Vernon Jordan Declares .♦uxn-*. t*irtgSS RUN 10,075 iVation Should Revamp Its Welfare JSIT Hpad Asks For Revisions ★ ★ ★ Not Popular Leader, But ★ ★ ★ National HI ick News Service ATLANTA-Vernon Jor dan, executive director of the National Urban Lea gue, has called for the creation of a society that is more just and is more equal. But first, the nation must replace its welfare system that "destroys familie.. discourages work, demean.- both giver and recipient, and arouses hostility and rage instead 4 f compassion and con- »rn Adilreb>ing the League's 65th Annual convention here. Jor* stopping short of issuing a blueprint for an equitable -naintenanc- ■•ystem said, "the issue i.s no Ic iger whether the economic gams of the Second Heconstrutlion will be pre served The issue has become whether or not black people will survive the massive assault on their ability to earn their daily bread. .It is not enough too slowly to get us back to work in this decade." .Iordan rapped both the Democratic controlled Con gress and the Ford admini stration for doing • nothing constructive" al>out the eco- nomu' system Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson said t>.e issue of black unenipioum'-nt has reached the crisis iK>mt It is urgent. ‘•Only a cancerous public indifference has made it possible lor the .Secretary of the Ti easury to contemplate and arrogantly accept as an unemployment ;^t< of over 8 percent M 1. HKAl). P 2) African New OAU Head THE Carolinian VOL. 34 NO. 40 North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., SAT., AUG. 9. 1975 Gen. Amin In Charge Of Unity SINGLE COPY 20c Wake County Man Jailed After POKER GAME MURDER •k it -k ir ★ ★ ★ ★ •k -k ir -k Black Couple Claim Discrimination National Black News Service KAMPALA — Ugandan president. Gen. Idi Amin nas been elected to a one-year term as chairman of the Organization of Alrican Unity (OAUI. His NOTED ACTIVIST ATTORNEV JAILED HERE — lUMfk. N.C. election^ came as the — Activist attorney William M. Kunsiler walks past aac it the 46-member OAU met here deputiestParrlshWombleiguardiogthefroatoftkeWakeCoiuity fora summit. Courthouseashrleavestbecourthouse Aug. 4. after being thrown The OAU ariirtfi fniiA upH <>«» of the JoAnne Little murder trial. After serving 2 hours In Jail, precedent bv electing the head contempt of court by the presiding Judge spokesman for the group. Amin, who is not a popular African leader, has been . sharply criticized in recent months for his ' Housing Protest Is Held \ Mfl^ean To Speak Sun. For NAACP Charles McLean, h'ield Re presentative. N. C. Branches of the NAACP. will be the featured speaker for the August nifce..rm ol uie NaACP, Wendell Branch Tills meeting will be held, S (iTi p m August 10 al the Eagle Rmk United Christian Church m Wendell McLean, a veteran NAACP official and widely known civil rights activist, is a challenging. Ivnamic speak- Cheating Alleged In Death "embarassing" behavior by other African leaders. Resentment of Amin led a number of OAU members to boycott the summit. Only 19 heads of stale were present for the meeting, including presi dents of six of the eight Arab League countries that belong to the OAU Tanzania has publicly de nounced Amin as a "fascist murderer" and. along with Botswana and Zambia, was absent from the summi* because it was held here Amin, taking note of the nbif-L'iions to his leadership. iSec GEN AMIN. P Personal Workshops For “Miss World” DANVILLE. Va. - Contes- lants in the Miss Black Teenage World Pageant will all participate in an experience that is unique to this particular Pageant, it's called a Personal Development Workshop and it means just that for the Contestants Each day during the Pageant Unlimited staff is composed of a majority of teenagers. The 1975 Miss Black Teenage World Pageant Preliminaries and Finals are set for the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium August 13. 