PRFSS m \ THIS V> KI'.K -'lOOU Also ltf-h^li>ri('(l Third Time To ISC House '♦Rep. Johnson Heads Black Baptists V Minister Succeeds Edwards BV AI.KXANDKK BAKNES FAIHMONT • Dr. Joy J. Johnson, pastor. Fairmont First Boprist Church for 23 years, is iust about ready to defy tnai saying, "You can't win them all?’ as the result of his having won two major ones in one week. He was reel« <' ■* 1 to represent Hobeson C ..unty for the third time, in the N.C- House of Represent atives, in the Demooratii' Lmdslide, Nov. ,5. tie was also elected 'o head the largest black relicioii^ body in North ('aroluia General Baptist State ''i>i»\en turn, held in Halcigli, dunng the same week He succm iUm the Uev [)r fhanvs H Edwards, pastor of K.i>etie ville's- First Baptist ‘ ho'ci. The Baptist leader made it plain that he would noi his iSee HEP JOHNSON. P ' ★ ★ ★ ★ A OK .sll- M.INti • .Miami. Fla. - Kat\ Baker, starling (|i>arle(- ti.«i k for the I iii^ersitv oC Mi.11111 foothall leant, was chargtd with grand laicen> No\ II. h> the stall's aiini ne^ s office it u k e r stiown ill \ug. j:i file photo, is aiiiisetl of atcepling a south pasroil ilieck last siiiitiiiei Mitliout having been eiuplovi-d. t Id Funeral H<*ld For \tifth t'tirnlina's Li'Utlinf! U eeltlv Mil. H NO 5 HAI.l;lC,ll. N.C. WKKK KNni.NG SATURDAY. iS'OV. 16. 1974 Hoieiflh ff onion Freed In Death, lint yi<-lim's \ieee QUESTIOHS KILLING ★ ★ ★ ★ A ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I’ioni-er liilegi'iilor Of l?iiiv«‘rsitv Of Alnbiima Dr. Dunn Authi'rine Lucy Here Sun. »s|iK\II.|,K iheltev lir ^ PKF,SIOENT FOKi) FiKHS liKaiEST-KANKING HI .U K WOMAN • Washington • Pres. Ford. ,Nov. 12, removed the administration's highest rank ing black Hitman. Barbara Watson, uho has headed the Slate Department's Bureau of Security and Consular .\ffaiis since I I’O »s|iK\II.|,K iheHev lir t hunii. vv I'll know n ! " 1 .11 oliiiu iheoliigiii;. :i lot III hiispllol 1.!'' I'-' -i, t .titer a sh«irl dine" I !- i». Ill dge He '!• el .\a/areth I! • l.,.p!isi rhurch tor some ■ .ii' I serv i< t ' I ■-.'iiliK tetl U I'dioMja , e at \a/aie';. f IT ! htii > ii liiieriiit III I l ».-l ei It Ceii'ete'' m hl.HlK ’’ei. I >i . <11111. Mil: III tile Kill : i< ml Ml' \lL I t«- •. .1, Wake I'i.l. ■ !,• -.I, ... I u.-d t'i- '..ip: -h:]. I, :i Woman Puzzled In Death ii\ » HMO.I V If .1, .i ‘I'lle niece .l| .j pi \ . (li i ir.leigtl 1' . i.. di-cllii a- a piinvici la-,! Weil.'ie'-iiav. : net i ;iii\ •.*.:i\. -.iii't..d 1 It her iliirle iiieii a- « i.ii:. < .1 !i\ a i T -v I <1" III iliii 11,f', jM. In W.ilx Cii-r \l.ii l .111 U .1 .<1. .1 MRS A L FOSTER GREGORY IN KtiMK Rome. Itil) '• Comedian and civil rights activists Dirk (iregory, arrived heie Nov. It to make an •emergenev personal appeal” for specific food roiuinilmenls hv I’.N. delegates to the Woild Food Conference, nun uiidei«av. (CPU nnTo«s soil tsi» (calui. It pr.dsreS In ,uSlir inCena ullfe .a aim (atiatdt rllmin.ilnc >l, r.niralt ,S«w.rou» laditldualt ta.r rniortlrd IS.I IS»> S» i'*'1 el e*r»lvn»:af litlisi an Ibf peM.r bl.Orr fSlt »r ««H«ld I.Vr la d« Hu.rirr. It It nel our potilt.n I. h. kidir »i jufj H» nirrfi} publltk ISr lar.s at «. lind infiti rfp.riril b) Ifcr •in-'in. uMI.rrt to Srtp oul o( ISt CTIni. Beal Column*. nirr«l» meant nM beio. fijitl..-.d h« a pull, r iiflic'i m rrp.i'lnx bit Ciadmjt »bil u" dul, s. aimpi} Srre nil in. Bi- .i.r' anO ) uu Mcn l b» in IS. I'rim. Br.i BEATEN lt\ I'AssI Nt.EB Hciiiv I.e toll! die i.i.iii it'at he vijs giiiiig I" «all Ihe p li. I \» 'hi- '.eie I’liain- i liss dcelared, ’■'iherspi.i ii giabDt'd hin. aau l)>g.