1. Ky 4«rt. PRESS RUN o e^n 3JHIS WEEK f . .S. House l*flSSPS $11.1 Billion Bill For Housing Jobs For ★ ★ ★ ★ Many In Picture ir if ir ir Loral Mai Is Blasted In Chest Three Times WASHINGTON - The House, by a whopping 377 to 21 vote, has passed a compromise bill providing for $11.1 billion worth of housing and community development that should be a boon to the country’s urban development pro- fflums. 4 The bill has been senl to J’residenl Ford. He is expected sign It into law. Rep William Windall. R-N.J., ranking Republican on the House Banking Committee, said President Ford would sign it The bill would strengthen some existing housing deve lopment programs by giving local authorities more freedom and flexibility in their funds disbursement Most importantly, the bill would establish a block-grant program and eliminate the pre.sent 9 urban programs including Model Cities and urban renewal It would also establish a new housing subsidy program and raise the amount of money prospective home owners could secure on FHA-insured home mortgages The 9 programs eliminated and replaced by the block grants are Model Cities, urban renewal, opem space and urban beautification, rehabilitation ^ loans. neighborh<K)d facilities, ^^dvance acquisition of land, ^nd water and sewer treatment plant development The bill authorizes The exp<*ndilure of $8 6 billion over the next 3 years to the block grant programs. A newvSI 2 billion rent-sub sidy program It would also K y the difference between :al fair market rents and 15 to 25 percent of (hb gross income of eligible lower income families. S800 million for direct loans for federal loans to developers ^ rtf hmjsing for the etderlv and the handicapped. Increase the present mort- ! ;age limit on FHA-insured oans from $33,000 to $45,000 The maximum loan a savings and loan association could make would be increased from $45,000 to $55,000. The bill would also extend through 1976 the Section 2.35 and 236 programs of home ownership, which the Nixon Administration wanted scratched. Importantly, only ^75 million of the total $450 •k^illion is new money. The » remainder is coming from previously impounded funds. <See FOR HOUSING. P 2i “Junior’ Not Named By Female Tingerer’ VOL. 33 NO. 45 RALPHGH. .\.C WKKK FADING SATURD.W. AIML-ST' .\iiti(Hi\ Itlarhs SINGLE COPY 20c 1/7* CALM ON FORD ★ ★ ★ ★ ¥ W ¥ 4 Will Chair !NC’s Grievaiu-r Coiiiiiii«...ii(n n Gov.Names Lawyer To Post BY CHARLES R JONES I refer to the Bible again this week, as I did last. According to the Book of St. John in the New Testatnent, chapter 15. verse 13. ’’Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his fr ends." A former citv resident. Darnell Carr. 38, came closu U) doing just that as he didn't leave the scene where he was shot in the tenter of his chest by a man, identified by Mu, Mary Louise Brooks, also 38, 2412 Littlejohn Road, as "junior '' Miss Brooks declared that "Darnoll is the father of my children.” Ms. Brook.«> wenl on lo stale came to my house. This guy he to Detective J. L Stoudemire know s as Junior had a rine'and at 9:16 p.m. Saturday. that Mr Darnell was just standing Carr, "the mar. who got shot against the closet in the living left and went to Washington, room. I got between them and D C. in July of this year. that ir> when Junior told me to (See NOT SHOT. P SEEK SLA\EK OF NEUS- GIRL • Highland Park, Mich. ■ Police are looking for the killer of Edith Perchnidii. 12. gunned down .Aug. IH. while delivering Sunday newspa pers. Edith was gunned down while on the porch of (he suspect. Rudolph Acosta. 21. who police think niav have mistaken the girl for a hired killer out to gel Acosta. An intensive manhunt is under- wav for .Acosta. (I'PI) SCLC Lnds Meeting;;; Disappoints "He cane back today and Caution Used In Decision National Black News Service WASHINGTON - Someof the nation's black leaders are showing cautious signs about President Ford and are not rushing with arms opened wide to greet him. And some are saying that he's got an uphill fight to get full support from p*Rir black and white Ameri*ans. "He will have an uphill fight in black America to win the confidence of (he people and he will have an uphill fight in poor America, black and white.” said Atlanta Mayor Vayn-ird Jackson. He add^ that he was disai^inted by Ford's "lack of emphasis on social pro grams." But Roy Wilkins, the execu tive director of the NAACP is (See PRES. FORI), P, 2) ‘Uncle Tom’ Label Made In Tuskegee Four Die In Single Car Wreck BY J B. HARREN ROCKY MOUNT One of the worst auto wrecks lo o<’cur in this vicinity in may months happei. 