14 and 16 with all programs beginning at « p m. For ticket information call 2) Week. Mrs Anna Price and her Dean lyilty’s Office at Saint assistant. Deborah Wilson. Augustine's College or Mrs spend two hours with the Gladvs Todd in ZebuJon. contestants leaching, discus- v-. An BV STAFF WRITER alleged $10 dispute County 1 has left, another rorthnglii and dynamic speak His duties as North Carolina branch repi Tentative for the keeps him in constant vtth the many and branch activities MCLEAN TO. P 2) ANOTHER nRST ~ Pkllsdilpkla • WlUle Waai. tka aaw kaad eaack af Ike Pblladrtpkis BeU. leans over to answer a qaetUea al a news coafercace kere Jaly 2t. Wood was named bead eaack by team owner. John BaaaccotL) at tbls newt conference. Wood Is Ibc first black coach in profootbali'i modern history. (DPI) yver who was the winner in a poker game in Wake County last Sunday night, one man dead and languishing in Wake County Jail until Tuesday of this week, when as released on a bond »10,000. according to Jailer Har- Di 4d is Jesse Konzie (ooner of r.oute 10, Raleigh, who was shot following a game at The Place, a tavern, located on the Old Stage Road, near N. C. Highway 42, South of Williams Crossroads. Arrested and charged with Child Care Positions To Women National Black Newt Service WASHINGTON - Three black wf^en were among the first 19 M faana in the nation to reenvef Child Uevelopment Atsocm>YC!i>A. crwdenUtlain a special ceremony here last we^. They are Mrs Florence Trimble of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Vivian A. Bliley and Mrs. Beverly L. GiirMlh, both of Columbia. S.C. The CDA is viewed as a new sing, rapping, and demonstrat ing personal hygiene, public speaking, etiquette, how to walk, sit, meet people and just how to be a lady Mrs Price is a public school teacher in Emporia. Va and Deborah Wilim is a 17 year old high school student and former Miss Black Teenage World of Virginia. Both are PageanU Unlimited staff members who have the responsibility of conducting the workshops. It is the philosophy of PUI that each conlaslant jhquid leave the Pageant a more developed person and ready to assume rolea of leadership in her community The Pageants Foundation Gives Cash To College ttiVni A Voice From Woman’s Prison ut category of professionals **'i*^^^ whose performance with jw»- *** jailed school children in a group Guys And Dolls Host (Editor’s Note: The CARO LINIAN. in its continuing efforts to give its readers unbiased, varied and differing opinions on controversial e- vents and issues, is pleased to present a two-part series of articles, written by a young, black inmate at the Women’s ^ y-, CorrecUiMial Center, here in jy-y \w0'V€ Raleigh. The inmate's name is Eighteen Appointed Ms. Betty Hymao and her stor/ Nine ineinbers were reap pointed and nine new members named Wednesday of this week to the North Carolina Manpow er Council by Governor Jim Husnhoiiser Reappointed as chairman of the Council was Edgar J Dowd. Jr., of Mattews. Dowd is president of Central Pied mont Industries, Inc . a nun-urofil association of 260 employers specializing in em- ployei*. mdusiria) and labor relations He will ser\e a term expiring June 30. 1977 ■rwo other members were reapitoiiKed for terms ending .l ijr in. 1977 They are uVjbt Tt C Ciubb. Jr , of KernersviDe, an employee of •^A'estern Electric Company in tireeiisboro. who is active in the Conununications Workers of America. Local 3062: follows: What started out as a peaceful protest, turned into a savage riot. Women, their guts filled with hate for all authority, had gone too far to turn back. Why did they persist? Was it because the thirst for blood, destruction and revenge drove them on? Outside supporters told them not to give up or give in to the Sen. McGovern Raps Democrats And Ford authorities. Where were these when the girls were liiig locked up and sent off to other prisons? RIOT '75 1 am still not sure whether the memories were fragment ed pieces of a nightmare or reality Having gone ihrou^ hell with mixed emotions, still deciding if by not protesting I did right. Looking back, I can recall faces of friends - not knowing, uncertain, but fight ing on. Was it bravery that kept Swday night Although taken to Wake Medical ^nler in Raleigh for (See POKER GAME. P Pair Says Managemetft Is Un fair setting has been assessed and _ who have been