Phl SS RlfN jHlS WEEK 9,625 School Buses Targets As 4*2 *1 Klansmen Indicted In Dynamitinss THE END OF AN ERA PHA^s AT KI.I.IN(;t<)\‘S BiKR ■ Ven York • A mournrr kneels in prayer al Ihe bier of Duke KllinKton. ^iant of American Jazi music, who died May 24 at the age of 75. The inu-rnaiionaliy famous composer and musician whose professional career exceeded half a century, was buried May 27. (t'Ph if CHl'RCH - New York • Mercer Eillngton .. 1)1 KK IS P 2- First Black Officer Takes Over Army Recruiting Area IN BYGONE DAYS • New York • Duke RlliogUNi. the cool, impeccable composer who gave the world “Mood Indigo” and hundreds of other memorable compositions that made him one of the most influential bandleaders of the 20th cenlurv. died of lung cancer, complicated by pneumonia May 21 al the age oi <5. Korn fr.dward Kennedy Ellington, he's shown i Ti in 1973 photo and < Hi with his wife in I9:it photo. Dr. Harris, Raiford To ‘YM’ Meet Dr. Nelson H Harris chairman of the board. Blood- worth Street YMCA, and Ernest L. Raiford, executive director of the Assuciatior.. will represent the '‘Y ’ at the Southeast YMCA Region A^■ sembly to be held at Bine Ridge, N.C. (near Ashevilh ) May 30-June 1 Around .'xK) persons, representing *5 VMCA's in the Southeast region, are expected to attend. Operational Goals of the National Board of YMCA's" will be discussed by Belford V. I.,awson, Jr of Washington, D C., the current president of the National Board The closing address will l>e deli.- ered by Ihe Honorable Andrew J Young. United Stales Represt nlalive, Fi’.h Co..'* gressional District of Georgia Mrs. Harris and Mrs Raiford will accompany the delegates and participate in special activities arranged for the wives and families. both Dr. Harris and Mr. Raiford are well known citizens of the Raleigh-Wake County area. Dr. Harris served as professor of educa tion and director of student teacher work at Shaw Univer sity. for many years. He also served as interim president of the university. Raiford has been with the Bioodworth Street YMCA for many years, since the old United Services Organization (USO> was first organized here for the benefit of visiting servicemen at the onset of World War 11 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ In Ralei»h ★ ★ ★ ★ SaU Teens^s North Carolina Leading Weekly VOL. 38 NO, 30 RALEIGH. N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1974 Follou'ing ‘Fuss' (her His Children SINGLE COPY 20c FATHER KILLED ★ ★★★ Official Of Urban Lcap:iie Says ★ ★ ★ ★ ^Black Gains Meaningless^ In-Law Jailed; No Bond LUCAMA - This WUson County community was the scene of bloodshed last Saturday night, when a father became embroiled with his father-in-law over the custody of his minor children and, in turn, was v'lc «death by the eldv man, who was reportedly given legal custody of the children Dy a court of law. Two persons were injured in the shootings. The mur der and bhooungs occurred at a local home, near here. (See FATHER KILLED,.?. 2) Liberators BY C HARLE.s R JdNES ('a|il.Mii A Minor. .Jr tur.jjiu' ihe first lilark i'i:i«-«r to head the US. Arm\ V UaU igh Area District KecruiM'ig ('i>niiTiahd Till- r«.‘. gr.i'iuaU' of the U S Miliiar\ Nt.iiicniv at West I’nifU N y apjMuntcd in l%,j b' it I Ri'presenlative and hiier » );!hr?iifd by a U S Senator ‘rom fnv district in Richomiid. '»‘a While at Ihe Acad. ii • . .Minor - mg m both Ihe WiI'oin* (ilee Club and •he l'ri i* vianl ( hapel Choir He wo- ,iNii a nicTiiher of the Bapti'-i Mii.ii -I' l ion F. i!. .lie (,is commission as a >■'! onti i.'fulonant in the U S \i iii\ Infanirv Divi sion. ( .ipi.M.i Minoj served in Niefnani He .1- decorated with two Biuii/i- .Stars, two .Armv Commendalitm Medals, CAPTAIN J A MINOR one \ir Medal. Ihe Vietna nieve Campaign Medal, the Rcpulihc ot N'letnam Service Rihlion National Delense Ribbon Combat Inlantrv man Hailge and the Parachutist s Badge The son ot a U S .st-rvice man the late Master .Sergeant .lame^ Minor Sr Captain Minor was born in Richmond, and attend«'(l .Armstrong High Si inH)l Hi- was a high school hollo! student Chud Jusficz of the student ( ourt president of IheBtivs' \lhletic \ssocialion. Cadet Lieutenant and Batta lion Cnniir.ander ol the 'i hniil s National Didense Cadet Corps C.iplain Minor is a member ol the list Sireel Memorial B.ipiisl ( hurvh. Richmond, whi-re he x i ved a> president see KIRS'I HI..