THIS »EKK IMIKSS Rll>’ 9.560 Ih C AROIJM iS Scnhc X. iy 4,£,J Freed Alleged Rapist Interviewed ^Stories ★ ★ ★ ★ Made Vp:^ Ralei«h-A|)ex Chupier Of Ferrebee A k -k' ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ BY STAFF WKITKR CURRITUCK COUNTY, N.C. — Donald Nathaniel Ferrebee. 26, one of the three blacks acquitted by a jury of one black and 11 whites, twice, for rapt* on a white girl, in early October near Nag's Head Beach, toldTheCAROLINIAN. in an exclusive interview, a harrowing story of how his lawyers. Frank Ballance and T. T. Clayton, were ablo to extricate* him from the toils of serious crime. The accused said that he was driving his car about a m along the t>cach when a while woman .steppt'd into the path of his car. causing him to slop suddenly He said she told him that she wanted him to take her home It was at this time, according to Ferrebi-e. that two white boys appt'ared and began conversation He fur thered alleged that he and one of the white boys went into .• business place, where thes t)0th drank some bt'er When he left the place where they drank the beer, leaving his while companion, and returned to his car. he found the white couple •’making love. " He said he told them he had to go home and for them to put their clothes m order He alleges that he discovered that the girl was under the influence of some spirits He further alleged that she got in the car and laid her head on the window and he drove off He also said that he found oiu he did not have enough gas to take the couple any farther and gel to hts home It was then that a truck, driven by Frederick Bowles, arrived on the scene and Lindsay Saunders was a passenger, along with Trov Jones The inliTview revealed that Bowles asked him where the couple was He said that he told Zela Phi Beta Sorority's, them he pul them out He "Woman of the Year.” She alleges he went home and had will he honored during the NAACPAids Firemen 'Snr/ii ( anditin's l.eatiitiff U vnldv V(iL :H no IK KAUKIUH. N.C. WKKK KNDING Jv\TURl)AY. FKB : SI SULK COPY 20c Itlack Teenafivr Soufiht After He Reixirledlv MURDERS CABBIE ¥ ^ if- Miss Louise M. Latham Chosen As 4 ¥ ¥ ■¥■ l•K^>.'^l’K< TIVK Jl KOBS KOH .VI.I.K(:KI> M VSS Ml KlICKF H-IIOl STON-l-rosp,K.livp juror, enter court as jury selection opened February in the (rial uf accused mass slaver David Owen Brooks, a process that is expected to take a week. Kruokv. itu. is the second youth charged wiili taking part in the sex-torture murder of 27 boys in the Houston area. KImer Wayne Henley has already been convicted of killing six boys and sentenced tu .194 years in prison. . Black Solans Keep Lawmakers Aware; Cite Dr, Alphonso Elder City’s Educator Feted By Sorority Miss luOuise Maywood Latham, a Raleigh native, is Omicron Zeta Chapter of 44 Woman Of Year” Officers, Others In Searches * no knowledge implicalt'd in sheriff came to h iSee I.STKIiVlKWKO of his belt., rap*- until a housi P 2- DC Mayor Will Chair Conference WASHINGTON. DC - Mayor Waller Washington of the District of Columbia, will serve as the general confer ence chairperson for the forthcoming workshop sessions planned by the Conference of Minority Public Administra tors (COMPA) The two and a half day program will Ih* held in Washington on March 91). at the Internationa! Inn {formerly the Ramada Inn >. on Thomas Circle. In addition to the Mayor, other nationally known pi'rson- alities from government, anil the educational community will participate, including Congressman William Clay of Missouri, who will keynote the opening session on Monday. March 10. Ms C Delore> Tucker. Secretary of Slate. Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. will address the confer ence at the Monday luncheon A total of 24 panels have U'en scheduled in four topic areas The topic areas include "Public Program Manage meni in Urban Areas." chair<*d (See D C. MAYOR. P 2i annual P'iner Womanhood W I'A'k celebration Sunday. Ml'. Latham is a cum laude grailuaie of Shaw University Her master's degree is from Rosinn riiiversii), and she did additional graduate work at Syracuse University and at University of North Carolina at GreenslMi'ro She has taught at the Washington High School. Raleigh, and was. for a lime, on the staff of Howard University