In Requests for Higher Wages Stanuar'LPt, '0 J<0t 173<5 ro Fto 06,, ■-Itept, ■***’ ' LottUrrtgj^l-Kjr Sanitation Workers’ Strike Seen ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Assistant Executive Director ★ ★ ★ ★ RCRCAide Probed Union President Cites ^Pressure^ BY JAMES WDEKSON About 200 saniiatinn workers entered City Hall chambers Monday afternoon in an effort to get a wage hike. Leon Manning, chairman of the ILmember Sanitation Grevience Committee (S G.C.J and President of the American Federation of Slate, County and Municipal Employees (A.F.S.C.M.E.). Local 1887, addressed tne City Council’s Wage Review Hoard and asked for a 21 percent wage increase for Raleigh Sanitation Workers. VOL. 35 NO. 24 .Vorf/i Carolina's Leading Weekly JjAUjlOll, N. C.. THURSDAY, APKll. 1. 1976 ^jlNGL^OP1^0c At Shav! Aitartments-Clmms VIOLENCE FEARED .ARRESTED AT SCENE — Boston — Holdup suspect Charles Alexander (1.). 29. of Roxbury section of Boston. Is taken by police officer iRi from clothing store, in Boston’s Back Bay, darch 29. where he allegedl> shot one man in the shoulder and held another hostage. He was arrested by police. The hostage was released unharmed. (I'PI) 4 ¥ ¥ ¥ American Jewish Congress Housing Authority Sets Program Here The Housing Authority of the City of Roleigh Monday onnounced the beginning of a new program for assisting tow income families to obtain "decent, safe ond sanitory" housing throughout Wake County. Known as the Housing Assistance Payments Program (HAPP), it will poy private londlords the difference between the rent they hove contracted to collect for their dwellings and what the renter has been determined he is able to pay. The Housing Authority of the City of Raleigh and the Wake County Housing Authority will administer the program which is designed to meet the needs of low income families, the elderly, handicapped, disobled or displaced persons throughout Wake County. The RHA will begin taking opplicotions ond moking oppointments for interviews on Mondoy, April 15. Interested persons may apply by visiting the Housing Assistance Poyments Program office at 420 N. Boylon Ave., Roleigh, or by telephoning the Raleigh office ot 755^20. Woke County residents may obtain a postage paid mail-in registration card ot their locol town hall. An appointment to moke on application will then be orronged. A HAPP representotive will write, telephone or visit to make the oppointment. County residents moy also come to the Roleigh office or they may telephone the Raleigh office to orronge on oppointment. Foir Morket Rents (FMR) as estoblished by the Department of Housing ond Urbon Development for dwelling units of varying sizes Is the basis of HAPP. The Roleigh Housing Authority, with the aid of dn onnual contribution from the Federal government, will pay privote owners, agents or property managers the difference between whot the fomily is determined eligible to pay and the amount of the contract rents. Owners, brokers, property monogers ond other interested persons moy obtain additonal intormotion from HAPP at 420 N. Boylon Avenue, Raleigh, 27603. The telephone number is 755-6620. Honors Roy Wilkins Manager Of Apts. Silent BY PAT BRYANT A threat of violence has reportedly erupted at financially-lroublM Shaw Apartments as the man agement, and owners at tempt to enforce a "get tough rent collections" policy, dictated by the U. S. Department of Housing ana Urban Development. Mrs. Clara M. Johnson was allegedly charged on March 21 with communicating a threat City Cops Probing Mitchell Manning compared wages m Raleigh to wajges in four other North Carolina cities The comparisons showed'.s pay 6 to 15 percent behind the other cities. Raleigh pays an average sanitation equipment operator (Grade 24) a mini mum of $591.00 a month compared to $763.uo for Charlotte. $690 for Greensboro. $6.13 for Winston-Salem and $690 for Durham. The Dept, of Sanitation's 217 employees are recommending, through the SGC. that they receive a pay increase of lb percent retroactive to Jan. 1, 1976. and a 11 percent increase effeclive July I. 1976, or a combined total of 22 percent. They also want funds set aside at the