North Carolina Governor Establishes Office Of i; • ‘ f ♦ '\ * c. r ' -rri . \K PKESS,oa6 { Minority Business Project ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “iVof For Welfare, Giveaway ’Zion Women Set ★ ★ ★ Expect 1,100 At 18th Quadrennial Governor James [{olshou* ser, Jr., in setting up a N.C. Office of Minority Husiness Enterprise, made it very clear, at his Monday press conference, that this was not another welfare nor a giveaway pro^am. He said the establisning of the office was another of his efforts to help all citizens of the He alluded to the fact that jjpany members of minority races, uho had the desire to go into business, were often ^vpped before they got started. v> being given the wrong advice He made it imdersiond that this eforl was an attempt to "lock the stable tiefore the horse got out " He said many businesses had failed due to the lack of proper counsel and advice He began by saying ' Kor two and v half years, we have worked hard toward the goal of providing oppotiuniles for all the people of North Carolina to improve their income and their standard of living “We have consciously work ed to help Uh communities attract quality industry to those areas of North Carolina where good jobs are needed the ^ most We have worked hard to provide more opportunity for North Carolinians to improve their skills through a varietv of (See KNTKKPufSE. P 2i THE 0AmUNlAN VOL 34 NO. 38 North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N.C.. SATURDAY. JULY 26. 1975 Raleigh Woman's Sessions Mrs. Rice Will Lead Delegates SINGLE COPY 20c H CE MAIMED ★★★★ ★★★★ Third Convention Looms As ★ ★ ★ ★ PITTSBURGH. Pa. - Mrs. Willa Mae Rice, general president. Wo* . .* man's Home and ForeiCT Missionary Society, AME Zion Church, says that the more than 1.100 delegates that will attend the 18th ’ quadrennial session of the PLUNGING TO DEATHS - Boston. Mass. — M*. Diana Bryant organization have booked I9. and her 2-year-old godchild, Tlare Jones, plunge to their death the Biltmore Hotel out and *helr 5lh floor balcony that collapsed July 22. while they wer ro^prvfliion** are now heini? wailing to be re.scued when a fire swept their Back Bay apartnoenl reservations are jhry missed, by seconds, brmg rescued, as firemen raised thel ladder to rescue them. A fireman on the scene with them, clung t the rescue ladder and was rescued. (CPU JacksonTellsPUSWsPlans Holloway Thousands Expected Pythians In ‘Philly’ lename Officers aV J B HAKRKN ASHEVILL - The 96lh annual Grand Lodge conven tion of the Knights of Pythias of North Carolina Jurisdiction, and the seth annual setting of the Court of Calanthe convened here at Holidav Inn. West Asheville. July 14-16. as guests ol the Acme laodge No 24 and Blue Uidge Te.nplo .No 621 Sir w J Burton is Chancellor Commander of the host Pythians and Mrs Virginia Nesbitt is Worthy- Counsellor of the loi'al court Lonnie K lieynolds. retired Greensboro business and fra ternal leader, is Grand Chancellor of the Tarheel Pythians. working coopera tively with Mrs Clara W Nesby of Winston-Salem. (>and Worthy Counsellor of i^l^Calantheans Both leaders wore reelected following their EAiual messages to the i^mbined session Following memorial services for the deceased members, it was revealed that a decline in membership necessitated the putting on of a special membership effort, asking every member to gel at least one new member during the next final year A highlight of the grand lodge convention was the Princess Revue in the form of a fashion show participated in. principally, by Asheville and Greensboro delegates with white and black models W. Edgar Gay of Goldsboro and Hockv Mount, a member of (See NC PYTHIANS. P 2) Parents And Pupils Sue School Bd. Vfly-six students and 22 parents are listed as plaintiffs in a class action suit filed on y^June 15 in the U S. Eastern District Court in Raleigh The suit charges the Wake County public school system with racial discrimination (See SUE SCHOOL. P 2) PHILADELPHIA. Pa. - More than 1.000 of the nation's leading black edu cators, religious leaders and government officials will be attending the third annual national convention of PUSH. The event will be held in Philadelphia. August 6-9. 