Raloifih ff'oiuan ('.harfied In Killinfi-liond SI5,000 •1 PRESS «IJN 9,250 lurder Trial Date Here April 22 ★★★★ ★★★★ 1 r.aiic’asian Landladies Told They ^lust Rent To All Blacks THE CAROLINIAN \orth (.ftroUnti's V( vt>li}v NOI,. .14 NO. L>:| RALEIGH. N.C.. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. Al’llll, 5. 1975 SINGLE COPY 20,?. Wake ('.ounly Man Burns To Death ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ CCOUMeeting ToCharlotte Oi Mrs . hie imi nn M"fiirosi* Kloine r ( r ivi‘n. 45*y e a r- hpenr**' old resuli ijL of 623 Quarry SttPeJ. wus arrestpd on V\'»*do«‘s«Jn\, \t»iTh 26. and charRod vsitl. murder in ihe piHlnl death of a 2H year-old laxieab driver, who report- edlv h'fd ! • tho neiL'hbor- h'MKi. Mrs v.r(tv";ii v.a.i sUU in V. ak ■ < '.iiiMt y Jail as lat« as 3 p.in. 'l ut sday of Ihis wwk m lieu of a $15,000 bond :»n ilu* murder charge. AM Miriim: 1 • lleleaiM* Cap- K Slell Huius M. > iJlltTs fi»n Cum- • \\.- ,iiicl .1 (Ir.ver for il.iii'lMiM r.ih t'oMipaiu. :I00 hi.,;.. , I r i-d .St . lived to ,iri ><’ -ii Menional Ihisp lal wh» re he >ueeurnf)ed t. ' ‘ : .1 iHealihre pislol 1 ! ' " .ir:u and sioniach * ( .duTs, di-cordiag to A.IS fnund m a See iitlAI. DATK. P 2) Faces F'our .Assault On Oft leer Raps lain n,.i Perishes In Cabin On Farm FUQUAY V ARINA - John Murray, 58-year-old resident burned to death in a cabin fire, off the Holly Springs Road in southern Wake County Easter Sun day about 7 p.m. According to Wake County Coroner .Marshall W. Bennett, the death occurred on a farm owned by County Commis sioner W'averlv F. Akins. 'I he c-oron'T added that Ihe cause ol ihe lin*. which gutted the three rcK>ni eahin. had not tieen determined as late as Vtrdm-sday morning of this w4-ek The victim was disco vered lying across a bed The blaze was lought by the firemen from the Ku(juay-Var- inu Volunteer Fire Depart- nu-iil Commissioner Akins iiild newsmen that he was (-.died to the sietK- b> some of ‘ re.^hf-ors • When I arrived, the house was a blazing inferno." he said “I told them that I believed Mr. Murray was inside (ho cabin, because his car w as parked on Ihe outside," Akins stated. According to Ihe commis sioner. it w as also too hoi on the (See MAN BURNS. P. 2) sKNTFNt Kl) TO DKATII F(»H KILI.INC. (OP - Pittsburgh. Pa.: Stanton .Story leaves »he ((.iirlroom after hearing Ihe death penally \erdlcl for the fatal shooting of officer Patrick Vtallace l.tsl .liih. Sl(^r^ could be Ihe first man esecuted in the stale since IHti:;. »t l’|. Say Men Were Also Excluded Speak In Raleigh Sunday Sister Of Dr. King Will KI.OKH IIK.VPKD FOR COVETED M.ISTERS' TOCKNAMENT -— Pensarnla. Fla.; Lee Elder leapt for joy on winning Ihe Monsunin Open April 21.1974 by ramming in an in-foot birdie pull on the fourth hole of playoff ag-lntt Peter Oosterhult. This victory ga\e Elder a berth as the first black ever to play In the .Masters' tiolf Tournament, which gets underwav in .Augusta, (ia.. April It). (I TMi. Black Officer, 34, Given Roxboro Rites According to Roxboro police LI Donnell Clayton. Jacobs had not complained about his health during the lime he had been back on duly. However, on Saturday, it was apparent to Patrolman Steve Clavlon. with whom Jacobs was patrolling, that Jacobs was having problems. ••We went to work at about 6 30a m .” Clayton said. "and. (See OFFICER BURIED. P 2) H..iiKsvi d.v.r, ...tihci'i: K w.’ - .\ M... ( ik- : .. e ..nd ; at I H) Broiler iiill'-lMirough : ■.! ■ iirri-d when ILiiik. to leave n'lii Iw'c.iuse he I.,’ .1 di'iurliance ‘ lit A iih Ihe police to • III i I fie broke loose '.I !•(, >.' Patrolman ' • .i:u| i»airoltnan .(• iru-d to siilidue i: (v,.-- s i ked in Ihe • ?! • the hand K I' Melvin.b and .> • II rued on Ihe .ver was kuked Uarik- .Ml I..amh I' •• Banks '^pii on •iftick him in the •APPOINTED TO I'.S. CIVIL KIOIITS CO.M.MISSION — Willie Williams. Jr.. 32 of Columbia. South Carolina, was appointed last week to a two-year term on the I'.S. Civil Rights Commission. Already heaped with honors on many boards and organizations, this latest designation adds another gem to his crown of achieve ments. The son of a southern sharecropper, he has made phenomenal progress in Ihe socifHeconomir field, heading a really and dev ‘lopmenl com- pjiiy that has g'ossed 113.000.- iNHi in four y eai > He is active in Republican poluics in Ihe south and ro-chairm <n of Ihe Council of liHi. a iialionai organization black Republicans. RUXBORO - Alexander Jacobs. Ihe second black to servo on the local police force and who remained loyal to his job until death, was buried in the cemetery of his chosen church. Lattis Grove Baptist CTiurch. in the Hurdle Nlills section. Wednesday afternoon, as his family, comrade.s and friends said goodbye Jacobs. 