' I t ro ‘10’ Decision Within 2 Wks,t CRJ Imnntient ★★★ ★★★ For Annual Midwinter Retreat ★ ★ ★ Several U.S. ElkTYoMhTo City Available The Carolinian VOL. 37 NO. lu JVorth Carolina^ Leadirtff Weekly RALEIOH. N.C.. THURSDAY, JANUAiiV 12.1B7S SINGLE COPY 20c Alleged Victims Are Teenuged Sttidents 2 Face Rape Raps ★ ★★ ★★★ W11.L ASK l-OK < <)M)K.M.\.\TI<1\ OK I .S.. STATK - Hakim,. V.( . _ 11,.. Hr,. Hbi„. (HI said at a press confereiue Jan. 8. ihal (he l iiltpd ( hureh i»( < liriNCs ( ommissi.m |i.r Ha< iai Justk-e Hill ask the I nhed Nattuns tii nindemn the I .S. and \oHli ( andiiia fi»r lioldiiii' (hr HilmiiiKlMi lu as poliikai prisoners. Sealed neM lu VNhIte b, lr\ .l«.\nei. dlnuor of t oitiniuniix Or^ianiialion fur Penal Reform for the rhurrh's eontiiiissuHi. See s(or> in t olunin H. I*. | 11 |*| i Ms. J. Little^s Extradition Hearing Postponed; No Bail NEW YORK. NY. — An been received. NEW YORK, NY. - An extradition hearing tor North ^ Carolina priscm escapee. Itb. JoAnne Little. Z3. originally scheduled tor Fridav. January 6. was postponed 30 days Fridav in order tor her attorney to dissuade New York Governor Hugh Carev trmn lending her back to Raleigh. N.C., where she escaped from the Currectlona] Center lor Women bv scaling a KMoot fence on October 15. A re<iuesl that she be tread on a bead oi tlS.OOb was denied bs the oewi. the court. Ms Linda McKav. assistant New York district aiiomev. asked Brookls-n Criminal Cowt Judge Cornelius O'Brien tor the adjournment, explaining that no extraditioa warrant irom Governor Carev has vet NC Murder Suspect Va/s First HAMPTON. Va. ~ Norris C. Taylor. S3, wanted in the pistol slaving oi a New York aty woman in a Selma, N.C. motel will tirst be tried in Virginia on charges ot robbery, otticials here said last week. Taylor will receive a ix'eU- minarv hearing on Thursday, January IS. on charges (M maiming and roUiery, result ing trom a March. l»7A Incident, accordiiig to Robert A. Boesler. Hampton's assis tant commonwealth attorney. Attorney Boester Said, “As soon as we are dtme with our case, we will gladly turn him over to North Carolina.’’ Taylor is accused in the latal been received. According to Ms. McKsv. the delsv in the receipt ot the warrent stemmed trom deten te allornev. William L. Kunst- ler's request to submit briets to Gov. Carev in oppoailimi to Ms. Little's extradition. Ms. McKav said these briets have not vet been received in Albany, the slate capital. Ms. Little, serving a seven to ten vear sentence tor breakii« iniomoUM homes in naaiMcn County, was at tne BeauKNd County Jail awaiting the outcome ot an appeal at the time the latally stabbed while jailer. Clarence Alligood. to death with an ice pick. She was acquitted ot hit murdv at a trial in Ralei^ in July ot 1975. She said .Mligood bad torced her to penorm sex act* with him She was arreated bv New York DoUce on December 7. (See MS LITTLE’S. P. i) GOP Teacher, Janitor Charged An air of mystery still surrounds the occa‘*ions of two alleged rapes, which were said to have taken place in December, but not reported by the Wake County Sherifri Depart ment to the news media until last week. Kulh incidents involved leeiiaged black females as victims. A while. V-year-old driver educaUeo teecher end a black PUSH Head DU Kexnoter Will Hear Jackson Policy Programs Planned WASHINGTON, D. C. — The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, prominent black leader and rending president of the Chicago-based Opera tion PUSH (People United To &ve Human ity). will be the keynote speaker at a Jan. 20 meeting of the Republican National Committee in Washing ton. DC Bill Brock, Republicao NationsI Commitlae Chairman, annouocad Mmiday Mayor Seeks Office 3rd Time National Black News Service NICU.AKK, N. J. — Kenneli. A. OibMm. who eight >ear% ago became the first black to be elected nia>or of a major citv in the east, annwiiiced at a recent news conference that he would week a third four vear term as rn^or of Newark. New Jersev's largest city. ’ When I ani re-elected.