Black Area Leaders Support Strike Here ★ ★ ★ ★ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^ ★ ★ ★ ★ Vow To Halifax County Citizens Continue Blasts Dupree Act ^®**«”* KY WII.1.1I-: WHITR. Staff Writer VOL. 35 NO. 39 \orth Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1976 SINGLE COPY 20c One Shot, Another Stabbed 2 KILLED IN COUNTY Raleigh s sinking sanita tion workers received a sanitation prfss support boost this week when a large number of Percent pay Increase. John W iggins, left, prehident of the workers, joined Dr. C. W Ward and Rev black leaders called a press White at the conference table. They were flanked by other leaders representing manv Ralelffh conference and joined the R^oups. ^ » cause of the strikers. The situation was labeled as “explosive." Meeting at the Martin Street Baptist Church, representatives of political. civic and religious bodies _ ^ . announced solid support for ^ North Carolina Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression is sponsoring a the strikers. public rally featuring Angela Davis, co-chairperson of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, in the Spaulding Gymnasium at Shaw University on Friday, July 16, 1976 at 8 p.m. Participating in the rally held m Kaleigh on Labor Day. Carolina and across the nation Angela Davis Will Speak At Shaw University Fri, •k -k -k if k k k k k k k k For Lieutenant Governor's Post Lee Backs Joint Violence Empts In Halifax ^ HENDERSON - More kthan 150 angry and pro- AiesUng black persons, led by Golden Fnnks of the Southern Christian L^eader- ship Conference, emerged from their makeshift tant dty last Sunday and came to the local courthouse, protesting the acquittal of Mrs. Sandra Dupree of Scotland Neck, wmte wife of a Fre ^ill Baptist minister in the killing of Henry Lee Dickena, 21- yeat-old black ex-para- trooper, also cf Scotland Neck. No violence was reported, however. Dickena was kilM In hie mother's front yard. According (o a spokesman for the Vance County Sheriff's Department, the protestors "broke camp Sunday night and everybody's pretiy well clear ed out now." The group came up Chestnut . where they were camped and held a rally there. They ^en turned around and return- n. according to a spokesman for the department. Also on hand were about SO Slate Highway patrolmen, of ficers from the Henderson (See DUPREE ACTION. P. 2) Debate Diio Is Jailed In City A Raleigh man and an Apex woman were killed over the weekend in separate incidents. Two persons have been bound over to Wake Superior court on murder charges. One of the victims was shot and the other fatally stabbed. In Ihe second incident. Mrs Sharon Watkins Hinion.^ 28. Route 2. Box 563. Wendell. The Rev I.,eon White, head ol Ihe North Carolina-Virginia United Church of Christ Com- mis.sion for Racial Justice, said the strike is the kind of situation that "people across the state and nation are beginning to identify with." Rut White and the pastor of the First Baptist Church. Dr. C, W, Ward. urgtKl a quick setlle- meni ol the dispute between Ihe sinkers and the workers so that Ihe issue will remain on the loeal level. "There are people waiting and ready to exploit thesituation 1,/el'skeep it on the local level." the leaders urged When a reporter asked the leaders if lhe> were threaten ing that violence would soon erupt in the city, the Rev John W Fleming, a Shaw Divinity .Sehool professor, responded. The threat is in the eye of the hi-holder.' Ward announced that some ot the leaders had met Monday with Raleigh City Manager L, P Z«ichar\ concerning the strike And while it was apparent that little or no progress was made. Ward maintained some optimism. "A.S long as you arc talking. I cannot say that no progress was made " While said that black leaders, do not "intend to sit idiv by and see these jobs taken" from the 157 sanitation workers who lost their jobs last Friday because with Ms Davis will l>e Mrs. Elizabeth Chavis, mother of Rev Ben Chavis of the Wilmington lO. sister Evelyn .Maitern of Ihe Wilmington 10 Defense Committee, and other comniunitv leaders Sept r.. bringing together ihousand.s of people from North committed to working together for justice. The