Wake Forest Police (]Iaiin Jtan .iU’. I't. • CS,* i'cv/-.- 4, ilnila'f"-' * '' 'y VniiavUlr. : ' c?:i Girlfriend Shot In Abdomen; Lives ¥¥¥ ★★★ Victim Shaw Univ. Apartments’ Fire Leaves An Eyesore THE Carolinian VOL. S7 NO. 16 North Carolina'i Leadinff Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1976 Held In Raleigh For Obeervation After Alleged HOG PEN SLAYING ★ ★★ ^ ^ ^ ★★★ WAKE FOREST-Ac cording to Police Chief Harvey R. Newsom, 30- year-old William C. Fer rell allegedly blasted his girlfriend in the abdo men with a sawed-off shotgun from a distance of one foot Sunday after noon as she visited him in his “Barracktown” apartment here. “She took the full force of the SINGLE COPY 20c blast in her abdomen.” Ferrell was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and inflicting senous injury to the girlfriend. Ms. Claudie Mae Hinton, who resides on Walnut Street here. Ferrell's bond was reduced (SeeMAN BLASTS.P.2) In School Bufldiniit Dispute Malone Not Optimistic BLACK ( t).N(;RKS.SVVt»MEN EVALCATEI) AS TOPS - New York - Rep. Barbara Jordan. D- Te».. HRh rated 'the \er> heht” rongrr^sMoman. according to a poll of It? members of the House ul K prrsentulivrii released Feb. ;t0 b> Kedbook. The poll, published in the current edition of the magarine. rated Yvonne Burke. IM'alif.. and Shirley Chisholm. IFRrooklyn. as the second and third most effi'cti^e eongressuomen. and Elizabeth Holizman. ILBrooklyn, ranked fourth. Miss ^ Jordan said she will not seek another term in the Hceiie and will not seek elective office this year. Three Of Four Black Congresswomen *Tops^ NEW YORK. N.Y. - U S. Representatives Barbara Jordan tD-Tex.), Yvonae Burke ‘D-Calif.) and Shirley Chisholm iD-N.Y.). 3 of the 4 black women In Congress, wa« ranked first, second and third among all 18 Congresswomen in a poll of the members of Con gress released Monday. Cardiss Collins (D-Ill.), the fourth black woman currently serving in Congress, ranked IBth, according to Redbook magazine, which condu-ted the poll and published the results In its current (March) issue. Asked to speculate as to why the blacks were on top. Ral(^ Campbell, Sr., was re-elected last week to head tbe Raleigb-Wake Citizens Associ ation tor another term, though Barbara Jordan a.id, 'One 'l', •**' really doesn’t know what the . congresspeople had in mind when they answered the Redbook survey, but certainly the feeling in the country is that it is time for a black and time for a woman, though not neces sarily 'he same person, to be a candidate for higher office.” (One of the ways the poll rated the congresswomen was on their ability to serve in poasible,” Burke commented, (tfflee.) Citing the “double jeopardy Yvonne Burke agreed wHb of being black and /ejaale." Jordan and also noted that Shirley difsholm said that tO; black women in.pBUllcs have becomesm«nberofCon^eu. two groups - btaw and women ■ blaek woman “must have • as canstituenclea on whi.h to been able to bring with her build a power base. “The name more-than-average attri- of the game in politics is to butes." have as many constituencies as (SeeS BLACK. P.2) Raleigh-Wake Citizens Group Names Offieers Center. Campbell was not presented bv the nominating committee. However, after being nominated irom the floor, he was elected over committee nominee George Spaulding. Alio elected were: Mrs. CUitomis Wimberlv, vice pres ident; Mrs. Alma Burt, record ing secretary (Mrs. Sarah Sansoro declined); Miss Jean nette Hicks, corresponding secretary; and J. J. Sansom, Jr., treasurer. Ex-Head Of Board Queried A committee of the Wake County School Board is studying the question of building a new school in southeast Raleigh, but the only black member of the board is not optimistic. Vernon Malone, former chairman of the board, sa.u Wednesday morning that he has “no idea" what might come out of tbe committee study, but, “I am not c^imistic." Malone has been expressing outrage at a board decision to not build a new school in south: wKt Raleigh through the pro posed 13 million building pro gram being presented to the Wake County Commissioner! (SeeMALONE NOT,P.3) President Talks To Newsmen WASHINGTON. D. C. - President Carter has advised black media leaders that his administration plans to triple the amount oi lederal tunds devoted to the training and employment ot voung minorilv teenagers. ^ This would increase the (See PRESIDENT. P.2) Drive For Voters Is Proceeding The Wake Black Democratic Caucus' voter registration drive Is moving along, but the person heading the drive is ai^aling to citizens lor more help. George I. Handv, who is spearheading tbe current drive, said Tuesday that registration was completed in Heritage Heists during the last two Saturdays, and said that plans