Thereafter she reiurniMi to North Carolina to beeome. for some twenty years. d<‘an of women at North Carolina Uenirai University. Durham There are a number of • tirsts ■ III hAT life she was the first black and the first North Carolinian to he elected to national office with iSiH* MISS LATHAM. P, 2) President Of Country Is Killed TAN AN \RI\ K. Malagasy - Tribal rivalry which has plagued this island republic since before it became a French colony in lH8a. is crtHliied with bringing about the assassination of President Richard R.ilsimandrava only 6 days alter he assunu'd power Colonel Ratsimandrava was killed wiih two of his bodyguards when rebel troops iSiv IS KII.LKD P 2' MISS LOUISE M LATHAM Nat’l Head Of Omegas Given Rites BROOKLYN. N Y - Even though he was not a product of the sidewalks of Brooklyn, having been born in the farming section of North Carolina (Robeson County) and educated in GreenskMro. George Edward Meares, even in death, received the plaudits of a huge sidewalk crowd. New the York State government offic ials. fraternal "big wigs" and high church oflKials. Tuesday, Feb 11. when he was funeralized from one of this borough’s largest Presbyterian Churches. He was bom in 1909 Even though he formerly- held the highest office in the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity (Grand Basileus). and was acclaimed as one of the best who ever ascended to the high post, the mourning crowd b^l remembered him as having been the probation officer for the area for a number of years. On the streets and in the audience were many whose lives he had touched when they needed a counseling spirit and a guiding hand after they had , become entangled with (he toils of the law Slate Supreme Justices. District and local judges, along with penal institution heads and court attendants, were on hand In testify to his having b(.>en faithful to the restoration of unfortunate individuals and iSee GIVEN RITES. P 2) Appreeialion Feature Has \o ff inners There were no claimants for the three SlO checks in last week s CAROLIM.A.N .Apprec iation Money Feature, spon sored by this newspaper and participating merchants, found each week on the back page of the first section of the paper Three persons' names were included in as many slots cf the nous businesses participat ing Be sure to check the Appreciation page this week Your name could be found among the three (See APPRECl.ATIDN P 2 SMITHFIFLD ~ A leenaged black youth is bei-ng hunted in the Johnston-Wakc County a- reas in connection with the shooting death Monday night of a 34-year-old white can driver, who reportedly took the youngster from this Johnston County seat to a deserted area between Smithfield and Angier. Although the killing U t believed to have occurred hours earlier, the body of Donald Linwood Wilson, who worked as a taxicab driver part-time, was not discovered until about 8 p.m. that day. The victim had been shot once in the head. About ISO police officers and civilians searched a three square-mile area early Tues day, looking for the suspect, who was reportedly seen in the section about 3 a.m Tuesday according to information sup plied by Sgt. P. A London of the State Highway Patrol. A (See CABBIE IS. P 2) NAACP Also Cites Mrs. H. R. White At the February member ship meeting held last Sunday at the RICH Park office, (he Raleigh- Apex branch. NAACP voted to lend their support to the local firemen's discrim ination lawsuit against Ral eigh. After discussing the particulars of the case, the branch agreed to give its general support for the complaint and should the case demand additional fund ex- P^rJiiure. members indicated a willingness to contribute some money to offset costs of the lawyers’ fees All officers for the new year were installed at (his meeting, also White Life .Membership Memorial Edward L Curtis. .Kill Place, who is president ol iht- Method Civic I.x'ague. gave .i donation from the Civic lA’.igue toward the Life MemiM*r-hip nt the late Mrs Harveleigh Mi>nte Rivera White, the I97( Si.iie "Mother Of The Year ' Prior to her death. Mrs White wa-* branch treasurer and liie membership chairper>i»ii Spurgeon CanoTon coniril'ui«'d toward the ( al pavineni a^ did the CAMEOS of Raleigh .i social organization I'.XNIK* ■ preMdenl. Mr> (' J Bart)er Jo.iN TarboroRoad Ha/.el Lo gan Mrs Judv Hubbard. 