1975. More than 40.000 people, trom throughout the U S., are expected to be in attendance .Among the educators will be presidents and deans of many .ii. where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival Named In Wounding BY STAKE WRITER A Raleigh woman was treated (and supposedly released I last Saturday afternoon, after being shot in the face, allegedly by a boyfriend. Authorities at Wake Medical Center said Ms. Sequinta Ann Deb- nam. 412 S. Swain Street, suffered a gunshot wound i.0 the right side of her face .Ms Dennani. in a stalemeiil to Raleigh police oriicials. allegedly implicated Sam Holloway, also ol th*‘ Swai i Slre«*t adilres as Im- ing been the person who shut her The bullet, '"om a 22ealil)re pistol, entered the woman's tace on (See SHOT IN, P 2» OBIE CARRINGTON. JR faces murder charge ‘Bull City’ E . Man May Fight Try DURHAM — District Attor ney Anthony (Tonyi M Brannon, told The CAROL INIAN Tuesday and he was going to use everything at his command (o bring .Arthur Parrish. Jr . one of two men charged with the hrulual slashing death of Otis Jackson (Jack* Kigsbee. white, the son of the owner ol Libety Market at downtown Five Points, in the (See MAN MAY. P 2) AJC Urges Ban On All directed to other hotels when they arrive Aug. 1, in Lo.s Angeles. Calif The meeting is the largest delegated body of th -cond lartest black Methi deno mination Delegates .* be in attendance from throughout the United Stales, the Baha mas. the Virgin Islands. South America. Africa and Ixindon. England It will Ih* the second time it has been held on the West ('oast, having met there in 1955. The theme of the 7 day meet, Aug 2-8, is "Mission Is " The topics to be discussed will be evangelism, involvement, soc ial action. inveslm<'nt, out reach and celebration. Mrs Grace L Holmes. Knoxville, Tenn . executive secretary, will serve as general coordina tor The 12 active bishops, representing the 12 episcopal districts, along with the 12 supervisors, will serve as consultants for their respective districts. The First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, will host the meet. The Rev K Melvin Taylor is the pastor and Bishop George J. I.,eake is the host-prelate. Mrs ilma Leake, his wife, is the host supervisor. The Friday and Saturday, Aug-1 -2. Cl eiits will feature the meeting of the executive boaid. registration and a general orientation assembly, where the guidelines will be set up. The Sunday morning session will be the formal opening, with a processional. I^by the bishops. Bishop J. W. (See WOMEN SET. P. 2) Five Blacks Selected T wel ve J ur ors Seated In Little Death Trial BY HICK HIGH Five black jurors art among the 12 which had beer sealed as late a.s Wednesday of this week as the nurder trial of Miss JoAnne Little, 21-year-old bl; - woman accused of the ice pick murcier of a white VVoshington, N.C. jailer last Aug. 27. entered the half-way point of its second week .lurora ’ '' ' " approved Monday, The Ulh juror is also black Mrs. Cora M Jenkins, 49, a former cafeteria worker, re portedly told the defense lawyers that. "Once my mind's made up, it's made up " Miss Little left (he courtroom Tuesday under heavy security guard after presiding judge Hamilton H Hobgood was Ex-Cons Will Open Security WASHINGTON - The A- mencan Jewish ('ongress last Saturday called for a Federal gun control banning "the manufacture, importation, sale and ow nership of all types of handguns and handgun ammunition” except for law enforcement officers In a statement submitted to the Subcommittee on Crime of the House Judiciary Com- miltee. the Jewish organiza- MRS HATTIE ROBINSON She was well known in Durham, having been born here and attended Hillside The Wednesday morning High School She was quite active in the communitv and (See STRICKEN AT. P •» (See SEN BROOKE. P.2> Sl SPEt TIN BURGLARY According to police records. Tommy McClain. 3031 Holslon Lane, is the prime su.specl in a burglars, which occurred at 1623 Fountain Drive Iasi weekend Thesolina McClain, believed to be a brother of the suspect, told "the law ' that his house w as robbed of some $251 worth of merchandise and was tion supported the virtually damaged in the amount of $25. complete ban on handguns as the result of a window contained in companion bills screen having been torn off. He introduced b> Sen Phillip A allegedU told officers that he Hart of Michigan and Rep believed Tommy was the .lonathan Bingham of New person responsible Two pairs York of shoes, a suit and a pair of It rejected as "too limited ‘ a slacks were taken while measure requiring handgun Thesolina McClain and others registration and licensing were asleep in the dwelling introduced by Sens Edward M Entrv to the apartment. Kennedy of Massachusetts and located in Southgate, is believ- MRS WILLA M RICE National Black News Service . , . W.ASHINGTON - A group of ex-oonvicis has received per- mission from (he Di.slrict of Columbia police chief to open up a security corppany here. And Shannon and Luchs. a property management con cern. has announced that it would hire the security force for one of its public housing developments in northeast Washington The protect was that of I.s.sar P. Hill, director of a group called Efforts From Ex-Con- vicls Inc . formed in 1967 as a counseling agency The group, with federal