Alleged Shooting Of Woman Said Cause PRESS RUN 10,026 Violence Ends At Hamlet Marches^ Fires Are Reasons For Curfew 'I h** exrii4»nienf that has hovered over this little railroad town of yesteryear since town officials decided U) clamp a 10 p m. curfew, after many of its 1,000 blacks snowed anger and resentment over the alleged shooting of a 21-year-old black woman, in the early hours of Thursday. June 5, lessened when the curfew was lifted 'luesday. Thpofficials claimed that the curfew was necessary when blacks staged two marches through the streets and two fires are said to have been start (-d Even though the furor abated to a certain extent, there is T undercurrent pervading the area There are those who say ^ the shooting of Rona Scott, ^ allegedly by a white police sergeant. James Bryant, was wanton and the direct result of brutality. A running account of the incident was given a repre sentative of this newspaper, which related that the woman was in a cab and was believed to have been on her way home when the officer is alleged to have pulled her out of the cab for an alleged offense of disorderly conduct. It was also reported that in the scuffle, the officer dropped his night stick and the young woman picked it up. It was then, according to the report, that he brought his revolver into play. After the shooting, she is alleged to have been taken to a Hamlet hospital and the bullet was removed. The fact that this was done by a nurse, and not a doctor, did not set too well with the blacks It is said to have been done in an effort to play the shooting down and to 'd^cote that she received a wound not from the officer's ^ gun, but from her own actions during the scuffle. It was also reported that the mother of the woman became disturbed over the matter and took her to the Moore County ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Female I§ Jailed ★ ★ ★ ★ Kills Mate Of 2 Wks. North Carolina’s Leading Weekly yOL. 34 NO. 33 RALEIGH. N.C., WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE 14. 1975 , SINGLE COPY 20c, Assailant Wanted A Kiss- Victim BITES OFF TONCUE Ex-NAACP Man Wants Post Park UV TAVU>K FLEMMING WELDON — A veteran NAACF exective with nearly 20 years of service, was recently dismissed by the executive board of the local NAACP chapter I H Hilliard, the chairman of the board, was dismissed in a dispute among MISS RONA SCOTT Hospital Friday afternoon, where it was definitely deter mined that she had been' wounded as the result of the firing of a gun. This finding set off new anger and sterner protests, V) much so until the officer was suspended and (See HAMLET IS. P. 2) Black Cop Dismissed In Raleigh Police Officer Michael Hun ter was dismissed from the Raleigh Police Department last Wednesday, allegedly ’’because of his actions under pressure on the night in April when an 16-year-old Raleigh woman was killed as an unmarked police vehicle col lided with a Volkswagen," driven by a friend of the deceased v/oman. Officer Hunter, who is black, has been also charged with having "failed to act in a rational manner in a stress situation." Police Major Edgar C. Duke made the recommendation in a letter to Chief of Police Robert Edwin Goodwin, that Hunter be fired. A letter from the major’s office to the chief follows: "On the recommendation of Major Edear Duke. Com manding Officer of Field Oper ations for the Raleigh Police Department, Patrolman Mich ael Hunter was dismissed from (See BLACK COP, P. 2) Pre-Release [ram In ★★★★ ★★★★ Church Groups To Sponsor ★ ★ ★ ★ Day Of Prayer For Justice Man, 20, Arrested For Rape PRISONER REMOVED FROM FIRE SCENE - Sanford. Fla. ~ A prisoner Is carried from the Seminole County Jail. June 9, after a fire was set in (he building by inmates. At least 12 arc dead and 46 injured. Eleven of (he victims were convicts and (he 12(h victim was a jail gnard. (UPIl I H HILLIARD NAACP executives over his appointment to the Weldon School Board The NAACP has been struggling to change the process of appointment to the board from self-perpetuation to election Under the existing sys^ni, new members are apigtlntod by current board members The NAACP advo cates the selection of board Jlivnembers through general elections The conflict between Mr. Hilliard and his NAACP (See EX-NAACP, P. 2) Progi Jeopardy? BY STAFF WRITER Fourteen months ago, the Department