FRKSSIU-N 9 625 TdllS VJ FKK \orlh f'.aroUna Mothers WajUojxj^nj Co, »v:. Get 31Gs For NAACP Must Be Astute: Wilkins The greatest fund-raising project ever put over in North Carolina for the cause of freedom, climaxed at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. Sunday. May 19. when several singing groups, more than 100 mothers and Hoy Wilkins, demonstrated that t h e price of freedom i'- high, but if we all put in a little, it will not cost any of us t.oo much. ' Chartes A McLean, (leld director, Slate ‘ onlereiice of N.C. Branches. add ed a new feature to the annual ■■Freedom Fund Day, " by inviting several suiting groups, from iliroughout the state*, incleditig an orchestra from Win.ston-Salem. to set the stage lor dedicated giving The.\ f)egan at I p.m and continued until .{ LS. The response from their motiva tion has been so great until Mr. McLt*an has already started recruiting for 1975 Hoy Wilkins, exei-utive di rector. N.\A(‘l*, was gre<*led b> -Mayor (‘larence F. Lighl- ner. and tlien heard many of the stute’.^ li-aders extol him for the fe.iiles,' leadership that he is giving the N.A.XCI* Kellv .M -All v.iiider. Sr . preside!)' i t il.c .si.iie Confer ence. Ill hi- mtrotUiiiion of the speaker, pictured him as a man who ii.ocd lo one. but a man who was a ium believer (St^e NA.-\Cf’ FHKLDDM- P 2i ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ L'. S. Supreme C«»iiri ★ ★ ★ ★ Rejects Rape Appeal Aorth ('.aroliiia's If ee/«-/v VOL. 38 .\(). 29 K.AI.KIOIl. N.C. WF.KK KNDING .S.VrCRD.W 2... !97^ SINGLE COPY 20c ■is Iflor/i-ff liitf (,iin linllle IjoIs , SON SLAIN it -A ir ir ★★★■A Miivor Juekson Tells i\. (’.. Aii(li«‘ii(-e ^Racism Biggest Problem* ★ ★ ★ ★ I MISS LOI LSK IwXTHAM Honorary UNC Hcgree Conferred On Sunda\ .May 12. Miss Louise M Latham was honored at tlie commence ment exercises at the I'niver- sily of .North Gjrnlina al Chapel Hill The university awarded lier the honorary degi‘t*e of Doctor ol Laws. In citing her. the chancellor of the university made the following remarks- Louise Maywood Latham, born in Raleigh, is a cum laude grailuale of -Shaw University Her Master's de gree IS from Boston Univer sity. and she did additional graduate work at Syracuse University and at UNC in (Jreensl.oro .She taught at Washington High S( hooL Ral eigh. and for a lime, on the staff of Howard Univer sity Thereafter, she returned ’.o Norih Cartilina to be'come. for some JO year.s. dean of ^ women at North Carolina Central Universitv There are j number of (See MlS.s !..\TR.AM P. 2i In Prison Since He Was Teen WASHINdTON - The V S. Supreme Court has re fused to hear the appeal of a Virginia man vvhosj con victions on rape charges in Lynchburg. Va., have mit red prolonged national public and judicial contro versy. i'he court rejected the appeal of 1 homas C. Wanslcy. wno was con victed 12 years ago at age 16 of raping an elderly white woman and nibbing I ( • "f one doll-* ■'» d ‘^ir. ty-seven cents. W'anslcy's first conviction was set aside by the Virginia Supreme Court on procedural grounds. His second convic tion in 1967, was later overturned by the U.S. Dis trict Court because of the (See RAPE APPEAL. P. 2) CRIME BEAT 1 It.Ill - lUO. . .•..lii-i' KIMTOR'S NOTE: Thl» column or (ralurr it produced in ihr public Inicretl oilh on aim lowardt cllmlnalinf lit roBicnik. Numcrout individualt hate requested thai they he fl*cn the rontideratlon ol oierluokmc ibeir on the police blotter. Thit ue would like lo do. Hourter. It It not our potltian to be judie or jury. We merely publish the (arlt at ue find them reported by (be arretflnf oWlcert. To keep out ol The ('rime Beal Columns, merely means not being regltiered by a police officer In reporting hit tindingt ohfle on duly. So tlmply kre< oil the "Blolirr" and you unn't he ii (De Oime Beat SAA S BDA FHIKM) DID IT Miss Delores Jc'an Lucas. 