funds backing it, has provided job referral service for more than l.ixw former offenders and npiTates half-way houses tor those just out of prison Hill said he was convinced that a group ol former offenders, (lerause of their expenenecs, could more easily detect and thwart potential troublemakers than anyone else (See EX CONS, V 2) numbers 9 and 10 were handed a note, report; lly containing information about a telephoned threat on Miss Little's life, received earlier at the switchboard at the Wake County Courthouse. Chosen to serve Monday ..ere Mrs. Jule C. Hudson, 21-yuar-old while woman, whose husband is part owner of (he Irregardless Restaurant, and .Ms, Cornelia Howell, also an employee at the Irregard less. Mrs. Annie R. Hunter, a 66-year-old black woman, became the third black and the lOlh member of the jury in Monday's session. Mrs. Hunter, who lists her residence as being between Apex And Holly Springs, '•to a question by the state over the guilt or innocence of Ms Uttie, by responding, "I think that she acted in self defense. I think she should be able to defend herself." The slate used two more of their preemptory challenges to excuse two more black perspective jurors. A preemp* tory challenge requires no explanations on why they (jurors) are excused. The prosecution has used all of its preemptory challenges on perspective black jurors. U has only one remaining. On the outside of the courthouse, there were at least 150 young black protestors, signing, marching and occa sionally, breaking out in gleeful dances, chanting phrases like “Free JoAnne now. the prisoner's already dead The group was led by Larry Little, the spokesman for the Winston-Salem Black Panther .See LITTLE TRIAL. P 2) Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association Hear Commissioner On Low Rent Here ed to have been aided by screwdriver (See CRIME BEAT. P 3) Appreciation Feature Has No Winners The Appreciation .Monev page had no winners Iron) last week •* edition ol The C.ARO- LINIAN dated Jul\ 19 The \ppreciali(in page is a feaiure which is sponnored b> the mans merchants that advertise in The (.WKoLIN- lAN (See APF'RECIATION P 2* Adlai E Stevenson of Illinois, as well as a proposal hy Attorney General Edward H i.evi that would restrict the prohibition of handguns and ammumiiion to high crime areas In Its statement -signed by Paul Berger of Washington. I) U , co-chairman, and Joseph B Robison of New York, direi tor of the organization s Commission on Law. Social .\i tion and L rban Affairs-the .\merican Jewish Congress said (he country s "appallingly high rate ol violent death and injury caused by firearms ' such that the problem could not he dealt w ith by stale (.See AJC URGES. P 2) HV MISS .1 E HICKS The main miicen »t the July mi'eting ol the Raleigh Wake Citizens Association was a discussion hy Commissioner Healer Commission Elizabeth Cofield was responsible lor the invitation to appear before It-WCA and presented him .Mr Healer said that Region J had appropriated approximately S87j.B16 to this area tor rent supplement and development of housing for low income citizens The allotment was presented so speedily that many guidelines have hot yet Ih'I'II lormulatcd The haste to appoint a housing committee was based nn this action which has received some criticism Since Wake ('ouiily has l.igged in developing liousmg tor low income residents, it was decided to move now to do something, for at the present, there are only 2(i4 units of public housing located in Wake oiiKide of Raleigh Must of the units are located in Apex, VS'ake Forest, Wendell and Zchulon and are more than 10 years old Housing problems are particularly acute for the elderly, blavk and poor households. Twenty-five per cent of elderly families and sixty-five percent of black familie.s and seventy-five per cent of families living oulsidi of Raleigh are living in substandard housing. The worst areas are in the (See K WCA HEARS P. 2) M«hammad All it betide himtelf at he meets hit. When Ati wat growing up. hit hero wat "Fiath Gordflo" and Julv I8. he eat U> meet the mao that played Flash in the movies All saw as a child. Baiter Crabbe. who played Flash as well as "Tarsan” and "Captain Gallant." Joined All and a host olaports greats to announce All’s TV special, "The Muhammad Ail Variety Special." which will air on ABC later this year. (UPl) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK I LItKY'S FI KMTLKE CO. For The Best In New. Used Furniture” TROUBLE IN VIRGINIA — t narlottesvllle - A youth \s loaded Into a van alter he waa arraated to Monday night's civil disturbance in the city. Several poUcemeo were Injurled, ucludinf OM IMS was shot In the foot, after an encounter with several hundred rock and bottle Jm»wlng youtha. (UPI)