/i I I Discusses “Entire Relationship” r-o Jcac w Muhammud Answers Little's Claims uo26i ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ State’s Prince Hall ★ ★ ★ Details Masons To *Up* Image Version The CAROLlNiAN VOL. 37 NO. 9 North Carolina'i Ltadlng Weekly RALEIGH. N.C.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 5.1978 SINGLE COPY 20c tudae Greene's Ruling Overtumed-Raleigh Mom Indicted In Murder if it it ik it it HE.AyyWKI(illT le. ranked third in the World Boxing As^latioyatiiigs. is charged with second degree murder in the shooting death of his forme? trainer, tmici rs arc unidentified. tl'PI) «> «• nis lormer P. ^^litchell Durham Homecomin^Orator ★ ★ ★ Second National (inference Blacks^ Carter To Meet Charged Sessions (Editor'! Note: FollowiDg the reletM in The CAROLIN IAN iMt we«k of t atory In which Mcaped convict, Ms. JoAnne Little, suld she was not pcvfnhnt as she had previously claimed, and in which she indicated she was "tired of Vernell," her alleged boy friend, Vernell Nelson Mu- humroad, ts-year-old follower of the Nation of Islam, has written, what he claims are answers to some of the state ments made by Ms. Little. Some ot the items covered by Ur. Muhammad in his answer to Bis. Little's claims, have never been reported by The CAROLINIAN, and wtll only be stated herein as they relate to the pregnancy and "tired of Vernell" versions of the story. Muhammad gave bis reply last weekend): BY CHARLES R. JONES "TIRED OP VERNELL" Mr. Muhammad had the fol lowing to say in regard to Bfs. Little beinc tired of him; "The DRUHAM- Durham College will observe its 30lh Home coming during the week ot January lS-21. Scores ot O ' 7 & 'ure Congrt.>sman Pairen J. Mitchell. D-Marvland, and Howard Lee, Secretary, De- partme:)! ot Natural Resources and O mmunity Development, State ot North Carolina Rep. Mitchell is also chariman ot tiU Congressional Black Caucus oi the U.S. Congress. Reservations may be made by contacting the Oiiice oi Institutional Advancement-at Durham College or any member ot the Durham (College Alumni Association. National Alumni President Jusnita Jackson Bynum «i,i>uances that this will be the most exciting homecomelng ever held. She is expecting the largest number oi alumni ever to participate in a homecoming celebration at Durham (^oilege. In Death Of Child Despite ipite a ruling itly by District Court Judge George R. Greene, that Mrs. Mar- Set In January kwa iasaiuiC(U|^ J County grand jury i^day of^is we^, REP. PARREN MITCHELL alumni and iriendas ot the business-oriented junior col lege are expected to attend the celebiatlon. Highlighting the activities is the annual Alumni Dinner, scheduled tor Friday, January 20, at 7 p.m. at the Durham Civic Onter. The dinner wUl Assistant DA Will Challenge Greene 4 Held 4 Here In Robbery Assistant Wake County District Attorney John T. Hall announced Friday ^hat he will tile this week tor election to the only Wake County District Court judgeship up tor election in 1978, that ot black judge George R. Greene. However. Judge Greene says he will seek re-election to the two-year position. Wake on Tuesday has charged her with murder in the death of her 5-year-old daughter. Mrs. Mapp was arrested on the same charge on Nov. 22 and her bond had been set at $50,000. but following a preliminary hearing In Wake District Court on Dec. 14, Judge Greene reduced the murder change to manslaugh ter. The judge also reuuced .>1r>4Mapp'5 bond to $2«900. The woman wted th^ bon^’ Ihte in Deoemwr and hhs bepn free since. Judge Greene’s decision to reduce the charge to man- judge Greene said, "I am slaughter was not binding. By stUJ very much in love with the hiw, all felony cases have to go job and will keep it it (he to a grand jury. Late Tuesday public U willing.” afternoon, a Wake grand jury Greene has practived law In returned the first-degree in- Raleigh tor more than 17 years, dictment against the woman, white Hall has tive vears to his charging her with murdering ' |.'' WASHINGTON, D.C, — The 17 top black leaders who met with President Jimmy Carter just before Christmas are scheduled to return to the White Hoi^ early in January to cneck on VIRGIN ISLANDS GOVER NOR DIES - Charlotte ..ma lic. V. I.: Gov. Cyril E. King, the aecond elected governor ol the Virgin Ulaiwb. died late Jan. 2 of stomach