One-Day Suspension Is Ovcmiled, But JmL^i KC2t Black Cop Appeals Case ★★★ *** At “Freedom Riilly” Here Sanders JVAACPR«»scs»46,000Thi"csc IVorth Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 36 NO. 31 RALKIOH, N. C.. THUKSDAy, MAY 26. 1977 SINGLE COPY 20c Raleigh Woman Alleged Victim Aa Local Raleigh police officer Marvin Sanders has ap* pealed to the Civil Service Commission a ruling of City Manager L. F. Za chary. The city manager's compromise ruling last week upheld part of a March 26 disciplinary ac tion against Sanders by Raleigh Police Chief Robert E. Goodwin. KSt'ORTKO TO PIA’SH PARTY — Minneapolis — Carrying their champagne up the bUiiHa> # with luggage retired skveap Ml Hughes. Sr. escorts Ms. Lillian Warren to a plush party here Mav 23. giyen h\ a local millionaire for 29 sk>caps and their families, for what be called "'I'ne greatest group or skycaps In the world.” (I'Ph Man Held In Rape Shaw Announces Tapper Banquet ¥• ¥ ¥ AT- On June 3 at 7 p.m .. the Shaw Divinity School trustees will sponsor a banquet as a memorial to the late Dr. Henry Martin Tupper. founder of Shaw University and the Shaw Divinity School. The banouet will be held in the Student Union Building. The trustees, their wives, alumni and many friends are expected to attend. Two hun dred people are expected to be present to pay tribute to the memory of this leader who arrived in Raleigh with Mrs. Tunper on Oct. 10. 18Qp. possessed with the conviction that God wanted him to provide educational opportunity for former slaves. On Dec. 1. 1665. ^Tupper gathered his first class theology together Out of this effort has come what is now Sliaw University and the Shaw Divinity School. The guest speaker for this occasion will be Dr. Thomas Kilgore, pastor of the Second Baptist Church, Los Angeles. Calif Dr. Kilgore is a native of North Carolina, graduate of '.See TUPPER. P 2) Minority Seminar Thursday FORT BRAGG — Minority businessmen and small busi nessmen can learn how to sell ‘House Kidnap’g Is Also Charged ★ ★ ★ ★ Sewage Raekuit Cited Here ★ ★ ★ ★ Ruined:’ Tenant Ms. Beck DR. DANIEL D. GODFREY Cacus Demands their products to the military and government during a # 1 _ *' LfOuirey Apology WASHINGTON. D C. - The Congressional Black Caucus last week demanded a fall investigation of the "racist remarks" which a Republican Congressman Is alleged to have made while discussing the investigation into the assassination of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Congressman Parren J. Mitchell, chairman of the caucus, asked for the investi gation in a letter to John J. Rhodes, minority leader in the United States House of Repre sentatives Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson recently reported Jkihat John Ashbrook. a Repub ^can Congressman from John ston. Ohio, objected to the Capitol Hill probe into the Assassination of the slain Nobel ^eace Prize winner, and reportedly said that he be lieved that time and money should not be wasted "investi gating the murder of some nigger." The caucus letter indicated that this alleged racial slur by a public official must be investigated to deter mine the true facts. The Congressional Black Caucus, whose membership includes Cleveland Democrat Uiuis Stokes. House Assassi nations Committee chairman and District of Columbia delegate Walter Fauntroy. chairman of the Assassinations sub-committee investigating Dr. King's death, strongly urged the House Republic party leadership to release the results of its investigation. When the report is released, the caucus further stated, (bee CAUCUS DEMANDS. P. 2) seminar May 26 at Fort Bragg The seminar is being spon sored by the State Office of Minority Business Enterprise and Fort Bragg. Camp Le- jeune. Seymour Johnson AFB. Pope AFB, and Cherry Point Marine Corps. The seminar will be at Fort Bragg Officers' aub. Donald Rellins, small busi ness advisor in the Office of tht Secretary of the Air Force, wilt be the keynote speaker. In the afternoon, representatives of the military bases in North Carolina and several govern ment agencies will participate in a panel discussion and answer questions from thoee attending the seminar. The only cost is 14.25 for the luncheon. Additional informa tion is available from; Walter H. Warfel. Chief. Procurement Division, Drawer E, Fort Bragg. N.C. 28307 <919) 396- 0706. InNC Ai Position A 23-year-old Raleigh man is being held without bond in the Wake County Jail, charged with the alleged kidnaping end rape Sunday of a Bloodworth Street woman. Phillip M. Sanders of 1738 Proctor Road (Southgate Apartments), was pi^ed up at his home Monday. The alleged vic tim was Ms. Gloria Ann Johnson, of 9 N. Blood- worth St. Dr. Daniel D. Godfrey has been promoted to assistant director of the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Serv- He will fill the vacancy created by the retirement of R. E. Jones, who served the organization for more than 40 years. Godfrey's promotion was announced by the