2-(o7 See NA.ACP AIDS P 2- The presence of 6 blacks in the General Assembly of N C.. is being felt as they ki^ep a close eye on legislation affect ing minoritie.s and (heir constant reminding of honoring blacks who hdve made contn bu(ion.s to (he ongoing of the state. The blacks are forming coalitions with other groups thereby showing the political savvy that it takes to get things done. They seem to be doing their homework well, so that when bills are presented (hat (hey are interested in. they can . call on their associates to carry M (he bail. A case in point was brought out Monday night when the Wake County delegation re ceived a group of Wake County- citizens that was concerned in what was termed inequity of tax assessment to properly ' owners who are victims of •fc * *- forced city annexation. The BUiDS'S FIFTH TERM AS group was assured bv lh(‘ iXiK.'U^KNT — Kampala, Uganda — What is amazing about General Idi .Vmin's first four years as President of Uganda is that be has survived to begin a fifth. The former boxer, cook and sergeant major has confounded his critics and neartiv sidestepped a series of military uprisings (ipn BY ALEXANDER BARNES solons that legislation w-ould be submitted that would guaran tee fair adjudication of annexed property There was also the matter of culling funds for school appropriation, which brought out many teachers Senators John Winters and Barker, both interest(*d in the budget, made It clear that there had In be some paring somewhere, but schools, with an eye toward salaries, wore al the bottom of the priority list of funds to Ik* cut The reading ol a rt*solulinn. sponsored by Representative ii M Miehaux. Durham County, commemorating the late Alfonso Elder. passi*d its first ri'ading Monday without a iSee .N C SOLONS. P 2i WJose lip’ Inroli'iiifj; Area Sludenls, Tutors for the weeks slay in th(* capital ■rhi.s year, it will lake to Washington for a week’s slay students from ih metropolitan areas in the United .States Parole Is Planned For Grant ATLANTA, Ga.—Dr. James Earl Grant, under a 10-year sentence al Atlanta federal penitentiary, will be paroled on March 19 to North Carolina f ienal authorities where he aces 2S years imprisonment, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repres sion has learned. Dr Grant, a Ph D, in chemistry and a ^ ^ member of the NAARPR aHotment for the country's executive board, is one of the needy families, falls about $9 "Charlotte Three ’ accused of short of the necessary cash burning down ia barn in i%8 needed to buy foodstuffs for the case is presently under basic economy diet, according rev'iewbyN C Superior Court to figures released by the Judge Sam Ervin. III. w-ho is government. being asked by the defendants Data for December, the last I® order a new trial. Food Stamp Allotment Falls Short WASHINGTON - The aver age monthly food stamp W ASHINGTON - .More than 3U high school students and as many teachers from North Carolina counties will get an all-expense paid visit to Washington in May. The visit for students from Wake, Durham. (Jrange and Harnett counties will be made under a program named "Close Up.’* whose purpose is tobhng students rIoMr to their government In Raleigh last week to make final plans was James E. (Jim) Krause, who is responsible for (he Tarheel portion of the program. Also, (here will be a student and teacher from the Central School for the Deaf at Mci-ganton given scholarships Biracial Polities Panel Set Biracial politics will be k''!!' examined Frt 20 al Norlh Carolina Slale Un.versily Jf,', f»'"nmeot a./ i. (olliate a massive public employment program similar month for which figures were available, showed that the government's basic economy- diet plan called for an expenditure of $159 90 for a family of four • two adults and two school age children However, food stamp allot ment fur such a family for that month was $150 - $9 90 or 6 6 percent less than the diet s cost The .Agriculture Depart ment's basic economy diet is the least expensive of four plans It has developed Its con.poMtion reflects foods normally eaten h> various income groups The economy plan IS designed In provide the basic nutritional