Krcneh-liorn Wonitin Wed Bluck Rtik'iith Mini ,. Welfare Mistreats Usf^ Mom Of^Six ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Raleiilh S r* Revealed BY CHARLES R. JONES .Vorf/i Carolina*B Leadinft Weekly \Ol..;(;. M). II U.\I.KK;H. N. C ., THtRSDAV, JAM ARV lit. 1 !»7H SINGLE COPY 20c I.KAnKliSWITII l*RI-;SII»KM ( ‘ linusp uith I'l'psidnil ( nili-i- « X iT^iulur 4-flitrl In i-niixiili niih I >Si\ Mi uf tlu> N’alionul Vsxni ialinii (ui- lh<- nl ( uinn-d IN-npIr Naliunal I'rhaii CnMliltnii. 1. S. ■{i-ii. I'iiirpii .Mitclii'il. i liiiii iikiii V* ('aut us: i’rpsidi-iil ( urtcr: \pinnii Jnrdun. diipt lni. Nuliniiul t vli.i ma>or. (iar\. Iiidhitia, and |•r^xld«■ill nl llir ItpiiiiHtalii' Mii>t>i-x .Allaiila hiixini-xsinaii. k Ir.idci'x held n |>i'i\alr iiii-i-ltiit; in li. lilt- nipptint; nax part nl ihr i.pfl Ittrii’lil an-: |(«'n|:iiMni IliHikx. iirait • N \ \( r>. M. ( ail llolnian. ill lln* ( nnurt-xxiniial lUatk II l.rattiip: lUrliiird llalilipi-. \xxiH-iaiinii. and .Irxxt- Hill. At Alight (Jluh, Wake ('ouuty Man's BULLET WOUNDS FATAL Mrs. Sybille Scott is a woman with troubles- lots of them. She is also carrying the scars of a mother, who was allegedly denied assistance by the Wake County Social Services Department after many unsuccessful attempts to get aid for herself and her six children, the youngest of whom was born on December 26 at ★ ★ ★ *Dr. King Left Vs Guideposts: ’ Carter WASHINGTON, I) C - Pre- sideni Jimmv (*arier. obseir- ing (he anmversarv oi Dr Marlin Lulher King’s birthdav. said last Ft'idav ihai ihe laie civil nghi loader “leii us guidoptisis” til 1)0 lollimed iSet'DR KING. 1» 2- “10” Man, 2S, Shot In County ★ ★ ★ (sovemor Hunt Says He’ll Air Decision On TV Wake Medical Center. The 31-year*old French- born woman told a (•AHOLINIAN newsman her story Monday after advising the people a Wake Social Services that she ’’would seek relief.” BVST.^FI- WKITKR Ull.l.tONTlM KFV.silNt. — Vliaiila. (.a.. ('ninodiaH* uotikixi Hiofc (■rot'iir>. \\|i«i fro4|uonth uax iiunhod in eikii riiihls cruxadox lo<| h\ tlio |ai«> Hr. .Marlin l.iithor Kinu. .Ir.. \ou«>ilSiuida\. .Ian. i... iho |!>||i unniwrxarx Hr Kiim x h' III. In oniiiiimo iaxiini; iiiiiil lino iiiilliiiii Xiuoi'ioaiix Iumo jninod Iho Niilimial Xxxnoiaiinii (oi Iho \d\iiiM'oiiioiii III ( iiinrod Poi)|ilo .>liiin.. who diod Fridax. Jan. IX uflor u hnid tMiiil wilh ounoor. wax known iiUoriiatlunall.N ax *‘.Mr. ('i\il Kighix" lix hluok poixmix and orgaiiiiBlioux Ihrnaghnul Iho world. In Iho uhin o phnlnx. ho is shown al dlfroront hlagos nf hlx lifo. Ilo uax bnni nn Ma.t 27. lUI I. Top. toll Ui right: al ago Ihroo. IHXi and liiio. Itnitnni. loll in right: in IHIB. in I»:i2uiid in IMS. 11 PH Li^htner Indicted In Theft T. C. Jervay, Jr. Assistant Wake DA A Wake Countv District AUor- nev Randolph Rilev announced Monday that Thomas C. Jer- vav, Jr., has joined his stait at an assistant district altomev. Jervav is a 1977 graduate ot North Carolina Central Univcr* sitv School ot Law, having recieved a B.S. in Commerce irom Central in 1968. He had most recently been in the trust division oi the North Carolina National Bank and had served as an intern for the North Carolina Department ot Justi ce during the summer oi 1976 board ot directors oi Wake Countv Famllv Service and Travelers Aid and is a member ( Bruce E. Ughiner. tormer executive director ot the Baleigh branch oi Opportunit ies IndusirializalKin Cenlers. Inc.. (OlCi. was indicted Mondav bv a Wake Count v fraud jurv in the alleged then oi hammers and speaker wire irom the