OPEN FORUM A Word From Your Councilman . .... WIlUAM *. KNICNT A recent open forom article In The CAROIINIAN led one to freiieve thot Mount Hope Cemetery is presently being neglected. While I generolly do not comment to opinions written by ony writer in The CAROLINIAN, I felt It necessary thot I do respond to on opinion which uses hoff-focts, no history as its bases of showing neglect. White the writer may hove played upon the sympothy of a few uninformed citizens, his facts were erroneous and incomplete. Here ore the reol facts concerning the post 3 years of development oround Mt. Hope Cemetery: In late 1973 end early 1974, Mrs. Volley Henderson ond Mrs. Emma Boyer contocted your councilmon concerning a project to beoutify the 3 city-owned cemeteries which ore the Torboro Road Cemetery the Horgett Street Cemetery, end the Mt. Hope Cemetery. Pleose note, for historicol soke, thot blocks, as well as whites, ore buried ot all 3 of these cemeteries. Funds were roised (to which the records will show your councilmon contributed) and the city opproprioted funds to purchose o new gote beorina the name Mt. Hope Cemetery, a new work shed was built with restroom focilities. the cemetery staff was increosed from 2 persons to 6, CETA employees were used to cleor overgrown groves ond the back portion of the cemetery, new fences were erected, overturned grove markers (See COUNCILMAN. P- 2) Vry Ty Claremont Dispute Settled, But jVa a CPInto Roads Case Shufords ★ ★ ★ ★ With Words On Communists FrinksSparks Reactions^?^*®^ ; North Carolina’s Leadinf> Weekly VOL. 36 NO. 39 RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY. JULYIOstv SINGLE COPY 20c COUNCILMAN INIONT By Minister Attending JS.C. Baptist Confab BIAS CHARGED ★★★ -y-yy- Although President Rapped By Jordan y y y Amb.YoungBacksGarter ^ l-EES WAR-TORN REGION — MOGADISHU. Sonelle: A mother comforts her two children in the Western Somalia Liberation Front compound after fleeing Ethiopia’s war-torn Ogaden region. Officials report Somali-backed insurgenU have captured the Ethiopian town of (•ode in the Ogaden Desert after fierce fighting with government troops. (L’PI) Blctck Heads A/D’s Unit WASHINGTON, D.C. Mrs. Color Toni Butchor wns sworn In rocontfy nt AisistMt Admiolstntor for Africn in tho Agoncy for Intomnlioiinl Dovtlepmont. A nntinnoHy-proniinont nttomoy, Mrs. Bntehor has honn in fho pHvntn Inw pmcticn with Whitt, Finn A VonrHIt of Wnshinftnn, D.C., slnct April, 1974, nnd wns n itctnrtr nnd writtr on U.S. fonign ptiky townrd Afrkn, hwmnn rights eoncoms, intornntionnl nerth-sonth Issnts, nnd intomntinMl bw. Mrs. Bvtchor rtetivtd htr A.I. dtgrto, with Mn{tr hennn, from tho Unhrtrslty of Ptnnsyivnnin in 1944; htr Ll.B. dtgrtt, snmnin cnm Invdt, frtni Htwnrd Univtrsity in 1957; nnd htr LL.M. in btomctitnnl Inw fmm tht UnlytrsHy nf Ptnnsyhrnnin in 1951. Sht Is n mtnihtr tf Phi Bntn Knppn, tht Bnr tf tht District tf CoInniM, nnd tht Ftdtmi Bnr Asstebtitn. Sht stnrtd ns n ntombtr tf tht Otmtcmtic Ftrtign Affnirs Tnsk Foret nnd tht Cnrttr Ftrtign PtHcy Tnsk Foret. Lott Carey Baptists Reveal 80th Meet TO FORMALLY ANNOUNCE CANDIDACY - Millard R. Peebles, local brick masonry- contractor and former chair man of Ihe Raleigh Planning Cummlsiion, will formally announce his candidacy for (he Raleigh City Council from District ('. on Thursday. July 28. at 12:30 p.m. at the YWCA. E. Hargett Street. A LOUISVILLE. Ky. - Lott C^arey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention's 80th annual meeting is scheduled to bring several thousand black dele gates here Aug. 20-Sept. 2. with headauarters at Galt House. Fourth and River Rd.. with the New Zion Baptist Church, the Rev. A. Russell Awkard, as host. With an expansion program, the all-black Baptist Mission ary Convention lists more than 2,000 churches and will be meeting in the Kentucky State for the first time in its history according to Dr. Wendell C. Sommerville, the organiza tion’s executive