1 » (Claims Made By Black Employees po JCX yr Bias Probed At Wike Medical Center ^ ^ ^ DC Judge To Highlight Founding Of St. Aug.’8 THE .Carolinian VOL. 37 NO. 14 Sorth CaroUna*$ Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c AiUhorUie» Believe Frat ‘Hazing’ Kills ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Raleigh’s Woman Of The Year Zetdis Cite Mrs* M* Flagg Student Ex-Tutor ATRAEEIGH RALLY FOR THE WILMINGTON TEN » Shown are some of the speakert and a porthm of the bUi'e crowd, which gathered last Sunday afternoon at the l^odlcea L'nited Church of Christ on Rock Quarry Road. In top, left photo, the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Cobb, executive director of the UCCs Commission for Racial Justice, is shown speaking, as the Rrv. Leon White, director of the N.C.'Vp. Commission of the CRJ, awaits his turn. On the right, in top picture, Dr. Grady D. Davia. Sbaiw University professor and civii rights leader, speaks to the audience, shown in bottom photo. (See story). Wilmington Ten Backers Rap Gov, Htmt At Rally More than 300 persons packed the Laodicea United Church of Christ on Rock flk r ENTERTAINER HOSPITAL IZED -x Los Angeles — Eater* talaer Sammy Uavis. Jr. will remain hoapitallied for several days at Cedars*8inai Medical Center where be is being treated for the Rassiaa Flu. a spokesman said Feb. 3. Davis bMame 111 last week in Las Vegas, Nev.. where be was winding up a Z*week engage ment at Caesar's Palace. (UPl) Quarry Road here last Sunday aftemoM), spending more than 3W hours listening to black leaders speak on behalf of the celebrated Wilmington Ten. The Rev. Leob White, direc* Uv of the N.C.'Va. Held office of the Commission for Racial Jus tice. told the crowd. ‘'Peof>le are fed up with Gov. (JanMa B.) Hunt’s pesiUoo on the WU- mingtoQ Ttm. We are going to do something and we’re not going to wait until the next elec tion " Plans were announced to conduct two demonstrations on Saturday, Feb. li. to protest Hunt's failure to pardon the group. One wUI be held at the SUU Human Relations Council Banquet, where Hunt will be the main speaker Saturday night. The other is slated for the Capitol and Federal Build ings in Raleigh Saturd^iy after- (See WILMINGTON10. P. 3) ATidRNEYBLUE Blue Takes Polities Thie Step At Time’ Security Tightened WASHINGTON. D. C. — Two extra secur ity guards accompan ied North Carolina James Baxter Hunt, Jr., during his trip here last week as a (See SECURITY. P.l) BY WILLIE WHITE SUff Writer Daniel Blue, Jr., 28 vear-old, la seen locally aa a voung man who mi^t be "going iriaces” politicallv. But Blue said in an interview this week that be has no long-rsnge pt^itical plans. He is "sort oi taking one step at a time." he said. An attorney in Raleigh, Blue last week ended what had become growing political su spense when he snnounced that he was going to run tor the Dist. IS seat (WakeCoimtv) in the N.C. House ot Represeota- tlvm. Blue bad been a contender tor appointment to tbe House seat le.'t vacant bv tbe gubematcrial aK)ointment oi Rep Robert Cre^ to the N.C. Supreme Court, but Mrs. Wilm« Woodard got the ap pointment. The suspense sur rounding Blue's political i^ans grew out ot the strong showing he made tM- the vacanev appointment and the specu lation that appointed Sen. Clarence Ughtner would alao seek s seat in tbe House ot Representatives. Uiditner de terred to Blue in the House race and did not tUe tor tbe Senate. Blue said he and his campaign stall are currently (See BLUE TAKES. P.8) Dead At Hospital DURHAM - When the records of Durham County General Hospital revealed that Nathaniel Swinson, 20-year-old North Carolina Central University Junior from Kinston, was pronounced dead upon arrival at 10 a.m. Feb. 5, officials of the “Mighty Six” District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, had grave concern, due to the fact that he was said to have been on the “line” as late as 3 a.m. Sunday, pre- paratoiiV to bcXig MtiatM into the myrtsriea of tbo Greek- letter fraternity. Even though hooplUl atten- dsots were not able to deter mine the res! cause of death, it was established by Elwood Purdle and Kenneth Koonce, two of Us fellow students, that Swinson collapsed about 6 hours after he, akmg with 14 other candidates, made a trek of approximately 