March 01 Dimes oiiice and inim two ot its voluni(‘cr workers. Sivl.lGliTNKIt.l’ J An urgunienl oulsUte u Wake (ounly nighl club proved lulal for 2r>-ycar- old Henry Lee Smilh ot Wendell, wlio wasslua in the chest and arm with a handgun, allegedly by Tetidv Keel Baker, also 2.'). Kl. 2. /elmlon. last Salurda.N night. .Nmith died Sunday at Wake .Medical Cenlcr here. Baker is being hchl in Wake Ciiunlx Jail, wilhoul blind. (Ill a charge III murder. Wake Countv Depulv Sheriii Melvin Munn said Smith was siHii at Svlvesier Tuck's, a night tp 't^dpBtephame .Milix tiuriiig »ersiies .Ian. n in die i-JH-iie/er Kaplixl Cliiireh lor xiaiii ( i\il rlghlx leiKler. Hr. Vlarllii I iitliei' King. .tr. Voung wax one ol Kinu'x lop lieuieniinix in liu- inil ritjilx ii,«i\eiiieiil. <1 I'H E. L. Sanders Says demand and this is when Baker is reported to have begun .S4h-\\xirx Hr|il. nl lliit;hi*x it«’ X «• u r (' h I. u Ii u |- ,11 o I i r %. M:ilihu. u ii-xMli-iii a»t Maiiiiu HrI lt4->. u:ix niM* n| Hm-r lilut'kx clinxi-ii III XiiH-rit'u'x x|iui-i- cnrpx. 11 I'H discusx political goals aspiraiions Jan. 28 s', a luncheon meeting oi (he Wake C’ounU Chapicr oi the N. C. Black Women's Political Cau- l‘U.S. Accxirdiiig to Ms Audrev Kuu-s. a spokcspi'rson lor the chapter, tlw I p m. lunclieon at Shaw I’niversilv’h Student Ceniw IS to lielp iniorm Wake CouniN rewdeiiis oi the opera tion anti program oi the caucus and to M*ek iietler wavs ol coiiimunicaiing belwei‘n bluck wonicii and to increase their and ment ut the N. C. Depytment tSeeWOMEN'S.P. 2i Zion Women Set Tubman Trek Al'Bl KN. N. Y. - Even ihough Black Historv Week will be observed in February, manv women members oi the A.M.E. Zion Church, who have sponsored an annual pilgrim age to the Harriet Tubman Home, 180 South Street, in memurv ot the exploits ot the (SeeZION. P. 2) Mrs. Rttincs Receives ^10 Cheek ' " Mrs. Marv E. Raines, oi 1300 Branch St . received a check (mrant fill hx* 8tier she reported to \HKsn \ariflris ii.,,iivi\v 11...1 .h,. Black Church DURHAM — Duke Univere- itv Beiigion Pruiessor C. Eric Lincoln has received a $73,400 grant irom the Liliv Endow ment. Inc., to support a iwo-vear program ot research and publication on the Black Church in America. Dr. Lincoln will serve as (SecHLACKCMl Itl'H.I' 2 The I'AltOLIM XN that xhe had louiid her name lisUnI in llic Baker X Slioc Store atlvcrlisemenl <>n the ApprccialiiHi Moiii-v Page James Bullins. 01 1330 Gar ner Kd.. was listed in the Raleigh Tire & Oil Co. advertisement anti .Ms Klimra Cannadv. 01 641 Coleman St.. WHS listed in the Jeiiries Jewelers and Geniulogists uil- veriisement • SeeAPPRECIATION P •?} Appreciatioi’ Mont y SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HIKTINGl'ISHKH MERIT AM AltH FOR M.S. FlT/.tiER\LH • Santa Moiiiia. ( alii.: Singer Ella Fil/geruiii lx joined h> (l-ri i.ou Rauls. Slevie Woiider and I'ali Calloua.^ luiek xluge atler Ella wax awarded a Hixtinguixlieil .Merit Award al the liflh aiiiiiiiil “ tnieritan .Music Xwardx" Jan. IS. Sleiie Wonder picked up I- aiorile Male \ iH-alixl and Fa\orile Album auarilx al the show that wax aired live on AK( '-1'V. 1 t'PI i DIXON & SPENCER TV, INC. WHERE ECONOMY BEGINS R \I.ElGiltTKSH AITI.\(;FOR FIRE TRCCKK-Rrsidenls of Shaw t niuTsil.i Foundaliiui .VpaHmentH wall for fire trurka lu airii e lo fight u fin* in ihe buekgruuiuL that broke out ia their aparlmeiii < oniplev Jan. 12. Fire uffk iaU saM Ihe fire caitard at le.ixi daniuge and wax prvbabh caused when a bed, uhiih wax (HiKhed to- rhise In an electric healer, caugbl lire!