .M.AV n Lawrence Christmas Auditing Trial. But BULLET KILLS 1974 SINGLE COPY 20c '' ” '"ii- iloi i) i>r \r, phks-s i-o.\|.-krk\( k Allgeli Mr Hi.otic a( rilN Hall p,i.,i to (he slart’of VhirciIVs tineo fie Mavu ns r—' 1“**’’ ’“’hPdiiled llirouglioul the dav ii. the I os \ni;eles (ivie ( enter. il PD (Kiavio Semies. is joined liv Mavoi foni ' -\iigeles Sunday. at a dual press eonfei enre ★ ★ ★ ★ In Deinooratie Primarv ^ Greene Leads Jud^e Voting Ti» ‘Wasn Wanted:’ ) Sister BY STAFF WRITKK "My brother was not wanted for questioning by the Raleigh Police Depart ment as was reported in the two Raleigh daily news papers, especially in the afternoon paper one day M last woek. He was free on bond, furnished by Mr. J. E. Cofield, who know that he lived at 1408 Savanntih Drive (Kingwood Forest) and who would have known where he was.” These were the words spoken by a distraught sister of 26- vear-old Lawrence Christ mas, who was mysteriously shot to death by a single ^ bullet as he walked along in percent of the Coast Guard’s Walnut black enlisted men and 39 ^treet in Walnut Terrace, percent of their white counter- late last W^ednesday night, parts, consider the racial Christmas had judt turned climate of the service lo be 26 in March of this year. It had previously been reported that young Christmas was being sought for failure lo appear in court on a charge of breaking and entering. mas formerly resided in Garner. He was killed by a single bullet that struck him in the head as he was reportedly (See BULLET KILLS. P. 2) LAWRENCE CHRISTMAS Coast Guard Jim Crow Is Disclosed National Black News Service NEW YORK • Only 13 N\A(PS MITCHELL IS .SHOT - Hallimorr - Clarence .Mitchell. .Ir.. director of the V.\\CP's Washington office, was shill and slightly wounded late May 2. in a robbery attempt hv tuo men in front of his home, cilv police said. (I PIi good, a two-year study by the National Urban League.* has concluded Admiral Chester R. Bender, the Coast Guard commandant, said steps were already being taken to improve race relations in the service as he praised the report. The study, conducted bv (he New York research staff of the National Urban League to questionnaires sent to all 3.571 minority-group members of the Coast Guard and about the same number of whites in the -service, pointed out that 80 percent of the black Coast Guardsmen and 36 percent of whites, said they had observed incident.s of racial bias. However, only a third of the minoniy-group members and HI percent of whiles reported them. "Black and other enlisted personnel do not feel the racial climate of the Coast Guard Is good." the report said. "Blacks do not agree that there is racial (See COAST GUARD. P. 2) CRIME BEAT 1 roiii •••oli.-.- Fil«-s feiniTOR'S NOTft. Thiv ctlumD «r fralur* |irA4«irrtf In ikr iiiihllr Inifrrti ttnii an •Im inaar^t rllminallnf lii canicnu. Samrrauk IndUldual* hatr rrquritrd Ibal Ihf} br fUan ihr (antitfrraiton a( atrriookini Ihrir an Ihr palirv biwit-t Thik or Muald !'kr IB da 4 Ik nm aur uokliiua la br Jndfr ar Jur^ Hr ntrilv I'utiiiNii (Hi (acik at ar lind ibxn rriwrlrdb) ihr arrrviinf olllrrrt. To ktrp MM at Tbr rnmr Bral Columnk. mrrrl* fMank nei brin^ rrgitirrrd b> a paHr* u(n>rr in rr|»ariinf bit lindindi whilr m d«i) -iku kimpi) ka«p a« ibr "B’aiirr'’ a.-id ‘oa aun'i br in Tbr C.-lmr Btai. WINK BOTTLE IS WEAPON Miss .Marie LaJove Rone. 29. 555 New Bern Avenue, told Officer R. W .Miller at 2:4.5 a m. Tuesday of this week, that she w as at Bruce Ev ans’house. 721 E Davio Street, when she got mio an argument with a Negro female w hom she did not know Miss Hone declared that the unknown woman struck her in the head with a vvine buttle, while a Negro male naineii ■’Pee Wee ’ held her A suspixl was listed as being Doris Ann Evans, ol the Davie Street address, .\liss Hone sullered a two inch laceration behind her lelt car iSee CRIME WEAT. P LAKNIE G. HORTON Nat’I Post Goes To Dr. Horton Dr. l.arnie G. Horton, special assistant for Minority Affairs lo (Jovernor Jim Holshouser, was elected vice chairman of the Association of Black A.ssislants to Republican gov ernors at the newlv-formed group’s organizational meet ing. held in Kansas City, Missouri last week. The association covers 12 states and one territory, the Virgin Islands. California. Indiana. Massachusetts. New York. Michigan. Oregon. Miss ouri. Tennessee. Iowa and North Carolina are included. Ms. Cora Douglas, assistant to the Governor of Iowa, was also elected to the executive conimillec. ’allerned after the Republi can Governor's Association, the purpose is to contribute lo the improvement of black ^ communities through the offic- I es of their respective gover nors Utilizing the association as a medium for an exchange ol ideas, methods and strate gies. the gubernatorial assist- unis will be able lo present the lickt advice lo the chief exeeuiives of their individual stales .