34. died almost suddenly after he was stricken, while patrolling with a fellow officer. Steve Clayton, and died five minutes after arriving at the hospital Jacobs’ death followed by about a month of his long bout with pneumonia He first fell ill in November, suffering then from a chest cold, which pul him out of work for 5 days. He returned to duty nn Nov Hand remained on the job until Dec 27. when he entered the hospital, sutlering from pneu mania Jacobs ren amed hospital izrd until early January returning to duly on Jan 6 He worked Rir one week, but was hospitalized again on Jan. 11 this lime with double pneu motiia Jacobs was then hospitalized for about 30 days and did not return to duly until March 1 He worked Ihe'enlire Rnadfwti month of March, before falling ** UtAlHi ill on duty Salurday MONTGOMERY, Ala. - The Deparlment of Justice obtaineci a consent decree laKt week, requiring the owner and operator of three Montgomery, Alabama a- partment buildings near Maxwell Air Force Base, to rent to black persons and to men. Alloniey General Edward H L<‘vi said the decree was filed in U S District Court in Montgomery, re.'^olving a housing and sex discrimination suit against Mrs Byrd l.o’e Davis, owner of the buildings with '21 units, and .Mrs, Sarah Glass, her daughter, who manages them. The suit, which was filed on Oct 7. 1»T4. charged that they relused to rent to black K T.Kins The suit was amended St Jail. -lu. to add a charge .ti t,e defendants refused to -enl to single men. while renting to single women. While denying any violations of the law. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Glass agreed to the decree prohibiting them from ail discrimination in housing. The decree requires them to adopt written objective stand ards for approving applicants for rentals that are no more rigid than those used previous ly fr- white persons and do not discriminate on the basis of sex They arc also required to notify the Maxwell Air Force Base Housing Referral Office of vacancies each month of Ihe year Assistant Attorney General J Stanley Poltinger, head of the Civil Rights Division, said the case was referred to the Justice Department by the Base Housing Referral Office Students^ Confab To City A Han-African Students' Conference will be held on April n i3al Shaw University. Raleigh Black students from colleges and universities throughout the South are expected to attend Student parlicipanls will be Ihe driving force of this conference. The definite objectives of the Han-African Students' Confer ence arc to II clarify the students position on our struggle. 3i establish concrete Appreciation Check Goes To Rogers Dixon, fil.'i Quarry Street, was the lone winner of a Sill check in last week's t'.NRiHJM.AN Appreciation Money Feature, sponsored by this newspajMT and partieipat mg luisiiiesses Mr Dixon s|v>tle(l his name under the advertisement paid for by Hen Franklin Stores located tn (he Longview Shopping Center and specializ ing in clothing and household needs all at reasonable prices There were two other names listed on the .Appreeiation Hagi-. hH'ated nn the back page of the (rout section of The CAROLINIAN Be sure to cheek tUal page this week A’our name just micht appear then- programs for the achievement of our goal of Pan-Africanism Seminar-workshops will be Ihe format used for the open critical examination ni-ccssary by Ihe attending students Seminary-workshops will be held on the following topics- Marxism. Leninism. Maoism or Nkrumahism, Stokcley Carmichael; A Correct Inter pretation of History. Bob Brown; Community Involve ment, Cleve Sellers, and Student Organizing. Odmga (Jgmda and Wiihe Ricks The following groups will perform as Ihe feature in this cultural arts festival from Nigeria. Emperor Deli Ojo and Ihe Nigerian international; from Chicago. All African Kung-Fu Society, from At lanta. The Harambe Singers, from Raleigh, the African (See SHAW CONFAB. P. 2) April Bad Month For Food Stamps Uv .National Black .News National Black News Service WASHINGTON - April may Ih- a had month lor the food !iiamp program The Agricul ture Department went on ictord last week by admitting that there could tH> a food (See FOOD STAMPS. P 21 MRS CHRISTINE K FARRIS Nine COCF Bodies To Hold Talks CHARLOTTE - Dr. Gerald F. Moede, general secretary. Consultation on Church Union, announced from his Princeton. N.J. office last week that members of the Adjunct Staff would hold a two-day meeting at the Manger Motor Inn, April 14-15. The Adjunct Staff is compos cd of communication persons representing the 9 denomina tions comprising the consort ium designed to bring about the Church Uniting, along