Slate’s First Blaek Lt, Governor Apologizes PRESS RUN 10,075 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Bv Wake Teeh’s Board Of Trustees Black Group Ignored Here They KHOM IlF \1H Kfm — l<;..'ord Hn f'redilM I'itts Irasf from . ’ 'v and K' % rats in jail. The pair l■■.ued a |i'>ii1on I ■•u mi. oii iiiiirdet (hari'es. ' ( >‘l' ■A Look At 'A'uke Tech ^HKI AKI) In o.i. inhiflil.i' Te‘ rhoM r-. • De- it.'" '• n SII. Hoard lechi . 'lii Adtlress NAACP Sun. DCHH.'VM 'ihe Durham ^AA( ■^^ !*. an cfforl lo ell^ ii h('((i>r line of co^'iuiucaitun bt-lAeen the dtufli iisiraiorb tlip (eachcrs. studenlb and parents aiI] present Dr J Kratik Vaegar. counts MipiTir.''•eiee.i, at its Sepiemlie; ir.iei.nii 4 p ni Sunday Sep- 2H. ir. the aiiditoriiini »( Dur.bam i oljepe. Fdsetles illr a* f ftllt*»H* Pl.lM Due I I ihr l••.H•rled hiuek '■ Pile 1.11 III .•! er.riiliiiivn' i; •« n to ta- a gesture on lilt pan of the NAACr lo bring about as gtiod a relatUKisbip as possible {ir P K ( ousiivs hiaek pieniber of itie crtuii'> board aiII liiiroduie Dr Vaeger The local NAACF has Aniked .isMtliousb Aith the cit> board .did feels that it has ('entributed n.iich to the development of a A<,rkable reldliunvhip Hoaever. it feels lhai there is rooni for improvement o • iha' IS appruxidiatel'. 'fe‘ opposite .St‘e Sl'PT Will P t-oun'ain president. N C I'.irtment of Community Col leges, from Michael D Nettle .• former staff employee at Aake Yerh Nettle describes f.imsetf at Ihe lime the kMlt r A.i' sent to Dr Pout.lain as ’ .ng a :> month employee, las'ifo'd as a clinical psvehn ;..gisi as.signed primaniy to he CKTA program Nettle ■ I g;ns hib letter to Dr Ko'inlain by saying he is 't-rniinatmg his employment at WTt and liecause of that he •j-els tree to express his shtKk 'lie of public funds at ri His opening paragraph •igli-N oul F'resident Koberl i«A1,.s and dean of students Mioai. is the rhief arcbilect.s "t H i' .illrged Arongdoings at wri Ihe fi'lloAing excerpt' . • V erlidt.m charges of I . M.i. ' ei! ploymei.’ ■ ' ar. onlaif There i' •• • 'o' >nsirui tors ■ • A »i time 1.4>May ,.ra- 'll e of threaten • ■ •. of hisempii..».i.' A i»h • .il' 1 f.c e 4pt»**ir> Ui in'olved lb* y**. iui..over tale among the professional staff. appi>ars lo be about 50 IMTeeni Despite the fad that WTI IS training less than one-half the number of stu dents It should, according to the size of Wake County’s trainable oopulation. LeMay has let go aDoul a dozen faculty members At the same lime, he has increased his own salary, purchased two large «tucks See WAKE TECH P 2> $75 Million Taken From Child Bill WASHINGTON House N'tiaie conferees have slashed S'5 million from the child nu- tntion hill, in a retaliatory action, bei'ause the Senate had zapiied an earlier compromise vef'ion saying It would cost loo much lo finance Tl.i- nev\ measure has iM'en eslimaiedtorost a net of 665 biition The earlier conference v«‘r.sion was killed Sept 5 iM-iause It carried an eslimal- ed cost of Li ~ I billion for fiscal iS/h and A .is $162 million more See CHILD BILL P J Four Say Were Shunned !.V JAMES A SHEPARD A group of prominent black cilizens. which tn- cliided Kaleigh Cily Coun- ciinian Williain K iHiil) Knighl. was reportedly g'ven the Cold Shoulder’’ C'oi'n'. when it ’intrud ed' upon a ”public'' meeting of the Itoard of ’I'rustees of \S ake Technical Institute. This 7 30 a m breakfast txiard meeting. aiinounciNl in the press the same miirnmg the inwiing was held Aas suppos ed to receive the report of the spicial trustee ad hoc commiitw that Aas appointed to deal A ith Ihe conipiaints and concerns, voiced by the Kaleigh-Wake Citizens Assoc iation iHWCA). regarding the opt'ration of WTI The CAKd I.INIAN. m a 3 part senes, has given Its readers the gist of the iKiard's responses Although K WCA presented Its evaluation to the Tech board on April 16. 11175. ii was not until September 4. that the WTI Board of Trustees saw fit lo make a reply The Hev Father Arthur J CuiloAay. rectiir of St Am brose Episcopal (Tiurch. one of the gi p ■ ■ ir '' Aho allenipte'i r«. enl (loarri! I'-ellii; a Js so up:«t h> 0,1 lack ot courtesy evid.-nred hy the txiard toAard he and the ihr«'c other blacks (ieorge F Spaulding, ctiairman u7 the ••pecial Edui.ihit. Con.miltee ■it H W< A and a public ••iatiun.. •»,(.( of Carolina I'oAcf . Ligh. Co . and Ralph ' jnpl-tM ^r .president of ''*»• >HK IGSdRKD F 2 Atty. Paul Is Freed By Judge VOI. :)4 NO. 46 .