found to be | V^ntirkra competent in this work. VtJflllOIl Mrs. Trimble, 34, is employ- Northeast Child Care ORANGEBURG, S. C. - The trustees of the Kr^ Founda tion have approved a grant of $100,000 toward the construc tion of a teaching and research museum building at teuth Carolina State College The announcement wat made by William Baldwin, president of the Troy. Mich., based foundation which makes gifts in the form of challenge grants to institutions in the fields of higher education, health services, the arts, social welfare, and care for the young and the aging. The Kresge Foundation, one of the largest in the United States in size of assets and BY RICK HIGH Between 50 and 75 young people held a demonstration at these girls goii^. ihe Spanish Trace Apartments or lUst plain tired ol being told dem^tralors when to stoop and the proper way in which to do it? area andlhey were denouncing the housing practices at the all lie were largely from the Raleigh National Black News Service uSee EIGHTEEN. P 2) ATLANTA — Senator George McGovern (D-S.D.l blasts both the Ford admini stration and the Democratic- controlled congress for failing to provide the leadership the nation needs at this critical point. In prepared remarks for the 65th Annual convention of the National Urban League. McGovern, citing various Ford vetoes, noted that the pro- AnnrdfC'inttnn grams involved were "lost at •"***'" the hands of an unelected President and one-thirt Dlus one of the members of a stnjil; House of Congress. This is*' a tyranny of the minority...It is the minority of special in terest." He said that while the tone of the Ford adminstration may be "upen." the White House is still clmed to the ‘unwhite and (See MCGOVERN. P 2) . jature Has No IFinners Although three names were listed in last week's Appreci ation Money Feature page, there were no claimants for the llOchecks. given by merchants taking part in the program and listed on the back page of The CAROLINIAN. You just might become a winner during any given week as names are select^ from the city directory. Be sure to check the Appreciation Feature page this week and every week. coward, and a few more unfavorable words, it's really funny that I don't dislike the ones who screamed, hollered and threatened me. Let's go back to the beginning and 1 will Iry and remember all I have seen and beard First and foremost, let me get one big fact clear I was sure scared Sunday afternoon, feeling tired. I d^ided to lay down for awhile. (Slept longer than I intended!. Around 9:30 p.m.. was awakened by loud voices on my hall Hearing "There are 200 of them at the front gale " Getting up rather quickly, stumbling around fur my slides, wanting desperately to investigate Ihe latter state ment immediately Half fall ing. half walking, eyes not S uite opened. I jerked open my oor and said. "What the devil is going on?" When you get a crowd of people and they are all talking at once, everything is pretty incoherent Finally, cornering one of (he girls who had come in from home leave, she proceeded to tell me what was going on up the hill. "It seems all the urls on camp (sure wasn't ail of them) are protesting all night for better • See A VOICE. P 2i V trgur* with mrmberf of the Detroit Dopaitmtol tn a'Wett il Moot Sllr Detroit iiei. .iborhood. whore the fatal tkootlng of ■ black leenoKT h> d nniir bar owner 24 hours eorUer. IgniM a olght of shootUiK and burning. The youth told poUce that if they would lei ibrm hum down Bill Bollch's Bar aad Grill, where the •buodoK <H< urrrd. they would leave. ScaOered street clashes erupted Jui' iS. and police were forced to use tear gas. (UPll Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK THE BE4 HIVE “For The Best Hot Dogs In Town” white complex John McGirt and his finance' Debra Robinson said that Ihe management was. on the whole, racist towards blacks in their renting policies. They lodged (heir complaint mostly on the way the complex handled its notices of evictions "We were handed our eviction notice last Monday- after we had a party, which was turned out at 1 a m. by the manager, Saturday night. So Monday, without a