with consultations An inspection of Johnson C. Smith University is .scheduled for the first day session The agenda will include the findings of the Commission on Institutional Racism, at its mt-t'tmg Jan 11 It is to be remembered that this is the burning issue that relates to the lhret‘ black participating churches The Tuesday meeting will be held at Hood Theological Seminary, Livingstone Col lege. Salisbury The delegation w ill lour Walls' Center and get first hand information about Ihe operations of the seminary The representatives will evaluate the 1974 plenary, held in November and make (See COCU MEET. P. 2i Mrs Chrisliiic King P'arris Will Ih‘ the speaker Sunday. April (>. at Carolina Biblical (Jardens Cemetery, at 4 pm. as the Raleigh Minisl(>rial Allianci* observes .Marlin Lu ther King. Jr Day in Raleigh. The observance is sponsored jointly by the Ministerial Alliance and Carolina Biblical Gardens (’emetory m comme moration of the life, work and death of Dr M. L King. Jr., who was assassinated April 4, 196R. Mrs. Farris is the daughter of Dr. M. L King, Sr., pastor of Ebenezer Baptist ^urch of Atlanta, Ga. !me stands in Ihe tradition of Ihe King family as a great speaker tn her own right. She is the director of the reading program and assistant professor of education at Spelman College in Atlanta, Ga The speaker is a native of Georgia and did her under graduate vork at Spelman College in Atlanta. She holds a double M A. from Columbia University and has also done post-graduate work at that university Mrs. Farris has traveled extensively outside of ino continental United Slates, as well as within. She holds memberships in many profes sional organizations. She is a member of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and is coordin ator of the Sunday television .service. She is a member of Ihe Board of Directors, the Martin Luther King. Jr. Center: Martin Luther King Village and treasurer of Marlin Luther King. Jr Center of Social Change. Mrs. Farris is also (See SISTER OF. P, 2) Land Mine Explosion Is Fatal National Black News Service LUSAKA, Zambia — Herbert Cliipeto. a prominent Rhode sian black nationalist leader, was killed when his car backed over a land mine in the driveway of his home. Killed also was his aide, Cyrus Shamisa and a 2-year-old child. Chitepo, S2. was chairman of the i^imbabwe African Nation al Union (ZANU), a principal liberation organization that is responsible for most of Ihe guerrilla activity in the (See LAND MINE. P. 2) SUPREME COURT TO HEAR FOWLER ARtiU- MEN'TS —Washington: Tiir C. •S. Supreme Court said March 27 that it would hear arguments on ^pril zi in the case uf Jesse Fovtler. one of S4 persons auaiiinir (he -iPs chamber on North Carnlinu's death row. that may well bring a landmark declklon on the constitutionality of Ihe death penalty. (CPU. Award Uf Courage To Black Cadet WEST POINT. N V - Cadet Robert E Johnson, United States Military Academy Class of IS?.*), was awarded the American Cancer Society’s Courage Award by President Ford at the White House last week The President presented a plaque to Cadet Johnson, a Memphis. Tenn. native, for the courage he displayed in a personal campaign against cancer .Mrs Ford, a long-time Cancer Society volunteer, is hororary chairman of the 1973 crusade. Actress Haquel Welch, the society's national crusade chairman, also at tended the ceremony Cadet Johnson, sun uf Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson. S73 Jensen Rd.. Memphis. Tenn . who was in attendance at Ihe ceremony. was the first black to lie elected Captain of the Army football team in its 84 vear history. Last spring, doctors detected a lesion in Johnson's upper (Sm* black cadet. P 2) AW ’ at -IM AA I.'- VERY BAD >- Valdosta. Ga.: (Riaa Lee Berrian. 4s. naa been a pulp wood wttrkri SUU. hr w.(<. M. bill ran'l remember a time wheo the business has been in such a slump as it is in now Ml w.<iu to unload w>»od from his truck at the shut-down Owros liiinois paper mill here, which IS now w..i king on a part-time basis. Berrian is holding on. hoplnj "they'll let loose.” (UPi). Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK TERRY’S FURNITURE CO. "For New. Used Furniture At Reaaonable Coat RALEIGH COl.LEGE HEADS SIGN UNCF JOINT CAMPAIGN AGREEMENT — Seated, left to right: Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, president. St. Augustine's College, and Dr. J. Archie Hargraves, president. .Shaw University, are signing an agreement for a joint UNCF Campaign ip the Raleigh. Wake Cuunly area. Standing: Mrs. Norvella 11. Beatty, area development director of the United Negro Coiiege Fund. Inc., looks on.

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