ni'eds a selevlioii of food' within a low iiu-oim- lainily budiiei The government eon<1iuls,i month ly rei-ompiitaiinn ot the items Grant's federal sentence came on charges of 'conspira cy ' to aid fugitives from justice The two -fugitives ' m the case became government informers who were paid al least $40110 each for their testimony, according to the Charlotte Observer The* trial and payments to the agents were supervised by then former assistant attorney general RoNti Mardian. since convicted himself in the Watergate conspiracy The two agents were also the main slate's witness against the Charlolli- Three-firani poet T .1 Reddy and mmmumiy organi/er Charles I'.irker tor a Charloiie fire set in I'KJi oni- vr.u alter Reddy .11.i| I'.irki-r inii-grated a riding le wt)i ii- 111*- lin- >K I urn-d during the second of three-part svmposia. The ses sion is schedule for 7;30 p m in Poe Hall Auditorium Kniilled "Blacks in Southern History." the trilogy is sponsored hy the School of Liberal Arts, under (he director ol the Department of History Pariicipanls will be La- w.-inda Cox ot Hunter College, co-author ol "Pobtu-s, Princi ple & Prejudice. 1865-66 Dilemma of Reconstruclinn .\merica, Sheldon Hackney of l*rincelon Cniversily. who wrote --I’opulism to Progres- sivism m .Mabama' and Dan T Carter of Emory L'niversitv whose ■ ScoilsiKiro A Tragedy ol the .American South ' was published in 1969 Dr Helen (i Edmonds of Norlh Carolina Central Univ ersity will be moderator The putdic is invited to allt-nd The third and final sym|K>siiim will Ik- .Monday. \pril 7 when authors Roi)ert U Kogel and Eugene 1) (ienoveNC will tx- (ealured baseball star SERVES TIME IN JAIL—LOS ANGELES—Former Dodger outfielder Willie Davli. currently playing for the Texas Rangers of (he American League, is led w Ith his hands cuffed behind his back to jail February 12 after being held In contempt of court for nun-support of his divorced wife and three children, ^vis was found guilty In Superior Court and was sentenced to sdrve 90 days, but the Judge stayed R5 days on the condition that he serve five days In jail and make further alimony and support payments. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK ( AHOI l\A BIHLK AL (/AKDKNS "For A Dignified Final Resting Place to the WPA of the I9:mk remedy current unemploy ment conditions. (CPIi t Applicants Sought For Pageant The committee for (he .Miss Black Teenage World Pageant of Wake County met recently to continue plans for its second pageant The committee has completed many of its prelimi nary plans and is now ready to accept applications from Wake County teens. Any teen w-i(h talent between the ages of 15-17 IS eligible to apply. This year s committee is trying to make its second pageant the best in North Carolina The committee members believe that more counties will be giving pa geants and seeking to crown another .North CaroliQa parti cipant for the world title. I.,ast year was North Carolina's first time winning the world title. We want one of our Wake County teens to win the Wake title, the N.C. title and the world title this year. The pageant provides oppor tunity for teens to win fabulous prizes and college scholarships through performing their ta lent The world title carries with it many enriching experiences. It provides the opportunity for the winner to travel to many parts of the world, to meet other teens, to meet many celebrities, appear on radio programs, appear on TV programs and appear on many important programs where she can perform her talent. Certainly, we want one Wake County's teen to be the one to enjoy these experiences this yea*-. Teens, get your application in as soon as MDKK W ORKERS 1.AID OFF - Kenosha. W ls. - First shift workers at the American Motors Uorp. Jy and"helo vou^wfn in Kenosha, left the plant Feb. N. after finishing work. Xinerican .Motors will lay off 4.500 vjorkers at teens ^wishing the plant for one week beginning Feb. 17. Xll prodiu tioii of Matadors. Hornets and Gremlins woul(l information, co^ be halted for a wvvk while output of the firm s ni-w siiiaM I'aver would be stepped up for its debut .r'AM-pc d h Feh. 2K. The Liviilfs iiulude 4.500 In Kriioshu. ;(.immi in Milwaukee and l.lHKI In Canada. (IPD (See APPLICANTS. P. 2)