rally will focus on Ihe struggle of working people m .North Carolina for the right to organize, to strike, to bargain cofiectively; on "the racist and repressive character ol justice in North Carolina" and on the national March for Human Rights and I..abor Rights to be Many Blacks To Be Placed In Capitol National Black News Service arrested Sunday afternoon ar.r« Ibvy stayed off the Job three FOSTER HITS THREE-RUN HOMER — Philadelphia — George Foster who hit the three-run homen which led the National League to a 7-1 victory over the American League in the annual All-Star game here July 13. Foster Is presented the Most Valuable Player Award after th* game by Monty Irvin of the commiisioner's office. lUPI). Says He Favors Debates With All 2 Fires Follow Freedom SCOTLAND NECK - Thi«f firebombings took place here Monday night, where many blacks are angry over the acQuiltal last Saturday of the wife of a white minister, accused of killing a black man March II. Two of the blazes were put out by firemen before serious damage was done and. ^in the third allempi, the bomb ^did not ignite. The cab of a fuel oil truck was the scene of one of the '^zes. ignited by a bomb at the Pfarrison Oil Company. Ac cording to witnesses, the intense heat melted the plastic (See 2 FIRES. P. 2i Howard N. Lee. candidate for LI. Governor, last Friday called on the other candidates to join him in accepting Rep. Herbert Hyde's call for a joint debate. Mr. Lee in remarks preparinl for delivery during his swing through Duplin County said, "I have informed my friend Herbert Hyde of my decision to fccccpt his debate proposal and have sent a letter to Ihe other candidates urging them to do so. We should settle on a dale now," Lee stressed, "while there is still some flexibility in the candidates' campaign schedules. A debate presenting all the candidates would be a unique opportunity for the voters to compare the candi- SAACP Steet The Raleigh-Apex Chapter of the NAACP will hold its monthly meeting Sunday. July 18. at RICH Park in Method, at 4 p.m. The executive board will meet at 3. Everyone is cordially invited to attend dates and their stands on the issues." Mr. Lee further stated that. "It is unfortunate that a better system does not exist for candidates for statewide office to express their views to the pt'ople Therefore, it is up to the candidates themselves to bring Ihe issues to the people for a public examination." l.,ee continued. "I urge the candidale.s for Ll. Governor to join into a forum to debate the is.sues which are so crucial to charged with murdering her husband. 31-year-old (Charles Edward Hinton of 1626-B Bur- gandy SI.. Raleigh, according to s^^kesmen for Ihe Wake Sheriff's Deparlment. i.i Ihe initial murder, Alonzo Jennings. 63, Rl. I. Box 49. Apex, was nabbeu Saturday and charged with killing Ms* Marie Holden, 41. of Ihe same address. Hinton was reported slain about 5:45 p.m. Sunday when he was struck in the chest by a blast from a .4l0-gauge shot gun at (he home of Willie Montague on Mangum Rd.. near Wendell. Ms. Holden was allegedly stabbed to death with a butcher knifeaboui ll p.m Saturday ii the Green l>*vel rnmmunilv. (See 2 KILLED. P 2) consecutive days in an effort to gain a 3.5 pay increase. Tne City does not recognize (he action of (he workers as being a strike. As of Wednesday morning, the City was .'ill working toward full replact-uent of an (See STRIKE HEI E. P 2) Problems Of Cities Is Topic IN GOSPEL INFLUENCED POP-SINGING VEIN — New York —' Melbs Moore, who hat worked on Broadway and been a famllL'ir face on television, bai lately teemed to be aiming her career in an altogether different direction. Mitt Moore, w appeared at the Schaefer iilc Festival this week, b apparently In the middle ot a stylistic transition with her current material being in a gospel-influenced pop vein. (L'Pl). WASHINGTON - Rep ('ha^ie^ B Rangel iD-N.Y > recently announced that the Congress was going to take action on his request that an elfori be made to include art works depicting black Ameri cans in a positive manner in the I’niled States Capitol. ”Th<‘ Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Com memoration of the Bicenten nial h