DErr/vi.\rv ' 1 't II U l>KI'.>«« HI N o ^ocz Dr. Marjorie Stemirl Joyner, tonnder. lells tfeanlUKffS^it . 35 Black Women: UpholdMen . Rpmonnl ir if ir if South Raleigh’s Inspeetion Program ★ ★ ★ ★ Regional Sessions Bill Knight Lists Problems Position Told By W. Knight, you. 3-1 NO. 1 yiorih ('.nrotinn's l.endinfi HAU:iGH. N.C. WEKK ENDING SAT.. SINC.LE COPY 20c ihe ri»{hi!- '..tllMit ol 1,.^ • lid ID .ii>iiri = 1 |.Mt BLACKS PROTFST IN HOsT(»N B •I BmMh) Common. Oct U. aflei ntor* than I ' pcacefuU> from the cil> N Kruhui\ -ettioa to th. ihOW tupporl for the ct»ui'l-‘»rflerr*l hii'-mi,' pioi; Binl^r public kchoelh. No intirteul* •: dxisio Mr ttpn Government Sends Lawyers To Boston WASHINGTON. I) < Attorney General William B Saxbe announced last Thur' day that five Department 'i Justice attorneys are Bo-^ton Massachusetts to help in'-ur< prompt enforcemetii of hvln at criminal civil nji'ht' i.i^ during the school deM-nr* gation disturbances The attorneys are under lh« supervision of L' S Atiornes r James N Gabriel and v,ill remain in Boston as long a- they are needed Mr Saxbe also said iln- Kederal bureau of Investiga tion has been alerted ti. investigate any reported \ o. lations of federal civil rights laws The commitment io U-no lawyers to the f S \' tomey a office v*as made ' i I S. District Couri Jiidg« vs Arthur Garrity in Bosiir. K William o C'lemor hep, .Assistant Attorney rie-i* n the Justice D*-pirlm« n' Rights Division Mr O'Connor represented the Justice Department at a bearing conducted by Judge Garrity to cwisider a request from Boston Mayor Kevin White for at least 125 federal mar^als The five attorney.s. all from the Civil Rights Division will be appointed special attorney' with the Justice Department. csiaWing them to go before grand juries and seek indict- maots Library Is I leiliraled I II lii<![ll<‘st H\ M \yy WRITKR Raleigh (’iiv Councilman V\ iliiam Rogers (Bill) Knight, this week, released what in his opinion, are the greatest problems gather fui'ing the City Council in niaithed the housing inspections •ii.iiiiMi (» litleniman in South Ha* II in the ifigh a tnailer which has iipmiwt r. |>.-ut**<ll\ ^»‘•••n the target .• I'.iinck Ib'iirv Brvant, !• ..tier III !Im Kaleigh liiianls t»i_am/ation for "fveral nionins. In 'he group b latest action ig.iiti'l Knight, the KTi' pi. Wried Mr Knighl s place ol ciiiplovmeni. outside the g.des III .SI Augustine's College Mr Knight made several com n.rills on the matters mvolv rd, some ol which follow : Herentlv. the Kaleigh City < c.unt il has heard charges tt.ere were l.andlord-ln- sprction Department coila- hotation by the Kaleigh Tendiils Organization Fur ihrr II was suggesti-d thal K.drigli Ci;s Council should personally inspect certain Itmisiiig unit.' Ill South Raleigh Oil ia<i- to suhblanhate those iliarge^ Finally al the last Illy Council nm-ting 'ikt !>. a requesi was made hy a pioperts owner in South ll.deigh, llial a report In* seni io him (om ernmg Ihe council iiiemtKTB investigation Rnleiffh Man Death yirlim . I.s FACE ALMOST SHOT OFF i^rd pre-ident fled ol Dillard C niversiiv, New tirleans. I..0UIS- I..II.I .1' he delivered the address on the iKcasion of Ihe diilK.iiion of the New Library at Saint AiigU'ime College Oiloher U 'lliis library symh.ili/es and embodies, dreams edm .i’i''ii.d and bmi- pe:.ii. priority hard work, satTiti: '. i>ion nope and 1 ih ■ be sjid i he lihi .iry Is a sviiiIniI ol I oinmitnient to learning aca dfiiik excelleine. knowledge ralior.a! iiiipiiry euriosily. the sen'« ol w'K«i«'i Ihe glorv ut rea'on deterence to evidence ami the creative and redemp ' live ch.ii it lei Ihe .inlimil^ poteolial the nisliliility - iiMi,... "••n'l .Old spirit i>d t-olnae iT.ii'f hav«- a libraiv A'-* lo. .