Criminal Justice Is Topic pt. - X Rep* Conyers To Speak ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Bishop Says ^ ir ir Shaw U. To Host Church World’s Hope nrHinnlnr tnr lh» Pnmm INIAN Morlh Cnrolina's Leadinfi Weekly VOL :17 No.-l liAl.KKill. M . 1 111 ItSDA'i . OKi KMUKli I. !!I77 SINOI.K COPY 2ilc Alleged Killer Thomas Facing Jury w K ir ^ ¥ A TKAiUKH S KKVIKU — I'hiladclphiii. I»a. — Marjorie KariiH r. ilu- luw I ilu- Nalimial Couiii il oi 'I'l'arliers of liHtks o\(*r llii- ui>rk doin' ll^ Mo<««"> ( iniiiinuliaiii. )(>. ol the fireeiifield SehiHd in Philadelphia, aloii^ uiih l.isa (oildeii. aiiotlier ^iudelll al this st-liool. Dr. Farmer is the e\eeu(i\e direiior ol Kiiglish and reading; eiirrii idiim in (he IMidadelplita seliool s\s(em. 11 'lM) JVC Offers Deaf Help In Communication Hunt Names Child May Be Called Thousands o( North Carolin ians who are either deal or have severe hearing problems will now be receiving help irom the Slate with the manv communications problems thev lace each dav oi their lives. The 1977 Session ol the General Assembly recognized the needs lor the hearing impaired and enacted legisla tion that provided lor the establishment oi the North Carolina Council lor 'he Hear ing Impaired in 'he Depart- Garner Woman Buried Miss Estella 1. Smith, bom in Wake Cuunlv March 20, 1906. was buried irom Juniper Level Baptist Church Friday, Nov. 26, with Dr. G. A. Jones, in charge. ment ol Human Resources The legislation also appro priated lunds tor the position oi Slate coordinator oi Commun- ilv Services tor the Hearing Impaired and the development 01 community service centers The prosecution spent Mon day and Tuesday attempting to conxince a jury ot six white lU LLKTTtN! Thomas Trial The Clintun Thiniias murder trial look a sudden turn Tuesday a r l e r n o o n vx li e n .\Uoriiey .\rihle Me- Millian, one of the de fense lawyers, made a motion that a mistrial be declared b> Judjie Harry Cannady. due to the fact a stale yyilness alluded to the fact that Thomas had been con victed of a orevioiis crime aiiff later paroled. McMillian's motion was taken into consi> deration by Cannady. The judge decided to listen to arguments from lawyers on both sides, yvith the jury out. as the trial was resumed Wednesday morning. to assist the hearing impaired women, six white men and one with their communication pro- black man. along yvith Judge Harrv E. Cannadv that the blood lound all over 805-C Elkhart Drive, Shaw Univer sity Apts., on March 3, when the nude bodv oi Linda Siroman Stancil was lound, was the result oi her having been stabbed to death bv Clinton Berrv Thomas. Stale witnesses displayed garments and other evidence ihai tended to show that Thomas indicted manv wounds on her bodv that caused her to bleed to death. The court records implied that Mrs. Stancil received more than 20 wounds Blood was traced irom ihe pool Ol blood in which she was lound. with one leg on ^*ie couch and her panlies along side it lo the kitchen, thence to a bedroom door knob and lo her pocket book. The prosecution told the jury (See CHILD. P. 2) MS. FSTKLl.A I. SMITH Miss Jones died al Wake Medical Center Nov. 21. alter an extended illness. She was buried in the Juniper Level Cemetery. She attended the elementary schools in her community and moved, with her parents, to Raleigh, at an early age. Upon coming here, she attended Fayetteville Street Baptist Church, where she rendered invaluable service. She enjoy ed an a.ssociation with two Baptist churches — Juniper (See GARNER WOMAN. P. 2) Ambassadors Lead NCCU Seminars DURHAM — Seven United Nations Ambassadors will lead sessions oi a new seminar on United Nations Law lo be oiiered bv the North Carolina Central University School (NCCUi ol Law during the spring semester. Each ambassador will de liver two lectures, each at 2-hour sessions, on Friday evening and Saturday morn ing. Friday evening lectures will begin al 5 o’clock and the Saturday morning lectures will begin at 10 o'clock. Ambassadors irom Ihe United Kingdom, the People's Republic ol Bulgaria. Ghana, the Argentine Republic.the Republic oi Sierra Leone, Iran. and the Republic lo Singapore will participate in the seminar, to be taught bv NCCU Dean Harrv E. Groves. (See NCCU. P. 2i blems Dr. Sarah T. Morrow, secre tary Ol the N.C. Department oi Human Resources, has design ated the Division oi Vocational Rehabilitation Services to ad minister this new program. William Peace irom Atlanta has been employed as the state coordinator lor the program. SccDKAF I* 2' Tragedy Is Being Studied Raleigh police oilicer, S. L. Parham, told