Hijih School Auditorium Scene As ro ^ Hundreds A ttend Rites For NC Cagers ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ Other (iroups Also (^ite Innetion For “10’ 2 Stars Clerics Rap Gov, Hunt Ooidstm LINIAN VOL :i7 NO, 7 .Vorfh Carolina'i Leading Weekly HALKIOll, N.C .THUKSDAV, DKCLMBKK22. Ii)7: .SIN(;i.KCOF’Y20c- Suleigh Wommi Stubbed A ITKM) Kl NKKAI.SFIl VICKS FOH T\H IlKKl. ( \(iK ST\I{S - (.oldshoni - llumln ds ol mourners lined the sl4‘|is <«| the t>oldshoro ilit’h SehiHil Siiiid:i>. Dec. IK. hillMwiii': iui <1 so % ll'•*s for Warren Mston and H:irne> l.euts <shown in insets*. I'hi* two vM'i'e star i>ask«‘0>4ill |>ia> rl'^ ior the (iuldslMM'o team last .\ear and wer«‘ killed Iasi week in an airplane n.isii (ha: wiped mil (lie entire Cniversit,\ of K\ans\ille (Indiana) haskelhall team lor whieh hoili were si:iriini> plaM'rs this >ear. See .slor\ in eoluiiin H. ihis pat;e. (IFIi A Ghristmas Alessuge BYO. A. DL I'RKK .^v:. Editor s Note: The author ot, .yh^ux oi European conquest in u uij^ersiand. lullv. the lollow’ing partial SundjtV Aii^ca. One.ci the best sources ih<f V.'^i^^ic^'^lave system school lesson is the instructor jor .^is is .'the. t?ook. Airfc^;.V a«\v-^he.5ijjiji^:'<^ bv 01 the W. T. Coleman Men’s Kebj^ons 'laipd-^ihisqphv.'v .Ipho’-Bl^l^.^'^iu' and From Bible Class at First Baptist Johj»;S.,-,Ml:^i;^nuhJiirfftv.'aijd ‘author not rH»i.r/.K 101 s. Wilmin^n St. Co^:-;lnc..f;’;. C^. sfwid wriler'. The un^rstand Ite-JottilBty. ol' IftC Airi’^h Slav^.^ado ipre-Colo- Aiteriraft iaee.-svsWp aiid ft^v.-nial historv^;.^d50-l850. Little- itrtpact ftn-whal I^Bo>«f’ Brovtto aiid.yCo ■ bv Basie called. The .-^ul ’•bt-yBlack LavidSp^i'^'i’irfso Blj*ck Cargoqa^. Folhs. -f.'s Other ®purcek‘l» consider in AtiE ;5>' Duke I’. Pro0SuyK Claim Probed ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Church The subject oi the lessop'is: Ck* Tell It On The Mountdfn. and the sub-topic is. SwedtV Little Jesus Bov. Scripture idt’^l^ken irom Micah 4:1-5; 5:2-4.'"This lesson will be taught in lull Sunday.): Scripture Thoughts ••...That the mountain oi the house 01 the Lord shall be established in the top oi the mountain.. ■■ Micah 4 lb. ■‘But thou. Bethlehem Eph- rated, though thou lie little among the thousands oi Judalu: -Ney s Servfw vet out 01 thee shall he enrw-WASlir^iTON. p.C> —.^e .^torth unto me that is to be ruipjr' . '^^dimaO' rate aipopU'w hiles- *in Israel . ” Micah 5:2a . climb nicifS* Tipi<Hy UwiF- The old black spiritual. iii> bMckSyaccordiiiB ^ Tell 1: On The Mountain. {Ae iorccast.>ief*d .bv- pr.. Jac- manv other ones, must hft’^ quelvyo!'J. ^acAsqb^ .black grown out oi the soul oi bibeli associt*^ pn>4cs^r ot medical tolks under oppression. sociolt^y'/Ilpfafiment oi Psv- In order to appreciate -'ife ehiaiw. Pukft'Pniversilv. Dur- ebb and ilow. the depth ajpl ham/N..^ , m a speech deliver- breadth oi black spirituals. ^c^tlv at the American should have a ihotough ki’.owvv.l^^bc Weliare .Association edge 01 .Airicanisin prior to Round Table Comer- - ence at the Capital Hilton ivewards Baptists Woman’s Condition Improves Finaneiul PrtdtlemH Suid Reumm To Run Shaw? Proposal Made By Johnson White Tq Surpt^ilUMk Keep Exceed 6Gs In Johnston SMITHFIELD — The person or persons who were responsi ble tor the Sundav, Dec, 4 shotgun shooting ot a home occupied bv a black couple in a tormerlv all-white neighbor hood, are being sought and more than $6,U00 has been guaranteed in reward monev. Gov. James B. Hunt. Jr . A said Friday that a reward ot ^$2,000 is being ottered bv the State 01 North Carolina tor (See REWARDS ARE. P 2< AJC Says SeXf Race Ban NEW YORK, N Y. - The American Jewish Congress ha.s urged the Civil Service Com mission