<'1 its -.;.r - Ihl' Itllltding ! enough li tin- end how ■k -k it ii Bond Shotgun Used In Murder BY CHAKLKS H JDNKS The City (»f Kaleigh and the County ot Wake have not ceased to come up with at least one. bizaire .. .anipie lour ol known murder case during the delapidaled or substandard past several weete. This housing units surely wouldn'l one being no different, fienuie that there was delmile 27 year*ola James rranklin I i.ilalsiraimii or illegal oper Li*e. 211 N. State Street. ..iioii' between the inspection was found by Officer .I.paiinurt ol the City of Donald Raymond 1 urnage I, deigb ami i t-rtam properly lying dead at hi« house, , :,i propel I v iiianagers tne victim of a single \!iet an indi pih sturiv of shotgun blast “that .tore For Nation’s l*rt‘si<lriiry k k k * Candidate In 1976 Primary A JAMES F- LEE albert BRYANT. JK EXPERIENCEK PI l-SK IRREta LAHITV - Kirhmoiul. Vs. • Lsuit Rustrll. Jr.. 1H the wsrM’i loagest survivina heart Uransplini patient, ha* received a prairmaker to help hit heart pump btiHMl Rsaaell, who received hi' new 'heart is IMS. wav rvperit ix big ptUae irregalarUy. < IFM > \ii*i .111 IIII..JJIII housing in vpiestion. there arv apparently many procedural questions that need to be answered and changes made. ■ See KNIGHT. P 2) J. Conyers’ Body Sees Fast Trials washin<;tdn. nr The Mihvoinmittee on Crime of Ihe House Judinary Commiltev. last Friday unanimously ap proved and sent to the full comnuHee a bill lhal is ih'signed to assist in reducing vriine by eliminating delays lieiwet-n arrest and indict iiieni. and iiidictmenl and trial m federal criminal cases The clean bill, which com tlie provisions of a nica'ure introduced m the house last year by Hep John Conyers jr < D-Michigan '. ihaimiai. of the subcomm.t- Icc and one that pasM'd Ihe .sfiiaic in July, provides tor inal ol criminal cases in s Couris wiihm days of arre>f with a number of e-sentul exclusions from that lime limiiation permitted for pri-lnal motions and other necessary delays The opera tive teaiiire-. ol the legislation ar»' phased in over a period of . ye.::-, ifi Older to give the ill«adv overburdened federal iipurl system an np^uiriuinlv To ii'ieei the slatniards set out ill Tdle I ol Ihe bill During J <DNYERS P 2) Cc-jis Must Revise Hiring National Black News Service NEWARK A federal district court iudge has order ed the Newark Police Depart ment to revise its hiring practices so that one-third ol ail new recruits are black or hispanic. TTie temporary order, issuetl by Judge Curtis Meanor. is the first New Jers<*y dirt^ctive establishing racial quotas m Ihe hiring of minority group members for a police depart ment Opposition is expected from police organizations and from an assortment ol civil _ service groups 1 oast master Kentish (;ib,on. Ihe For IJNCF NEW YORK N Y Thomas A Murphy, the newly-design ated chairman of the tfoard of the (ieiieral Motors t orp will he the toastmaster for the I'niied Negro College Funds ^oth anniversary dinner. Thursday. «Id 17. al the New A'ork Hiiton Hotel :See TDASTMASTKR sningufi iiiasv iiio' VV...J off most of the left Bide of his face," according .to Mrs M. W. Bennett, wife of the Wake County Coroner, who investigated the tolling, which occured about 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Officer Turnage reported thal he received a call to go to this address (located between E Jones and E. Lane Streets). “There 1 found Mr liee with a gunshot wound on the lefi Side of his face at the cheek ’ Lee was dead on arrival al Wake Memorial Hospital, where the coroner inspected his remains Raleigh Detective O E Lassiter, who was brought mio the case since a murder .See FACE IS. P 2' T. Murphy Figure In Watergate Tells Story Albert Bryant, .Ir.. a native of Favetleville in