4 miles as a part U the Initiation ceremon- Swinson, believed to weigh about 200, suffered ill effects from the experience and sweated heavily. It ia alleged that be fell in a ditch. However, after about a half hour of reet- ing, be Joined tbe group again. Tbe last activity is said to caused cramps and dizziness. He was taken into one of the Broadmoor Apartments and wrapped in a blanket. He ia said to have asked to be taken to the hospital about 8:90 a.m. The report showed that be died «route. Ute fraternity was suspend ed from the campus of North Carolina Central a few years JUDGE L.C. MOORE MRS. MARY A. FLAGG Thursday Activities Set At Collctle Here Tb« HraorabK Luko C. Moore, Judge. Suparior Court ot the .District Columbia, Washington, D.C., will deliver the lllth Founders’ Dav message at Saint Augustine's Jobless Cash Out For 343,000 Nalloaal Black News Service WASHINGTON, D.C. — Un- empiovmeot insurance bene- tita tor some 343,000 Jobless Americans came to an end on Jan. 31. AU but nine tUles and Puerto Rieo were aitected. Pavmenta. including the 13 weeks ot extended beneiits bevond the basic 26 weeks, were stopped because the special Fe^al supplemental bmetila program, unte which (he payments fell, expired and had not been renewed bv Congress. States that will continue to receive extended i3-week be- (SeeFRAT'HAZING'.P.2) (SeeJOBLESS,P.2) CoQege on Thursday, Feb. 9, at II a.m. in the Emery Butiding. Judge Moore is a native ot Collinsville, Illinois. FoOowing his army career, he was graduated with honors irom Howard Unlversitv in 1949. He was graduated irom the Georgetown University Law School in i9M. Alter admission to the District ot Columbia Bar, be engaged in the general prac tice 01 law with the Uw Firm ot CoM), Howard and Haves until 1959, when he was (See ST. AUG.’S, P.Z) Women’s Projects Unveiled WASHINGTON, D.C. - Se cretary 01 Labor Rav Marshall announced that the Womra's Bureau, tor the tint time in its 57-vear historv, will design, develop, and monitor several (See WOMEN'S, P.2) NAACP Talks Set ‘New Day’ Ground Rules At State Level More than 100 state NAACT leaders met at the HUtim Inn, 1707 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, Saturday, Feb. 4, in an all-dav aession about the "New Dav" which Ben Hooks, tbe new director has envisioned, but were told bv Kellv M. Alexan der, N.C. Slate Conterence Appreciation Money Goes To Paper Reader Mrs. Annie Lunstord, ot 1211 Pender St., was presented a 810 check alter she reported to The CAROLINIAN that she bad tound her name in last week's Caraleigb Furniture Co. ad vertisement on the Apprecis- tion Blonev Psge. Ben Davis, ot 604 Lynch St., (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) prestdenl, and Chas. A. Mc Lean, tield director, how it would be implemented in the Tar Heel State. Alexander, who ia also vice chairman oi the national NAACP board, brought direct iniormalion irom the New York oiiice aa to how the program would be implement ed bv branches. He pointed ottt that education, housing, em ployment and voter partid- palion would be tbe major issues. He hastened to point out that in order to accwni^iah the goals set up by Hodcs, that more members would have to be teoughl in. He told the leaders that North Carolina would be out In the torerront ot the 1978 drive. He waa happv over the tact that manv small branches were doing well, but was not too pleased over tbe results being obtained bv tbe “big dtv” branches. He point ed out that Duplin Countv had one-third ot ite black popula- (See NAACP TALKS. P.2) Honored In City OmicroQ Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., announced this week that Mrs. Mary Avery Flagg, dedicated civic worker, has been chosen as the 1977 Woman of the Year for Raleigh. Mrs. Flagg, of tSl Lincoln Court, has contributed many years of outatandlng service to the Raleigh community. One of her biggest assets Is her ability to work well with people. Dtoing 1977, she rendered de dicated service throu^ many dvic and cwnmunity organUa- tioos, including Family Serv icd-Tnivders Aid Aaso^tion Health Affairs Roundtable Wake Omnty Medical Auxttt- ary, Mordecai Square Histor ical Sodety, Inc., Raleigh Links, Inc.. Old North State (See ZETAS CITE, P. 2) Minister Buried In Chatham PITTSBORO - According