- (iibson said, •my administration, my fellow Newarkers. and our Newark supporters will continue to search for ways to accomplish more as we keep putting it together to keep it togeUier.” He said the crime rate was declining and health services increasing. The city is sounder financially now- than it was before, he said, citing the fact that his administration had been successful in obtaining iKb million in Federal and sUte funds last year — money that he said help^ hold down taxes and sustain vital municipal services. Last year, Gibson served as president of the United Slates Uonferuice of .Mayors. The mayoral election is May 9. NAAGP To ‘Flex Muscle* Miffc III < •k—icHi Mm m ^ i—iroinut Jau. H u hr In hk 4 Maime at HMUba «ahwU at Ua.«a hImHi bad hrrn mtssmg timer Jolv. abra k aaa Ueirm aWlr briag fWaa Irmii Tbailaad la Kaglaad. CbaaKBlfa U a frilaa a«»r«hiprr «« j rbarrb afftrial frail Tluiitaad aba faaad tbr taaiar aa l»»i IMS at a prUdIrr'ft Uaod at ibr ^laxarll .Mirri lira iMarkri Jan. b. I'araeUaa ( alraiaa. 51, Ma>a8ad. III., 4 ramp man Im Umiiu Tigrrk air firlghl aba aiaaalixbu an Saadak* aw pratHirtiH <>l IlVi?****' *'’***^*”* ***“***" , Raleigh Lodge Will Host Y oath Couneil WINSTON-SALEM - In keeping with the program of Ben Hooks, the nea directtK’ of (he NAACP, Charles A. McLean, field director for the N.C. State Conference oiiice here that the organi- utioo plans to Hex its political muscle in every denselv-pop- ulated black congressional district in tha sute. The eitort will begin in the lirai, where Women sbootingot Miss Kathi King, 30, * T'v a « who was slain January 2 at the v.wa>*ct«uvc ui Mc^r- iu uw (iTK, wnere Branches, vJiDouncedirMn his ihere are more blacks than Methodist they receive tht. support of blacks. Workshops are designed to teach black voters that there are certain guidelines that should be set up as criteria. (See STATE NAACP, P.2) The National Youth Council of Improved. Benevolent Protective Order of EUw of the World will bold its annual mid winter retreat on March 3-6 at the Hilton Inn in Raleigh. The theme for 197S is; Focus On Youth. Grand Directors William S. Lackey trf Statesville, and Ms. Anna Mae Robinson of Gary. Ind. will lead the program. Delegates fror. .icroas the United States will be in mckel, where she was a guest in Selma. Taylor was employed thtfe. Taylor is alleged to have said be shot the woman during an .^argument alter, he claimed. ^ she attempted to rent a single room tor tow persons at the price ot one. He said the (See NC SUSPECT. P. 2) Next week, the United Methodist Women of Wilson Temple United Methodist Church. 1021 Oberlin Rd. will hold -e of their most impfM* annual observances — the Call to Prayer and Self- Denial. (See METHODICT. P.2) Kelly Alexander, state NAACP president, has long since warned that blacks must become politically astute if they are to ^rn their rightful place in the political arena. He avers that politics is power and it has only two offsprings — influence and money. McLean says (hat blacks must help to select the candidates from dog catcher to president. He is of Ihe opinion that potential and hopeful candidates must be screened and then committed before 2 Re-Indicted In Johnston Slayings Cut'ounvrcit r\ ■«. v_,__.. a .... . SMITHFIELD — Two black Harnett County men trom Benron, who escaped indict- moils lor murder in June ot 1977 by wianing a |xe-trial challenge ot the grand jury that indicted them, have been Two Readers Find Names, Get Money Ms. Mattie Harris Lucas, 01 1109 Savannah, and fils. Maga- line Hunter. 01 1305 Raleigh Blvd., were both recipienU ot tlO checks alter they tcNind their names in last week's edition 01 The CAROLINIAN. Ms. Lucas lound her name in the Starmoimt Pharmacy ad vertisement on the Appred- aiion Money Page and Ms. Hunter lound ber name in the Terrv's Floor Fashkios Mlvm'- (SeeAPPRECUTION. P. 3) indicted tor murder again by a new grand jury, according to District Attorney John W. Twisdale Thursday. A trial date 01 February 6 has been set tor Jaroee Henry Smith. Jr., 19. and Ezra Stewart, 26, both charged in the June 3 shooting deaths 01 a Benson truck driver, and a rookie Four Oaks policeman. Ihe iodictmeols agsinst Smith and Stewart were quashed by predding Superior Court judge E.Maurice Bras- weil on October 11 alter finding "groes irregulariUes’’ in the way court otikials in Johnston County selected the grand jury that indkted the men. Twisdale had appealed that niUag (u the cowt, but said Thuradav that in view c the new lotfictiMBts againat the pair, be woidd drop his sppeal because “the quastioea raised will be