Cunilierland County, who has been doing research and handling matters regarding executive privil ege in Washington, 1) C., regarding the Watergate fiearingH. visied The ( AK- OLINIAN on Monday of this week and gave a newsman some ol his assigninetiis and vii*w- points on the very important work which he is doing Fxcerpi*> from his interview follow. Concluded BY CHARLES R. JONES Mrs. Minetta G. Eaton, retired school teacher and former principal of two local elementary schools, received a standing .ova tion here Sunday night after addressing beauti cians from five ^tes and the District of Columbia on the importance of unity in any organization, especially that of. the Southeastern Regional Convention of the Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority and Fraternity, during the body’s lUh sessions, held at the Hilton Inn Motel, 1707 Hillsborough Street. Dr. Marjorie Stewart Joy ner, Chicago. III., also mt a strong note when she told some 300 beauticians and guests thusly: “Black W'onien; Uphold Your Men.” The program got underway with dinner music by an accomplished organist and with Mrs Alzoria P. Roberts as mistress of ceremony. Mrs. JoAnii H. Alston rendered two musical selections. The wel come address was given by Mrs Christiania J. Pitts, while the Honorable Clarence E Lightner. Mayor of the City of Raleigh, brought greetings Mrs Wanda P. Poole of the Dmicnin Zela Chapter. Zeta Phi Bela Sorority. Inc., brought greetings from her sorority and W H. Peace extended a welcome on behalf Ilf the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc. Prior to the banquet and fashion show, the Rev. Leolha Debnam. pastor of Tupper Memorial Baptist Church, offered grace. The menu consisted of fruit cup, tossed green salad, baked stuffed chicken, baked potato, green beans, ham. apple pie, iced tea or coffee. Mrs. Eaton was introduced by Mrs. Dorothy P. DuMton. Basileus of Delta Chi Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority. The speaker compared unity with progress and oneness. “You should always keep in mind, your founders, Or. Joyner, the late Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune and the late Rep William L D.iwsc" .D-III.), ' said Mrs Eaton, “and you should be com mended for the great accom plishments you have made. (See BEAUTICIANS. P- 2) Dr. Davis * Spurs Group In Durham DURHAM - Dr. Grady D Davis, member of the N.C. sum liital of those Paroles Commission, and pastor of Union Baptist Church. Durham 1st Aim Of Julian ATLANTA Georgia Stale Senator Julian Bond has decidtKj to run in a numlHT of 1976 Democra tic I'resideniial primaries. Hut, he said that he does not expect to win the nomination. Instead, he hopes to muster a signifi cant number of black delegates for the Demo- crulir National Conven tion. so blacks could have Home clout when the final il.iisioii is mafic Li.icii I ii'iikiiiuii m pre viiius I’ciMH'irtlK {on'cntiuns hail always lieen hampered by thetr lack of numbers, and cunstant debacles over sup port lor a common candidate. The Georgia state legislator thinks he can provide the needed leadership among the blacks comhmed strength and uniDcatinn could have sub stantial impact al the 197$ ciiiivention •Now the winner-lake-al! primaries have been outlaw- eil. 1 can pile up blocs of black delegates in Southern and mdustnai slates. ' Bond as serted Till -See Jt I.IAN BDSD. P. ■ [lIGMTXKIF.Ii AT IHF Ilt DItM’ON ‘ locrcatiBg Tkr I Ibrarv lui iN«- rMMrat. SI Augustine' Di s icw (irleaas, l.oui-isriH ih< iMg.'f board <*( Truslees leioa ffklatrd al Ike dedui.lion cer. ” pcciflcatiooh f«»f ihe buirtie, '* '• fTMght greetings. and Dr .1 \iihie M.< he dedkalion nf (he nev* 1“ ■ 1 ' <0 ' • I 1 -‘ IM LIHHVRV DUruxfting the theme. I .,e. frA>ni ‘ctl Di Cie/etl K Kohinfion, > .iuo- • <H.k preMiteiil elei I Dillard I nivertlly. . I'. 