Husband Commits Suicide j oati •«** • 'w., f -xlfY LoylflvliV^^ Wife^8 Condition Good After Shots \.MH \SS \tMiH PI{Ol»OSKS HKIIK J)H1*S VOI.l NTKKKS— Itoiiir — I S \inha>s:i<|«ir lo ihi- I'nilrd \;iti(Mis Viiilrt'u \'out)u (I.> shuk(**« huiicU uilli K \0 hii-rcloi’ SiM iinia oi l.rhaiiuti ( K > at K \0 lH‘;iilquaii(Ts S«i\ .11. S|M>;ikinti ul the biennial rnntereiK i' nl nii'inbcr itnvi-i'iiinciitx «>i the t .N. K Blacks Protest Stand CHKKNSBOKO The \ (’ Alumni and Friends Coalition assembled approximateiv 73 black citizens in a iwo-dav retreat last Saturdav and Sundav in Greensboro to do an indepth analysis and critique ot the desegregation plans sub mitted to MKW by the University ■>{ North Carolina and the Community Collegt ^ System. Among ihost participating in that meeting were black chancellors, legislators, students, members of the Board ol Governors, faculty, staff ami trustees of the traditionally black institutions ot higher education, their alumni representatives and friends, as well as officials fom the Stale Advisory Committee for (See PHOTKST. P Rulini^ Is Rapped By Mitchell National Black News Service WASHINGTON. D. C. - Congressman Parren J. Mitc hell (d-Md.), chairman oi the Congressional Black Caucus, has labeled the Oct. 31. 1977 fuling bv the U. S. District Court in Los Angeles, Calii., against the minority provisions ^ 01 the Public Works Employ ment Act ot 1977 “expected" and "a matter that will probably linallv be decided by the Supreme Court." Mitchell stresses, however, that he is "lully contident and has been repeatedly assured that, in the interim, the program will proceed lull steam ahead with the original Congressional in tent 01 assisting minority businesses." JABBAK CKlTKiZKtr I'OM.MI.SSIONKK — iiigtewood. Calif. — Ixis Angeles l4ikers basketbul) star Kareeni .XhditbJabbar bolds his right hand up to show it ha< healed as hecrilirlies NK.X Commissioner Lawrence O’Brien for nut findiug Milwauker Bucs Ken Benson for what Jahbar clainis was a foul against him in the l..akfrB-Bucs game Oct. iti. .labbar was fined |.>,ii00 by the Commissioner’s office after he punched Henson following the elbowing Incident, and suffered a fractured hand. Henson suffered a mild concussion as a result of .lahbur's punch. (CPI > Federal Jud^e To Sit In South (See KULING I.S, p 2) .National Black News Service WASHINGTON. D. C. - President Carter has nominated Robert F. Collins of New Orleans to be U. S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisians. He is believed to be (he first black federal judge in the Deep South since Reconstruction. Collins. 46. served as general counsel for the Congress of Racial Equality iCOREI) in Louisiana during the sit-in and school desegregation era of the early 19605. and argued several civil rights cases before the U. S. Supreme Court. Since 1972. he has been a judge in the magistrate section of the Criminal District Court (See Jl'DGK, P 2« Escapees Still Sought Two young women prisoners, who reportedly climbed a ten-foot fence at the C'. Correctional Center for Women Sundav and escaped, are still being sought, according to officials of the facility. The women were identified as Misses Patricia C’ole. 124, who is serving 10 to 15 for voluntary manslaughter, and Barbara Eaton. 26, who is serving 20 years for assault and armed robbery. Officials at the prison, located on Bragg Street, said the escape took place about 6:45 and was made from the east side of the prison. ★ ★ ★ 'A' 'A' ★ . ★ ★ ★ Funen Will Speak At Shaw University « 1/1 p Rep. Conyers To City nLba ROLINIAN VOL. 37 .NO. 3 The condition t Betty Champion was the target of i pistol wounds, fi her husband hei Friday afternooi listed as "goo( officials at Wake ^ Center Tu RALEIGH. N.C.. THUKSDAV, NOV EMHKIt 17, 1977 SINGLE COPY 20c husband later himself, after si .Vorf/i Carolina's Leading Weekly Dies Clutching Bible Ex-Teacher Killed •k ir it it her, and was givei rites in Riley Wednesday of this v Jesse I. Champion. 