'd here Aug 15. w hen a speeding sports model car. allegedly driven by Wright Jerome Wooten. Sr.. 26, white male of Rt. I. Pmetops. crashed into a car containing four Negroes w.io were fatally (See FOUR DIE. P 2) National Black News S<*rvKe Tl'SKEGEE. Ala - Mayoi Johnny Ford is in trouble He has h^n labelled, "an eni- harassment." and an "Uncle Tom ■■ Two years ago. the Mayor wascxiremelv popular He had defeated the white mayor, C M Keever. and made history as the first black mayor in this Southern town. Since then, however, his popularity has progressively waned The mayor contends that polities IS a game of the practical Not only did he publicly endorse (iovernor George U. Wallace for gover nor. but after Ford's election to oHice. he endorsed I'resideni iSee UNCLE TO.M. NKAV VICE PRESIDENT-DESIGNATE • Presideiit Ford animunced .Aug. 26 that he has New York (Hiteriinr Nelson Rockefeller as his I’rcsideiit iif (he I iiiled Slates. >1 PIi (governor Chooses Attorney in a move coward Qlleviation uf some of North Cur<)lina's prison inmate r roblems. Governor Jim lulshoitser last week announced the appoint ment of a five-member Inma'e Grievance Com- Missir n. Of the five, two are black, and one of them, Waller T. Johnson, Jr., was lutmt^j chairman. Johnson is a Greensboro attorney and a member of *• rye. Johnson, and Barbee law irm uf that city A magna cum >' - gr.nduate of A&T State I iiversiiy, he received his LLB from Duke University in 196-i He was voted one of the Five Outstanding Young Men in North Carolina in 1970. He serves on the Greensboro iSee GOV NAMES. P. 2) National Black News Service PHILADELPHIA The Southern Christian Leadership Conference has ended ils 17th convention - and its first in a northern city ■ after a disappointingly small turnout of delegates. * The SCLC leaders had forecast an attendance of mure . than 2,000. But only 31H) turned |[ up for the annual banquet. || which was transferred from I' the Sheraton's main ballroom . lo a west Philadelphia ch"rch -I after advance sales Uilalied ! only 16. Attendance at convention workshops was usually less than 100 persons, and a final march and rally at Inde{K.-ii dence Hall, where the Rev Ralph David Abernathy was lo deliver a "black declaration uf independence." was cancelled Dr. Abernathy attributed the small turnout lo (he fact that “times have changed. Pi*ople are complacent now," he said, "and things have to get worse before thev aet aroused." INMATE TREATED FOR INHAI.I. ATION • ( harlollesville. A^i. • ( harlottrsv ille Firefighters treat an inmate «»f the ( liarlolle^ville ( itv Jail for smoke inhallation af(«'i a fire hroke out about I p.iti. Xiig. 19 at the jail when one of (be inin.iles set bis mattress on fire. ’I'lie inmate was one ol Iwti «oernime by siiiok*-. Kolb v^ere (realed at the I iiiversitv of \iii>ini.i liiis|ii;al and reieaseri 11 Ph Miss Dobbs Returning To Spelman Perry Crntebfield, Jr Gets Top l„aw Honor A North Carolina Central University Law .School student and R.ileigh resident, was elected second vice president ol the .American Bar A.ss.aia- lion-- Uivt Students Division Perry L Crutchlield. .Ir . of Raleigh, vtas elected over opponents irom uuipiene School ol Law and Hotstra School ol Law respectively The elections were held on Satiiid.iy. Aug '( <luring the Law SiiHietii Division's annua) meet.ng in Chicago, illuuns 'Ilure Were some 2fio law V t u d «• n I - present troin .hr nighoui the coimirv and a nial <il > <4 voting delegates ai'v-cnt _ <)t the pos-ihle im ^»-»sible » utes. Mr I 'rutclitield rccei’ fil aii on the I'li st ballot Yhc election w.is termed 'tiiie ''\ '.he Illos! decisiVi' victone' in the ,1 ot the div I'HiV. ATLANTA. Ga, • Mattiwilda Dobbs is rtturniiig to Atlanta and her undci graduate college. .Suelmar. this fait for a full year of teaching as artist-in- residence at ih • smaT. private women's institution The inter nationally famous coloratura sciprann will join the select faculty of