to the Rev. Ocie Brown, a devoted colleague ot the late Rev. Vi^inia Brannon Pitchiord, her withes were carried out at 3 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 9. when luneral so'vlces were held at MUcheU Chapel A.M.B. Zion Church and intermrat in the Church ewetery The Rev. Pitchiord was boro in RockhiU, S.C., 62 vears ago. She moved to Durham at an earlv age. She received her early education at Palmer Memorial institute. She Joined Kyles temple A.M.E. Zion Church. Durham, where she made an enviable reovd aa a leader ot voung people. She answered s call to preach and received her exhorttf's orders irom that church. She alao hdd membership in tbst church st the time ot her desth. Alter serving as a lood specialist and matron, she joined the household of Chas. S. Allen, a well-known (SeeBURIED IN, P.2) Charges Sent To Atlanta BV STAFF WRITER The Rev. Leon White and other officiEls of tbe North Carolina-Virginia Commission for Racial Justice revealed last Fri day that it is probing chvges of job and other discimination made by black employees at Wake Me^cai Center in Raleij^. The Commiaaion hu handled 12 complaints, through its Ral eigh office, (Wing the past 8 weeks and passed them through to the Equal Employ ment Opportunity Commis sion's di^Gt affice in Atlanta, Qa., Rev. White told a news gathering. According to officials at the hospital, tb^ were notified by EEOC concerning tbe com plaints in November of 1977. Three blsck employees of tbe facility stated laat Friday that blacks are not hired aa often or given tbe lame promotions as whites. They claimed that black petienta are alao treated differently. Mrs. Ernestine Young, a social worker at Wake Medical Center, declared that blacks are flred without going through initial personnel procedures of verbal warning, write-up and temporary autpansioQ. Mrs. Millie McLaughlin, an X-ray technician at the hospi tal, said, "Ail the black em- pk^ees that are being flred arw being reidaced with whites. Mrs. Anne Sug^, white public information otftcer at tbe hospital, said admlnistre- (See BIAS PROBED. P.l) Mondale Confab Speaker WASHINGTON, D.C. - Vice President Walter Frederick (Fri(z) Mondale, in a speech laat week to civil rights leaders, stressed the impor tance ot the C^er Admini stration's' commitment te equal opportmritv tor minori- liM, saving that the dtallenge America tacea today is "to summon up a new conkituenev ot conscience in America around the broad issues ot ecoooiRic Justice sod human ri^ts." Speaking to the 10th Annual Meeting ot the Leadership CtNUercnce on QvU Rights, Mondale hailed the conterence aa "one oi tbe great success stories 01 our Umss," and called tor it to be a driving lorce "in the new struggle tor civil ri^ts." "We need your lesderihip, and ve need your voice as never beiore today," the Vice (SeeMONDALE.P.2) WEATHER Tbe S-day weather forecast, Wednesday, Feb. 8, through Sunday, Feb. 13. ia aa follows: Very cold weather will continue acrewa tbe state Wedneeday and Thursday. Cloudy skies wilt return early Thursday, bringing with tbein a chance of sleet in tbe Soutbeest by late Thursday. Friday through Sun day calli for continued cold weather with a chance of preci- fdtatlon on Friday and ^tur- day. Hi^ will range from the mid-90o to the mid-40e. Lows will be in the teens to mid-20B. ATTENDING FILMING OF TELEVIBION MOVIE — New Verk: Tskisg a break la Ike fUmlng •f the telcvblon movie. "King," Feb. 5 are (L-R), actor Paul WtoneU, Mrs. Coretta Ktog. wife of tbe late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.. Ike Rev. Marlto Lalber King, Sr., and actor Oulc Davis. WlnfieM portrayt Uie late mlntoter and Daria pertrays Ktog. Sr. IWe part of Mrs. CorcMa KMS H played by Cicely TysM. Tbe arovle wUJ be aired eu NBC-TV on three nigbU. Feb. 1M4. (UPI) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HARLEY DAVIDSON OK RALEIGH “FOR THE BEST UDBS OH TWO WHEELS” CHARGED IN KIDNAPING — New York: Ceefl WlgglM, wBh bis face cevarM and MentWed by poUro ai ene of three pefsena who kidoappod It-year-oM MardUeia, wax arraated late Fob. 4 by police and charged wltb flrtt degree klteaplag. Wiggtai b eocartad bv a pattce offkar after bb arreat. Offlclab said all bat 8189 af the liee.tM rsaaem to seeare her rdeaae waa iMvered, (UPI) }