to scrap a plan to require lederal employees and job applicants to supply data about their race, ethnic back ground and sex. Mrs. Naomi Levine, execu tive director 01 the congress, in a letter to Alan K, Campbell, chairman oi the Civil Service Commission, said: “Such in- lormation on application lorms lacilitiates deliberate, inten- .lional discriminaiion. We are ^bv no means persuaded that such discrimination is no longer a problem." Last week. Civil Service Commission otiicials were quoted as saving that iniorm- ation that was deleted irom job applications in the I960's “will provide a better data base that will, in turn, lead to more hiring ot women and minority groups." The return to race, sex and ethnic data is expected to begin earlv in 1978 tor upper level positions and sometime there- alter tor the balance oi lederal jobs. In her letter. Mrs. Levine asked; •is it so clear that there are no longer government otticiais anywhere in the country who are strongly motivated to exclude blacks or Hispanic.'' or other minorities irom govern ment emplovmeni and other Questions concerning rare on . application blanks, suid the 1^ American Jewish Congre'-s leader, would make it easier to exclude blacks and other ethnic minorities irom em- (SeeAJC.SAN .S. P 2/ Over the next several decades." Dr. Jackson said, although the black illegiti maev rate will remain propor- lionatelv higher lhan among whites, the rise in the while illegitimacy rate will be much more dramatic, due largely to the greater adjustment which whites must make to the Urban League Plana Chapter For Raleigh Tile Raleigh-Wake County Urban League Sponsoring Committee last week named Richard Schaenzer to serve as president until the lirsl meet ing 01 the group is held in Mav OI 1978. according to Mrs. Augusta B. Turner, co-chair person 01 the body. The committee began its organization in June oi this year and is now seeking to become aiiilialed with the National Urban League, wiin (Hlices in New York Citv. according to Mrs. Turner, Purpose ui the National Urban League is to eliminate racial discrimination and se gregation throughout the Unit ed States. Others selected as oiticials were Ms. Patricia A. Yancev. tirst vice president; Mickev Hanuia. second vice president. iSee NU LEAGUE, P 2) '‘‘■^'aitahililv oi Howovvr. It IS qte)''.:‘^ssil)le that we will • the increase in the iJdoporrion oi while icmales marrving nonwhite males." she .said. Allhough most children now Ixirn are “wanled children " Dr Jackson coniinued. "an increasing proportion will lall within ihai category in the luiure, provided that women SeelLLEGI’nM.A'.'V.P 2‘ 4. ''r,. vjiiuiit i. o Train 500 Revealed WASHINGTON - About 500 handicapped people in 10 locations across the country will be trained and placed in jobs with the cooperation oi business and industry through a $5(M),00U one-vear lederal grant to Goodwill Industries oi America. Inc . the U.S Dept.oi l^abor announced this week Secretary oi Labor Rav Marshall and Dean Phillips, president and chiel executive oiticer OI (H)odwill Industries. (SeeTRAlN.5(X). P 2i Black Oil Firm Hires Brimmer .N'aliunal Black .Newsservice NE\S YORK Wallace and Wallace Enterprises i WWEi. a black-owned concern recently announced that Dr Andrew P' Brimmer, a black linancial experts, has been retained as linancial and economic con.sul- lant lu help advance a multi-million dollar Oil Reiin- erv and New Town Project in Tuskegee. .Ala . the single largest minority business un- 'SeeolLFIR.M.p Kaieii»h policcMillicials are still probing Ihe stab bing ana alleged rape ol Ms. C’arolvn .Ann Mil- •chell. 