PRESS RLN THIS WEEK Man Accused Of Double Murder Says f* - V ' ... *i“iia-y ’ jlvd.' ‘My Lawyer Told Me Not To Talk’ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★ Iter. Ben Chavis To Lead Demonstration Of 5,000 In City March Charter Buses In 10 States The NorJh Carolina Alli ance Anainsl Hacisl And Political Repression will sponsor the first National civil rights demonstration in the history of Raleigh on Thursday. July 4. 1974. The deiiuinslralKin will bo led by Itev lien Chavis, aluni* wilh national representatives from Southern Christian U-adership Conlerence, elect ed oflieials. miluding Rep. .lohn ConyiTs, C S Congress man. Mu-higan. Ira Simmons. Berkeley City Councilman; Donald B>rd. nationally known ja// musician. .Angela Davis and other leaders of the National Alliance .Against Racist and Coliiical Repress ion: ainl a host ol statewide and IfH-al leaders representing the people black white and Indian ol .North Carolina. Bu.'.es have already been gnartered Irom New York. Caliiornia. Florida. South (arolina. Virginia. Michigari. Massachusetts. Connecticut. Washinglon. D(\ Charlotte. N '■ . Winston-Salem and nian\ idhc-r cities. A minimum ol S.UOO are expected to participate in the day-long events of the demon- strauon Thev include a pre march rally at H) a m. at Memorial .\uditunum. the national march against rac ism ;,n-t repri'ssion will begin ar i.oMri 111 front of the ai. h.o. ; Mtrw-d to the N C Slate Capitol for a ii.itiona! rally the inarch will continue Irom the capitol to the l.t4 sear old t*enlral Pri son The demonsiiation will con clude at Pullen Park with tSee :» non IN, P 2i Raleighite Named To Drug Body North Carolina flovcrnor .lames K Holshousn'. .Ir . has appointed Miss (lloria Jean Smith ol Raleigh, to the Advi.sory Council ol the N C. Stale Drug .Authority Mis? Smith, who i.s .1 t'.iTi grad'iati’ >4 St \iig s College was president of the Socto- log\ I'lul). menitiernt the Sigma Rho Sigma Social Science Honor ^ SociciN. Ilo- nors Pciigiaiii, MI.SS SMITH a dean's list student, and was the l‘i7:l-7-l rei-ipient of the PiMt'oiming Arts .\w.ird at St \’ig • Sl;e IN ii.c il.nighter of Mrs. Rebecca Smith. 1847 Kastern p. >ulcvard THE CAROLINIAN i\orth Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 38 NO. 33 RALEIGH. N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE 22. 1974 SINGLE Copy 20c Blacks ‘Turn On’ Nick Galifianakis ★ ★★★ 4-¥--¥--¥- Mayor Lightner Proclaims June 17-23 ★ ★ ★ ★ 4^'':'A HEADS NATIONAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BODY - Louisville. Ky. • Rev. Dr. Lawrence W. Hottoins from Decatur. Ga.. becomes the first black to hold the top office in the predominantly white Presbyterian Church in the United Slates. Rev. Dr. Boltoms was elected moderator for ihe first assembly between the U.S. Church and the I niled Presbyterian Church in Ihe U.S.A. for unity. June ifi. (UPIi Shrine Queen Wins Legal Awareness Week Region Scholarship ‘Bull City’ Man Now In Jail BV ALP:XANDER BARNES DURHAM - A 31-yr.-old accused slayer of two. Thomas J. Walker, when led from a cell in Durham County's jail at 11:00 p.m., Tuesday, to be interviewed by a CAROLINIAN re- resentative. said, "My iwyer told me not to talk.” This meant that the inter viewer had no opportunity to ascertain from him the details of a double murder, which occurred here last Saturday. The killing was rather bizzare. in view of the fact that Walker is alleged to have walked into the home of Earnest J. Scott. Jr.. 2206 E. Main Street, armed with a 22 caliber rifle, pulled the trigger, sending a bullet thru Scott's right eye, into his iSee 2 MURDERS. P. 2) House Won’t Compromise On Busing BY CAROLINE ROTH National Black News Service WASHINGTON. D C A- midst cheers and applause (See HOUSE WON'T. P. 2) Protest Eviction Of Tenant DURHAM - A group of concerned citizens, many of whom having been sup* porters of former Congress man Nick Galifianakis, al most caused consternation at Citv Hall Tuesday night, (See BLACKS TURN. P. 2> JAMES E. M.A.XWEI.L E. Warren Grant To J. Maxwell James Kddiv Maxwell of Boa/ Road Raleigh, a 1974 graduate nt St. .Augus lino's College. Raleigh, has been nominated for a scholar ship grant from the Earl Warren Legal Training Pro (See J. MAXWELL. P 2> IVII.l. SHARE l,BJ FOUNDATION AWARD - Auxin. Ttxas . Felliiier Mayor Ivan Allen. Jr., of Atlanla, Ca.. and Eranklin A. niomas. president of the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Co. of Bruokivn. v.v.. will share the Lyndon Raines Johnson roiiiidalion .