\ \(iiioii«il Itoard CJutirman 'Cites Sinister Image Of 1: ■ ■' ■r* • r? •’V'-t 1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ In Loluinn ★ A ★ ★ Michuet X Is Hanged y orth Carolina's Leading: Weekly \()l. ,U Ml .11 IIM.KK.H, \ r . V\ KKK KM)l\(i SATIUDAV. MAY :ll. 1975 SINdl.K C'(H’5 Jllc ■/III// ( ily' Murder- illeued JACKIE Md.MS MARI.KV ‘Moms’ Is Given NY Last Rites BY ALKXANOKH BAHNK'' NKVV YORK Cn"! Kven though Jackie (Moms) Mabiey, 7h, did not boast ot the tact that she rose from the sidewalks of Nev^ York, very few who were of that ilk attract^ more people m death than she did. When the word reached Harlem that the idol of many theatre goers had passed in a VVhite Plains hospital, there was w much reminiscing that will ^fontinue long after the minister said Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust" Tuesday afternoon Perhaps e\en though she Mds buried from the House that Adam Buill " Ahvshinia Baptist, ilir crowd that mourned her passing is lielievcd In have rivaled that of the throng which atiended the funeral of .Adam t'lavhin Powell Jr The sireani of admirer'- began as soon as her bixlv was read> for viewing m a liK-.i! uo'tei’.iv ■ i' - rt'ir and f conliniied unlit ihe caske' was closed for the last lime ^ Very few who began w ither in the early .'Uls when she was discovered by Shep Allen and went on the stage of the Howard Theatre. 7fh and Tea Streets, northwest, Washing ton, l> r . were in attendance It was (here, as indicated in Ihe reopening of (he famed show (Sj* MO.MS' MABI.KV P 2> ^im Croiv Cited In iSC Housiiiff WASHINUTON I) f The Department of Justice last week, filed a motion for civil contempt asking that a Wilmington. North Carolina, builder and seller of homes be required to abide by court order arising out of a housing discrimination suit or be imprisoned and fined daily until he does so Altorney (Jeneral Kdward H Levi said the motion was filed in I' S District Court in Wilmington against Keavis Homes. Inc . and C L ^eavis. Its president The motion said the Justice Department filed suit against Keavis on Oct IS. 197:). charging that the firm would not sell homes to blacks, m vin^tion of the Fair Housing A^rof 1968 Keavis failed to comply with "yg reporting provisions of a ’ consent order resolving Ihe suit. Ihe motion said I,,as(July3 the court entered iSee NC HOUSING P 2- CHEATER KILLED ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ Bljn k N. C. Cliildrcn Honored .As Slate's Farm Family Of The Year Accused Attorney- War ns Of Dangers In a quiel but. resounding appeal. Attorney Margaret Bush Wilson, recently elected to head the Board of Directors of the NAACP. convinced the more man 1,500 persons who attended the annual ■ Freedom Fund Mother’s Day” program, held in Memorial Auditor* ium Sunday. N’ay 24, that perhap.s a more sinister image of hate was rising in tiPPtTKTl SITA (OMAIISSION CHAIRMAN- Arnerica. than the one —Pre>ideni Ford rongmiulales I.oweil Perry, of which has attended blacks after he WHS Nwoi II in May as chairman of the and minorities since the Pilgrims landed on Ply mouth Rock, ST ATF'S - I- \ini F \MM.Y DF THK YK.AH" — .Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Tann. with Iheir children i|. to R): tharles. Jr., (iary. Kenny. Judy and Barbara .Ann relax by w''tching TV in (heir tnmftirUhle (arm home near Rich ^uare. N.C. The Tanns were selected .s North Carolina's 1-armet s Home Administration Farm Family of the Year for 1974. and were later selected by a distinguished panel of judges as one of the top five FmllA families in the nation. Rich.'Square Family- Honored By State The Charles C. Tann family of Northampton County was honored last Friday as the Farmers Home Administration Farm Family of the Year at a ceremony at the Sheraton-Crabtre*- .Motor Inn • in Raleigh. Congressman L H Fountain, in his remarks at the luneneon. applauded the efforts of the Tann family that led to this recognition. Kll I.S .•<FI F AFTKK Ml R- DFItS. It APFS— Djyton. Ohio — Itu^M'll i ee Smith. 