Low School IK^ol Ini olvcfl, But jC*(i>87:Ulc 1, Ky, 4»2*1 Central Worries Increase Sprinter ^ ^ ^ ^ ★★★★ ★★★★ THIS WKKk t’HKSS KI N AndCoach Tall Out’ Urgency Of Passage Told By Chairperson ni'KHAM - Chancellor Albert Whiting, who has be«‘n taunted and jostled about the future of the law school at North Carolina Central University, found himself confronted with another athletic problem Monday when he learned that Olympic gold medal winner, Hobert Ouka, had btfn dropped by Aaron Jermundson, interim white coach, who took over the track team when Leroy VN alker decided to quit. The Ken>a-born champion, uhn was recruited by Walker and has taken honor after honor, m track competition, is said to have had some mtst^ivmgs about conditions smie he came to Central in 1S7I li IS reported that he and hisfellou Kenya runner, Julius .Sany, moved off of tr e campus when their room was burglar- i/ed shortU after they arrived Ouko claims that Jermund son used a racial slur in an argument last week Jermund son denii-d it hut said that since Ouko IS tioycolting the Central team, tie should complete his degree requirements and re turn to Africa to prepare himself for the ia7fi (Jiympics. ' Iteeause it's Jermudson. a man I don’t like." said (luko. I'm not going to train under Sr.- \( ( KMItAL 1’ Abernathy To Appear I In States R. VCA Weighs ERA THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 34 NO. 22 yorlli t'.itrotinii's l.riiiliiig Weelilv RALEIGH. N.C.. WEEK ENDI.NG SATURDAY, MARCH 29. 1976 SINGLE COPY 20.: Six Men On Trial In ('.elchraicd Merits Women Express Concern Murder Trial ★★★★ ★★★★ Controversy Over Money ★ ★ ★ ★ GoldenFrinks TellsHis Side Uprisings iiJ I ‘ Result In 6 Deaths ATLANTA, (ia The Rev, Ralph David Ahernathy. presi dent. .Southern ('hnslian Lead ership Conference, has an nounced that his organization plans "lo come nut fighting" in two souihtTn slates. North Carolina and Mississippi. A news release from his office iM-rimaned the present plight of Miiw .loAnne Lillie, ‘.to-year-old lilack, facing Inal for the murder of a Beaufort ('ouiiiv wliite jailor, who she aliegi-d she lee-picked lo death m Hie coiinlv jail, defending hersell against his efforts lo rafx’ tier m ihe wi>t* hours of the morning on Aug 27. 1S74 Towartl this effort, he aiiiiounciMl that the North Carolina case would Im‘ magni fied ii> selling up a "Resur rection ('it>." in Washington. \c. from which a national march would start at 12 noon. April 4 The announcement, aceorilmg lo Aliernalhy. the le.itiires commemorating Ihe assassin,iiion of Dr Martin LuiIut King, .Ir . 7 years ago He alleges that litaek freedom le.iders and organiza tions ti.ive nreived tidegrams asking them lo tie on hand to jiim Ihe march, which will end at the county courthouse It is lielicvrd l>y .Mieriiathy that such a march wilt he cause for eouri officials lo drop Ihe murder charges The release made no mention of the pending charge against Jo- Anne lor rnhhery. which caused her lo be in jail awaiting the oulenme of an N.e AHKHNVIHY. I* 2' S\N RAFAEL, Calif. - Monday marked the his toric day that some 6 San Quentin prisoners went on trial for allegedly taking part in an attempted prison escape in 1971, which ended in the deaths of three prison guards and three inmates, including the controversial black revolutionary George Jackson. Known as the "San Quentin Six" case, the incident resulted from the August 21,1971 prison rebellion, which authorities said was instigated when Atty. Stephen Bingham smuggled a Demos^ New IS Tins THK • SLASIIKR" KII.I.KIt?" — \ms Angrifs — ighn (>rernwiMMl, :i:i, shown ul the (inir of his arrest last iiHiiilh in connection with a hatchet and knife attack on two Hollywood area men. Los .\ng(‘les police chief Kdward Davis, held a press conference last week to discuss possible charges that may be brought against (ireenwood. who is described as a prime suspect in the -Slasher " murders. Thus fur. the District .Attorney's office has nut moved in the matter. il'PD ■ W K ( OtLt) JI ST SKK THE TORN ADO COMING Atlanta •— Tornado victim is placed into an pist reportedly through a tape Plan Can Be Fought The Slate Democratic exe cutive committee approved Saturday its party's new "affirmative action plan " assuring opportunity for full participation by all Democrats in Ihe affairs of the party, though without "mandatory quotas " The plan was submit ted to Ihe Compliance Review )i will he one of Ihe f’ommission of Ihe national DenuHTatic headquarters for approval Special attention in the plan IS directed to senior citizens, blacks and other "traditionally under-represented people" through various publicity, edu cational programs and voter registration efforts to assure that these groups have an opp *4 lagi feMisagti itfiiu UMi i« —mmuaii •4M •• tarr t«iMM *4i m •4 M —Mm —• m M N ,«•»«*•■ .