beginning of the fiscal year 1976-77 to pay employees a I percent increase above the cost of living tCPL each quarter. The third request is a reduction of longevity bonus period from 5 to 2 years of service, and allow an increase by 1 percent each year after years to to years" Thev also want a flat sutn amount paid it a pay is provided Thr rale of increase would be higher to rank and file employees than to higher pp.ting positions. The fifth request is that a )aid-up life insurance and insurance coverage in force at time of retirement. The Iasi request calls for the adoption of a policy for active employees .SANITATION. P. 2> 2 Firms Coming To Town E aid-up ospilal insurance be provided all employees who retire. This amount would be equal to total Contracts AAvardeJ In State AFTERMATH OF TtlRNAIM) — ('antoa. Mf». A tornado touched down here March 29. leaving widespread damage, killing three and injuring an estimated IZS to ISO persons. Mown here, residents of a trailer park brace trailer and search for personal effects. (t'PI) JHoward N. Lee To Address ‘YM’ Meet Howard Nathaniel Lee. former mayor of Chapel Hill, and currently a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, will speak at the annual meeting of Bloodworth Street YMCA Tuesday. April 6. at 8 p.m. He will be presented by Clarence Lightner. former mayor of Raleigh, with Nelson H. Harris, chairman, board of management presiding. The annual report will be given by Ernest L. Raiford. executive director, and will include statistical reports for 1975. A. J. Turner, chairman of the YMCA membership commit tee, will present Century Club Service Awards to 23 members for meritorious service during the membership campaign. James E. Byers will present the nominations committee report and 6 members will be elected to the board of management. Morris Johnson will discuss YMCA community services and Lawrence Dickens will discuss youth services and plans to organize the YMCA alumni. Special music for the occasion will be furnished by Prof. Harry Gil-Smvthe and representatives of the Shaw University music department. The inv Dr. C, T. Vivian, friend and confidant of the late Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., will be the main speaker at (he second annual M< workshops for fixed-income and older persons will start here in April The seminars at • sponsors; by the City Volun teer Cotrdinator. Marian J. i'ameron. and the national ACTION agency, which is the agency that includes the Peace Corps. VISTA. RSVPand other volunteer programs. The first of (his series of meetings will be held al the Thompson School 'Wake Op portunities). 567 E Hargett St.. April 6. at to a m. It ends at 1 p m. There will be several work shops available, all dealing with money management ana consumer problems. Each workshop will be conducted by a representative from an area agency and will be geared to assist people purchase more with their dollars, know the agencies that can help with how a complaint can be handled in order to get positive results. The public is invited to i.See SEMINARS. P 2) Appreciation Checks W'on Hy Two Here Two CAROLINIAN readers won Appreciation Money (his week by finding (heir names in last week's edition of The CAROLINIAN They were Benjamin C Harris of llii Gatling St., and Mrs. Eula H. Long, of 1119 Kit Place. Harris found his name listed in the Apex Distributors ad on the Appreciation Money Page and Mrs Long found her name in the Discount USA No. 3 ad Ms. (See APPRECIATION. P 2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK PKJGLY WKJGLY FOODS ‘For Quality Groceries At Low Prices” THRE.ATENS TO HL'KI. CHILI) — New York — Threatening to hurl his child, an anguished .MelvJn Davis holds daughter. Ebony. 3. over rail of forth floor fire esriipc in Harlem. March 26. He burst out of his aparlmenl onto the escape with her at the height of a quarrel with his estranged wife. For more than an hour, he threatened to toss the child or jump himself. Cops managed eventually to subdue him and rescue Kbon>. She was treated and released from hospital. He was held on charges of reckless endangerment and endangering the life of the child (I'Pl)