PRKSS Kli\ THIS VS KKK 9,420 Suit Asked Speeial Consideration For White Pupils X»u. ■ • 4#2»1 * High Court Abandons Jim Crow o ... Thousands ^ ^ ^ ¥ Of Blacks Excluded WASlifWGTON. D.C. - ,Tlie i 'niu*d State:t Supreme Couri (iev-ideti Montiay it w-fnjui have no pail of a suit ★ ★ ★ ★ Because He Wttre A Mustache, NC Highway Patrol Suspends First Black Trooper V, Y, I'r’remilii wrii'e children m tht tell the piihlic bchcxils neii ‘ legrut.on went into eifec't ii» It s b*-».evtd that the iinbalaiico raused much conrein at;d wh.;*' were .>erkii>^ a wa> )•. huJ'i u sciiool for white'i Bfw'1.-- .if that, the t’S r.rc.i.t i n. n m Ni-« Orleans ruUst n. 1^:2. that ihe schools mu»l -s. > .V fui tner inteRration A I I'Vistrii't Court had ruleo .-‘ihe: that the "only -nc’; ' ll wi-i kahle p'dii for the pit.'' I-' iiie csitfaiaishment of one a.ii-K'i to who'll the small minority oi whiles may ^o. s<> lonji ■I-- they reino.n in the niinoritv " 'll:i lu'iii't- licp.irtmenl appeaivii : . Mu- appellate vOJii -lii ti held mat the iiibtiH'' had eri'd That riiimg till- ix •.. ■; to the Slipri II. ■' school I ‘ u supreme ; ' I . i.ool lawyers 1, ,rl .Kled "to •..rever ti" o ex'.dus of • ' the ..!lit: w ise would I lo'alls lark schiMii ’ lawyers. p..rcenl VOL. 34 .NO, 7 R.M.EIUH, \.C. WKEK ENDING SATUltDAV. .MH. 311. IH7.1 Loral Iliisbanil, ^ l lxirfird -is VIOLENCE PLAGUES CITY Johnson’s Act Was Backed By NC ‘Law’ BY STAFF WRITER SINGLE COPY 20c Although a member ot the State Attorney General's • i office in Raleigh has labeled the dress and hair styles of highway patrolmen in the Tarheel State, alright, unless it was “unreasonably distracting or bizarre/' the black highway trooper hired by North Carolina 7 years ago, Charles H. Johnson of Winston-Salem, has l^n suspended for his refusal to shave off a 3-week-old mustache. Most, if not all black males in the United States are known to have worn a mustache at one time or another in their lives. SELAaSlE SENTENCED TO DEATH ^ Beinrt — Ethiopia’! military rulers have lenteoceS deposed Emperor Haile Se- lafsie to death and he may Im executed at any moment, the newspaper An Nahar, reported Nov. 27. (UPI) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ 1 lOtli SessifiiiH B4“iii}!; llclil ★ ★ ★ ★ Zion Meeting Underway -V .il'rtT 1* 2 lnter\ iews Grief Slar In Raleifih BY STAFF WHITL’H Leslie "Speedv '^ ijuncan. former Wa^l1m|4to^ Redskins lootbail player, spoke Sati^- day. No%- Ifi. on Ix-lialf of the .North Carolina Branch of Ihe American <”ancer .Society Mr. Duncan's topic was. ‘How to (See GRID STAR. P 2) Gun And Knife Are Weapons BY STAFF WHITER The ugly head oi violence continues to plague the slate's Capital City as two separate incidents were brought to life over the past weekend, involving nus- bands and wives. In one instance, a wife is accused of shooting her husband, and, in tne other, the husband is charged with rut fine his wife’s cousin in his lower stomach area, while engag^ in the act of fighting with his mate. In one incident. Mrs. Martha Frances Peacock, 35. 1105 Seabrook Drive in Kingwood Forest, was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon after she allegedlv shot her husband, Norwood M. Peacock. 