The CAROLIN IAN at press lime that she was still investigating the death ol 67 vear-old Mrs Wanda L. Maniv. who was killed bv an automobile operated bv Daniel Burl Coleman, 25, 215 S. Pettigrew Street, at 1;12 p.m.. Monday. The oilicer said that she had been investigating the mishap since it happend and had not gathered enough evidence lo determine it Coleman should be charged in the death. There seems lo be conilicling lestimonv irom persons who were near the scene. There were those, according to her. who said that Coleman ran a slop light Others said thev heard the screeching oi brakes and saw the woman tail The accident occurred at the intersection oi Oberlin Hoad (See TRAGEDY. P 2) 3 Blacks mil Join 5 White Members Three blacks were among the eighi new members oi the N. (' Board oi Corrections sworn m this week alter Gov. Jim Hunt announced his appointments. Thev were; Judge Siaiiord Bullock, Wake Counlv District Court; Dr. Bernedeile Grav-Lillle, direct or Ol undergraduate si’udies at University oi North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Willie J. Siratmrd ot Charlotte, man ager and communications ot- iicer West Trade Street Sta tion, U. S I'oslai Service. CLINTON THOMA.S Louisburg Man Gets Death Charge I.OUISBURG - According to iniormaiion given The CAROLINIAN Tuesday murn- mg. Joe Nathan Baker. 36. Hi 2. Louisburg, with a record ot mixing gas and intoxicating beverages, is now ia< inR ihree charges oi driving ander the iniluence. One oi the charges also includes Ihe death ot two persons. Sheriii William Dement ot Franklin Couniv related lo The CAROLINIAN that the accus ed man is t)eing held in Ihe Fra- klin Counlv Jail in con- nec' iin wiih an automobile accirt'-ni which occurred on Highway 401 Sunday night when u car alleged to have been driven bv Baker, crossed Ihe center line ot the highway, killing Mrs. Elizabeth F. Tharringion, 22, wile oi J. N. Tharnnglon. white Raleigh policeman, and O'Dell Rich ardson Culev. 64. a passenger in the car driven bv Baker According to Ihe record, baker has driving problems, with drinking involved, that go back lo April 12. 1976, when he answered a charge in Franklin Counlv Superior Court. It was also repiir(i>d lhat he pleaded no contest, in District Ciiuri Oct - 3 w hen he was lound guiltv and appealed to the Franklin Counlv Superior Court. According to the sheriti, he was still in jail in lieu ot a So.ouii bond V PAHTK IP VST — Ke|». John (im.ycrs «IFVlich.i will be one III several pailici|iuiits in Ihe Hlacks and ( rniiiiial .lusiice Conference wliiih begins at .'sfiaw lni\eisii> lliuisdax aflerniNin. Leader Talks On TV Show Sat. KINSTON — Bishop Allred that blacks oi America would G. Dunston, who presides over recognize the essence ut the 4th Episcopal district,AMC nationhood and pass it on to Zion Oiurch said in a special television interview Saturday that the hope oi the world was 1 Man Killed At Tavern According lo Raleigh police records, it seems that Amos Lassiter. 1304 Walnut St., and John C. Dick ns did not go to Gale’s Tavern, 406 E. Davie Street on Thanksgiving eve to give thanks, in the spirit oi the season. The report disclosed that Lassiter used a 30-30 riile to show one Nathaniel Bailev, Jr., Ol 513 S. East St., that he was noi lhankiul tor a seeming misunderstanding. He is said to have used the powenuJ weapon lo show his dtsiavor bv sending a bullet into Bailev s bodv. killing him instanilv. The report showed that (See ONE MAN. P. 2) Tlie board is composed ot nine members, eight appointed bv the Governor, plus the Secrelarv ot Correction, who serves as an ox-oiticio member and chairman. The Governor's appointees include one psychiatrist or psvciiulogibi. one attomev with experience in the criminal courts, one judge in the general court 01 Justice, and live at-large members. .. conierence co ordinator tor the Commission For Racial Justice, announced this week that the National Minority Advisory Countil (NMACt, an arm oi the Law Eniorcement Administration ot the U. S. Department ot Justice, will conduct public hearings at Shaw Universilv Friday. The hearing is in connection with a Blacks and Criminal Justice Conierence being held al Shaw Universilv. The task ot the NMAC is to ensure adequate representa tion 01 minoritv views in the program plans tor the Law Entorcemetil Assistance Ad ministration. The hearings will be opened to all North Carolinians to voice their opinions, problems or compli ments. The National Minority Advis ory Council is seeking imput irom concerned ciiizeni a- round the country and ihe\ will recommend proposals to