Jury Will Get Case Soon r ». E»v ^ - if,,. 10,075 Testimony Ends In Little’s "Trial ni( K GKK.GKV VISITS LITTI-K TRIAL SCENE - RALEIGH. NX . - Miss JoAnne LiUlf mefls Hilhri>tl rights aiTi\isl Dirk Gregory (Lion the steps of the Wake Co. Courthouse after she finished testifying in her trial Aug 12. GregoO had earlier Joined a small group of demonstrators outside the rourthousi fur a rally in aappori^f Miss Little. (CPU Racial Tensions Mounting A survey of racial feelings throughout the L’nited Slates revealed that Boston has set off a conflagration that could de.stroy the motivation that race relations has had since the turbulent days of (he 60s. The CAROLINIAN received advanced notice as early as Aug 6. that Boston police were preparing for its greatest outbreak since the city was mandated to integrate its schools Persons in the know said that even though the •city of culture ' had almost, since Crispus Attucks fell at Boston Commons, had so patterned Itself until it could not and would not endure if democracy really came. The informers related how the schools had been built TESTIKIES AT TRIAL - RAI.EIGII. N.C. - Sarah BroemetR). Korrsi Hills. .\.^ . Is escorted to rtmrt Aug. II by Cynthia Odoms, an aide in the defense of Joan Little. .Mrs. Hroome testified without the Jury j re>eni of luu alledged instances of sexual advances from Jailer Clareiice .Alligood. the man .Miss Little Is accused of slaying, in and l«71. After mulling over her testimony. Judge Hamilton llubgnod alloHed her In testify before the Jury about the 1B7I ...... wv.i wu<t« m iiicideiH. hut she was abruptly withdrawn as a witness by the (he iimer city for ^rtainTacia! defense. i| 1*1) groups even though segrega tion was not the rule. The inner city structure made it the now most devastating exception to fair play and equality that the has ever faced 3 Jurors Weep At Session Three women jurors wept softly here Monday as Miss JoAnne Little testified as to the manner in which she was allegedly forced to commit an oral sex act on Clarence .Alligood. the while man she is on trial for killing on the early morning of August 27. 1974. Alligood was 61 years old at the time, while Miss l ittle was 2U. Miss Little, who admitted to having stabbed Alligood. Beaufort County jailer at (he time, has contended through out the five-week trial thai Alligood threatened her with an ice pick if she didn't do as he has ordered She said she was in her cell on the morning of the killing, and Alligood approached her. carrying an ice pick After making advances toward her. she said, he forced her to commit the oral sex act "It was not my intention to leave him to die," Miss Little testified Tuesday, in explain ing why she fled" her cell. She admitted that i don't know w hether he was going to kill me Ml- what." The 2I-year-old woman said she was only positive that Alligood had been slabbed once, although she had "hil at him" three or four times. "If I had known he had been struck so many times (eleven). I would have stayed there. It was not my intention to leave him to die there." she reiterated She said the only comment made by Alligood during the struggle was. "What the hell you doing^” Altemping to discredit Miss Little's testimony. Prosecutor William C. Griffin hammered away on her character Tues day morning, asking her whether she "screamed.ho! lered, slapped Alligood or tried to run from him during the attack." Remaining calm, Miss Little assured him that she was afraid to do any of these things. At one point in her seven ^ 'k -k -k ★★★ As Civil Liberties Head>Elks Prexy Fires Barnes In III, THE 0AROLIN1AN VOI.. 34 NO. 41 North Carolina’s Leading Weekly R.M-KIGH. N.C.. SAT.. AUO. 16. 1976 SINGLE COHY 20c Tuo Policemen Charged After NUDE MAN SLAIN ★ ★★★ -kirick At Ralei;!li Memorial Auditorium Black Teen Finals Relieved | ^ Of Duties By Long k k -k k CHICAGO, ILL. - Perhaps the most interest ing action pertaining to PIks of North Carolina at the 76th annual convention of the Improved Benevol- lent Protective Order of Elks, held at the Conrad Hilton Hotel, Aug. 9-15 was the official announce •.lent by Lem Long hours of testifying, the woman’'president, N.C. Associa broke down and sobbed, and tion, to Alexander Barnes Hobgi Juge Hamilton H. of Louisburg allowed Membership, Cash Are Growing At City YMCA ^1 m||i. inT/ ith cl total of 2;i7 new JiImts and Ll.iKfiiX) raisi^d T(he Hloodworth Street VM(’A Membership Enroll ment Campaign, the eamp;ngn colonels held an enthusiastic reiMirl meeting at the "V" on Monday night, with A J Turner, general chairman, presiding Campaign leaders with high US Social Workers To Bahamas N.\SS\I Haham.is Over .SiMi mcmhci-N ol (he National Assot latioM «)f Black Social Workers will eomeiic at the Na.ssaii Beach Hold trom .-Xiig l9-2ii btr a >|m-ci.iI Lunfcreiice on ".\ ( i.mparalive ,\nal>sis of the Blai k Familv m Amcrii-a (St^'fo BAHAMAS, P :») esi returns include Leroy Brewer, commander-in-chief of Boyer Consistory with 67 membiTs. $670.00; A J. Turner. 