cancer, government offlciaU aaid. He was M. King was succeeded by Juan l4iis. who bad been Lieut. Gov. of the American territory in the Caribbean. (UPl) the progress of the ad ministration’s job pro* grar.s, urban pcHicy and ecoi.omic development proposals. D.C. GETS FIRST BLACK POLICE CHIEF - Wi.3hington — Burtel! M. J^feraon, St. waa named th** Hrit black p^lce chief of the Dlatrlct of Columbia Dec. M by Mayor Waller Hashing- ton. Jefferson, prraeutly an assistant chief and second in command, will succeed Maurice C'ullinane. who announced his retirement. Jefferaon ia expected to lake over the force Feb i (DPI) credit. Wake County deputies ar rested tour men Thursday night and Friday on charges ot armed robbery ot the Variety Pickup St re, intersection ot Old Stage Road and N.C. Highway 42, Chiet Deputy Lester W. Kelly reported. ITie store was robbed about 8 p.m. Thursday by tour men. armed with a high-powered liile, according to reports. Ihe robbers are alleged to have taken the cash register out oi the store, which was lound at a nearby Undiill. Ihe amount ot money stolen was not revealed. According to deputies, those arrested Thursday night were: F. E. Rudolph, 25, Rt. 1, Holly Springs; Pennie Wingate, 20, and Claincy McKinney, 23, (See 4 HELD. P.2) Hall, 39. has sent ts to law entorcement oinc and lellow attorneys In the District to Intorm them ot his candida cy. Hall taces a well-known and politically astute incumbent in Judge Greene, who was first elected in 1974. In the primary ot May, 1974, Greene ran lirst, but with live candidates in the race, he did not receive a majority ot the votes. He then detested John Hill Parker by 700 voles in a runoii. (See INDICTED. P.2) King Bamiuet Jan, 15 The firKt Annual Marlin Lul^er King, Jr. Banquet will be held In Raleigh on Sunday, Jan. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ballroom of the University Student Center at North Carolina Slate University. Keynote speaker for the occasion will be Henry McKinley (Mickey) Michaux. Jr., former Durham County Democratic Representative, and now United Slates Attorney for the Middle District, with head quarters in Greensboro. Tickets for the event are on sale at the Student Center Box Office on the second floor of the University Student Center. For further information, call 737*2451. Grand Master Shaw AnnouneesChan^es W elf are EneouragesLaziness, United States Senator Said N'aUonal Black News Service WASHINGTON - California Sen. S. I. Hayakawa said re cently that Congress and the welfare establishment is bent on increasing "parasitism" in cur society, destroying the incentive of those who work and encouraging laziness and improvidence among those who 00 In a by-lined article in the January issue of Harper's magazine, Hayakawa charged that many Congressmen see their role as redistributors of national income, taking funds away from businessmen and the middle-class and lavishing them on the poor in the form of transfer payments - aid to families with dependent children, food stamps, Medi caid, housing subsidies, supplementary Social Security and social service programs and the like. "I believe that we all acc^l the principle that an affluent society must do what it can to prevent hunger and misery, and also to provide equality of opportunity to those who have bem denied it. But Iww far can a society go in the redistribu- WILMINCTON - -nie Rt. Rev. Herbert Bell Shaw, Grand Master, N. C. Jurisdiction. Prince Hall Masons, told the executive committee In a special meeting on Dec. 2i that his prime object tor 1978 was to create a better public rdatious lor the Order. Toward this end he appoint ed Joseph Pillow, Rt. Worship- lull Director, Knights ot Pythagoras, who has put together an impressive pro grams tor the youth ot N.C. setting forth the tenets ol Free Mssonsrv that exemplify religious devotion, dedication service and democracy, as interim editor ot the Mesonic Journal. A new public relations program, b^un by the late Dr. R. Irving Boone, which Alexander Barnes, veteran newspaperman, has agreed to direct tor a commisaion named by Dr. Boone, was also announced. The Right Worshiptul Special Deputy Grand Master, Brother Blarvin Chambers oi Asheville, reported tbst tbe KMh Annual Communication ol the Prince (See MASONS. P.2) Sotil City BuilditiR For