the l<aw Eniorcement Assistance Administration on what the people oi this country are seeking The conierence on Blacks and the Criminal Justice System will begin al 1 p.m Thursday, with a keynote address bv Congressman John Conyers (D-MIch.i. loltowed bv workshops and the evening speaker Reginald Eaves, com missioner ot Public Satetv in Atlanta, Ga. This conierence is being sponsored bv the Commission tor Racial Justice. North Carolina Association oi Black Lawyers, N. C. Chapter ot the National Association ot Blacks in Criminal Justice, N. C Black Women’s Political Cau cus, and the Criminal Justice Departments ot Shaw Univer- sitv and Favelteville State Universilv. The conierence was called to lurther implement a letter addressed to Governor Hunt, dated Oct. 26. in which Irv. Jovner, director ot the Crim inal Justice, set lorth the utter disappointment that the com- minion fell wbra Hunt tailed to tavorablv consider anv oi the blacks who were recom mended lor ai^intmenl Superior court judges. leaders ot the Christian reli gion. He addressed himseli to the quadrennial district motto. "But ve are a chosen genera tion. a Roval Priesthood, a Holv Nation, a peculiar people; that vou should shew lorth the praise oi Him who has called out Ol darkness into His marvelous light." Ilie theme was taken irom I Peter 2;9 He based his theory on the tact that blacks, in America, embraced the tenets oi the (See LEADER. P 2) Sept. ’78 Set For Wilmington Desegregation \VU.MIN(iTON, Dela. — A federal District juilge ordered recently that a desegregation plan for Wilmington area public schools begin next September. Judge Murray M. Schwartz said it was "educationally unsound and admin istratively undesirable to' attempt any midyear iniplrmentation." a step supported by' the Wilmington Board of Education and opposed bv Ihe stale and Ihe suburban districts, fie added, however, lhat planning for cross-district busing should begin "fortwith.’' The judge must still decide, however, on a specific desegregation plan for Wilmington and III surrounding siiburhuii scliool districts. Officer Shoveled By Man, Baby Assault Case Noted AMOS LASSITKR FMtSI |{|.\< K ('D.\( li — Dciroit. Mich. — .\ soniclinios buwliiig. Miiiliiig Hick Vitulc • t I rciircd from coiicliing Tuesday because of hiteriial bleediiiK on itie exe of xxtial t oiild he the ITiixei'Mtx of Helroil's heot haskethali season. N'ilale remains us iitliletic direi ior. e]e\.i(in^ assislJiil Daxe (laines (R) to Ihe head coaching position, tiie school's lirsi Idiick liead co.iili. (IT'D Appreciation Monty SPOTLIC7HT THIS WEEK KASTKRN SI RI' A-SHIKLI) ■SnClAUST IH ENERC Y 5A VINCIN5VLA TIOR The records 01 Raleigh's Police Department showed a diversilv 01 crime over the past week. Aside irom the run-ot- ihe-mill violations, there were two unusual reports. James David Taxiur, 547 E Marlin Street, is alleged to have become so enraged that he used n shoxcl on Ihe letl Mile 01 Oilicer John McClellan UUev's bodv. causing him much discomiori. It appears that Ullev had gone to the E. Martin Street address to quail a disturbance about 9:21 p.m. Nov. 21. Tavlor is said lo have welcomed him with (he shovel He was arrested and charged with 2 Readers R7n Week's Appreciation Mrs. Rosa Burt. 01 422 Cilenbrook Dr . and William Hunter Cooper. 2131 Gilliam Lane, were (he luckv and surprised recipients ol $IU checks trom The CAROLIN IAN via merchants who pa tronize the Appreciation Page. Mrs. Burl lound her name in Jetiries Jewelers advertise ment and Cooper spotted his name in the Terry's Floor Fashions^ ad. Another name, that ol Ronald Fenner, was placed in Spivev’s Laxxn Mower Service Co.'s ad, but he apparently’ missed his CARO LINIAN last week. Three names are selected at (See APPRECIATION. P. 2 > assault on a police oilicer. The police re|Kirl allegedly showed that Jeffrey Reid latxing. H-monfh old haby. was hrui>ed on his buttocks lo such an eMent tint he had lo be treated ut Wake Medical I'enler It was also reported that the child was enrolled at a day care center locati'd at 27U5 New Bern Ax e The address of the child was given as Ht. 2. Middlesex There xxas no mention as to who administered the abuse on the child (HI H( If BOMBING C.ASE LINGERS—AllanU. Ga. —J. B. Siimer. whti is under indictment in the 1963 Birmingham black chiirrh iHMiihing. and his attorney. L. S. Cobb, faced reporters after a l iiesdax eslradilion hearing at the Capitol. The hearing iiiiu luded uhi upllx when defense attorneys xxaivrd the right lo present oral arguiiienls. (I'PI >

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