*4 M tdt t(«ai MUaU at .fiaS — aMa tyUfeail aa latnwn m Ma "tauaH" iCl Ha «aai iNm ■Mac aaUiO *tT *4 *4 rsav TZaHO HI TOH2 .emsilliW <<00(101 niamdiT mooi 8irib9n9qo,.}ZnoJY9a 108 Irigie gni^oorie s ol loob Joria nua a fnaerl sH .'v .SCLC would Ih- iIiv ided as tollow.i in percent to Hh* iTuivu-ment iwhatevei Dial is sup;xised lo be'. 2i)p4Teenl g-.en for legal fees and the -.Uier set aside lor anticipated other legal fights Mr Frinks did not -.av what denosilory would hold the e.serovv money "Now," says Frinks, the attorneys have started their own fund raising whieh I think IS u fonflict of interest anil an i'fforl to gyp Ihe pul'lif " Frinks maintains that he and Paul had a gentleman s agreement that of all the money (hat was raised, some was suppox-d to come to itie movement, to lielp pay for ttie rally to tree .Miss Little But us It Stands. I‘4iul has allegedly reingned on tll^ end of the bargain according to Frinks "I don i want no white man to gel over on the movement Who diws hi- think hi- IS to tell us how to run liie show’’" asked Fnnk.s "Thi- man ' l*aul < has lurni’d 'S«-e G FKINKS. I' 2' Firing Of Dr. Toote Is Denied National Black Ni-ws Service WASHINtiTDN Carla A Mills, the new Si-erelar> ei( the Department of Housing and ‘h Urban Development has deni- people TURNED (NFDKMKK - .San Franrisro — Jurors in Ihe Zebra random street killings rase here have been grilled at length on their feelings about rare in a (rial (hat is almost a month old. At least it persons were -^hol to death and another (l«‘eapit.il<-d hv mysterious killer., .lit ilesi nio'ii as young blacks, wtiii selected while victims. Police oiinuunced the case was hrnkeii wlien evron- vicl Vnlhoir. (. H.ii tis (shown in undated pholo from files), JH. (Ill ned mloi mei ami said he had taken part in in /. e b r a - sivie attacks l-our Black Muslims were arrested and charged with three of the killings. It PI- Angela Asking Freedom National Black News .Service CDLI.EGE PARK Md - .Aiigi'la Davis vriniinued her college eireuil of speaking engagements at the I 'niversily of MaryUmrl wheie she told an overllow aildieiiee ol li.iHNMliat the nation s rccmomie woes indicate that "eapitaiism is m Ihe tiiiai si.ige ut delerioia- lion Hut she continued 'Ihis siicietv is so thoroughly corrupt (hat in the iinal analysis we're going to have to try 'u change Ihe whole system we ‘’ave to try to struggle, to fighi from within ■ Ms Davis, tl lias acted d-s .1 [HiliiKa! .Hid 'iK ial orgaiii/er sime i'»7.' whi*n she was acquilled >it murder and kninapping (liarg^-s stemming Irom a shootout in ommunily Xffairx in Ihe public relations deparlment at General Motors. \lsu «orkfrs. from Ir.dmii aulomobilr makrrs !■> Drlroll llnr up lo „ ,>„ablr, furiurr dir.Hl..r of Ihr lllflcr ol \liu,.,H. apply lor unrmplo,.mrul comprn.ulion, II rrllubl., rrpurlfd Bu.inr.s Knlrrpri.r .(PMHK. »l... briuKs bulb Ihr pri.alr ui.d that m..rr lhan lll.IKKl parsuna »rrr laid oil. B ack public rrlalious rviu ririiir ■„ hi. jub \ll l.iur ol threp mri, are prop!.- lor Ihr major aulo rompamry Imd ll hard lo conimcr lothrm,■, loopy ol IhN rrersyi.,,,. Karlirr laM moolh. Ihr Marks that Ihr layolls alircl uhllr and black Ihr samp. AI kord v,.„ y ....fc ihr drrprnintt rrcryyioii can Irad lo a major clash between Ihr recently established affirmative action lacvi lack! manager of Black Press. the former executive of New Detroit, sits as I rhan Affairs. Alhert Dunmore. a product of the programs and the (rariiiional scriiiinv arrangements of organized holds a similar title at Chrysler torporalioniSand labor lo protect minority workers. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK Piflfily-M ifigly Food Stores Fooa At Reasonable Prices" TItOUKI.E IN SUBWAY — New York — Guard assists in evaluation of passengers from underground area here. March 17. after a "third rail" section of track on the IKT Rioadway line bet aine dislodged near Ttnh St, station. There were no reptiris ol injuries as a result of the "third rail” mishap, hut tine woman, passenger with a cardiac condition was taken to a hospital as "a piet aulionarv measure."