\ward for Urban .Affairs. (UPD State Sen. Charged In Accepting Bribe National Black News Service Attorneys Gathering In Raleigh At Tuesday City Council meeting, Raleigh Mayor, C*j''ence E. .Li^tn^, pro- dlauned the wew of June 17 through June 23 as Black Legal Awareness Week. The official proclamation was issued to John Harmon, president of the North Caro lina Association of Black Lawyers, in recognition of the efforts of black lawyers in Raleigh, headed by Walter E. Ricks. Ill, the state and the nation, in being the "guiding force” in black communities, in using the legal arena as the (See BLACK LEGAL. P. 2) BALTIMORE • A 34 year- old stale senator who has been accused of helping line up a phony work release job for a convicted gambler, declares that Ihe accusation is poli tically inotivated- StaU* Sen Clarence M. Mitchell HI. who pleaded no contest earlier this year to charges he failed to file federal income tax returns for 1967 through 1970 on about S')4.iKm in gross income, is under investigation by the Oiganved Crime Strike Force III Baltimore, one ul IR such units in the country linked Appreciation Check Won By Raleigh Man Willie James Jacobs, 70i S Hlociifwoiih Street, was the lone luckv Winner of a SlO clu-ck Iasi week when he saw Ins name in The CAROLIN- LAN's .Appreciation Money Fe.nure. -ponsored b\ this newspaper and participating meichanis found each week on the back page ol the first stetiof: .Mr Jacobs name was in i!ie jci.ertisement paid for by 'See AFPRtUl.ATIUN. P 2' directly to the Justice Depart ment which looks into organ ized crime He said it w ji, no coinci dence that the allegation (See STATE ^EN . P. 2) Pl.At KS \\ ATERG \TF Kt.\MF - Spi'iiigfirid. Ohio • Bliitk Washington allorne>. Padit-ia Rohi-rts llairis. >airi here .stindav. lime tl>. (hut a la/> elecloruie inus( lake pari of (he blame foi Watergate. • I Pi > (HIKE FOlND ••r.Un.TV" Allanm - Thf Rfv. < >sea Williams adjnvts a small hand mike lute .lime IN as he Stands on .i tiasti ean outside thi locked gru\esile of He\. Hailiii I . King. .Ii . and speuks lu u crowd of ubooi 2ini persons K.-tiieied In inaieh (it ('U> Hall to prniest aguinsi .Alluiua Police thief loiin Inman. \ ’ triul" was iield on the >(eps and Inman was iiiiiml "giiiltA" lor alleged diserimiiialion <tl l>tu«ks Itv his Use tii "detoA .ind siake-itiu s<|h,ids to eomhat erime in the cilx .'' ' I PI Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK CARAI.KK.M H KMTl RF COMPANY • For yuulily Furniture At Inow Prices” W ALTER E RICKS. HI C. Right’s Mrs. Muse - To Confab NEW YORK. NY Attor ned Frankie Muse Freeman, the only black member of the United Stales Commission on Civil Rights, will participate in the education workshop at (he 65th annual convention of the National Association for the .Advancement of Colored People, to be held in New Orleans. La . next month. .Attorney Freeman is a Sister of .Mrs Allie Muse Peebles of Raleigh. N.C . an area .school teacher. .A member of the Commis sion since 1964. Mrs. Freeman will join a group of educators and urban experts in discuss ing topics around the subject of .school desegregathn since (he Supreme Court's 1954 Blown decision. The other participants are Dr. Buell Gallagher, past president of the City College of .New York and vice president of the NAACP National Board uf Directors, Dr Dan W. Dodson, noted educational consultant of the University of Texas, Dr. .Melvin Gruwell. director of the Educational Resource (See MRS. MUSE. P. 2) MISS CONSTANCE BATTLE NC Mutual Executive Succumbs DURH.A.M • Funeral rites for Mrs, Thompson McCrea. wife of the well known Frank .McCrca. Dur ham detective, who from a stenographer at the Norjh Carolina Mutual to a corporate vice president, in 27 years, will be neld at Mt Vernon Baptist Church, Thursday, at 4 p m.. with Rev, Percy High officiating He will be assisted by Dr T. R Speigner and Rev. L IL Welchei. Burial will be in Beechwood Cemetery. Mrs. McCrea. 