ff orl(l\s Ativ’uion On Raleigh r t Jurors Of Race Are Excused V Ai Monday's session, the ^(irsi juror, a young white waitress from Haleigh. was chosen Ms ('ornelha Howell, a 20-yi'ar'old fragile looking girl was chosen in an alT-day session of processing prospec tive Jurors TueM}a>. as Judge Hamilton H Hohgood prosioed over the second day of the Inal, the Second member of the jury was selected Like Ms Howell. Ms Jennie ixiu Lancaster, is a while female She holds a r\ « 1)H (' A MAVWOOO Raleigh JSative 'Tapped hr Charles A Haywood, a Itiileigli native, has been .mined assistant supennten dent for iiHleral programs of High roinl City Sc hools. High Point The .ippointment includes re>|K>nMf>ilil> for de\elopmenl .iiid implementation of a eompreheiisne needs assess- iiK'iit idenlitMiig and sleeking ttiii Icder.il program> which help to iiu'el (he educational neeitv ot the High Point (See DR HAYWOOD. P 2) PsAACP To Hear Lee Here Sun. Chapi'l Hill's mayor. Howard Nathaniel Lee, will be the E note speaker here Sunday the Kaleigh-Apex branch of National Association for the Advancement of Colored (See MAYOR TO P 2) Selection Slow In Little Trial BY RICK HIGH The prfK'ess of selecting the jurors for the trial of Miss JoAnne Little moved its (>oc<' id day Tuesday as the slaU- and the defense have agretni only on two jury memljers. Miss Little is on trial for her life on charges of premeditated l^murder in the death of a jailer last August. North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL 34 NO. 37 RAL£IGa N C . SATITIDAY. JUI.Y 19. 1975 SlNGl.E COPY 20c ScENKS AT TRIAL SITF.. FOR MISS LITTLF^ Kairigh, N.C. — In photo at left, Jerry Paul, attorney for Miss JoAnne Little, tries to wave away over-zealous supporters of his client as they almost engulf the car that the defense team used to leave the Wake C ounty Courthouse In Monday. Miss Little is on trial on ehargesof premeditated murder in the slaying of ciarenceAllegood. a white Beaufort County Jailer, last Aug. 27. Center photo shows Russell McDonald, bodyguard for Miss Little, right, as he yells for a crowd of about 300 supporters, to move out of the way .Monday as they left the courthouse at the noon recess. The picture at right, taken Monday afternoon during a steady downpour of rain, shows more of .Miss Little’s supporters as they march from Women's Prison on Bragg Street to the courthouse on F'ayetteville Street. The case has drawn worldwide attention. il'PI) Fay(‘lt«n-illr Man SIttin Batchelor t-i Arts degree from Meredily (oHetse, here in Raleigh The 25 year-old Ms I.an< astei is a program super visor with the Behavonal Modifii'aluoi Center Then' wi-re three blacks that were excused after being questioned There was some "excilt meni” during Tuesday's pro ceedings Judge Hohgood told the spectators of a bomb threat that was received by telephone and he also told the gallery that f f would not i.-lear the court u-r. time he heard a bomb threat ' (See I ITTl.K TRIAL. P 2» Body Locked In House ^ ★ Home ‘‘For White Boyw Oiilr*’ Race Barrier Doomeil? ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ Ah Internes In Raleigh Office Morgan Appoints Blacks Females Working For Sen. Miss Adrienne Mitchell, a political science major at the University of North Carolina at Chape) Hill, started work in the Raleigh office of Senator Robert Morgan (D-N.C.I. as an interne, on Monday, July 14 A native of Raleigh, Mias Mitchell is (he daughter of Raleigh attorney Samuel Mit chell and Mrs Mitchell As an intern, she will work for SIX weeks until Aug 22. afterwhich she plans to resume her studies at (^apel Hill She hopes to attend Law &hool after completing her under graduate work Miss Mitchell has previously worked in a law office and also as a secretary with Wake County Opportunities. Inc . in the latter's Special Summer Feeding Program Miss Alexina Denise Cole man, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold P Coleman. 701 Callo way Drive, Raleigh, has received an appointment to work for six weeks this summer in (he office of Senator Robert Morgan iD-N C > in Washington A rising sophomore at the University of North Carolina in Says Man Admitted Killing I BY STAFF WRITER FAYETTEVILLE - Harry Forshee was found dead Monday afternoon in his house at 1922 Arm strong Street. The 57-year- old victim was shot at least twice by a .22 caliber gun. Willie Hurley of 1122 Henderson Avenue, is being held for homicide by the Fayetteville nolice. AT ALL-NIGHT 'TOIL — Raleigh, N.C. — Ms. Anne McDonald Joins othfr supporters of JoAoae MU.'Mt.u' I® •csndleltvhi Viylf miuMe ihe Wake Countv Courthouse In support of . Jailer. PRDl'D MOTHFIR — .Mrs. Mary H. .Staunton lieiti. an employee in the I'.S. Labor Department's Office of the Solicitor, holds White House news release announcing the appointment of her daughter. Mrs. Patricia A. Davis (right), as a White House Fellow. Mrs. Davis, one of only It Fellows selected from 2.307 applicants, will also work in the Labor Department during her one-year fellowship, starling in September. She is the only black and one of two women among the 14 who won fellowships. Parties Seeking To Prove Will Invalid (See SEN MORGAN CARROLL COUNTY. Md - According to legal circles, another racial barrier in America could bite the dust when Carroll County Circuit Judge Edward 0 Weanl. Jr . decides, later this month, whether a will, written in 1951. setting up a "foster home for Appreciation Check Won By Mrs. McDouffald The Winner of week before last's Appreciation Money page was a lady and the only one to do «o Mrs Mable McDougal of Raleigh, saw her name contained m Ihe ad block of the Warehouse of Tires, an establishment (hat sells Ures. new or used They are located on the comer of Person and Davie Streets, here in the Capitol City So. I advise you to read The CAROLINIAN, and support them that support you Mrs McDougal