20. of*«04 K IvOnoir St.. Apt. (\ who rejKirt- tdly was Knilecl in the stomach and allegedly sexually attacked by a person whom the autho rities are seeking thi* identity ol. Her condition was described as "good ' bv authorities at wake Medical Center on Mon day. According to iniormaiion received bv law eniorcement onicers. Ms. Mitchell was kidnaped and abused earlv- Sundav. a.s she was on her wav home irom work II wa.K lcanK*d that ih*; voung woman was on her wav home treoi 4‘mpli)vmo'<* aj • .i- Raleigh Civic Center >ii90Ui 1 a m. Sundav. SIm* had received a ride and. accordiq(j to her. was a'^-aulled alter 8he was let on ir, iTonl oi her apartment bv her companion. Ms. Mitchell w as slabbed one lime in the side, then carried about one block trom her house, where she claims she was raped. The incident was later reported to “the law" bv Ms Mitchell Although Citv police sav thev are continuing the mvesliga- (ionoi the case, thev reiused to sav Tuesday ot this week whether or not thev have anv suspects. Ms. .Mitchell is expected to be released irom Wake Medi cal Center sometime this week ‘Doii’f Fight Extradition:* Golden Frinka (Mildoii Kl'iiiks. staU- field direelor for Hie .Mluiila. (ia.-flawed Sou I lie I'll ( li risi ia II l.eudersliiu ( outer- eiiee. eiiulaeled The ( VlfOl.l M AN h> I e 1 e |i h II u e fro in (i r e e 11V i 111- .\l o ii d a y afteriioou and suid lluit he has ur)>ed .\tlorue>s .lerr\ l*uul and l.See (; KKINKS. I> 2l Will the General Haplist State Convention of North Carolina take over all 'full, legal, phy sical and financial con trol ol Shaw Lniver- sily'.'" The president of the convention, the Rev. Dr. .lov Joseph Johnson, allegedly made this proposal’last week. The takeover would also in clude the Shaw Univer sity Divinity School. ■Si.i.|t,\l>TI.ST.STO. I> 21 GOLDSBORO - Many persons, both black and white, young and old, openly wept here Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock when relatives and friends of two star bas ketball players killed last Tuesday night in an airplane crash in In diana, gathered in the auditorium of Goldsboro High School, where funeral services were conducted. More than 1,700 persons packed the facility as rinal rites were held for Warren H. Alston and Barney J. Lewis, both 18-year-old freshmen at the Univer sity of Evansville I Indiana). The two vnung men. who had starred also on the team at Goldsboro High School just last vear, were natives oi Wavne Countv. Both were among the 29 persons aboard an airplane when ii crashed near Evans ville. shortly alter takeott. The two were remembered (See CAGE STARS, P.2) CORRECTlOy: It was incorrectly stated ill last week's edition of The CARO- IJ.M.W that City Couneilman William Rogers (Kill) Knight had been replaced as chairman of the coun- eil's I.aw and Finance Committee by Mrs. .Miriam P. Block. The uosition held by Mr. Knight was chairman of the council's Public Works Committee. The C.AROLINI.W regrets this error. First Black Named To N(> Milk Commission "\ VKKV MERRY CIIHIST.M.XS TO YOl ’ — l.o\vl> Ms. Kri'iida Ravenell, a sriiior business I'riut’alioii major from ( harlesioii. S.C.. on behalf (»f St. .\ugiisliiii‘’s Collegt', Kuh'igb. wishes ihe eoiiimunil> a \er> MeiT> ( hrisintus ami a iriiillul Sew Year. Mrs. Chavis: **ril Fight For Release 99 The wrath oi seven ministers at North Carolina State Uni versity here, along with criti cisms ot him by several other Oxiord, accompanied bv three ot the children ot her son, the Rev. Benjamin F. Chavis, now contined to McCain Prison Camp, spoke at Raleigh’s black First Baptist Church. 