40. same address, m the upper right shoulder with a .32 calibre pistol- Officers received a call, at the police station, to go to the house after being advised that someone had been shot. Upon arrival, they were met by Officers Jones and .Sordino, who were already on the scene, believed to have been sum moned while on patrol in the area One of the cops observed Mr Peacock “lying on the kitchen floor, bleeding from the right shoulder " He wa.s NC Plays Host To Confab WASHINGTON, N.C. - ih-’ noth session of the Jorth Carolina Conference \^o' Zion Church, opened he Tuesday ni^t, at Metropolitan AME Zion Ch rch, with Bishop A. G. ^ .. Du nston presiding. He is closing and hair styles cannot as’-ist^ by Bishop John be worn by state employees. Miller and the Rev. S. O. Doby said highway patrol- Patrol Commander E. W. Jones and Troy A. Doby, state transportation secretary, said Tuesoay patrol policy requir ing patrolmen to be clean shaven is legal and will not be changed. “I could change it, but I won’t.'' Doby said. The Highway Patrol is under his authority. Johnson wrote a letter requesting permission to grow a mustache before he was suspended, but his command ing officer denied the rei^uest Jones, who said that in 39 years in the patrol, he has never seen a patrolman with a mustache, said he and other patrol officials talked with the transportation department and the state attorney general's office before suspending John son. Jones said the patrol had the authority to enforce the clean-shaven requirement. But the recent guidelines from the attorney general's office say that only “unreason ably distracting or bizarre" men are state employes, but because they are uniformed law raforcement officers, they are exempt from the ruling. ITie ruling came aflei J-.-.v M. Grham, a Winston-Salem court counsellor Who was fired right listed by At'tTSFD MA.SS ML KDKKKR BOlM) OVER - Mllledgevillf. an official at Wake — Barefoot, unshaven and manacled hand and fool, accused /. -SPKKin IH’NC'AN mahs murderer Paul John Knowles (R) is taken h> a deputy from the Baldwin t'ounl> Courthouse at Miiledge> ille Nov. 25. after he was bound over to the (trand Jury, Ktiur witnesses testified to link , .w Knnwtes lothe Nov. fi shootine of Carswell Can and the slranglinit In the other inciaem. Carr’s IS-year-old daughter, .Mandv. Knowles Is also a suspect Hajwood Carrington WiSUtta murdrrs. 7l PI I Street (Oberlin). told Officer M F. Matthews at 4.30 a.m (See VIOLENCE. P 2i Memorial Hospital Tuesday afternoon. as being in fair condition In the other incident. Fred Gr len is th* host pastor. -|lhe rimfert '•e is the n*>* tst ."the' south, ^ovi ^•■ven organized by Bishop J. J. ainton in 1864, after then Rev. J. w. Hood began the fire', church (St. Peters, in New Bern). The history of the denomination in North Caro lina is co-tangent with that of the emergence of the freedmen out of slavery. Hood went to New Bern before the War between Hw» States ended and was there when two battles were fought. Even though the Ckinfederate Army had headquarters in Sa“un'.fd"'by“t7s“'^''arTf tory■Agaacies wiU, farttag to cannons or the devastation of elif^fnate A*®' the Ckinfederate soldiers. He industries was a contemporary of Andrew „„iv Cartright, who began a church on Roanoke Island about the agency • the Federal same time. However. Cartright Communications Commission - did not remain in the area long, iSee AGENCIES,ARE, P. 2) having been chosen to go to Africa to begin the work in that country. ITie opening session, Tues day night, featured a sermon by Rev. G. V. Hoilowell and the celebration of the rites of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord’s (See ZION MEET. P. 2)- Agencies Are Lax On Bias: Commission