2K. is shown in .i liHiT file photo. Smith kiilrri J people enrly on Mhv JI wounded h others and rnped and then Imik his own life js poltee closed in. Smith hjs been on piobjlion sincr I'lT.t III 1970. Smith pleaded guillv to first dettree iiian- slauithter 1'he cross citv shiHiiing spree started about midntchl and ended at '2-22 am •tPI> DC March Saturday BY RICK HIGH Mac HuLsIander. the chair man of the Wilmington Defense Committee, held a press conference on the Capitol ground.s here last Thursday afternoon The purpose of Ihe press conference. Hulslander said, was to acquaint the people of the .Mav li march in Washing Ion. D C The march in the nation's capital, will probably draw people from all over the nation, savs the local organizer of the iSee DC MARCH P 2» Nearly 4(X) agricultural lead ers. stale and local officials, and friends of the family attended James T Johnson, slate director of FmHA. presided at the program The Tann family is an outstanding farm family, not only in their farming opera tion. but also as community leaders and as a close-knit family group The family of Charles and Dorothy Tann have worked together toward financial security and owning :..L.r own home and farm, plus assurance that each child would attend college or obtain job (raining Their progress has bet'n steady over the past 18 years Mr Tann was reared on a farm in Northampton County After serving in the arm^ forces, he*, with bis wife, returned to their native community to till Ihe soil and .rear their children When the Tanns contacted wr wf/. Farmers Home Administration i »O Ir tfltlprs for the first loan in t9S4. their net work was only $35C Their sole possessions were a brood sow. a cow. two pigs, an outdated tractor. Ihe bare necessities of household goods - and a debt of $1,110 (Carles was eager to buy the farm he was operating After counsel ing by the county supervisor of FmHA. he decided to wait until his financial condition improv ed before taking this step He expressed il this way ' Learn (See FARM F.AMILY P 2i aiar - - — In Poker Argument DURHAM — Accused of cheAlmg in a poker game, which is said to have gone on all night Saturday, at 920 Hopkins Street, Willie Hayes is alleged to have left the game and recruited four of his associates about 11:25 a.m. Sunday, and when the smoke from a shotgun blast cleared away, Raniolph Dewberry, 19. IIO*' Calvert Street, was d«ad and Randolph Wil- lianu Helms, 22. of the Hopkins Street address, was being hauled away to the Durham County Jail, where he was charg^ with murder. A report of investigating officers is said to have revealed that Hayes was caught cheating in the duration game, by Heims, known in his cirlce as “Peco, ’ In an apartment where he and Willie Wooten lived. It was not disclosed what the cheating act was. whether Hayes had 4 aces up his sleeve or whether he had a -Royal Flush” that enabled him to win. The information said to have been given by Public Safety ^fficer E. D Warren was that when he arrived at the house '■ (See CHEATER. P 2) Links^ Proposal Approved The Raleigh chapter of Links. Inc . recently received notification from the Histone Sites Section of the Division of Archives and History, N C Department of Cultural Re sources, that the organization’s request for the erection of historical markers for James H Hams and James H Young had been approved The • See CITY'S LINKS. P 2) Appreciation Feature Has * NF.U FtH ,AI W \SHIN(iT(»N Drlioil. Mich F«iuhI Kniolov men! Onnnninit\ I otiiiiiisHioii in a cereniunv in the line House Rose (harden. The new chairman's son. I.owell Perrv. .Ir looks on. Perrv previoiisjv worked for Ihe Chrvsler Curp. I PI' More Violence Seen In Boston Schools National Black .News Service Boston Fear of contin- >(ol>hing ued violence in two Boston high .schiMils • South Boston and Hyde Park - resulted in a warning by f S District Court Judge \A Arthur (iarrilv that he would close the schools The warning followed a C S Supreme ('ourl decision to let stand a Dec 19 decision by the First C S Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld Garriiv 's finding that the Boston School Committee deliberately oper ated a segregated ’school system After making that iinding. Garrily ordered into effec’ a temporary busing plan tor 18.000 of the city's 87.000 students The plan has bwn in effect throughout the current school year and has been the source of widespread violence The current situation, Gar- rity said, "parallels the course of events that led to Ihe tragic episode at South Boston High last December, when there was almost a life lost in a Charged In Death Of Kin National Black News Service PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad — Michael Abdul Malik, known as "Michael X,” was handed here last week for the machete murder of his cousin. Malik. 