5.5. died of cancer at Lincoln Hospital Tuesdav morning, thus ending a successful career with Durham business institutions (See EXECUTIVE IS. P 2: Shnners and Daughters of Isis from 7 Southeastein slates met in Charleston. South Carolina, for their second Region II Gala Dav Coinenlion. June 13-15. Teenage girls from each state were competing for the coveted title. Region II Gala Day Qu(‘en. Miss Constance Yvonne Battle of Raleigh, represented Kabala Temple No. 177. As did o.her contestants. Miss (Sie (Jl'EEN WINS. P. 2) Education Feud Breaks Into Open NEW YORK, NY, • A long-smoldering feud within the civil righls movement o\er whether black or white lawyers .sluiuld lake credit for a histone desegregation case ha.N caught fire U S District Court Judge Rolwii L. Carter, a former black attorney with (he N.\.A( I* Legal Defense and Kducalioti Fund. Inc., in a letter .May 311 to .lack (Jreen- Iw-rg. a while attorney who h<-at t'artie out te head the Funfl. tTiiicizeri the handling See FELD BREAKS. P. 2) Tenants’ l\ight The Raleigh Tenants Or ganization. which has been struggling with slumlords iliroiighout Raleigh to im prove tenant living conditions and entorce tenants' rights, announces Tenants' Night, to l>o held (his Friday night and every Friday night at Ihe I'plowners Club, located at 12i; F. Cabarrus Street, Beginning at 8 p.m.. there will Im' free lenunt advice for (hose who have problems with landlords Housing experts will be present. FDtTOB'S NOTE; TliU ctlmmB tr lealarc k> pr»4ucTd la the poMk «Hh an aim lawardt rllmlnaOaif III caatenu. Nwneraai Ina(,k4adla Itve rvqacilvd that Uitjr be eleea ib» adtoIxMi •! eTerloaklBc laelr lUila# an Ihe police hiMUr. Thli we weaM like le do. However. U li aot oar pooltka to he iwd(e or Jary. We mcrel]' pohltUi the (Belt at we Had Ibcm reported hr Ihe arretllnp olfleera. To beep, eol ol The Crime Beal Colamas, merely meaa* cwt bclof regiotered by a police afflecr la reportiai hli flndlafo while oa daty So limply aeep oil the "■loiter" aad yao woa’i he la The Crime Bcoi BEATEN IN SQUARE Miss Judy Gay Perry. 628'j Coleman Street, (old Officer P. J McCann. Jr., at 9 p.m. Friday, that she was attacked by Henon McNair, Sr.. 35. in Moore s Square. 200 block of K. Martin Street Officer McCann was nn routine patrol when he ob served a Negro male hitting a Negro female about the face with his fists, "She fell to the ground and he began kicking her with both feet about her head and chest. She was screaming arid bleeding from several lacerations We ap prehended the subject and he began fighting with the police. He was subdued and hand cuffed, Took subject McNair to Wake County Jail for bonking for assault on a female and assault on an officer. Bond was set at $600 The woman was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital for treatment of injuries." She suffered a laceration of the lower lip. bruises and scratches on the head, face and arms. McNair's address was also listc.I us being 62B'2 0)]eman Street. (See CRIME BEAT. P. 31 AAKON ONE OF WORLD'S FEW AUTHENTIC HfeRlJES” • New York - Mayor Abraham Reamp holds bat and ball June IH. as he praises Hank Aaron, home run champion of the .Atlanta Braves, nn steps of City Hull. Beaine called Aaron one ol the world's "few authentic heroes” as he presented him with the City’s highest honor • the God Medal. Looking on are Xaron’s wlfe'lti und the widows of fornwr X'ankee greats Lou (iahrig <Li and Babe Ruth, .\aron broke Ruth s lifetime homer record when he slummed number 7|.> on .\pril H. <l Pli

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