WASHINGTON - The U.S. ' headnuarters in Civil Rights Commission has by a judge because he grew a mustache, won a settlement against the judge. Johnson said Monday, he la talking with a lawyer about possible court action, but he could not be reached Tuesday. George Gardner of Greens boro, executive director of the North Carolinal Civil Liberties Hn»nn, said Tuesday, the (See TROOPER IS. P. 2) Masons Of State To Raleigh Hie North Carolina Grand Lodge of Modern. Free and Accepted Masons of the World will hold its annual conclave at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, Nov. 29-30. 'Hie lodges and chapters of Raleigh will host. Pupils Are Discussed By R-WCA BY MISS J E. HICKS The regular meeting ot tne Raleigh-Wake Citizens Assoc iation. was called to order bv the president, Ral^ Campboi on 'niursday, Nov. zi. The Rev. Arthur Calloway offered pray er. The next item on the agenda was reports from committee*. Since the chairman of the political action committee wa* absent, there was no report. The chairwoman of the education committee, Dr. Liouise Latham, reported there was no formal report, but that she was happy to have a speaker and mat from time to (See R-WPA MEET. P. 2 Blacks Seeking Vacancy DURHAM — Two black Durham educators are said to be eyeing the job as superin tendent of the city schools • Dr. Frank Weaver end Dr. J. H. Lucas. ITie present superintendent. Lew W. Hannen, white, is expected to retire in 1975. He has been at the helm for some considerable lime and has had to deal with integration of the schools. He has fc^n the object of both praise and criticism for the joD he has done. He recently was hospitalized and is said to be anxiously awaiting his retirement. Dr. Weaver is his assistant and has made an enviable (See BLACKS EYE. P. 21 . 2) Phi Beta Sigmas Set Meeting In Raleigh k Tf Black Is A Sickness^ Then Tin An Epidenii(\;Says Speaker Dr, \ osef ben-Ji>channan, a black man. recently (old the 1974 International Conference of the Universal Negro Improvement Assoiriaiion. "If blackness is a sickness, then I am an epidemic.” He will be in the Raleigh area from Dec. 2 through Dec. 8. Or ben Jochannan has done extensive research in .African cuiiure and is quite an expert m African religion and the evolutionary a-'pect of Christ- Aitprrriation Chrriis IT on Jiy Two lirrr Ttiere were two lucKy per-on-v in Tiie CAHfxI.INlAN's Appreiiation Money Feature Iasi week, a lady and a genilefnaii, both -d whorr' received checks in iT.e anioun' oi Sto J(-e 'A -MexariiJer. 90o N •• Hern Avenue. -Aas tht fsrsi t.- ■ onie into the ofhees: of flii- new'pdper last an-kenj and ideatif;. t.iO.M'l: Hi was sent to -if PitKClAlMN F 2 iitAiiv He has Made indepth siuny on Bible canonization and (ransla()»nb and versions. Bril hen-Joi-hannan has published .several books on Africa, .Nfrii'an religion and (hnstianity. He has his own publishing hrin and ha.s three brKik-manasenpis m waiting, read) to be published He w ill serve both the college community and the commun ity at-large during the week of hi., lecture series. He is scheduled to lecture at St. Auuusiine >. ( ullege, Shaw l.'n-versi’y, N f' State I'niver sit). NC Ceniral I'niversiiy andiheFirst Bapt'-t Churih-m Wilmington ai-l M.irg-n Sts. In Ills rare C1.1II1 ••.-insnow in h!.