1813 Cantwell Court, reported to Officer M. S Williamson at 3:18 a.m Saturday from Rex Hospital, that she and her boyfriend, Karl Quiller, 30. ‘■somewhere on K Jones Street.” were having an argument when he became violent and started beating on her. The woman was advised to sign an assault on a female warrant against her boy friend. She suffered a swollen jaw and exhibited an in)ury to the left leg. (See CRIME BEAT. P J' ■MR .MAYOR. YOU MUST BFI.IKVF. if Ihsv herd us ini» (cKditi districts, we will take over their |><>lili(^ We ‘ t.- to lake over Ih** ”hife man. \I1 w( want i*. (u hi- ir^t. Rov Wilkin.s, executive director. N \ X< U. tulil (hii-t-iKf F. I.iglitner. Mayor of Raleigh. Sunday, ul the Memorial .Auditorium, where "Mr. N.-\.\('I*” delivered the kevnolt' spetwh and the mothers of the state turned in a record $31,163.51. to he used in the fight for freedom. TAR HKKLS OFF TO .\FW ORLEANS - Ho\ Wilkins, execitlive director. NAACP. is shown Sundav. al Raleighs Memorial -Auditorium after he crowned these two molheiH as Ihe winners in the 1974 Freedom Fund Drive. -Mrs. W. R, Met leaves. Siler ( ilv. representing the Chatham Countv Branch, was the winner in the “Small Branch“ division, reporting IJ.kiT.imj, is shown on the left and Mrs. FUiabeth Napoleon, right, reported $l,.‘>tMio». raised by the Durham Branch. The two will be the guests of the N.C. State Conference N \.\<.T‘ Hranclii s al the iiaiional convention, which will be held In New Orleans la.. .Inlv l-*i. Atlanta Mavor Addresses m/ ’74 Class At Alina Mater IM RHAM Allanta Mayor Maynard Holbrook Jackson. Jr ’ told 857 graduates of .Vtrih Carolina Central L'ni viTsiiy Sundav. May 19. that racism remains Hie most immediate problem ol black Americans, while “the ulfi male problem in this country is the difference between those who have and those who , .ATTFND 2IITII ANNIVFRSARV I.UNCHEON • New Aork • Mr'. Rosa Parks of Montgomery i.Afa.) bus hovtoH fame, is <ntrodii< «-it to lorrrer I .S. Atty. Gen. Klliott Richardson 'I • h\ , favor ( harles Evers of Fayette. Miss., as Ihev attend lum h.-o f)ere Ma' 17. sponsored bv the N.-A.At P‘s I.e^al Defense and Fdui atiunul i und. Inr. Occasion marked 2<ilh annlversarv of his historic I-S Supieme Court decision, outlawing segregated education in tin t s. Mrs. Parks‘ refusal in .Montgomerv lo give her seat to a while Dec 1. 1935. launched the Montgomery Bus Bovcon -ind the siaK of Dr. Marlin Luther King’s great crusade. (UPU don't .lacksiin. an alumnu' oi the NCCU l.iA .scho'd. who i.s ihe iirsl black mayor of .Allanta. r»*cogii!zeil in hi*' comnierae menl addn"-> al NCUl the ■jiith anmvtTsarv of the See .M AU'H L's, P 2: AppreruitUm ('herli (roes To Joioes K. Kerr Ijtsi we»hend was a lucky one lor .Ian «' K Ken, M'Ki Buv* i fornierl' il Kdenloii' .Slfeel. when li< sfuilted his iSee APPHKUI ATIdN. P !*■ Man Yells ‘Honkey;’ Two Dead ORLANDO, Fla. - John Henry IJooker, an 18-year- old local black man. is being held here on a charge of first-degree mur der. along with two other blacks, both 18, following a shoot-out at a iocal service station. Two white men, a father and his 22- > ear-old son, were victims ot the senseless shootings ..t about 9:30 a.m. Mon- d.y. The entire incident was spawned over the purchase of o*'® dollar’s worth of gasoline. Booker is said to have driven his 1973 Cougar auto mobile into Anthony Ciano's gas station and ordered the (See DAD. SON. P. 2) Grocers To Get Food Stamp Info Wake County grocers who did not attend the April meldings to become author- ued to accept food stamps, are urged to attend the makeup meeting on Tuesday. May 28 at 1 p.m. The meeting will be held in Room 209 of the Federal Buiding. 