secretary of Washington, D.C. More than 200 congregations have contri buted the amount of $1,000 each to surpass a budget of more than a half million dollars for the first time. Lott Carey is the only convention of its kind among %rsklcn( of 721 Calloway Drive blacks in the world that deals in Rochester Heights, Peebles will hold a reception at the same location Sunday for people committed to help elect him to the council. The reception will beheld from 3:34 until S:30 p.m with nothing but foreign mis sions. Organized in Shiloh Baptist Church, Washington, D C., E>ec. 19.1897, in honor of a slave named Lott Carey, who bought freedom for himself and two of his children nn a RECALLS CHAVIS PARK’S PAST — Councilman Bill Knight shared some fond memories of Chavis Park’s past with those attending (he ribbon-cutting of the Litlle Hock Trail portion of the Garner Branch Greenway, Iasi week as area youngsters await a walking tour of the trail. See story CStaff Pho(o>. plantation in Richmond, Va.. Carey has been the organiza tion's inspiration. in 1813, Carey saved enough out ot his earning as a worker in tobacco to gain his freedom. Later, after S years, he raised $700 from other slaves for the support of missions in Africa. On Jan. 16.1821, a trip to Sierra Leon, Airica was made on the ship, Nautilus, where Lott ciarey was a pasMnger. He began mission work among the Bassa Tribe. Since that time, blacks have extend ed mission work through this organization in Nigeria, Afr ica, India, Ghana, Haiti and Liberia. A distinguished grad uate of Lott Cbrey's missimi work is the honorable Angie Brooks, Secretary of State for Lit«ria, who at one time served as president of the Security (^uncil for the United Nations. Four departments of the (See LOTT CAREY. P. 2) NBL Calls For Great Black Role WASHINGTON. D.C. - At its quarterly meeting here, the National Business League's National Council for Policy Review (NCPR) overwhelm- in^y endorsed resolutions calling for a stronger voice by the minority business com munity in the federal govern ment's minority enterprise program. Of lurticular concern to the council was the absence of minority business representa tives on a review board within the Small Business Adminis tration which is currently examining the agency’s 8(a) minority procurement pro gram. In a letter to SBA administrator, Vernon Wea ver, the council expressed grave dissatisfaction with the review process and labeled it contrary to President Carter's announced commitment to foster greater participation by the public in major govern ment decision making. The council, comprised ot the leadership ot some 50 national (See NBL CALLS. P. 2) Minister Relates Version BY ALEXANDER BARNES DURHAM ~ As the result of a call to The CAROLINIAN late Tues day night, it was learned from reliable sources that several ministers attending the All-Baptist «A8sembly and its affibates, headed by the Rev. Dr. Joy Johnson, were denied admission to the Downtowner Motel, located on W. Chapel HiU Street, and were told that even though they had con firmed reservations, made as early as May. no room was available. The Rev. S. R. Johnson. Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Salis bury, well-known in baptist circles, related bow his wile had been denied a room and was told tiiat she would have to ask another place to spend the night. Investigation re',,:alcd that she was told that she would have to travel a long distance from the motel, hut said that the management would pay the cab fare tor her transportation. The Rev. Johnson is alleged to have had such a slip in his possession. The minister is said to have become irate and contacted the Rev. Percy High, president. Durham Branch. NAACP, Attorney W. G. Pear son, 11, and the writer. He alleged that several ministers had been given the same treat ment and had to seek other lodging places, tar removed, in (See BIAS CHARGED. P. 2) John Lewis Nominated For Post WASHINGTON, D C. - John Robert Lewis, one oi the tirsi Freedom Riders oi the 1960s and a prominent civil rights activist who headed the Voter Eklucalion Project in Atlanta. Ga. tor nearly 7 years, has been nominated by President Carter as associate director tor domestic operations ot ACn’ION, the federal agency for volunteer service. “I see this appointment as a Continuation of my life work to build a beloved community, a community at peace with itself," said Lewis, whose nomination is subject to Senate coniirmation. As associate dir jctor, Lewis. 