Sale SOUL CITY - Soultech 1. a (»,000-square toot building and nine acres oi land, the only major development in this new town, is now up tor sale, and has been tor about seven weeks pending lorecloture. Soul (3tv was tounded tr' (SeeSOULCTrY.P.2) Although Vernon Jordan, Jr., National Urban League director, expressed satisfaction with tbe meeting as spokesperson for the group, several other representatives, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, left saying "all we can say is we mM with the President'." Viet Resident Walter Mondale and Itey cabinet aides also attended the meeting. However, Clarewt Mitchell, NAACP Washingi'>Q bureau chief, appeared to express the consensus when he declared "(he President invited us to share our thoughts ai^ views on these issues with him...and believe me, we know how to take advantage of an invita tion..." The leaders are ex pected to meet with Carter again when the Preaident returns from his trip abroad. Members of the group expressed strong suppori for black, woman Cabinet head. Patricia Harris, Houair,g and Urban Development Dept, secretary, who has been un^ fire from Congress for her Urban Policy proposals cabling for more federal funds for de caying city areas. Despite (he support voiced for Mrs. Harris by tbe predominantly civil rights representatives, many of HUD'S urban programs are still in danger because trf tbe failure of Congress to pass the Energy bill which was to irovide most of the funds for (See BLACKS AND. P. 3) VERNELL N. MUHAMMAD only thing that I can thifih of that could have made her tired of me was the way I waa cmstantly on her be^ to get her to stop pusL'ng dope and MlHng dntp all u ^ Ume. Sba sold drugs all tbe 'Ime, both before and after abt eoeeped. The only raeeao our relatkm- aWp had not ended earlier waa because sbe kept promteing me that she was going to leeve that stuff alone. I told her I waaa't going to have it a long time ago. "She would pitunise me sbe waa going to stop and as aoao OS I turned my back, iha would start back again." PREGNANCY Muhammad aald, In retatlan to Bta. Little's denial of being pregnant, that, "i knew abe had been selling drup while she was on work release in N.C., but when I got to New (SeeMUHAMMAD.P.8) Hearing On Health Planned The Capital Health Systems Agency will bold a public heering on Jan. 18, at7;i0p.m. in tbe Comroisaioners R^ro (700) at the Wake County Courthouse to receive public comment on the proposed renovation and expansion of (See HEALTH. P.1) Pryor Held In Shooting Ms. Ruffin Wins Week’s Appreciation (See WELFARE.?. 2) Ms. Rose Marie Ruffin, of 2708 Evers Dr. was vrinner of a $10 check this week after sbe reported that sbe had found her name listed in the Piggly Wiggly advertisement on the Appreciation Money Page. Ms. Ruffin was one ol three persons listed on the page. Theo W. Harris, of 2900 Woods PI., was listed in the Carolina Biblical Gardens ad- APPRECOA'nON, P. 2) BREAKS RECORD IN ORANGE BOWL — Miami Rolaua Sales it hugged by hit parenli, Fred, left, and Mattie after his 205-yard record-breaking performance in the Orange Bowl Jan. 2. Sales led all runners at his Arkansas team upset Oklahoma. 3i-S. (t'Pl) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HARLEY DAVIDSON OF RALEIGH ‘^FOR THE SMOOTHEST RWES OR TWO WHEELS" LOS ANGELES, Calil. Upon surrending to local police Monday evening, actor-come dian Richard Prvor was charged with assault with a dealv weapon, then rel< xsed on a bail ot $5,000. A warrant had been issued lor the intemationallV'known actor earlier In the day, following a shooting incldait at his home, but he could not be located. When ouicers lirst went to the home to serve the warrant, they were lirst told that he was asleep, then that he was net at home. A complaint against Pryor was tiled Sunday by two triends ot his wile, according to Investigator Lewis Bobbitt. The two triends wee identitied as Ms. Beverly Clavbom, 25, Los Angeles, and Ms. Edna Solomon, 37. Washington sUte. Bobbitt said neighbors heard shots Sunday morning and called police. Witnesses re- vea'ed that the source ot the shots was Prayor in a di-spute with his wile and two lemaJe house guests. Bobbitt continued, "Witness es said the three women were ejected from the house by lorce, chased around the yard vSeePRYOR.P.2) RICHARD PRYOR