41. a Trinidadian, was executed on the gallows after spending 2>3 years on death row Pleas for commutation by an international "Save Malik” committee whose members inc'uded Angela Davis and Dtc> Gregory, were ignored by the government here A popular chap. Malik was a prominent figure in London's black power movement in the )960s He had established a commune in eastern Trinidad after his return here from England in 1970 (See MICHAEL X. P 2) The cuuri leels that il has an ohligalKin to head otf an exploMvesituation intwoof the sehooK that could eause serious injury to young ix-iiple ■■ -After the violence that marked Ihe opening of the sehiMils last September, there was relative calm in (he ensuing months But. two week.s ago. violence erupted again when about 300 demon strators tried to block (he entrance to South Boston High Garriiv's new integration (See IN BOSTON. P 2' J. Alston Athletic Director DURHAM — Joseph L. Alston, an alumnus of North Carolina Central University who was for 3 years head basketball coach at Charlotte's Johnson C. Smith University, has been appointed athletic director at North Carolina Central. Alston, whose appointment becomes effective July I. will succeed Dr. James W, Younge, w ho was his tennis coach when he played that sport at NCCU from 1934 to 1958 Alston olaved (See NEW ATHLETIC. P. 2) She began by .saying that -America was founded by ml^fll.s. the frustrated, politic ally-cistraci/ed and even those who said they were not allowed to worship God according to the dictates of their own •See NAAt F MKKT. F 2> Deanship Is Denied To Black National Black News Service ANN ARBOR. Mich A black woman, chosen by the University of .Michigan's board of regents to be dean of its 15.500 students m literature, science and the arts, has been blocked for the post by the university's predominately white, male faculty Jewel Cobb, a zoologist who has been dean of Connecticut College's 1.600 students, was technically blocked from the (See SAY BLACK. F. 2) JOSEPH L ALSTON SMTOK'S NOTE; ThU M It pr«4BC*4 in ih* pabik biUrMi • lib •• aim laaardi fllmlaatlaf lit aaaltait. Namtrtui Udiddaalt ba«a rtduttud ibai ibtjr b« alirta Iba aaatMtraika al a»crla«i'iaf ib«tf llaitaf a« Ibt aailct bladtr. Tbit «* vtald llba la da. Havtvtr, Il It n«t tar potUlaa la ba Mg* ar Jury. Ht mtrtl)' publUh tba tacit at m* Had (b«m rtparud by Iba arrttllju ilflecrt. Ta hacp am ot Tba Crima Sail Calumnt, maraly maaaa aai balBf rtfltiarad by a palka oftlcar la rapartlac bit fladlaft ahila oa duly 8a almply kcap aft Iba "Mallar" and yaa waa'i ba la Tba Crima Saar vSTABRKDINBAC'K Ms Rosa Jean Snelling told Officer J. S Carroll at 9:50 a m Monday of a slabbing in the 300 block of Hill St. Alex Nicholas, 56. of 1318Pender St., was stabbed by his alleged common-law wife during an apparent domestic disturb ance. according to the police report. Nicholas suffered a stab wound in the left side of the back, piercing the kidney. (See CRIME BEAT. P, 3» PROTEST COST OF Kl.KCTRICITV — Petersburg. Va. — Led by a marcher carrying an effigy of see commibbionrr Preston .Shannon, about 50 demonstrators march across Ihe parking lot of Vepco's Petersburg office. The marchers were protesting the skv rocketing cost of electricilv in Virginia dPli There were no winners in last week's CAROLINIAN Apprec iation Money Feature, spon sored by this newspaper and participating businesses, listed on the back page of the front section of The CAROLINIAN each week However, the names of three persons were placed in the slots of as many businesses and had there been any claimants, (hey would each have been iSm APPRECIATIO.Y P 21 Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK THOMPSON4,YNCH COMPANY For The Finest In Electrical Appliances" Hie Greatest CHAMPION BECOMES AUTHOR — New York — Muhammad All holds up his book. 'The Greatest: My Own Story,” during a May 26 press conference held to publicize the book. All plans to unveil his latest gimmick, "The Russian Tank," which calls for him to stand erect with his hands crossed over hit face, when he defends his heavyweight title against (he Joe Bugner of Britain in Kuala Lumpur. June 30. tUPD

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