11, M Murao Heslon. vhairman ut Ihe St. Cnitip- tpi'iopal (hurth. New \ urk (It), .who V iiMts 4 ca'tee who luined uter the plans and ,-■» e I 1 iKif'ner id Kaleigh. and a Iruaiee. who ( HOaw I aivrisX'-- The uccaiiun waa fi\ I II WdllU l< Rubv Mae Smith Uiliniiigion Terrue -Ha lifax Court Apartments', told Olficer A C Brannan al b tsl pn. Friday thal a sub)eit came I'r her aparliiicnt pick up her kids and xhid her boylricn-l. Ki« h:iii' 'let laiiiti, 31. name aduiess (nought sbe waa dating this person and proceedc.l to lieat her up Ms Smith, who exhibited oruisex of the face and arms luld the cop that she would not sign an assault on a leinale warrant against Mc<'lanil> .S«H- CRIME BEAT, P 3) city's first black mavor now m his secfind term, said ihc ruling was ‘ iremendously encouraging for black and hispanic applicanis lo our police lorce, ■ adding “wc will certainly abid- hy the ruling of Ihe court Mavor Gibson said turthcr that he would continue to piisli lor •'whaiever changes .irf equitable.' in getting mon blacks and hispanic juTsunnel Sr-e COP.S MUST P Apitreeiation Cheek Clainieil II \ H. y. K(>fiers Tlu-je was onlv one liickv winner ol a $lti check in list week' CAROLINIAN Moiiei Feature, sponsored bv Dii' newspaper and participating merch.inls Uu-aied each week on the back page ot 'he 'irst >eiiion ot the piqier Bernard K Rogers ... Calloway Diive saw his i.ime in the advertisement uaul I'-i bv I’igglv Wiggly F-«dSiore'. F-\c Poini'- Ptggly Wikitlv .speiidlizes III national tiiand (oo*ls at everyday low prues plus clean stores two otner name- wen listed on lhal pag<- b'lt Mr lh« sole i lainiani As you may wellkiii-- the WalergaU' ConimiHee wa' esi.,1 lished bs Resolii '♦•e v\ \TF.K(. \TF I’ i Bttspilals (.an Reject Voor: Court N il Black N.WS N*-rv:ce .IlM.TDN Die I S I'JIII' »l .xppi'als has upheld the li.iern.ii Kcvmuic .Serv i ho'pilal can ■ind C. Bryant (^oitiniands DG Guard WA.SHINGTDN Brig Gen t'uiiningh.'iiii C Bryant has Iteen chosen to he the first titack ciiiiimander «)f the District of Columbia National Gu.iiri and the second black (iiiard commander in U.S histoiV The S3 year old officer i« -See D C (iUARD, P 21 called upon the u>u4,.a.>. Branch of the NAACP lo become involved in helping his committee and the Social Services to prosecute a helpful correctional program, at the monthly meeting, held at Community Baptist Church last Sunday The speaker told of the pathetic situation as it relates to the more than 15,000 persons in penal institutions and the demands of such persons lo be heard. He admitted lhal the prison was being overhauled, in the hope lhal deserving persons would get some consideration, in cluding those who have not (See DR DAVIS . sUilii' lull, away juxir p; 'l.ll U Its ' I (.HI ll jblr mMlltUlHIl: I In three vidge panel !i »• f.l.^pltal nnlv ha pin je h c»' eiiu-rgt la -.1V ire If. the jxxir I vear. I - Ih'Iki Irii rnip'-m I (ir ' .(x IRN :•»< 1 llilfl-'l lIV III . II,H ' l•l•'ll.nJ<ell »n t-ai lu i i lii>s|.iiHi' w ish.ak. («i arilal.l- -laius a riHiin Di'-ii. * irkci bad t-eiii.l 11- 'vlU'li It lu'i 'iiat . q'-.allfy 1 to -.1. irt-c '» to (he K at had l» >11 I'l I v\ RK.(F' I }■ Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK DlllTY BUCKS BUG SHOP For The h.-sl In Ynlk'Wugcn* At CEPTK PRESIDENT FORD'S AMNESTY . PiUxburgh. P«. • Robert Ue Green. 22. the first «. an epl President Ford’s amnesty program ••y* l.. have settled the problem he's had since he ,‘®‘U" up loi the draft when he was JH. (ireen hopes ol public service he will give the government under the amnesty plan to prepare for a future career as a cook and baker, (crii

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