chancellors of the state's two land-grant universities, Dr. Joab L. Thomas of North Carobna State University, and Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy of North Carolina Ajuicultural and ‘Technical State University. These universities are respon- (See DR. GODFREY. P 2) An all-night Sunday investi gation by the Wake Countv Sheriff's Department and Ral eigh police led lo Sanders' arrest. Sanders is reported lo have forced Ms Johnson inlo hL« car on a downtown street at about 7:10 p.m. Sunday. He is *hen said to have taken LA « > a rural laction of the county and to have raped her. Describes Troubles Goodwin allegedly decided that Sanders had harassed a white motorist. Mrs. Vickie Baker and disciplined the black officer with a day's suspension without pay and transferred him from a public relations office job to regular patrol duly. Zachary said in a letter to Sanders on May 17, 1977, "I do not believe the charge of harassment was substantiat ed.” In February. Ms. Vickie Baker made the charge to the Internal Relations Unit which subsequently found that San ders had harassed her. Sanders appealed to Capt. R T. Justice and Major H. W. Bunn, who upheld the IRU's decision; and finally to Chief Goodwin, who (See BLACK COP. P. 2) BY CHARLES R. JONES Dr. Fields Resigns As Acting Shaw President Dr. Richard Fields, acting president of Shaw University since June of 1976, announced his resignation from that position on Tuesday. Fields said that his resigna tion was for personal reasons and he had made no immediate plans for the future. He said that his resignation had been accepted by the board of trustees of Shaw, effective June 30. appointed to the Shaw position. Prior to that, he was dean of academic affairs at Fayette ville State Universitv and had tau^t at Bennett College, also in Greensboro. The Brooklyn, N. Y. native received his bachelor's degree at Virginia State College, a master’s from New York University and the doctorate Mrs. Alma Beck of 1820 Cantwell Court in the federally-subsidized Raleigh North Apartments, is an angry young woman. She came into the office of The CAROLINIAN Tuesday afternoon and related a tale of sewage coming into her kitchen from other apart ments in the complex at least on three occasion, the first of which took place Friday afternoon. Ms Beck, who moved into the apartment in August of 1976. said the first backup occurred about 4 or 5 p.m. Friday. "I had never had this happen to me before and 1 was very surprised and mad to see all ot that human waste, including CLEANING UP SEWAGE OVERFLOW — Ms. Alma Beck and bathroom tis»ue. coming up her daughter of 1X20 Cantwell Court, are fhown cleaning up the throi^h my kitchen sink. It, sewage backup that overflowed Into her apartment on threecame out of the wOel differenl occasions, twice Iasi weekend and again on .Monday. See where my washing machine is slorv (Staff Photo). (See APARTMENT. P. 2) Closings Of Schools Eyed WASHINGTON. D.C. - Til. District of Celunbia lelieel ■dmlaistratlen, faced with a continuing dacllne In the city's icheel enroHmant, has raconimandad tha clesiag of I school huHdings in the city. The gropesot, bared hy School Supt. Vincent I. Rood during a recant cengrosslen- ol hearing, would result in the olinination of two olomontory scheeis, four special education schools and two othor school buildings now usod for adaiinistrativo oHicos. Boycott Set In N, Hanover A boycott of white merchants i^ilm Editorial Could Keep Blacks Off UNC Board, Says Writer BY JAMES AUGUSTUS SHEPARD (Editor’s Note: We present oar readers an editorial signed by 17 N.C. dailies, including the Raleigh News & Observer, the Raleigh Times, and one Vir ginia daily, the Norfolk. VIr- giuia Pilot, that if adopted, would, or could, result in (he elimination of black represent ation on (he University of North Carolina Board of Governors.) This vicious, anti-black edi torial reads as follows: "I’NC’S QUOTA SYSTEM" "Under North Carolina law. PHILLIP M. SANDERS from Ratgers. The chairman of the board, the Rev. Dr. Otha L. Sherrill, expressed gratitude for Dr. Fields' service in the acting position. The 52-ycar-old Dr. Fields was planning director at A&T Stat University, Greensboro, from 1972 until *he was 2 Blind Persons Sue Pair WINSTON-SALEM - Two white Forsyth County magis trates here are being sued by a black man and a white woman, both of whom are blind, because they refused to marry them, the federal suit alleges. 'Hie suit was filed Friday in Greensboro by the County Legal Aid Society on behalf of ’Hiomas Roger Person. 26. and Ms. Carol Ann Figueroa. 