resides at 505 Florence Street SIGNti Ml LTI-MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT — Denver — David Thompson. forward from North Carolina otate. talks with newsmen at a press conference. July 14. after It was announi ed he had signed a multi-year-million dollar pact with the Denver Nuggets of the ABA. Looking on is Larry Brown, the Nugget's coach ilPli i white boys only." after the death of the maker of said will, should be brought in line with desegregation or not The case has caused lawyers on both Bides, to go scurrying of the canons of law m the area of racial discrimination The will is alleged to have been made by one Raymond I. Wilson, who died in 1954, in which he left an estate of 1900.000 The terms of the will set forth that there would be established a Bowling B tak Home for boys, an all-w.ute foster home in Middleburg. near (he Carroli-Fredenck County line The dispute centers on a provision in Mr Richardson's will that provided for a corporation, (he Raymond I Richardson Foundation, to run a "charitable institution for orphan boys, indigent boys and other boys who may be in need of (he assistance of this foundation Meanwhile, first in 1965 and then in 1972, the foundation's trustees sought the court s help in gelling the will's racial prohibition thrown out •See IIARHIKR P 2' Fayetteville police. Officer Carl C Campbell. Jr . responded to the ca 1, made by the deceased man's sister. Ms Emma Thames of 428 Deep Creek Road Officer Campbell and an ambulance team arrived at the scene to find Ms Thames standing outside, unable to get into the locked house Looking through the kitchen window, they saw that Mr Forshee had been shot and was lying in a pool of blood on the floor The front screens were cut and the front door was forced to gam entry Officer Campbell reported that "after entering, we went to the kitchen area where the ambulance team checked and found iF'orsheei deceased " Ms Jackie Joyner of 2819 Ambros St . Sanford, was near the scene when the shooting took place She took Officer Campbell to 1122 Henderson Avenue, where they found Willie Hurley and the cop read him his legal rights The police reported that Hurley admitted to shootma Forshee and prod* d a small 22 caliber revolv .'^ich will be used as evio against him N. C. At Crossroads Of Law Confrontations KIDNAPED BLACK COLO NEL RF:LF:ASF:D Drlrut — Kidnaped L'.S. Army Col. Krnetl K. Morgan was releas ed July 12 at the home of Premier Rethid Karami after 13 days in captivity. He w'as released hours before Ihe deadline set by the guerrillas who kidnaped him and threat ened to kill him unless food, clothing and construction ma terials were distributed to slum dwellers in Beirut. (CPI) BY ALEXANDER BARNES The CAROLINIAN, in its effort to get (he puLse beat of persons across (he stale, as it relates to brutality of law enforcement officers, tern- perments of judges and juries, along with the increasing population of "death row ". conducti-d an extensive survev last week The survey showed that much IS h«Mng said atiout the JoAnne Little r.ise It apparent that it will tx- a h'Htle of lawyers as to the cnndiui t<‘ the Inal here in Rau'igh One of Ihe badspf-clacies o' the Inal is Ihe alleged high :'ost of defending JoAnne It is allegeen sp(>nt and (US.dtiO more will be needed (n properU defend her The state also had its legal staff bolstered by Ihe family of the Siam white jailer John A. Wilkinson. Washington practi tioner. often found on the defense side of murder cases is said to have been hired f y e family A Raleigh judge is alleged to have b^n censured for having had his say about (.See AT rHO.S.SROADS. P 2) Adultery Is Fatal For Man I’oroN'oU. Dahomey — Hre' uleiit Mathieu Kerekou had ms Interior Minister shot and killed after he walked into Hie minister's home and found him committing adultery with the President's wife, according Aniil TFRY 1.^, P 21 Medics Set Convention Mother^ Of Rights Is In Florida Buried Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK ONF.-H(H It MAKTIMZIV, For The Cleanest ('lothes In Town " BALTIMORE. Md When the minister said 'he last nte.s that eommitled the body of Dr Lillie M Jackson to its last resting place Thursday after noon. Julv Ml. he painted earth slasi picture of what was physical, of a little woman, who did so much for equality of opportunity for all people and 10 make Maryland Ihe true "Free Slate " She was born 86 years ago. the 7th child of 8 to the late Charles and Amanda Carroll She graduated from the Colored High and .Normal School m 1909. considered me best Maryland had to offer blacks, at that lime This IS said to have motivated her in do ordinary (See MDTHKH P 2» NEW YORK. NY - Determined to "be a continu ing force in the molding of health policy." black doctors across the nation are preparing to travel to Miami Beach and attend the National Medical Association's 8Uth annual con vention and scientific assemb ly. according to an announce ment by Dr Vernal Cave, president of (he 6.600 member organization The meeting wiU be held Aug 10-15 Dr Cave, a noted dermato logist and author of numerous scientific articles, is a director of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation and chief of the .New York City Bureau of Communicable Dis eases "The 1975 convention pro mises to be siimulaiing, productive and enjoyable anif I would like to extend a warm and hearty invitation (o all members and (heir guests lu Join us in Miami Beach for (his occasion ' (See MEDICS SET. P 2i PREPARF:s to fire — Fort Bragg — Cadet Allen W. Meadows of St. Augustine's ColUge, prepares to fire bti Mil rifle daring tactical training at Ft. Bragg's 1975 ROTC Advanced Camp. He U one of 1.932 cadets attending the six-week leadership ccMtne. Cadet Meadows is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Meadows of Trenton. N.C. (L’.S. Army Photo by Jeff WUson).