moot in the time they (See 2 JOHNSTON. PJI attendance, coming from as far away as Nassau. Bahamas On Saturday. March 3. the (See ELKS’ YOUTH. P. 2) Southern States Extended Natkmal Black Newt Service WASHINGTON. D.C. - Col lies and universitiea in six Southern states were givra s lOKiav extension, until Feb. i, to submit court-Mdered dese- gr^tion guidelines to the Department ot Health. Educa tion and Welfare. Ihe ertenshm was requested bv HEW otticials sbortlv alter out-going Virginia Gov. Mills Oxtwin rccieved oiticial HEW notiilcation that his state college desegregation plan had been rejected, and the sute (See 6 SOUTHERN, P.2) Federal Agencies Agreeing Natiwul black news sariits WASHINGTON. D C. - Iht Carter Administration has proposed uniform gthdehoa emplovae testing and other selectkm pmredures, accord ing to a joint sUtamsot by the US. Equal Employment Op- .ertunity Commission (i^EOC). The Department ot Ji dice, the Department oi Labor, and the Qvil Service Commisston. The proposed guidelines, develop^ jointly by the shove named agencies, will replace two thtierent sets ot employee selection guidelines whieh have been in etiect since November 1978. One set-tbs Federal Executive Agency Guidetine-wss adopted by three 01 the tour aggiuryif jit that time. Separate guidelines, which the EEOC adopted in 1970, were republished in Nov. 1976. The uniiorm guidelines are aimed at protecting the rights 01 workers to be Ured and promoted on the basis ot job-related standards and without regard to race, sex or ethnic background. ’The guidelines are beiiM proposed to imitenent the requirement ot the US. Su preme Coirt that employers Justify the use ot tesU or otbsr (See AGENCIES. PS) BY WILLIE WHITE Surr Writer The next few days In the Wilmington 10 case will be filled with anticipation as Gov. Jim Hunt moves toward his self-imposed deadline of taking action in the case “within the next two weeks.” In a short sutement released Tuesday, Hunt noted that case had run the gamut of tw North Carolina judicial system. As a result of 'hU, Hunt began taking steps U make good on bis freq’.enUy repeated promise that be would take tome concert actions in the case oriy after court alternatives had been exhausted. In Tuesday’s statement, Hunt saij, “1 think this is an appropr ate time for the governor to make a decision.” Other tUn this short sutement, Hunt has had little to say r. jout the case since the North Carolina Court of Arpeals last week refused to /snt the nine blsck men and one white woman a new trial. The Wilmington 10 were (wnvicted for allegedly burning a white-owned groctfy store during racial turmoil in Wiimingtoo in 1972. The charge also involves conspiracy to (See •W DECISION, p. 3) Recognition Urged Sun, ATLANTA — The Rev. Dr. Jeteph E. Lowery, pretideol of the Southern ChiiMiu Leodenhip Coafer- owe. teat a totegraai to Pete Roxelle. coiBBUfloaer of the Natfoaal Poothall Leagae, Wodaetday arglNl htai to hoMT a regaeot froai the New Orieaat 8CLC Chapter for a Bioaieat of siteace at the heghniag of the Saper Bowl foothali gaaM hi luemory of Dr. Martia Luther King. Jr. Dr. King, whose birthday Is Jaa. 1$, the day of the Super Bowl, was elected fouadiag president of 8CLC in New Orleans M years ago. Rev.Chavis Remembers Birthday tEdlUr’s Nats: Tbs foUowliig letter was written by tbe Rev. ?«ajsailn P. Otavis, Jr., tender of tbe Wilashigten Ten. from bis cenfhiement qnarters at McCain State PHsen. It Is dated Jnnnnry IS, 19 s.tbediteaftbeMrtbdny«f the late Dr. Martin Lather King, Jr., and sddresacd te the “Today is a very important day in tbe historic stn^ule of bumnnlty for justice, freedom Rod peace for we celebrate today the birth of a man who (Sea HEV. CHAVIS. P.3) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK RALEIGH TIRE & OIL CO. TORNADO WREAKS HA\<M’-> Orlando. Fla. — Shoo a i» ibe »r«vkafir hI a mubilr bMac in ibr Raoe Tralter Park wkicb aa« strark b) a toraada at aboM 7 p.m. Jaa. a. Srirrai (railm »rrr de«lro>edaadappraxlaialH> ttpfoptearrriajared. «l Pli TiavKBornmaKiBSTQUAUTr j *• '!• ► - » c«t k, Urtu« 11* ^ Ot aatt ^ch obicb mms (hr termrte a eislsos #faiaaitiai^ la 7- FatUTeegardra. thedacb'kMaer.wMthat UwfariM^ »aaMcoWteaeiaannate aaiwMaak ■aa-aatewraipte>er»ottbt«.ua» a pit

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