101 S. Wilmington St.. Sundav morning and vowikI to “keep lighting lor mv son's release." The Rev. Chavis has been labeled as (he leader ot (he Wilmington Ten. The ministers at N.C. Slate wrote a letter to the Governor last week, protesting his handling ot the “10“ case and called upon him to commute the sentences or pardon the nine black men still behind prison bars in the state tor the (S^fCLEmCSKAP. P 2) Rap For Death Seen In Raleijih Mrs Margaret Catherine Mapp. 29. ol 1905 Charles .St (Rochester Heights), charged in Ihe death of her .Vvear-tild daughter on Nov. 21. could lace a charge ui murder, despite a probable cause hearing last gyj - • - Wednesday in which black \jh VVRH ljUittUiiU I>)«tric( Court Judge (Jwirge 1< 'y m «• Greene. Jr . reduced the liy 2 LadtcH Gov James K. Hunt, Jr., last week appointed Mrs. Inez M. Mvles to a tour vear term on Ihe North Carolina Milk Com- misMoo. She ts the lirst black to Im* appointed. The commis sion serves to protect the public interest in a suiticient, regularly Rowing supply ot wholesome milk and to that end, to provide a lair price to the milk producer for his product. Mrs. Mvles, 32, is a resident 01 Henderson. She presently serves as executive director and founder oi the North Carolina Senior Citizens’ Fed eration. Inc., which is head- quaitered in Henderson. The organization represents over 12,000 low-income elderly a- cross the slate and provides training, technical assistance and advocaev. Mrs. Mvles also serves as a (See FIRST BLACK. P.2) MRS. INEZ M. MYLES Idghtner Charges Dropped ('tuirgt*s of breaking and entering, filed here last month against Kruce E. LighCner. former exeeu'ive director of the Opportunities Indiistrali/ation Center (OiC) in Raleigh, were "thrown out" of court here last Friday by Wake District Judge John Parker. Charges were also dropped against Ms. Sonna C. Fraser, who was arrested with IJghtner on Nov. 9 at a house on iSec LIGHTNER. P. 2) REV. BENJAMIN F.CH.AVIS state groups have continued to plague the “inaction" bv North Carolina Gov. James Baxter Hunt. Jr., as lar as treeing the celebrated W'ilminglon Ten is cdiicerned. Mrs. Elizabeth Chavis oi Appreeiatiott Two reader.s ol last week's edition oi The CAROLINIAN were winnirs ol 110 Apprecia tion Monev checks alter thev rejiorled to The CAROLINIAN oiiicc that thev had lound their names listed in adverti8emet)*<k (Sc-' APPRECIATION. P 2) charge to man.slaughler The woman was origmallv charged with murder lollowing (he death oi the child. Marv Catherine Spence, a daughter bv a previous marriage Ms. Jovee Hamilton, assist ant director altornev. who was not present at the hearing. iSeeMl RDKH RAP P 2' TR \( nn< sn,N \\| I . .i|)|>ro\i‘iiiiich i.'ti) ii.Mtiii liiroie.:li <lii\M(l<iuii lift . IT VM-ildiiit; >>l hi'' iH'ptii'w Drt Miii kri !•» .ilfii Off II. MVIl s IMO^lin M 4 \R I |;R ~ I ;IM ll.-\i|l.- \ < I I tli4' . iti.ii iii.olt' ii|> ,1 Ii at lio'c .iih ’ 4fl pi llll•sllIll; t.tnni'i" ilial ilr(i\«‘ h<'..i s .1 '>e.:ii '(fit uiiiiii^ ' Pi t-s. ( .irl4‘i. ( .nn-i wan ot tow a ho' I hi' 1 . toil (till util tiM'i-i w nil lilt tai ini'i" In llo' hiit'k”i ooinl is (iic lUil ■ 'sit > .1 ri . , lu s >t ,11. Mit.i ,.ii -III.It, < ( t>t Appreciatioi'' Mon^:v SPOTLIC7HT THIS WEEK CAPITAL VAC I PM CLEANER CO. •FOR A CLEANSWEEF tVtRY TIME " A AAA iW viUMiER P\RI)ONE|) IN KILLING OF HUSBAND — Chii-ago — Pardoned for Ihe killing of her husband, Patricia K\ans. Cliii-agn. waves lu neighbors as sbe is reunited with (hi-e4' oi her children Dec. I6. Mrs. Evans, 30. was released from prison earlier in the day by a clemency order from Illinois Gov. Ja ni4's Thompson. Mrs. Evans shot her husband to death Sept. 27, 197.). after being beaten by her husband. She had served 8 months of a 2-to-a year sentence for the killing of her husband. Johnny ( lifford E\anH. tl'PI)

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