37. a native of Troy. Ala.. would direct the activities of more than 238,000 men and women (See JOHN LEWIS. P. 2) Actions Blasted, Lauded WASHINGTON, D.C. - Although Vernon E. Jor dan. Jr., executive director of the National Urban League, took President Carter to task here Sunday nig^t for his lack of keeping ^ campaign promises, as the league opened its annual convention, Ambassador Andrew Young, Jr., strong- \y defended the President for remarks made by Carter allegedly in '‘reprimand ing’’ the league head on Monday morning. Young spoke Monday night. Rep. Parxen J. Mitchell (D-Mcf) strongly criticized Carter, saying, "He never CLAREMONT - The local chapter of the NAACP has entered the case of the Shuford family road easement dispute, although the black family last week signed papers allowing a group of white citizens to extend a city street and water line onto their property. The NAACP case asks for street lights, sewage Unes, sidewalks and fire hy drants. The Shufords are the town’s only black property owners. On the Shuford property, after the 500-foot gravel-road is completed and water lines are installed, the citizens, led bv the Rev. Stanley L. Sliver, will turn the street over to the town for maintenance. Charlotte attorney James C. Fuller represented the Shu fords in an anti-discrimination (See ROADS CASE. P. 2) , - repn- mands' any other organiza- Mnn frtr rritinivinA Kiwi '* AMBASSADOR YOUNG BACKS PRESIDENT CARTER WASHINGTON: United Natiens Ambassador Andrew Young UlkK with Vernon Jordan, executive director of the Urban League July 23 prior to addressing thr i^eague. Young told (be Urban 1-eague delegates (hat Carter was correct in pushing for a balanced budget. (I'PI) Allianee Counters Frinks^ Charges The Executive Board of the North Carolina Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression issued a statement Monday counterin{( calls that the Rev. Ben Chavis disassociate himself v^th any Communists' aid toward the release of the Wilmington 10. The alliance's reactions were to statements made in the July 21 edition of The CAROLINIAN bv Golden Frinks, program director of the Southern Christian L^dership Conference. Frinks made the statement during an interview. "The North Carolina Alll- Won't Seek At-lMrge Seat Ralsigli City Couneitaisn Williom Rogars [Bill] Knigkt iflformtd The CAROLINIAN torly Wedntiday th«t ha will net ba leahiiig an at-larga City Caancii seat far District C as kas bean reported by the news madia in the past few weeks. Mr. Knight made it aaiphatically clear that ka will make his anneanca- mant on Monday, Avg. 1. Three other announced candidates will cballanga Knight in the October primary. They ora Jamas E. iurt, lawranca T. Dickons end Millard R. Paables. <ince Against Racist and Political Repression viewed with dismay the divisive state ments ot Golden Frinks this past week. “In an article in The CARO LINIAN, Frinks succombs to scare tactics in slating (hat the support 01 Angela Davis and 'Communist sympathisers' caused 'complications' for the Wilmington 10: that 'He (Rev. Ben Chavis) did not know that association.’ “Has Golden Frinks forgot- (See G. FRINKS. P. 2) tion for criticizing him. In his opening address to League delegates Sunday night, Mr. Jordan criticized President Carter for failing to live up to his promises to blacks and minoritle*. “who are mainly responsible for his being in office." However, Monday morning. Carter addressing the poup, declared, “A flood of new programs to help the nation's poor will emerge from my administration.” He attempted to quality his statement by reterring to the fact that he has only been in office for six months. (See AMB. YOUNG, P. 2) Unitarians Elect US Officers National Black News Service MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. RELEASED ON $80,000 BAIL — OAKLAND. Calif.: BUck Panther leader Huey P. New ton. awaiting trial on murder and assault charges, was released from Jail July 23 on $80,000 cash ball raised by the Panthers. Newton, 35. was released 00 minutes ahead of schedule by authorities to avoid a demonstration by his supporters at the steps of the coorthouse. “It's the first time 1 was ever thrown out of Jail, '' a smiling Newton said. (UPI). Improve Welfare: Offieials Natloaal Black News Service WASHINGTON, D. C. ~ State welfare officiala, testify ing recently before the Senate Finance Subcommittee oo Public A&sistance. called for immediate measures to strengthen public assistance and child welfare programs while national debate contin ues on comprehensive reform. Representatives of the Na tional OHincil of State Public Welfare Administrators (NCSPWA) - an organization Lnitarian Universalists for composed of top-level welfare BAWA (Black and White officials in each state, the three Action (announced recently the territories, and the District of election oi two national officers Ckjiumbia - spoke in support of and an expansion of its board of an administration proposal to directors, from 11 to 13 expand the role of the federal memhers. government in subsidized a- Mrs. Marcia McBroom Lan- doption, foster care, and other dc»s. of New York City, and the (See UNITARIANS. P. 2) '^ee WELFARE, P 2) DrowningVietim Is Buried JOHN R. LEWIS Appreciation Check Goes To W. Dubois- Willie DuBois, of 1519 Bat ten' Dr., receiv^ a $10 check this week after he reported that his name was in the Briggs Hardware advertisement on the Appreciation Money Page. Mrs. Ruby Harris, of 736 Fitzgerald, and Joseph Mor gan. Jr., Of 701 Coleman, were also listed in advertisements, but neither reported before the Monday noon deadline that the names had been seen. Mrs. Harris was listed in the Natural Health Foods adver tisement and Morgan was listed in the One Hour Martinizing advertisement. Three names are listed each (See APPRECIATION. P. 2» Funeral services were held Tuesday for Hurley Evans, Jr., 13. of Rt. 2 Knightdale at the Macedonia Baptist Church. Burial was in the Raleigh National Cemetery. Evans, along with another vouth drowned Friday after noon in a farm pond near Knightdale. Funeral services for the other youth, Kim Watkins, 11, were pending at press time. Sun’iving Evans are his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Evans; two sisters. Magdaline Evans, of Knightdale, and Maxine Marsh, of Raleigh; two step brothers, Romack Evans, of Raleigh, and Williams T. Evans, of Boston, Mass. The Watkins youth was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Watkins of Rt. 2, Knightdale. The youths had apparently gone fishing with frioids and (See DROWNING. P. 2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK CAROLINA BIBLICAL GARDENS "FOR A DIGNIFIED RESTING PLACE" COUNTY EMPLOYEE RECEIVES SAVINGS BOND FOR SUGGESTION - Mrs. Beatrice Simuel. a housekeeper at the Wake County Courthouse, received a $100 ■aviogs bond last week for her suggestion on how to save money and time In dally functions of Wake County Government a Suggestions Awards Program, instituted recently. The first recipient of the award, Mrs. Slmoel suggested that a sign acknowledging the location of the courthouse be placed at the rear entrance on 8. Salisbury Street. Hhlch will eliminate numerous inquiries and traffic Jama. She la shown here receiving (he U. S. Savings Bond and a certificate from county personnel director. Mrs. Lynn E

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