of Corrections' Pre-Release and Aftercare Services Program was funded by the State Legislature. Last week, the counselors and the inmates found out that their budget was in the process of being eliminated. The Pre-Release p gram is a five-week training session that tries to cover all potential problem areas that the inmate may face upon re-entering society During the training periods, the inmates are lectured on four broad topics: personal growth, vocational and educa tional development, commun ity awareness and financial (See PRE-RELEASE, P. 2) Woman Pumped 4 Bullets Into Man DURHAM— Frustration often attends the family of one who dies a natural death, but it mount^ here last week when Mrs. Betty Jean ^If, 29, allegedly pumped four bullets into her husband, Clifton O. Self, 34, in the bedroom of their apartment, 1(X)8-C Sherwood Drive, about 10 p.m., Thursday. The frustration is said to have arisen when the alleged slayer, who is said to have b^n married to the victim for only Claim FBI Spied On Policemen National Black News Service CHICAGO - The FBI conducted extensive surveil lance of a black policemen’s group which has brought discrimination charges against the Chicago Police Depart ment. Records in the discrimina- about 2 weeks, was placed in the Durham County jail, without the privilege of bond. It was learned from a reliable source, that even though Self had bMn separated from hit (^ CLAIM FBI, P. 2) CLIFTON 0. SELF first wife. Annelle. whom he married sometime ago. he had not changed any of the papers in which the first wife was named as beneficiary, and it was necessary for her to come to Durham and make arrange ments for his burial. The shooting, according to a witness, climaxed a normal argument between the two that had been going on for most of the evening Frank McClinton Morehead. who is said to have been a roomer of the Self's, is alleged to have told investigat ing officers that he was downstairs in the kitchen and (See KILIJ? MATE. P 2) SIC.NS ONE-Mll LIt.N OOLLAR-PLUS CONTRACT - Orlando, Florida - Barryl Dawkins 18 get* fitting for hi* graduation cap from fellow classmate Marla Council, during graduation ceremnolev at Orlando's Evans High School. Dawkins recently signed with the Philadelphia 76 ers for a 7 year, no-cut coiUract for one million dollars plus. (t’PD TWO FOUND GUILTY Ol- HIS MURDER — Sacramento. Calif. — Two Symbionese Liberation Army "soldiers.” Russell Little and Joseph Remiro. Here found guilty. June 9. of the slaying of Oakland school superintendent Marcus Foster (showni and the attempted murder of his assistant «UPI> Appreciation Check Claimed By Mrs. Hinton Mrs Ella Hinton of Idlewild Ave , was the lucky recipient of a check in the amount of $10 last weekend and she saw her name in the advertising paid for by Ben Franklin Stores. Longview Shopping Onter. in The CAROLINIAN’S Apprec iation Money Feature, spon sored each week by this newspaper and part'''ipaling merchants. The Appreciation Money Feature is located on the back page of the front section of the paper and (here are three names of lucky winners to be found in as many advertising (See APPRECIATION. P 2) PHILADELPHIA. Pa - Sex crazed males got a shock here last Saturday when a dailiy newspaper carried an account of an alleged rapist, who was identified by the victim, due to the fact that she wa.s reported as having hit his tongue off an leaving it at the scene of the attack Ir was believed to have been coincidental that both were treated at the same hospital. the suspect, identifed as John D Grant. 20. who lives in another apartment building in the 6100 block of Larchwood Ave . was listed in stable condition at Misericordia Hos pital with a one-inch section of his longue missing The woman, who is 25. was treated at the same hospital and transferred to the rape treatment facility at Philadel- (See BITES OFF. P 2i March On Courthouse Set Here in HK K IIKHI Lcftn While, direclor of Ihe I nilfil Church of Christ Comnussion for Racial Justice of North Carolina-Virginia. along With the General Baptist Slate Convention’s Dr Joy Johnson, have joined forces in agenev a religious response towards the North Carolina Correction al systems A day of prayer for racial justice has been sche duled for July 13 in front of the Wake County Courthouse here "We are in search of pulling together seme national and