■\l the meeting, hosted by c.ilvin Johnson, counsel lo Gov’ei nof Kit Bond of Missouri, the association established goals to: improve the condition o( blacks; devise programs and ^lt’alegies lo increase black membershio in the Republican Party; devise methods whereby aides can '-hare b<»ih Iheir positive and negative e.vperiences with each other in an effort lo achieve more elfeciive indiviclual skills, work toward increasing ll.e number ot black aides to Hc-|iub!ican Goveriuirs. and c('‘ipera’e with other entities lor the overall improvement f»t al! citizens ot Iheir respective Lawyer Tops All For Post As the votes were tallied in the late hours of Tuesday and early morniixg of Wednesday. May 8, it was clearly seen that, in the top position being sought by a black Raleigh attorney. Richard E. Ball, that of Wake Superior Court Judge, that Judge A. Pilston Godwin had sound ly defeated the North Carolina Central University law school professor. Ball, in the Democratic primary race. However, in the District Court Judgeships, black Ral eigh Attorney George Royster Greene. 43. led a five-man field in the balloting and will ho challenged in a Tuesday. Juno 4, runoff primary by white attorney John Hill Parker, who placed second. Attorney Greene, a veteran of 17 years of local law- practice. failed to get a majority of the voles in Tuesday’s elections. After all of Wake County ’s 74 precincts had reported*, (he final vote was Greene, 8.74.5 Parker. 5.044. W. Brian Howell. 3,907; Carlos W. Murray. Jr.. 3.605; and Donald E Wynne, 3,103. ■See GREENE LEADS. P 2j Sales In Realty- Biased lli:i.l: \sl:r, l\ zkhr 4 KlI.r.lMiS ■ San Kraiidsc,. Pah.-.. . '*f tin- 7 siispeits ill |Im> Zehi;i shivinus Inn- m i. Ill i 'l 'Tn atlornev represeiuinn (hr T l.hi, k ujii.-ilu trillin'iTimiiiHiij. three will evenliiallv he freed for the leak,.11, II,e „,.ie released after tliev apoeareil in polii. tineiip ,n„i iiH-ir plioins were shown to witnesses. Two of let. ,,sed in.uglas Hi.rtoi. Nine States Pressed On College ^Mixing’ National Black News Service government intends lo sue the individual stales or lo I»ogn, (See NINE STATES. ?' Senate Is Near Vote On Busing National Black News Service WASHINGTON The Senate is close lo passage of the strongest anti-busing legisla tion yet passed by that Ixidy. according to preliminarv vote checks that show it virtually split over the anti-busing provisions sponsored by Kep. Marvin Esch. The House adopted the Kseh provisions on March 26 by a vote of 293-117 That amend ment forbids federal agencies and federal courts to order a student bused for desegrega tion beyond the school "closest or next closest to his place of residence." But even more alarming to (See ANTl-BUSI.NG. P 2) \\ \Mll.NGTON - Nine slates - including Pennsylvania and Oklahoma, outside the South • are lieiiig pressed bv the Department ol Health. Educa tion and Welfare lo submit more accejnahle plans for desegregation ol their public colleges and universities HEW .s Ollici' ol Civil Rights lias given the stales until June I to suhniil revised plans that would sjierd up d(*segregation to integration of student iHidies and faculty over the next two years. Found defioieril in their desegregation plans are Mary land. .-Xrkansas. Florida. Geor gia, Mississippi. North (’am- lina. l)klahon;a. Pennsylvania and \’irginia HEW is acting under an order Irom U S. District Judge John Pratt, who found in February 1973. that the Dciiariment had failed to use Its powers under the Civil Rights .Act lo require desegre gation ol public eollcge.s and univei.snu.s Pratt ordered HKW to report to him by June 21 of (his year, that the v.inous stales have suhinilied acceptable college desegregation plans or that the hec DH HttHTliN, P 2< ( ITKI) I-OH ( OMMIMTY SERA (( E - Mr*. Marjorie Debnam. left, chairman of the Jack and Jill Reiepiioii ( on. mill, e. and Mrs. Elaine Ferry, president uf Jack and Jill, are shown with Raleigh’s elev-ted olla. i s j ,.fi right: Mrs. Elizabeth B. tdfleld, William R. Knight. Mayor Clarence E. l.igntiier. Mi.- I ightner. and \ernon Malone (See storyl. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK ( ARDIJW BIBLICAL (.ARDENS "A Beautiful F’lnal Resting Place" HARTFORD. Conn. • Seven of the larger real e.slate concerns in the Harltord area, have been accused ot promot ing resegregation of neighbor hoods by showing black home buyers integrated area.s a- round town and steering while.s away from them The concerns named in the suit by the U.S. Justice Department were Barrows and Wallace Realtors of Harltord, the T R Preston Company of West Hartford, the Heriiage Group of West Hartford. Richard C Cucklev Associates of Wethersfield. Hurwit and .Simons Realtors of West Hartford. J. Watson Beach Company ol Hartford and Colli and Wagner Realty Company of Hartford Contending that the real estate companies had violated the Federal Fair Housing Act. the Justice Deparlmen' char^ ed that the real estate companies had issued at least ■30 statements to prospective white buyers, advising them not to buy homes in the Bloomfield or in Hartlord’s Blue Hills sections, because of black homeowners (here Blue Hills is a section in the north end of Hartford and the town of Bloomfield is a comfortable suburb on Hart ford’s northern border. In asking that the companies be barred by U.S District See REALTY BIAS. P. 2t ■NIXON ( OM.MITTED IMPEACHABLE ACT”: COWERS V^akhiiiglon • Rep. John L. Conyers. D*.Mich.. a member of thi House ludiciary Committee and an outspoken critic of lh< President, saul .ALiy 7 his reading of the transcripts convince him lliut Ni\oii hud committed “an impeachable act.” He said Nixon'* • liliKkinail • discussions on March 2t. 1973. with John W. Dean eom ei iiing demands by Watergate conspirator F. Howard limit was "the best evidence of the commission of a federal crime.’ <1 PI)

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