\orfh Carolina’s Leading Weekly K.M.KICH. N.C.. THl HSUAY. SEPT. 25. 1975 SINCI.E COPY 20c M ell-Knoicn Churchman, Barber DENIES LIQUOR CHARGE ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Dr. Eiiiorv O. Jackson ★ ★ ★ ★ JSoted Editor Is Charge Po session Is Refuted .Accon ng to an exclusive tniervii- bv 'Ihe C.AHO LIN'l.A.N TuesUay with W Kaymond Jones, well- known and respected churchman and fraternal leader, liie -.late will he hard pressiNl in prove th* charge i h. ' i hi- >.i0 • eslintaletl value <>| In'er ar wine alleged to have Im*-- found on hi- premises i ' Saturdav niuHt wns f h purp.ei « The accused victim readily explained that the supply' represented contributions from local firms to bi> used as a public relations gesture fur an outing that one of his clubs stage every year. The bever- Confesses Another Involved National Black News Service DENVER - Colorado Lt. Gov. George L. Brown has retracted the story he told at the National Lieutenant Governor's Conference-- that he was once chained and branded by an Alabama farmer. In fact, the incident h^pened to another man. Brown has now confessed. Toe black Lt. Gov. said he has apologized in letters to other lieutenant governors for some of his remarks at the conference held m late August in Point Clear. Ala., according to the Denver Post 'i told them in the letter that the branding incident occurred lo another cadet.” Brown said, m the copyrighted article. "But I don't think this minimizes the point I was making In telling the stories. I wanted to point out the contrast between the experiences of past years and the pleasant ones of August. 1975.” Brown said Brown had told the lieuten ant governor's conference that during World War II. he was placed in chains by an Alabama farmer after his Army training plane crashed and that he later discovered a "K” branded on his chest He later told the Denver Post T 1 A ^ intention to I jfh 11 Alfi /• story that way. and he isnol sure whether he told it in that way "The incidents 1 referred to were correct. ” he said "I told of an incident of a cadet who BV Howard B woods vvas branded I told of a HIKM I NCifl.AM — This of how I was cilv IS a better place b'*'™ ' beeause Dr Eniorv O . "> .lat-ksiin, lived, w.irked and I":-‘ddress In Ihe eenferencMo ii...ri u , J Tn note the progress that has been died here. said Dr. made in Alabama between the Mep jmtn h Mays, presi- iwus when he was a member of dent emeritus of Morehouse the segregated Army Air Corps College, in his eulogy of the pilot irammg class at Tuske venerable civil rights leader Ala . and when he and editor of the Birming- returned to Alabama during hunt World Ihe iMOs to cover (he civil rights movement for the .Services for Dr. Jackson. Denver Post held last 'Tuesday at the Brown apologized to other Sixth Street Baptist Church, lieutenant governors by saying ;iie 67 year jld crusader died in the letter "Fm sorry if of cancer Burial was in there was any margin (of the ^adow Lawn Memorial Gar- incidentst. either actual or dens Eulogized Dr. Mays In State !!>«■ NOTED EUITOH, H 21 ism lt (ioV , P 21 ag. was collected by members , W'LL R^RE AS PLAYER - Cle.eb.d O.; of the club and stored upstairs manaeer f rank Kobinson Is alb smiles as hr sils on over tus place lo be Iransporled ‘‘J!"'’. .1 •^''6 N-fil s desk during news conlrreni r a-2J in r Court Judge James »■ Hid designated place for the announcim mat he has been rehired lor the this tlev Haelin J MnaHac ouUn. a^'manaker. and that hr will retire as an anise Superior H Pou Bailey declined Monday ouUng lo send Jerry Paul, the chief Jones further staled thaj counsel in the JoAnne Little ^u^-'h a practice has been going Inal back lo jail before his on for a number of years appeal of a contempt of court among many groups, through charge is heard by the state's out Ihe city Firms, seeking Court of .Appeals business from members of Paul, an attorney from Ihese groups, gladly donate Durham, served five days of a their products, in the ho|^ that confinement in the W'ake ('ourily Jail before the Appel ate Court ordered him free depending on a hearing The .Superior Court hearing came one day before his client. Miss Little. IS scheduled lo appear before the same court on an appt'al of her breaking and entering charge District .Attorney Hurley B .Mitchell, asked Bailey to dismiss Paul s appeal on the grounds that the documents in the case wore filed late James Rowan, a partner of Paul’s who represented Paul', asked Baile> lo den> Mitchell s petition because he lacked jurisdiction iSee .A'n V PAI L, P 2< e player next Shaw I'niversity officials have announced the receipt of supplemental grant It will result m increased sales It was further revealed that See DENIES CHAHfJE P 2 Political Action Revitalized BY MISS J K Hit KS The Political Action Com millee of the Raleigh Wake Citizens .Association was revi /,,,,, I;.