>r> to strine hill- li'Cji ’ ‘h* l e'e .ii'.d hejd Ihe iiijitri-' 1.I.U1 received lacerations of the left eyebreH , forenewd. s v* cdlen and lateiuieil left e..r and kit eye Witner'poon was ' haiiled off” to Wake I’minty .lad .vn an assault and tiatterv r.ip iSw CRIME BEAT P .t' or Peace At Sessions RED .SI'RINGS Ihe '.nth annual session oi the ('eiitiid North Carolina Conlerence. .AME Zion Ciiuicti. held In-re Nov 4-111, at .SI .lames Church, closed with the rc.iriing of appunitmenls. h\ Bishop W .A Hilli.ird. suiul.iy alternoon There were lew changes The most noiicahle iverhaps. was the changing ol •Miss K V Mcher treun .Ml Hehrew Spring l.ake. to Little Cha|H*l, St Pauls Th«’ Rev Janie.s Gicnn moved from St Matthews, .Maxion to Freedom Chapel, Kaeford Tile hig surprise was the ah.scnce of Rev William Freeman, principal uf a Fuquay Varina school, who has ha(1 a wonderful record as a pastor He was the pastor of Wesley and Williams Chapels lor the past year. It was not ileiermmed w hy he was giving up Ihe pastorales .Speculation ii.ot II that his school duties (-1 .'vented him from being as .iitive he desired to be The Uev DeWilt Womack n.i .ed iMim Mountain Grove M.iV'oii * SI .Matthews. The W. IJoimi B ('lark, editor, !■ ..vein \ die'-. Uh.u's llappeti- ii'.- N.ivv new.sp.iper. was .ippmn'ed III Mouni.iui Grove (hureh Bishop .1 I Hiiggard in the .Sund.iv morinng seriimn. told S-c I'KACK NOTE P get (Ion t want u ticket. Pi istvfi To He Picketed At 12 To Speak In Cilv Nov. 17 First Hapii-t Chu'cl li'i S Uibninmon Sirni. v dl hold it.- U"i; ;.n‘ Day observance Simd.iv. Nov, 17, with M's. ,\du Heariley servin ' •- I'h nr man Tlie thei 4 I ■ occasuni is The H<»t> Christian Uouhid n .• World of ConlU'ii’n .'lUMkUC .1' l| '.-I VI..' ' '! Is- ’.I ' according to testimony uiven this managing editor by Mist Rosa Rand. HIO liiiroihea Drive, whose uncle, .hvhni'll Porthridge was shot to dt'iith hv .Miss Delna Mo«)re. fil-1 S West StriH'i- No probable cause was f«)und against Miss Moore and she was trwd in the incident. Ill a conv (-rsation 'Mill FoUiIHT B4‘i,ml* lif-l wt-ekeud. 1 wii' lold 'hai Partndg*' had In-en >l)ol once m Ihe stomach. iM'E.'sTh >\s p BV CHARLES H. .JONES .V group 1)1 area women calUsi Ai'iion For Forgotten W«.meii, will stage what, they Hope, will he a massive dcmonstialnm at the Women's Correctional Institute, form- eiiv Women's Prison, 1034 Bragg Street, Raleigh, on'udav. .\ov It), from 12 until 3 |i 111. -According to Ms Celine t In-nier. Ill Bradley Circle,, a ii-presentative of ihc group. "The women in prison in Raleigh have been lorgoUen. They lal>or day m and day out for no pay. There is definite need lor a full time psychiatrist on the grounds, thk is an absolute necessity. There are over 400 inmates at Women's Prison and only two telephones to use in just a three hour period of time. Arguments and fights have started there because these women want to speak to their loved ones on the outside • people from all over the (See WILL PICKET. P 2i More Black Students Bein^ Suspended; IS'AACP Is Suinfr BALTIMiiRE Tti.' NAACP Ix'gal lieit'iise Fund fih-d a sun m tin- Fi'di' Ihstricl Court hen last w»' numbers. The suit alleges that l.i.ick students have been and continued to U*. su.spi‘nded for minor violations of school lules and (or acliviiics (licit do not constitute a viol.iiiiin of the rules and reguiiiiions and that black stoiirnis are suspended for 'looger pe: K>ds " than whit studi iil' .uid without notice of .'haigc.