the Spelman music department, recently honored by and admitted to member ship in the Nalinnal Associa- Mm. ol Scho<ds of Music Dr. Roland Allison is chairman of .'VK' .MISS DOBBS, P 2) Some former supporters of the SCLC, he said, .ire ucov. liii'b from •:« made under the leaaeisiiin of CITY LASS DOING "HER THING" • Miss Sherrie Lyna Parker, the late Dr Martin l.uiiar 15.599 Dacian Road, is shown at her favorite vocation, doing "her King. Jr., and are fearful of thing" by pumping gas at a local service station. She said, "It's not losing those gains Others, he hard work. She has been a gas attendant since coming lo Raleigh, added, "feel they’ve got little Sherrie says. "I believe young ladies should know all the during the decade of civil mechanics of an automobile and how to drive carefully. It's rights struggle and have giv«'n supposed to be a man's job. hut. in actuality, this is not true." She Uf)." also enjoys the many different people whom she has met on her (See SCLC ENDS. P. 2) job. As for Raleigh, Miss Parker says. "I plan to make it my home. ^ ^ _ She will be a sophomore at the AVliliam G. Enloe High School this * ^ ^11 Ot fall and plans lo continue a career in fine arts, when she Is not kJIlkfl pumping gas. This phuto was snapped by her cousin. Photographer J. D. Hinton, .Ir. She is the daughter of Navyman and Mrs. Chester (Judith .Ann Winters) Parker, both formerly of Raleigh, where her father was a star quarterback for the IJgon High School Little Bines. ‘Fellows, Household End Confab In City Here,’ Says Patterson Aftlirpelol'ion h'tiliin' Has \o It iiiiiprs X'JiDi.igli lher»- w.i*- tl’.rer i.'o !t'ln! 'll. in*- liai'k p ii!e i l-l w.-K - I '.R'il.lMAN . i',i ; .■'i.*-' ’(le thr*-e SKi h4»M- lieen .ARDLIMAN - '■’in'h I The » in .PPHIJ i' Washington iianted foi inri L'hoii'i- for \ i*« The Grand UniKHl < irder oi Odd Fellows and the (irand United Household oi Ruth, joined for thc-ir 92nd annual state meeting at the Sir Walter Hotel here Presidiiig over the meeting were the Honorable Le.slie i Gainers, (irand Master of the Grand I'nited (irder of Odd Fellows of America and Juris diction and .Mis A'lvian (' D Myers. Most W'orlhv (irand .Superior, (irand Household of Willie (Mutt) Patterson, manager of the Cabarrus Street Billiard Parlor. 327 E. Cabarrus, informed The CAROLINIAN l.^sl week that the shooting of Clarence Diggs, of Raleigh, allegedly by- Ruth. (irand United Order of Milton'Bud) Hunter, some two Odd Fellows in America and Jurisdictions. The opening program in cluded welcome by the Honor able Clarence E. Lightner. .Mayor of Raleigh. Rev. Dr weeks ago. this past Tuesday. DID NOT take place inside the pool room as reported. We apologize to Mr Patter son and all others involved, but our information came from ; Charles Ward, officer of the teenager, standing outside the Rrilcigh Ministerial Alliance; perlor as Beaeon Amhuian<;e and Vernon Malone, vice was taking .Mr. Diggs to Wake ehairman. Raleigh School Memorial for the shotgun CONFAB HERE, P. 2) h'® lower right leg Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK MAGIC AH FFLKK SHOP ■'Foi The yuU'lesI Multler> In Town' t I I o\HAND ■ -".in StH'nte. 2.5 P O. ir.loriiied Officer C., K . fnt'l*' at 11 15 pm. • frtat he .-jnd ar. N C I- . .triecti-'O- iitficer were . • "'l^ |•.•i^*ly 'o leave a house 1;')" f ci» F Edenlon, Lm.nic L« e Davis. Jr . 38. P"c.Jei Street came at I, 'v.ih lii* 1972 white Olds .;,t to run me down, when m*- . r *-, my sponsor from the I'oi 1 ••(-tiiiiis I enter were trying lit 'jvl nut of h.s way " He de :.i:efl 'hat Mr Davis then ‘■tli.iwed them lo the corner of 1- 1 .Jetiton and Tirboro Road, I'len he go; out of his car. (.tiiie to our car. leaned inside wh«-rp tie cut nu' on the right ti.ind " Davi-^ was "hauled off" I., W .ike County Jail, where he -.VOS charged w ith assault with .1 dca-lK vveaimn. ■ S.-e CHIME HE.AT. P. 3) TKAPPF:D in subw ay tunnel - New York - Fireman nisliU woman at scene iflcr electrical fire in subway tunnel Aug. 20. forced the evacuation of thousands of commuters at peak of homeward-bound rush hour. Smoke filled two subway trains. At least 130 person- were senl to hospitals for treatment of smoke inhallation and minor injuries. tUPI)

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