-, pirsor-rtl iii New York hi- l;a> hrsi hand n.utuit. xi,..'h i.e aiII continent /\s a historian, he will reveal other information (See IF BLACKNESS, P. 2) I'he Southwestern Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity's annual undergraduate work shop will be held in Raleigh, Dec. 6 and 7, with Beta Xi Chapter, St. Augustine's Col lege, and Iota Chapter, Shaw University, serving jointly as host chapters. Attorney ^ch ard Ballard, a national officer, will keynote the session. Graduate and undergraduate Sigmas from the Southeastern and Eastern regions will converge on the two campuses to worlc on program develop ment and community action programs for 1974-75. Highlights of the workshop will be: a joint initiation ceremony ^ Beta Xi and Iota the evening of Dec. 6; an all Sigma chit-chat at the Sir Walter Hotel the evening of Dec. 6; an annual awards .banquet the evening of Dec. 7. at the Hotel Sir Walter, Raleigh; and the all Zeta- Sigma breakfast Sunday, De^ 8. at Shaw University. Morning workshop sessions will be held at St. Augustine’s College and the afternoon workshops will be held at Shaw University during their all-day Saturday. Dec. 7. sessions. The keynote speaker for the (See SIGMAS SET. P. 2) p:- M'nl 111 It’- deslrnv' ihv vli.res. |hat vin> about 1< d dark i;:\ VAVS H'MKEFF.I.I.ER l^ INKi; I OK Of i \ > SfwVu'k Vssenibl.vmit.i Arthur Fve of I «<1 that Nflvxii Rucki-irllri be iitipeachpd SI |»v T(oo . \ -1 > for hti. handling of iht- Ann a prison riot, apiwsrt J in i.’i • •(•< tiuuM .liiiln larv ( ummitiee Nov. to oppose Ike - f - "i Kotki-fellei to hr vice prehideiil. Kve said i. ■ .r- sboutd to- rejected nul ontv because of AUkS b. I ht 1 <•' dtgraJing and dcimmaiiuii.g stx'ial lefISft: --1 mil I,;uv -inor. t FI- Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WFEK IIAHKFOOT IIFAI.TV M()IIT(, \(.K, CO. •'Dte Hiiinele-s Man h Fr.end " NEW CONGRESSMAN Hw- oM Ford *1 Memphb. tint black ever elected to Congress from Tennessee, held a prcM conference in Washington last week et the Democratic National Committee head quarters to explain his victor ious campaign and how chairman Robert Strauss’ visH to Memphis helped. (NNPA Photo). ‘Exercise Power,’Ford Is Advised NEW YORK CITY - In a major address last week. National Urban League executive director, Vernon E. Jordan, Jr,, called on Presi- (See FORD IS. P. 2) c# IX3I\I1 1 f 111 llAHt.N' KlATOn'S MOtn; nl« iMlir* U pr»4M«S la lh« mSU* laUnM •lib ■!« ••••rS* tlfMlaaiUa Iti ••ai«au. Nam«r«Bi laSIvISaali bafa rasaatitS ibai ibar bt rlvta tbt aaaaMerallaa af aarrlMblac laalr Hillas aa tbt Mika bMlar. TUa »a »aaM IWa to «a. HoaaTar, U la aat aar paaMtoa to ba JaSsa ar fary. Wa maralf pabltob Iba btit ai >a Has Uaa raaariaS bj iba arraMiiu amcart. Ta kaaf aal af na CHnt kaai Calamaa, aiarai^ toaaaa aM raflalaraS bj a palUt afflaar la THE GIF T UF LIFE — Weet Bengal. India — An Indian mether Ups a bowl oi food to the month of onr of her children as another child waits his tom at the bowl again. These children are only two^ the mtilioas of people brought back from the brlak of sUrvetlon etch year with food suppUed by ( ARE to famine-stricken erees. (UPI) •%a‘( bt la Tlia Crlna kaat. "SLICED" BYTSIRLFRIEND Alex Nicholas, 1318 Pender Street, told Officer J. M. Freeman at 2:25 p.m. Satur day, that he was stabbed in the rl^t shoulder at his house by his girlfriend, Ms. Rose (ocne SneUings, 35, same address. The man said the incident took ^ace on the porch of his Imuae. Whether he proiecuteo bia girlfriend in this stabbing was not listed on the general offense report of the RPD. He said he was “picking up bags'' when he wu attaciM. (See CHIME BEAT. P. I>