, > » Cites Portions Of 1964 Civil Rights Act Stanoarl Pfcij C6., Jitwtjai-ar PO JOX 1 Ralph Campbell Fires On Council ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ .'W’J Housing Authority Act Unfair, Williams Says Precinct 10 Elects 2 Black Chairmen ( I.AIMS NFirfHBORIN'G PROPKKTY - Nairobi, Kon ya; ProsidonI Idi Amin of I gunda. un Kobruary IS. t-laimi'd largo chunks of nrighboriiig Krnya and Sudan, uhich ho said urro historically part u( I'ganda. ^Shocking Pattern Of i Jim Crow* WASHINGTON. D.C. - "A shocking pattern of discrimin ation against minorities and women" is a description four members of Congress used to describe revelations in a revenue sharing report releas ed by them Tuesday. Feb. 17. The report, written by the Atlanta-based Southern Re- Bional Council, was released by Representatives Robert F Dnnan (D-Mass >. Don Ed wards (D-Calif.i. Barbara Jordan (D-Texas). and Andrew Young (D-Ga.). It reviews (he general revenue sharing pro gram in (he 11 southern states. (See SHOCKING. P 2i Lightner, 2 Others Targets BY JAMF:K ANDERSON 4ND F.AT BRYANT Students at the Raleigh Opportunities Industriali- zatlon Center (OlCj 415 E. Martin St., picketed the Raleigh training site Mon day and Tuesday, demand ing the irr..nediate removal of ^wscutive director Bruce L. 'ightner, deputy di rector Ralph Campbelj. Jr., and director of teach^'Ms. Gloria Godette. The three are the training site's top administrators. Demonstrating students in cluded claims iMt they were promised training (hat would qualify them to get jobs in the local job market Most of (he demonstrating students en rolled in (he OIC program last September and (Vtober and are now looking for lobs Mrs Juanita McKoy Wil(ier. presi- deiit M (he Student Body n (viel-backed Popu- [ar Movement for the Libera tion of Angola 'MPLA- He said that l.(MX) more men uere being "siTeenod” by CORE in the New York. Washington and Baltimore areas, and that 3.0(io blacks, most of them with Vietnam experience. ha\e said they Ncant to go to Angola to fight against the MPLA Innis strongly domed any association with the Central Intelligence Agency iClA' "CORE has not. cannot and vb’ill not deal with the CIA So don't give us that CIA clap-trap." he told a questioner at a press conference here In Angola, the Nalioal Union for the Total Independence of Angola il'NITA' and the National Front for the Libera tion of .Angola (FNLA'. have SISTER (JAHY President Of R-WCA Is Heard .talph Campbell. Sr . made a blistering attack on the Raleigh City Cmincil at its Community Development Black Grant Hearing Tu^ay. Feb (7 Campbell criticized the iHiuncil. saying (hat the City of Raleigh and Kb sub-i-untracturs have failed to adopt plans which insure (he nondiscriminatory hiring of blacks and other minorities Campbell is president of (he Raleigh-W’ake Citizens Assoc iation and deputy director of Wake Opportunities. Inc Camobell said (hat sections 6 and 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. which require a plan for the hiring of minorities, are being violated by (he city. "Community development funds are being contracted to agencies that do not have affirmative action plans. Namely, the county Social Services Department and many other organizations in cluding the City of Raleigh, do not have an affirmative action plan that will past (he lesl They are dragging (heir ft^et on this and various other programs ” The remarks followed a recommendation of Housing Authority director Clifford Hards that several requests for funding under the community development program not be approved Included in the programs not recommended for funding were Wake Oppor- -.See CAMFBKLL P 2i Veteran Minister Saluted Omicron Zela Chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority is delighted to announce that Rev. Mabel Gary Philpott, better known as Sister Gary, has been chosen as the 1975 Woman of the Year. Since 1936. Sister Gary has been an out.standing citizen of (he Raleigh community, ren- dtnng multiple services, reli gious. community and civic SIS GARY. P 2< ('■=NI Ml K4Hw'* NM*; TS* CAEOLINiAN !• maailBt lu paMteMtaa M TW Crtm Iktl •US iSto M tS« —«nnT. I•ll•■ks■ ■ irtai«s4*B* ■■MStr •! ■ifiiail calk tor N* rrUM4»i«atrM A» ••> MairU la iSr •rifiaal aMr rrtarStag iSr catoaaa. ymtaa ■toaiag t« Sr«t Utoir aatov* ••( •( TW SPRINT SENSATION OB SERVES BIRTHDAY ~ Mont gomery. Ala.: HouttoB Mt- Tear. high arbool tprinl Afntation from Baker. Fla., (eiebraled kis iMk birtMay February Hand waa preaenteil a birthday rake by the promoters it tbe I'. S. Track and Field Federation Track meet In .Montgomery. McTrar will take part In the event and go after (hr World Record in (hr aa-vard datb il'Pli. Israelis Are Not Racists, Says Black National Black News Service NEW YORK ~ Dr Sandra Garcia, a black payclxriogisl who spent 16 months in Israel has concluded that the Jewish slate is not a "racist” society, despite a recent United States General Assembly vote linking Zionism with racism Dr Garcia, associate pro- fesiiur of psychology at the University of South Florida in Tampa, says conficis in Israeli MK'iely cannot be viewed in .'American terms of black-white relationships since they are based on cultural differences rather than color Dr Garcia, whowas in Israel tromSept 1973 to Dec 1974. on a F'ord Foundation fellowship to study the assimilation ol ISRAELIS. P. 2) c in ^ , , igionand Aiiorpciation that 3.0(10 ' ' Checks Won By Tivo Here I See* CORE SENDS. P 2> C HEER FAILURE OF COUP — Laiw — NliWllM cliMr upon huriAg tk>( • CMp h» llIM the rilime of Cm. M«rUU MoluaiBifd Feb. 13. Ugoe ReiUo leld Feb. 14 tbal fercee laybl le Mohemmed quatbed the crap eUenipl la a bloody batUe irooad tbe Dadia barricbe. Mobamaied wBi reported «letn, however. (UPl). Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK MAKkK I I’l.At K "For Good. Economical Appliances. Furniture’’ Mrs Rosa B Kelly, of 707 Chamberlain St . and Daniel M Jarnagin. of 1010 Smithfield St . were w inners of last week’s CAROLINIAN Appreciation Monev Mrs Kellv found her name in the Central Park Mobile Home Park advertisement Jarnagin found his name in the Terry's Kumiure Co advertisement. A third name. Mrs Dorothy Uppmond. was listed in the One Hour Marlmizing advertise ment However, she was not a winner The Appreciation Money Page IS on the back page f the first section of The CAROLIN IAN each week Three additional potential winners are listed on the Appreciation Money Page this week But in order to win the iSee APPHFCIATION. P 2« BLI.ND MU.MA.% UlMUykKb r AiAL MHfe. - .Nadelfc. Va. — James 11. Moore, left, and his wife. Mrs. Lalaa Thomas Moore, wait in (hr early morning darkness February 16 as firemen work (0 extinguish a fire which destroyed their (wo^tory apartment building, killing two persons. Mrs. Moore, who is blind, awoke to the smell of smoke and got the attention of ber hnabnnd. who led them both to safetv. (I'Pl).