35 Fox Hill Circle, took I life after going on v reported to have I rampage and shooting k it k it and brother-in-law. wh< a XS'ake County deputy Robbery At Inn Resolved Unarmed Robber Buried Highway . I Collision To Host Is Fatal Meeting DUNN — Funeral rites for Miss Lina Culbreth, retired school teacher and Christian educator, killed in a traffic accident at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9, were held at Trinity AME Zion Church Tuesday afternoon She was attending the 97lh session of the Central N.C. Conference. A.ME Zion Church and was making het way to Freedom Chapel Church, where the conference was being held I Motorists who arrived on the scene immediately after the impact are said to ha%'e related that she was approaching "it intersection of 201 and 4ol bypasses, about a mile from the church, when her car was hit by a highway marker truck, traveling at a high rate of speed. The truck is said to have turned her car completely around, striking it on the driver’s side. She was pinned in the car and is believed to have died instantly She Is said to have been grasping a Bible when she died. Bishop Vi. A. Hilliard presid ed over the rites. The eulogy was delivered by the pastor of Trinity Church. Music was furnished by one of the choirs I See EX-TEACHER. P. 2 The incident took pi Dacian Road. Deputy Calvin K. reported that his siste had been shot three ti Champion, her estrang band, when he went to The 27-year-old Dur 'He was beating h kicking her and he had already and she wi screaming” (See XX'IFE’S. P Kl'SII IIIGtilNS REP. CONYERS Slaying Of 2 Men Defended By Chief Funeral services were conducted Mundu> for Wk’key Hinton. 26, 119 E. Garner Loop Road, oho was one of two men killed earlv Thursday of last week in the robbery of tbe Holiday Inn iin I'. .S. Highway I, North, in Raleigh. The'services were held at noon at the First Cosmopolitan Baptist Church and bur'al followed in the National Cemetery with full military honors. Hinton was unarmed. Guys, Dolls Planning Big Show Guys and Dolls Fashions has November 26 set for what appears to be the biggest fashion extravaganza m its four-year history to be staged at Raleigh s all neu Civk- Center The show will feature $20U.00U in furs by Anastansia of XVinslon-Salem. modeled by the local people Such fruits ol the iurrier's labor as ehinchila. mink, sable and white fox w ill portray the warm and romantic Iwiks of Fall '77. The avid follower ol fashion would be interested in the iSet* GUYS. DOLI^. P. 2t NAACP TO MEET The Kaleigh-Apex C hapter of the N.VACP will meet .Sunday. Nov. 20 at 4 p.m. at RICH Park in Method. The public is invited to attend. The Rev. Dr Uharles \V. Ward is president of the chapter. Hinton and Rush Higgins. 24, were gunned down as they attempted to escape the scene of a robbery' at the Holiday Inn about uio a.m. Thursday. tu officers, both refusefl orders to hah and Higgins allegedly pointed a gun at officers. P'iiice chief Robert E. Goodwin said he believed the slayings were a rase of self-defense. He also staled that police had 'See UNARMED. P. 2» Jobless Rate 13 Percent Thorpe To Speak At NC Museum Goals Of 2 Groups Declared NEXX YORK. N Y .Seventy- nine nalionul civil rights organizations, including leading black and Jewish groups, have released a joint statement declaring that although differences have arisen among them in the Bakke case, “we shall work together in the future, us m the past, to secure full civil rights forallourcili/ens “ Signers oi the statement include the NAACP, A. Philip Randolph Instilue, National Council of .Negro \Vom*‘n, American Jewish Congress. American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defumalion League. The text ot the statement is as lollows: “No case in recent years has aroused so much attention, interest and emotion as the 'SeeGoAl-SGK.P 2i PITTSBORO - Noted historian Earlie E. Thorpe w ill be guest speaker in Pittsboo at the Black History Museum's culminating program of its initial drive for funds. The museum, opening for a special showing at t p.m. on Sunday. Nov. ?7 will feature a salute to the black press and a tribute to black businesses of North Carolina Books authored by Ur. Thorpe, who will speak at a 3 o’clock program on Sunday. Nov. 27. include; The Central Theme of Black History. Black Historians; A Critique. The Old South; A Psycho-history, and Eros and Freedom in Southern Life and Thought. With the theme ’Before the Mayflower " there will he a black history dramatization and a reenactment of the first Thanksgiving with dinner and bonfire. All Sunday events will lake place on the Chatham County fairgrounds, off Hwy. 64 just east of Piltsboro. On Saturday evening. Nov. 26. in the Horton Middle School Gym in Pittsboro. the 24lh Miss ‘Piedmont Beauty Pageant will be staged. Popular emcee .Milton Grady will be master of -See NC MUSEUM. P. lOl WASHINGTON. D. C. ~ The jobless rate tor blacks, which tends to ilucluaie