\CK P 2' GR AND DISTRICT DEPl TY - Miss Bessie l.ou Wallace has received ihe coininission of (irand Disirici Deputy of Ihe Fifth District of the Iniprovi-d. Benevolent. Protective Order. Elks of the World, which consists of Durham. Chapel Hill. Henderson. Raleigh and Sanford. Miss Wallace was appointed hv tuaiid Daughter Ruler Nellie B. Smith of the national associatiuii \ past Daiiglilei Ruler here in Raleigh. Miss Wallace is the daughter of Mrs. Eliza Wal lace. laiN Hadley Road. Nix Offer For Truce National Black News Service BEIRA, Mozambique Spokesmen for nationalist forces fighting Portuguese colonial rule in Africa, have rejected the cease-fire offer proposed by the junta in Lisbon and insisted that they will keep on fighting. The rebels were asked to lay down their arms in return for promises of progress toward self-determination, but Samora Moises Machel of the FRELIMO liberation front said they would begin a “general offensive" against Portugal. He predicted that Portugal would try to intensi fy its “repression" and try to find new ways to continue its “domination." Machel said the Portuguese will “strengthen puppet ■ Sec LIBERATORS. P. 2) Appreciation Cheek Won By Joseph Craham Joseph Graham. 1012 Sea- l)r4iok Road in .\ingwood Forest, was the lone winner of a Sio check in last week's .Appreciation Money Feature. .Mr Graham saw his name insidt* Ihe advertisement paid for by Motor Mart, Inc.. Highway 70 East. Garner At the Motor Mart, the courteous personnel has Ihe know-how to combine luxury, comfort. Sic APPRECIATION. P, 2) R. Brown WANT POLICE CHIEF FIRED • Atlanta - Rev. Hosea Williams, president of the Atlanta Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) leads almost 700 demonstrators up Ihe steps to City Hall May 27. The march was in protest of .Atlanta Police Chief .lohn inman. who .-Atlanta Mayor Maynard .Jackson attempted to dismiss earlier this month. (UIM) Chavis Park Scene Of ‘Teens In Action Day’ Saturday. June 1. will he a day of festivities and fun for Raleigh area teenage youth al Chavis Park and Recreation Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK RICHI.AND IRMI.ER ivark Where Aou (iet Big Lots, Room For Gardens" HEP JULIUS BOND J. Bond Seeking Sen. Seat ATIwANTA. Ga Stale Represeriative Julian Bond announced last week that la- would be a candidate tor the Stale Senate seal formerly held by Senator Horuci' T Ward. Ward was recently named (he state's first black Civil Court Judge by Governor Jimmy Carter. iSee J. BOND. P 2i Center. 840 S. Haywood St, The gala event, sponsored'by The Presbyterian Urban Council and Teens In Action, will begin al 11 a m. and end al 7 p m There will be entertainment and activities for everybody. Workshops will include a pottery exhibit, a candtemak- ing displav and even a karate See TEKN.S' DAY, P. 2» CRIME BEAT I rimi ttali-ith ' foliiv I ili-s (OITOR'S NOTI'.: ThU calumit ar faaiurr la produced In the public Intcraal • Mh an atm louarda ellmlnallag lia conirnu Numereu* IndliiduaU bava requevird Ihai they be aiven tba ronildrrailon of oierloobinf (heir llallag on ihr pulirr bloilir Tbik «e uould Ilka to do. Huueirr. ii u not oar poiltlan la ba judge or jury. We merely pubiltb tba lari. Bv ur find them reported by Ibt arrr.iing olfirerk. To keep, oai el Tba < rimr flra< ( olumnk. merely mcana net liring registered by a pallee oincar !■ reporting htk findings uhlle on duly. Sa simpl> keep off (be "Bloller” and yad Hon'i br in The (rime Seal. WDM AN STE AL.S KOOL AID DHiter F D, McLamb repcirtfd al 6:25 p m. Satur day . that he observed Mrs. Loretta Mines. .59. a black lemale of Route 1. Box 431, Knightdale. lake 12 packs of Kool Aid soft drink mix an