"Feeble” Peiisiim Pltin ('.iletl. llul ri{K'>> in \ 10,075 Zion Ministers Envision SlHke 'k if it ir ★ ★ ★ ★ In Broiiglitnii Hi^h Assaults ★ ★ ★ ★ Decision ^ ^ To Come Youths Get 12 Years Each imn. VOL. 34 NO. 49 yorth Carolina'» Leading Weekly RALEIGH. .N C., THURSDAY. CX:T. 16. 1975 SINGLE COPY 20c Orange Cotinly Husband Allegedly COl'LI) BK('f)MK M.4VOR OF MEMPHIS — .Memphis. Te«n. — Former Friminsl ('ourt Judgr OUs Higgs. Jr., who ran second in firxi-round hatloling for mayor of Mrm^is and is in a runoff Nov. • with incumbent Wveih Cliandler. (I'PIt KILLS PREGNANT WIFE| Bailey Imposes 2 Terms it it k it k k k k To Address Boyer Consistory Banquet k k k k PR P R COUSIN Leaders NC Masonic Head Here I" MKS MARJORIE DKBNAM In a verdict handed down Monday in Ihe Wake Superior Court by Judge James H Pou Hailey, two Raleigh youths, (jregory Robertson, 19, of 2805 (itiioen St . and Abram Honey, 18. of 2816 IJaytona Dr . wm-e sentenced lu 12 years each in wison (or the beating of two Broughton High School stu dents on Aug. 27. The two were sentenced with a recommmdalion that they be W'N ■ offered no work release, no IflrM* LlPDfiaiTlstudy release or parole privileges Judge Baile) ordered Ihe penalty in each ca.'«e to run concurrently, thus le.igthen- ing the tune each is to serve up to 12 years in prison Witnesses said that Boney and Robertson went to Brough ton to settle differences between Joseph Hiatao. 17. W Ills S Wilmington St and Robertson's yoimger brother. tSee YOUTHS GET. P. 2) yAACP To Meet Named To Wake Board Mi^ " ■ ■nr H Debnam was -■[ the Hoard of Tru. % • : V. ‘ Cqumy Hospital System. Inc . rereiit- ly. !^e IS the first woman to be selected to serve in this cajMcity. She is an old friend of the hospital. Mrs. Debnam has been very instrumental in developing this and other health care facilities locally and statewide. Mrs Debnam feels that she has been totally accepted as a jjpart of the hospital team, ■^.veryone has encouraged her i^’^rticipate freely and (his KA given ner added confidence in this role Mrs Debnam is constantly working for the communilv and ofteri finds herself with many jobs to do She feels that one can not function in society without taking an active part in life, and making a contribution to all Some of her other activities at this time include being instrumental in organizing an Inner City Mental Health AIDS DEAF KIDS AND OTHERS — TaUahscMe, Fla. — Musk le:'i^rr ^'irgiaia Denvmore vrerks wBli pre •epepl rhMren ac (be OevelopineaUi Ke'tesrrb at DR LISA SERGIO Appreciation Checks Won By 3 Here There were three winnor.s in last week's edition ol The CAROLINIAN'S Apprwiatinn Money page leature Mrs Nellie > Jones of .V)I Royal St . located in the Method community, and Mrs* (See APPRECIATION I* 2' broadcasting awards and three honorary doctoral degrees. She has been Danforth visiting lecturer with the American Association of Colleges U50 colleges), chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France She is (he author of Prayers Of Women and a recent publication (19751. Jesus And Woman. U N. Day is an international observance, marking the anni versary of the Unit^ Nations, Oct 24. 1945. The UN General Assembly, in 1947. adopted a U.S. sponsorea resolution stating 'St‘e DR .SERGIO. P 2) Now Heads Women In Services WASHINGTON. DC, - Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger has appointed Mrs. Judith Nixon Turnbull of Chicago. Ill. as the new chairman of the Defense Advisory Committee on Wo men in the Services iDACO- WITS) for a one-year term of office, beginning Jan. 1. 1976. Mrs. Turnbull, currently serving as the chairman of the (ivic Action Subcommittee of the DACOWITS. will succeed Mrs. Nita D. Veneman of Washington. D C., in the non-salaried post. Mrs Turnbull is executive vice president-publisher of Tuenaay Publications. Inc., Chicago. She attended Wilson College. Roosevelt University and Columbia ('ollege. She is a member of the Women’s •Advertising Club of Chicago; National Advisory Council on Adult Education 'chairman, t-tiucation and editorial com- niitli^es' and participated in See WOMEN IN. P 2i Wife, 22, Victim In Slaying HILLSBOROUGH * Orange County officers are said to be running down clues that will enable them to find out the motive behind the killing of Mrs. Brenda Peaks Wells. 22. bv her husband. Donnell Wells. 25. at a Ux.*al night spot, about 11:30 p.m., Saturday. Oct. 11. The couple is said to have lived on Rl 4. outside ol Hillstioniugh However, it was alleged that Mrb. Weils, wtxi was reported as hcuig preg nant. look U'a\eot iheir nonie. for wime unknown reason, and took up abode in Durham. She IS reported as having been enrolled at Durham Technical Inslitute. Her hushand is said to have had ro.i-von to believe that she would tie visiting the Ship Ahoy Supper Club on (he fatal night He IS reported to have wailed in his car. at the club, until Ihe slain woman arrived. It was outside of the club that he reportedly brought a M pistol See KILLS WIFE. P 2i Bishop To Speak Here For Order BV ( H.ARLKS V,. IRVING. Sl\. The Rt Reverend Herbert Belt Shaw, senior Bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and Mast Wor shipful Grand Master of the 20.000 member North Carolina Prince Hall Masonic Grand Lodge, will address the Boyer Consistory's Annual Banquet Saturday, October 18. at 8:00 p.m. in (he Martin Luther King Dining Hall at St Augustine's College Mayor Clarence Lightner. last year's Prince ot the Year, will welcome the bishop on behalf of the city and Dr P R Robinson, president of St. Augustine's College, will ex tend greetings The Reverend B C. Young, minister of the Rush Metropolitan Zion Church, will lead the opening praver and pronounce the Mnediction, while music will (See MASONIC. P 2) Cousin CongresM.iJn Ike Andrews leads a p.irado of .North Carolina lejilers in honoring Dr. Philip K Cousin, pastor of St Joseph's .AMR Church and candidate for Bishop of the AME (’hurch The gala affair will be a testimonial banquet, Friday. Oct 17. Royal Villa Motor Inn, Raleigh. 7pm Oulsiandiiig guests such as Mr J H. Wht'eler. president of MiH-hanicK and Farmers Bank. .Mr J S Siewart. president of Mutual Savings & Loan Association. Dr. J D Davis. E residing elder of the Western iistricl of Western North Carolina Conference of AMP2 Church, and Mayor Clarence Lightner Philip Robert Cousin is the pastor of St. JoS4‘ph's A.ME ('hurch. Durham, and is ('tirrently celebrating his KHh anniversary as minister of this outstanding oongregalinn. He has prepart^l himself for h'r mini;-trv and is the k ol all landn. " UPli Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK ITALIAN DELITES " For The In (RkmI Eating" PLANNING PEVSIDN PLAN — Do Rev l.niin Walker, left. Brotherhood Pension. Ministerial Relief and Home Mission De|>. >iio. n(. \MF Zion ( hutch, is dihcussing a pension plan with insurance ( ommissiiUK-i t .im* i in R.ileii’ii 11n- til;)ii of (he '•e*-ond largest htnek Methodist hodv. is