25, charging that Magistrates J. C. Lewter and Harold Thomerson (See TWO BLIND. P 2) Aside from first-degree rape and kidnaping, the warrant also charges that Sanders threatened the woman with a weapon, according to Deputy P. L. Womble. who also added that investigators did not think Sanders had a gun. Police and deputies were informed of the incident at 9 p.m. Sunday. According to Deputy Wom ble. Sanders apparently did not know the woman prior lo the incident. As late as Tuesday of this week, no date had been set for a preliminary hearing on the charges in Wake District C^urt Sen, Winters^ Others Okayed For Utiltttes Durham* s NAACP Is Winner SRC Raps Policies Of USD A About 50 mothers came to Raleigh Sunday and reported more than $46,000 at the annual “Freedom Fund," staged by Ihe N. C. State Conference of NAACP Branches, held at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. TTie program got underway at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Davesene W. Spellman. Durham, reported the sum of Gov. James B. Hunt. Jr.'s five nominees for the Stale Utilities Commission gained approval last Thursday from the General Assemblv. State Sen. John W. Win ters. D-Wake, and Dr. Robert Fischbaub. a Charlotte phy sicist. will be sworn in on July 1. The other three .no minees will fill terms of com SEN. WINTERS missioners who have resigned. The three newly-nominated persons are Robert Kroger, Raleigh; Leigh Hammond, economics professor at N.C. Stale University; and Ms. Sarah Lindsay Tale. Raleigh lawyer. The five nominees under went intensive questioning by Senate and House utilities committees The only negative vote on confirmation of the five was cast by Rep Fred Dorsey. R-Henderson. (bee SEN. WINTERS. P. 2) precisely one-eighth of the membership of the University of North Carolina board of governors must be members of ‘a minority race' and thereby hangs a lawsuit. The suit has been brought bv state Rep.J. Reid Poovey of Hickory and others, with assistance from the North Carolina Fund for Individual Rights. Power to them. "As fair-minded men must recognize, this quota provision flies in the face of the ‘equal protection' clause, to say nothing of (he 1964 Civil Rights Act. It becami. a pan of the General Statutes of this state Wilmington, letterwriting and petitioning campaigns to Gov. James B. Hunt, and demonstrations and marches have been announced by supporters of the WUmingtim 10 to build the pressure to tree the Wilmington 10. The step up in activity mllows a denial of a new trial for the Wilmington 10 by Special Superior Court Judge George Fountain. The Wilmington boycott, although eventually to include all white merchants in the town is scheduled to begin with relatives of former New Han over Prosecutor Jav Stroud. Zora’s Fish Market, located in the town's black ghetto, is run by Stroud's great aunt, who insists she is only a distant relative. Her business, which has been operated for 22 years in the black community, is reportedly on? of the targets of the boycott. Kojo Natambu, a boycott leader, said Stroud’s family (See EDITORIAL. (See WILMINGTON. P. 2) Y:- Appreciation Feature Has Two \Mnners Two CAROLINIAN readers won last week's Appreciation Money after they reported to ■ I offici ATLANTA - U S. Depart- ^ I* I ment Agriculture policies 1 I large-scale farm pro- t duction over small farmers have driven the poor from rural areas and have done nothing to prepare them for other employment, slates a report released Monday by the Southern Regional Council (SRC). "One of the greatest trage dies in the past several decades." according to Status and Prospects of Small Farm ers in the South, "was the IT’S NOW "DR. BILL COSBY" — Amherst. Moss. — ComedUo large-scale displacement from Bill Cosby (R> shakes hand^ with Inlv. of .MassaebusetU agriculture of people ill-pre- Chancellor Randolph W . Bromery (L) after receiving his Doctor pared by education, training, of Education degree during graduation exercises May 21. Cosby, or ei^rience for nonfarm , nearly this has resulted $9,000, which represents the 'The CAROLINIAN office that largest sum ever reported, they had found their names in making Durham the winner in the advertisements on the the big city bracket for the Appreciation Money page, sixth time in seven years. Henry Reddick, of 440 Peyton However, the runner-up, Win- St., received a $10 check after ston-Salem. reported $1,500. he reported that he had found The big upset was the fact his name m the advertisement that the Burgaw Hollev Branch for Baker's Shoe Store. 110 E. (See STATE NAACP. P 2» APPRECIATION. P 2| who has won (our Emmy Awards and six (irammy awards, said jobs. I his degree "is more important." (UPl) (See riy ir SRC RAPS. P. 2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK RALKIOH PCX SERVICE "fOI All YOUl FAIM AND GAIDEN NflDS" I.EADS HALLY AFTER NEW TRIAL DENIED — Burgaw. N.C. — Damu Smith. Washington. I) C leadsarallvonthestepsof the Pender Co. Courthouse attended by Mrs. Elliabeth Chavis (L) mother of Rev. Ben Chavis, after Judge George FounUln denied a motion for a new trial for the Wilminslon Ten May 20. Smith Is a spokesman for the lO’i National Defense Committee. (UPl) bister Helen .5. Behind them are Dr. G. L. Kates and Mary Shelton, assistant director of pedUtric

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