42 members. $500 00, .N H Harris. 41 members anef $410(10. Ernest L Raiford. 21 members. $421 00; Milton George. 15 members. $166 00; W W Gurdle. 8 members. $l4;too, W H Peace. 14 memlHTS. $275.00; C, H Flagg. 'i members. $95 00; James E. W ilson. 6 members. $75.00 New campaign colonels reporting at (he meeting included J. E Lylle. J, B. Blount and Dr. Wiley Davis. The next report meeting of (In* drive w as sel for Aug. 25. al which time it is expected that the campaign goal of $4,500 00 III new membership fees will be reached The Bloodworth Street "V" has long beeti the center of community activities During the past year. 36 community cluhs and organizations held meetings and sponsored a variety of aclivitiesat the "V" ('urrcntly. the association is planning to relocate with a new 'A'" facility to be built on a recently purchased I6 acre tract on Garner Road, near Rochester Heights There are many and varied programs at the Bloodworth Street, which serves both men and younger males in almost any area of endeavor city (See TENSIONS. P 2) Rep. Rangel Blasts Act Of Dept. WASHINGTON. DC - Congressman Charles B Ran gel (D-N.Y ) last week, expressed his outrage and dismay upon learning of the U. S Department of Agriculture's decision to establish credit up to $1 million to finance export sales of U. S. beef and dairy breeding cattle to ranchers in the Republic of South Africa. The program also designates the Standard Bank of South Africa. Ltd . and-or other eligible banks as the guarantor to make it easier to finance the export sales In a letter to Earl Butz. Secretary of the Department, the New York Democrat said. "I deplore such encourage ment in light of South Africa's policies and has voiced to the I'N their support for a total embargo against the racist regime, the I' S government persists in its efforts to further trade, thereby promoting the policies of the immoral South .African regime Encourage- tSec REP RANC.EL, P 2 a short recess so that she could regain her composure. Griffin also asked Miss Little whether or not she had ever had a venereal disease. This question was ruled out of order by the judge before she had a chance to answer it. At the time of Alligood's death. Miss Little had bmn confined to the jail for 81 days. Her chief defense counsel is Jerry Paul of Chapel Hill, assisted by a battery of lawyers, including Mrs. Karen Galloway, a black attorney and Raleigh native. The case is expected to go to the jury sometime this week end or the first thing next week. that he had been replaced as director of Civil Li^rties AT LAST RITES FOR "CANNONBALL” ADDERLEY Sat, City Park Scene Of Killing LOUISVILLE. Kv. - Two Louisville, Kentucky, police officers were indicted by a federal grand jury Wednesday on a charge ot fatally shooting a 24-year- old man who was nude in a city park. Attorney General Edward H. Levi said the one count indictment was returned in U.S District Court in Louis ville against Michael F Duffy, 25, and Paul W Nethery, Jr,. 26. both four-year veterans of for hirasstXtiS Barnef TALLAHASSEE Fla. - Pallbearers carry the coffin of Julian the police department tor ni9 association. Barnes, ( annonball Adderley from Florida A&M Unlverslly’s Lee Hall The indictment charo black leader Rev. Jesse Jackson. (I'PI) Jim Crow Charged By White WASHINGTON. DC - Robert L (Bobi White, president of the National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees, has filed a charge of discrimination, bated on race, against Postmaster Gen eral. Labor Relations Depart ment Without citing the specifics of the charge in his letter of complaint to the Postmaster General. President While pre ferred to a portion of a recently received letter from assistant Postmaster General Gildea. as the basis for the charge which he is making (See JIM CROW, P 2i a well-known newspaper man. is employed at The CAROLINIAN in Raleigh, N.C. Barnes was told by Gong. that he was replac^ at a (See FIRES BARNES. P. 2) Teenagers In Raleigh For Pageant DANVILLE. Va. - The Raleigh, N.C. Memorial Audi torium will be the scene of the third annual and 5th national production of Pageants Unlim ited, Inc., and the Miss Black Teenage World Pageant. The pageant program is set up for two preliminary competitions and .he world finals, all .0 be ScHeduIed - „ , • , ' e ' UnlverMlly’f Lee Hall The indictrnent charged that followingarequiem forlhe famous Jazz musician Aug.ll. Among the defendants, acting under the ihe service were singer Nancy Wilson and the color of law, unTawfuliy (See NUDE MAN. P 2) A Voice From Woman’s Prison Editor's Note: The CARO LINIAN. in its continuing efmrls to give its readers unbiased, varied and differing opinions, is pleased to present the final in a two-part series of an article, written by an inmate at the Women's Correctional Center, here The writer is Ms Betty Hyman. 