warning, we were handed a notice to vacate the oremise^ wijhin five days,” Ms. Robinson told The CAROLINIAN "So we got us a parade permit to march around the complex, and with the help of the Commission For Racial Justice, and the Raleigh Tenants Organization, we plan (p enlist the aid of an attorney." the rising senior at N. C. State said. Charles Douthit. the manag er of the 66-uni( complex that is located in the Oberlin or western section of Raleigh, says, "The only complaint I have against them is (he continual loud parties which they have. They pay their rent on time They're just causing loud disturbances is all." Douthit was asked about the timing of the eviction notice and the fact that the couple claimed they did not receive any warnings. "1 feel like I gave them the proper notice," <iwat al that Douthit would My <on the matter. H Douthit Myi (hat he has been the manager at Spanish Trace since December 1. 1974, and since that time only two black families have settled in the ed at Center in Denver, and is presently taking courses in early childhood education at Metro State College, also in Denver Mrs Blakeley is an assistant teacher, working with handi capped children, in the Hedley Home Day Care Center in S.C., and Mrs Gilreath has been a full-time student at the University of South Carolina, recently completing Ihe first of a two-year course leading to a Master's degree in social work. She works part-time as an assistant teacher in the Waveriv-Zion Day Care Center in S.C Representatives of public and private organizations directly involved in early childhood education, educa tors. members of Congress, parents and Federal Govern ment officials attended the ceremony held in the mam auditorium of the Department of Health. Education and Welfare The CDA credentials were presented by Dr. Marilyn M Smith, executive director, the National Association for Ihe Education of Young Children, and Dr Edward Zeigler, (See CHILD CARE. P The fifth Biennial Karrousel of Guys and Dolls. Inc., was hosted, July 24-27, by the Eta Chapter of Raleigh al the Sheraton-Crabtree Inn in Crabtree Valley Shopping Center. The (heme for the Karrousel was "All The World's A Stage, " beginning Thursday evening, July 24. with registra tion. h^pilalily hour and the executive committee meeting. Friday morning. lK>1i Mary Mallette, Karrousel chai 'man, presided at the opening session Greetings were given by two of the Raleigh City School Board members, Mrs Cliffomia Wimberely and Mr Vernon Malone Doll Ann Fulford, national president, gave warm welcome from the national office Invocation was given by Guy Leon White During the opening session. Eta Chapter of Raleigh, presented a bicentennial pag eant. "Our County Tis Of Thee." directed by Doll Juliet Battle, local president; Car men Battle, I>oU Ruby Boyd and Doll Mary Mallette Many of (he poems were done by Jackie Miller Doll Ann Fulford. national (See FOUNDATION. P 2» YMCA Has 164 New Members rSeeGUYS AND A total of 164 new members and $1,763.00 cash have been reported in the current campaign membership enroll ment of (he Bloodworth Street Y M C A. it has been announc ed by A. J Turner, general chairman. The members of the Board of Managers are serving as campaign colonels and when all reports are in. the campaign goal of $4,500.00 in fees from new members is expected to be reached. This doM not include service fees for membership services coi- lecled throughout the year. New campain cotomlt who reported at the meeting on Monday night included w. W. Hurdle. Robert ^oung and Henry L. Kins The Bloodworth St YMCA was formerly the USO (Uolleo (See YMCA HAS. P. 2) (See PAIR SAYS. P. 2) A GRIM REMINDER — HmiUvIB*. Texas — A tigs et the cMrsace af the aeeend Amt library lasMe the WaUa Unit of the Texas Department of Corrections, serves to remind visitors el oar of Uie chosges made as a result of as ll-day siege sad attempted breakout last summer in wkick Fred Gomel Carrasco, a fellow Inmate, and two civillaa women hostages died. Twa doors bavo sinco been added nt each end of the windowless building. (UPl)

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