much more irom month to month than the rate tor whiles, edged up trom 13.1 to 13.9 percent in October, the U. $. Labor Department's Bureau ot Labor Statistics reported. Unemployment ot white workers, on the other hand, has held at 6.1 percent tor 4 straight months. Over the past vear, the black rate has shown no improve ment, while joblessness tor whites has declined b\ more than a percentage point. The unemplovmenl rale tor black youths was 37.9 percent I See JOBLESS. P 2' ay, Dec. I and Friday. f)ec. 2, a conference on ‘‘Blacks and the Criminal Justice System” will be held at Shaxx- University in aleigh. Congressman John Conyers. Jr. (D- Mich.) will keynote the conference on Dec. 1. Congressman Conyers is a member of the House Judi ciary Committee and chairs its Subcommittee on Crime He is also a member of the Congres sional Black Caucus and chairs its Criminal Justice Brain- trust. Conyers has been one of the lone voices in the U.S. Congress seeking freedom for the Wilmington 10. Reginald Ka\es. commis sioner Ol Public Safely in Atlanta. Ga.. will speak at the dinner on Thursday. Dec. 1. Commissioner Eaves is the first black appointed as com missioner. He has been a forerunner in eliminating rac ist attitudes and elements in the fire and police departments in Atlanta This 2-day confernce will hold workshops on Juvenile Justice. Penal Reform. Special Problems of Women, Prison ers' Rights. Community-Police Relations. Employment. Edu cation and Training and the l..egal System and the Poor. The object of these workshops IS to develop goals and stand ards for the N C. Criminal Justice System. ^)n Friday. Dec 2, the National Minority ndviaory Council of t!ie' Enforce ment Assistance Administra tion >LEAA‘. under the U.S. Depi of .lusiice. will conduct public hearings as a part of its report to be submitted to LK.AA The public is invited to pariicipate. Among the North ('arolinians scheduled to be in attendance are Secretary Amos Reed. Dept, of Corrections, and Eiert DEADLI^ The CAROLI will be printe Tuesday of next because of Thanksgiving ho The deadline h nexxs and photop for next week's c is Monday at Hometown writers are ask observe a wei deadline for theii articles and pictu Tribui Plann Dec. 2 National Black News i WASHINGTON. D. ( President Walter Mor the U. S. Senate let announced recently long-range, multi- dollar fund-raising c the Hubert H. Hu Institute of Public A the University of Mi will be formally launc dinner here. 0 Joining the Vice Pre the announcement wer (See HUMPHREY, Educatit Week N Underw The Raleigh Sectio National Council oi Women (NCNW observance of Educati and accepting a comi to education, condi seminar here Sunday. 1 The comm.tmei Moniague. executive director education is grounde of the Administrative Office of illustration of the Ihe Court rSee EDUCATION. F Duudhtcr Is Student Here MVD Director Visits Cit The Outstanding Young American Foundation in Wash ington. D. C. recently announc ed its selection oi the Ten Outstanding Young Women in America. Among them was Mrs. Rosalind Woodhouse ot Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Woodhouse was the lone black in this group, named at a luncheon at the Capitol Hilton in Washington, i . C. The ten were selected trom over 27,000 nominees. Mrs Woodhouse is director 01 the Motor Vehicles Depart ment oi the stale oi Washing ton. appointed in January 1977 bv Governor Dixv Lee Rav, and supervises the over employees in the de[ ^e was in Ralei^ Shaw University on November 11. and all her daughter, Joveeh a ireshman at Shaw. Appreciation Cheek Won By Ms. I. O'Setd PROTESTS BI. XCK LEADER'S DE.ATH — Pretoria, S Africa — A black woman demonstrator holds a wi**ath and a picture of dead black leader Steve Biko on Ihe steps of the Pretoria old Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK BAKER’S SHOES ‘fOU THE NEATEST FEET IN TOWN Ms Ida O Neal of 1311 Holman SI . Raleigh, was the sole winner of a $10 chec'k last week. She saw her name in the advertisement paid for by Terry’s Furniture Co.. 214 E. Marlin St. After identifying herself at the office of The CAROLINIAN, she was pre sented her check at Terry's The names of Mrs Moore and David W. Freeman were also listed in last week's ONE OF TEN .MOST OUTSTANDING VISITS Rossalind Woodhouse, director of tbe Motor ' Dep;> rtment of the state of Washington, chats with Dr. Fleming, interim president of Shaw, during a re<'enl vi Woodhouse was the onlv black selected as one of