27. a native of Tarboro. who Scouting Roundup held In the Memorial Auditor ium and open to the public. (See BLACK TEEN, P. 2) Lott Carey Baptists To Convene Secretary of Human Re sources. David T Flaherty, will be serving as chairman of this year's fall recruiting Roundup for the Occoneechee Council of Boy Scouts The council hopes to recruit 8.000 new members and organize 200 new units m the Scouting program in this county and the 11 others it serves If this objective is reached, there will be 17.242 and (Continued from la.sl w(>«>k) happens to be white. She is serving a 16-20 year sentence for voluntary manslaughter. Ms. Hyman attends classes in the secretarial school at the prison, is a member of its Woman's Club, takes part in the recreational program and IS considered a modelprisoner. She is also a religious leader. She has been at the facility for almost 2 years Ms. Hyman's story follows; Wednesday morning, as the day grew nearer for the proposed riot, the tension getting heavier, girls getting more nervous and restless, inmates began fighting among themselves and harassing others that did not want to participate. The day passed with relative calm unti' ialer in the afternoon Propaganda had It that the action would be that night, since no one would be expiHiing it. The protestors had also spread (he rumor that the buildines would be set on fire and called for ail the girls who didn't want to be burned to stay outside and be prepared to run. A number of girls in my dorm (including me) packed the possessions that were most important to them in paper bags, pillow cases and blankets and went outside, planning to stay clear of the building and (See A VOICE, P. 2 Dinner For Caucus Is Announced WASHINGTON. DC. - Representative Charles B. Rangel, Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said last Thursday that a "broad cross-section of black (See CAUCUS. P. 2) MU KDITOR'.S NOTK TbU (oiacna •r ItaiMrr It pre4urrd In tbr publlr Inifrru • llb nn nim lonnrdt (llmlnaiiBg in' I InditIduala bat* (aa»tdrrall>ii oa ibt palKr do Hoortrr ladgr. iLrj rluuklHf Ibrir lUllMf ~bit a r aoyld ilka la I our potlilan le b« p|; publitb ib« fatit ' find Ihrm ra|)oitrd by lb« arrrulaf airirm Tu l.»rp out ol Tbr I rlma Boat Calumnt inorrly mrant aol boiaf r(|l«lrrrd b> a polirr uilifar la rapaniag hi. lindingt a hllr on duly bn tltnply krap all the "Blollrr and you aon'l ba la TXa rnma He 01 AP \in ME.NT IS ENTERED Arthur Ervin Jones. 998 Peace Terrace (Halifax Court Apartments) told the police Saturday, (hat his apartment had apparently been broken into. He said that when he •itfriNed hfjme. he found the t.«t:. on and the back door bFoken open However, he ^dmitted that a close search of premises revealed nothing was missing He reportedly saw two Juveniles running from Hu- immediate area, he said. Daiiidge to (he door was set at $|L tSee CRIME BEAT P 3) TRUCK BURN! IN BOITON - BOITON - VmUii rmm frw tanbi. u«l. ta 10. ' '* ** * ^blurbtnce broke out Involviof bundredo of bltcf»^i More J?" J,',”'"' ‘"'“‘""I ‘f?* *“ rlot-trilned olfleert were called oolo duly. AulhwItI J loy” lra.1 live »h to porMiii were llljured...oue of them a mao deicribod ai • younu d<K:tor who woo beaten leveriy when pulled from bli automobile. lUPI) * TOLEDO. Ohio — Lott Carey Baptist Foreigh Mission Con- Uub Scouts. Scouts vention is scheduled to hold its 'See SCOUTING. P 2 78lh Annual session here at the Commodore Perry Motor Inn. 505 Jefferson Avenue at Superior Street, with the Third Baptist Church. Pinewood Avenue and Division Street, the Rev H Clarke Nabrii, D D . as host pastor. The sessions begin September 1. According to Dr C. R Edwards, pastor of First Baptist Church. Fayetteville. .N.C convention president, and Dr W C. Sommerville. the organization's executive se cretary of Washington. DC., this year's meeting will be a new experiment for Lott Carey whose receipts total over $500,000 this year. In keeping with the modern tren^ (See LOTT CAREY. P 2) -•wmwwmmwmwwwmw Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK I LL’S SHOES AND REPAIRS i Appreciation Check Won By Mrs. E. High fine lucky lady saw her name in the advertisement paid for by Lee's Shoes and Repairs. 104 E Hargett Street and 1300 Farm Road, came to the office of The CAROLINIAN, was identified, and won a check for $10 in last week's Appreciation Money Feature, sponsored by this newspaper and participat ing merchants. She was Mrs. Elsie G. High, (See APPRECIATION^ p j. "Where Expert Service Is A Motto" ONCE FAMED SINGER IS NOW LABORER - ALTOONA, U. ^ Jimmy Gilmore, who lang ban for II yean wUb the famed Ink °^ti. now li a conitruciloa worker In Iowa. He went from mming In (he baiemeni of a hot MiieUilppI church to tinging with (hr Ink Spots on the stage of the London Palladium. Now 'iilmore swings with a Jackhammer, sharing the bUl with a farm construction crew, (UPl)

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