^;|w 1^.. lalized Thursday as it met ai 7 fJ|P,S pm at St Ambrose Kpiscopai ” Church Ralph Campbell after a few remarks regarding the purpose of the meeting namely to organize for the city election and plan a meei-ihe- Shaw Receives Big Grant Of $915,000 Institutional Research Plan J which will enable the universi ty to coordinate and conduct an insiitunonal research pro gram The pre^ram will enable .Show todeselop research data. $915,000 from Ihe Advanced Institutional Development Program 'AIDP' of the US office «>f Education Shaw , , - earlier received a grant from ‘’ompulers, and AIDP totaling $2 000,000 The rcDieve the data wiienever supplemental grant provide- funding for five project' The funding will aid Shaw to implement several projects including a Comprehensive Miind decision •led it . kllll.’ I' • I I'. ■' -ii Humanities 1 I' pi,111' III develop and reimvdie curriculums m three areas History and Alrn-A- merican Studies. Comprehen .Vi- SHAW (iFrr.s p Parochial Schools Of City Face New Suits Naticv .1 Black News Service BDSTON - Boston’s paro- '"8* ^*^‘0 segregation." the chial schools have been *‘^,^*^^** accused of "de facto” segrega of this siluatiM. tion in a suit, filed in the State fo ihe suit, will be Supreme Court by the Civil •'‘'^hool systerns in Boston, ” Liberties Union of Massachu- Pr*’dominanlly black, poor and sells inadequate, and a private Filed on behalf of 10 Boston Pr^of^'n^nlly while, residents, th^ suit seeks to superior overturn a two-year-old statute charges that under which the slate has ”m(»t if not all private schools provided aid to parochial and de facl^o racially segregat- privaie schools by loaning text either because of tradition, books II says that stale aid to ipo^ey. quota, cost or residen- these schools is unconstilu- *'*!_ because most iional adherents of a particular Parochial school students fehRion are whiles.” have been receiving text bocks H further charges that the valued at $i miilion -on a loan state already has provided (lasis- frnm the stale $240,000 in aid lo Boston "This will in turn increa-se students in 47 private schools the percentage of Black and with a total enrollment of Puerto Rican enrollment m 18.000 iHjhIic schools, thus aggravat- -.vtc HFVITALIZKD P Apitrecintion Feature Has .Vo [t inner There were no winner- in last week's .Appreciation Money Feature sponsored by this newspaper and participating busme.sses and IcK-atcd on the hack page of (he fron? section of The CAROLINIAN There were three names listed in the advertising slots provided by the merchants This i> the second straight week in which no claimants to Ihe $|ii weekly check' are available There were 'hree names li-ted each week See APPHKCI.ATMN P >»**«• INKLH.IBLKs. P 2 With Stamps Are Many National Black News Service WASHI.NGTON The .Agri culture Department has re leased a report showing that Hll.'Mxi |j«*rson.s who were not eligible for food stamps received by them during the lust six month of 1974 The errors, it was estimated, cost the government between $75 and $80 million vyp re not loo happy said Edward J Heckman head of ibe department s Food and Nutrition Servie. stressing that the report showed errors ' ar.d not fraud In recent mtmihs the I-kkI stamp program has coma under sharp criiicism-many of the critics pointing to gross overpayments and payments to meligihies The report was based on a sUdv of 29 974 nonwelfare '.HIM (iH A.VDDAt (ill TEK Thnidore. Ala AI • Red ( ross shelirr id tianirl ilrern lie* on a pallel at ■ sc houl and is tomfoilrd by his •I* -fill lev Seltofi Thev were bul ol the more than Iwo-hundied lit (he (jce of Hurricane I loise. which struck ihr Mobile area later Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK LILES SHOES For (’ointoridbie rtiolwear At U>w Cost " HEAD FOR BAH ((INTIMATION HEARING-Redwood Ctty. Calif.: Pairkia Hearat laavoa Saa .Ma(eu< uuniy Jail in Redwood City f-Z3 accoapaated by federal maraball ea route to Saa Fraaeiaca fm rioilinuaiton of her ball hearlag (I’PI).