local leaders of the church, in a religious service for JoAnne Little, the Wilmington 10 and all victims of this unjust (See DAY OF. P 2» MA^OR EVERS GOES ON TRIAL — Jacksoa. Miss. — Fayette. Miss. Mayor Charles Evers, shown during court recess. June t. went on trial in U S. District Court on charges of evading income taxes. Ev ers is accused of evading payment of more than IS3.Mb In income lax in I96M. 1969 and 1170, At left Is Kver’s attorney Michael Fawer. of New Orleans. (UPD 66th Meet Of NAACP Scheduled WASHINGTON. D C - The 66th annual convention of the National Association for (he Advancement of Colored Peo ple, carrying the membership rallying theme 'NAACP You Gotta Belong. ' will be held from June 30 through July 4. at (he Sheraton Park and ^ore- ham Hotels in Washington DC Speakers scheduled for the S-day meeting include Secre tary of the Treasury William E Simon. Carla Anderson Hills, recently appointed Se cretary of HUD, Arthur S Flemming, chairman of the U S Commission on Civil Rights. John Anderson, chair man of the House Republican Conference and Rep Parren J .Mitchell and Rep l.ouis Stokes Among the topics to be discussed, especially as they relate to minority and poor people, are education, employ ment. housing, legal af^irs. political action, veteran’s affairs, urban programs and issues affecting youth and branch activities (inTuesday. July I, a special film. Not lij The Sword The NAACP A Historical Travelo- 0 Callender, director of Su**- ’*'•11 he shown The Howard University's irans plant serv ice, has charged that the school's new medical fac’iliiv IS being unfair'y excluded from a federal program to finance two mam kidney transplant centers although Howard has perform ed more successful kidney operations in the past 16 months than any other local civilian hospital Dr Callender said that the Department ol Health. Educa tion and Welfare twice has denied Howard an interim certificate ar a hospital whose kidney Iransplantees could get as nneh as $30.0(X) each in special I S aid This IS true. Dr Callender said, despite the fact that Howard has been doing more transplants than any of the three HEW certified centers • (iwirgelow n and George Wash ington Universities and the Washington Hospital Center i)r Robert Van Hoek. acting director of MKW s health services administration, and Dr Thomas Murray of thi.1 agreed with Dr Callender's charges They conceded that no federal team has visited Howard and no compantive quality rating has been made of Washington transplant pro grams. though Van Hoek recommended Dec 4 that Howard's certification be denied HEW Secretary Caspar W Weinberger has made no final decision See TRANSPLANTS. P. 2» STUDIES NEARLY 30 VEAHS FOR ( (il.I.EtiK DK- (HtEK — .New York —- College is a hobb) and a life's work for Kulterflv Metiueen. The act-' ress who poriraved Scarlet O'Hara's maid in (he movie classic. (Mine With The Wind. died for almost 30 years at 5 different colleges before earn ing a degree last week. < I PI i Jim Crow Transplants Is Charged National Black News .Service WASHINGTON Dr Clive '.See 66TH MEET. P 2) Rank DC 2nd In Murders .National Black News Service WASHINGTON, DC - Washington. D C . the nation's capital, ranked 15th among 20 cities of comparable size - between 5OO.UO0 and 1 million population ■ for serious crimes against both persons and f iroperty The city had the owest rate of auto (heft, but was second only to Cleveland in the number of murders committed per i.OOO residents D C also had the third highest robbery rale and the fourth highest rape rate It ranked I llh among the 20 cities in the rate of aggravated assaults. 14th in larcenies and I5th in burglaries All these statistics were hared before the House District Committee last week They were prepared by the FBI. and covered 1974 According to testimony, the "safesU’city was Indianapolis, with 39 77 serious crimes per 1.000 residents Phoenix had the highest rate. 105.99 D C Police chief Maurice J Cullinane, citing (he FBI Statistics comparing Washing- rori(y: Alton Strickland, president of board of directors and former City CouncUman, receiving check; Frederick Whitney, executive director of DHIC and Mrs. Joan Spcacer, president (basileusi of the sorority. In addition to this check to DHIC, the sorority gives more than |7,5M.M annually for scholarships and awards to youth.