-- National Bl o k News Service and opporiimity h»r hearing" .A' .1 pr.'ss conference. .N.A M l’ attoi iiey. Charles AViUi.iiiit - charged lhat the '|.nh.-icN practices and pro- 4i'diir4-> III ih.' suhurnan sciniiii >v.vtiih Men lpi>reeintion ( hei'li it inners I'A.. R.iUigh men won checks in dn' aiiiouni of SKi •ach m l.■.^l weeks CARt)- LI\1\N .Xpprei lution .Money Fe.iture sponsored by this iM'Wspapi I and pariicipaiing mei ch.ini..- .latiie'- Faiilcon 1417 Savan- iiiih I)riv< Kmgwood Foresti, sav- his name ir. the adver liseimmi pjid tor by Hudson Beik Department Stores, with imauons at .Hy FayetleviHe Miect and 10 ('rabiree Valiev Mali Also lui k\ was Howard Furti 2o.t Lincoln tourf. who-e (.anil* 'was in the .uivert.-temeii* paid for by •spi'<• ' i a-'!. Mowers -Sales Vi'PRKt lAllDN P -i' FACES -Ml Klir.K tllAUt.r. (.ruijge. (.a. - CiirD-vv Davis accused killer of .\ni» Siarm-s. < oUniiliiis. is ijki-ii t«i the Ti«.up 4 .lunty Courlhoubf. Nov. ll. for Ih4- slarl of Ins iiuirder Dial. Davis K escorted by froop ( oiii.iv Ih-teiim-- lii.o M.illoi <1 > and ferry llrvan. wh.. biokt- tli. .v. t n Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK NATURAL HEALTH FOODS For \ Heller Looking .And Better Feeling You” Miss llttMEt (IM1N(.' VTSHAW Pretlv Miss Jov Fraiikli,., a s. Ill If ill sh.iw Cniversily. who hail* from I exington. has h4 e.i ib.iM-n -'Miss llonieconiing" foi Ik.i T', at the Bapfibl-reUlrd 'ot'imii.iu Miss Franklin will he crowned on Saturdav \4iv, IC. diiMii ' li.-)ff(iiiM. activities in the r.woli-iM • unr between Ihe .‘it. u B.m> .not rile Bali's 4il A\ insl«n-.>s,,friii Slate Cniversilv . i.. ’ I'.i'o. will Ol playtd a( Devereaux M. .ti.w her4V K(f a bequeath Mrs Brock died on June 3. 1972, Mrs. Brwk. long time fun eral home proprietor, was marri’‘d to tlie late Ciifiriuus HrfK'k .She received her education at Bennett High Schwil inow Renneit College' and an undergraduate degree at A&T Stale University The check was preseuteii to Shaw officials by Mrs Bi.k-k’s nephew Thomas L Carter CarliT said, “iny aunt W8.s a (S4*e LEA\ ES fl8GS, P 2i lit iluiiafi Murders Eye wit a ess Testifies N.iiional Black News .Service WXMllNt.TON • The t,lh sii-|-4'ci III tne January. 1973 tiniidi-i *1! » Hanafi .Ortho dox Mi'sh'ii.s including 4 4hi-.r»ii n.t.- lH4‘n identifu'd flii’ ifik :i -econii trial Honalii Hir-.ey 33. was ' '■ i.M'eil l»v ,Mr.s Kha«Jyja K',- .1 ki-y prosecution .t!’t ess ,,nd wile ol the Hanali H a III .( J > .\hdui .Is »ine III the men n.ilted the execiilion- Kti.i wh>. style slaying last year Testifying before a DC Superior Court uiry, Mrs. Khaalis, WHO was not in the house during the slayings, said she had telurncd to the home with her husband while Ihe murtJerers were still toside She said she saw Harvey dying to open the iron! door, while her nu' twnd tried to keep 1* i losed from IS.**' HANAM P 21 THESE PKDPl.E XRE HCN'fHti Rangpur. Bangladesh - Despairing mother, who is herself In iM't‘ti 4if I'Kinforl and food, gives Ihe only ibing she has - a bit of lender rare - to her starving child in this faiiiiiie-i iddvii nation. Elsi-whei4 in Runir. Italy, world representatives are meeting la se4-k wavs of trying to solvi- the plight uf (he world’s hungry. Whatever results are achieved will 4-aiiie Di4> tale DO' sn \i-rv inany. 't PD