310 New See GROCERS TO. P 2) CRJ Now Convenes In City NEW M)RK • Ine Commis sion for Racial Justice of the United Church of Christ will hold its annual spring meeting Thursday and Friday. May 21-24. at the Holiday Inn. 320 Hillsborough St.. Raleigh. N (■ On the agenda for the m(*pring is a lour of Central Prison Correctional Center, May 24 at 2 p.m. The Commission has provided ptMiple on death row at Central Prison with pastoral counseling through visits and letters The commission recently conducted an investigation into conditions al the prison and made recommendations for improvement. I'he church group will also visit a black-oriented radio station in Durham, which has 'See CRJ NOW. P, 2» Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK MAKI F, ( i:\TER, INC, For ih«' Bf'i In Hutboards Ana insurance” FFARFl I. (Htm P tOMKIfS AS (itA RATTLE R.AGES • 1.09 Aiigeh'H This unniii of fearful women and children, cower Fridax. Mav IT. as a firm- uun bailie lakes place between police and six perstnis. who were holed up in a house in South Central l.os Vugeles. One hom laler. Ihe house in which the memb«Ts of (he Svmhionese l.ilieralloii Armv were holed up. caught fire ami binned lo the ,;iound In Ihe meantime, police discovered five hodie-. on Eiirtav night and a sixth on Saturday. Max IK. .\monu' the dead w.»s Donald David DeKrecie. .ear-old reputed black le.ntei ol the group. Patricia Hearst and several olh. - alleged members ol the Sl.V. were still being hunted at t AHOI IMW press (ime <1 Pl> Leader, , 5 Others Are Dead LOS ANGELES. Cal • Donald David Di*- Freeze, 30-y e u r-old black leader ot the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), was u mong the 6 persons who perished during a fierce gun battle with some 500 local politM’ officers and F^cri.l Bureau of Investiga tion officials here last Friday night. Police and the FBI been seeking DcFreczc aiid other members of ihc SLA since (he Feb 7 kidnapini.' of 20-year-o!d newspaper heiress Patricia Campbell Hearst. who has now declared “extremely dang erous” and is considercil a fugitive from justice, her seif. All six of the Friday niglit shootout dead. hav(> been identified as memberrs of the SLA, -Other than De Freeze. (See DEFREEZE AM) V -J- f SEEKING .SAFETY • l.os .Angeles - Children dash for safety last Friday, as firing brrak> out m South Central Los .Angeles in a fierce gun battle that ended over an hour later with hundreds of police firing into a house in which a group of people were holed up. Six people in (he house xtere killed and the home was burned to (he ground. Early reports (entatixely identified the group in (he house as members of the Svmbionese Liberation Armv. iUPI> END OF THE l.I.VE FDR SL\ SI.A MEMBERS - Los Angeles - A house in which a group people were holed lip during one hour long fierce gun battle against police, goes up m ffames ending the battle A group identified as members of (he Symbionese l.iberatinn Armx foughi a fierce gunfight before fire hrmight an end to (he battle. When police entered Ihe burned nni house, they found six IhhIm-s Ihe fight was the end of a day-long search for the SLA that slat led late Max 16. when (hex simi up a sporting pt*ods store in Inelewond Calif, (I'lM) CHll.DKEN ARK REM ( ED - l.os Angeles • Police rescue children, .viay 17. irom a ntiuxe neat the scene where a group identified as members of the Symbionese Liberation .Armx. lhal responsible for the ktdnap ttf Patricia Hearst 107 days ago. fought a fierce gun bailie wuh hundreds of police before being killed in a southern area of 1.2>s Angeles. (I'Pli MAYOR JACKSON ^ ( tip f*H(iTE( TS FIKEMFS Los Angeles • A police officer carrying a sub machine gun. runs > into position to prolet i fin men .is the house in which a group of people that carried on a ruimmg fierce gun battle with hundreds ol police. Early reports from police say that six people in ihe f house were killed and Ibex have been identified as members of the Symbionese Liberalion Armx jjdPD

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