call tor banning in Walnut Terrace Saturday. But Handv lamented what he considers a high amount ot “apathy” on the part ot IH^lnct chairpersons and reg istrars, and called tor more (See VOTE DRIVE. P.2) WEATHER The five-day weather fore cast for the period Wednesday through Sun^y, is as follows: Snow will end Wednesday, giving way to colder temperatures. Wednesday’s lows are exp(«ted to be in the upper teens. Clearing skies will prevail on Thursday, bringing brisk winds from (be north, which will add to the chill. Friday through Sunday calls for variable cloudiness with highs in the 406 in the moun tains and in the SOs elsewhere. Lows will be in the 30b in this area. VERNON MALONE Woman Runs For Lt. Gov. National Black News Service PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - Mrs. C. Delores Tucker, tormer Secretary ot State tor the Commonwealth ot Pennsyl vania. recently announced her candidacy tor the state’s lieutenant governorship. Mrs. Tucker was the tirst Mack woman to hold cabinet level oitice in the natkm’s third largost citv. “1 intend to be the peoples’ (SeeLT. GOV.. P.2) Mrs. Chavis Is J^nner Of SIO Check Mrs. Lola Chavis, oi 819 Cumberland Ave., was the recipient ot a $10 chock att^ reporting before the Monday noon deadline that she had tound her name in last week’s edition ot The CAROLINIAN. Her name was listed in tbe (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) RETURNS TO OLD CELL — Jacksoa, Mich. With prison behind blm. but mcmorie* still vivid. Detroit Tigers' center Beider Ron LeFlore returns to his old cell Feb. ll at .Southern Michigan Stale Prison In Jackson. MU-h.. where he served years for armed robbery until he was paroled to the Tigers in 1074. l,.eFlore. who found the cell bed as uncomfortable as ever, recalls a youth spent stealing cash rather than bases in his auto biography entitled. “Breakout." Baseball not only put t.eFlore on the right side M the law, but gave him the chance to emerge one of the b p pla^ In the American l,.eague. (UPl) Responsibility Is Unclaimed In Area BY WILLIE WHITE Surr Writer In addition to general rundown conditions at the Shaw University Foundation Apartments on Dandridge Dr., tenants and area residents have had an additional eyesore since a Jan. 12 fire gutted apartments. The complex is located m tills. one of the Biltmore Hil ITie gutted apartment haa remained untouched since that time, and the pile ot rubble irom the tire remains scatter ed across the apartment grounds, with nobodv claiming responsibilitv tor the situation. Ms. Retha Nesmith, man ager ot the apartments tor (See APARTMEinS' .P.2) Man, 96, Confined In City LUMBERTON - Law enforcement officers in Robeson County had a unique experience fast webk when they were called to investiute the murder of Henry Bethea, believed to be in his sixties, who was alleged ly killed by 96-year-old John (Pap) Ellis, as the two men reportedly feud ed about the location of a hog pen. Mr. Bethea died at the hog pen. The alleged killer is being ‘evaluated’ at Dorothea Dix Hosnital in Raleigh. (SmHOGPFN.P. 1) Prisoner Indicted In Death Garden Spaulding. 39-year- old inmate at Central Prison, serving time tor two previous murderk, was indicted Monday bv a Wake (>>untv Grand Jurv in connection with tbe stabbing death ot another prisoner on the prison yard on Friday, February 10. Spaulding was charged with the murder ot Hal Roecoe Simmons. 23-vear-old inmate irom Conwav, S. C. He could be sentenced to die in the gas chamber it convicted on the itrtt-degree rap. He ia scheduled to appear in Wake Superior Court this week to be iniormed oi the charge against him and to be given a chance to lecure an attomev, according to assistant Wake County INtisecutor, Kyle S. Hall. ammona, who was serving up to 10 years on assault and [^lu robberv conviction, was stab- WILLIAM C. FERRELL Campbell Petitions Jim Hunt The president ot tbe Raleigti- Wake Citizens Associatton has sent a letter to Gov. Jim Hunt protesting the proposed loca tion ot a motor oil re-cycling plant on Bragg St. in aoutbeast Rllsigt In his leUr. Relph Camp bell, said, “While .we as citizens appreciate the State’s ettorts to reduce the overall cost OI the operatiM ot State vehlclet through hia motor oil reclamation process, we are unalterably opposed to the erection ot such a taciUtv in the black community ot southeast Ralei^.’’ Campbell said the plant would be “immediately adja- (See R. CAMPBELL P 2) CRIME BEAT Fimn Raleigh’* OfRclal Pence Files KOtTOfT* %OTK; Tbit c^mb bt (ratar* It yrieitrii bi Uir bMtrMi •ilb ta aiai laatrUt •ilalattiai Hi raattalt. NaaMraai (MUvMaalt ba*« re mits Uu( Hwy b» clvni Uir cMtMtra- Uaa at •vrrtaaaiaz Oirlr UtUiU aa tba attic# Wtuar. Tbit at aaBU HE* ta Sa. Haa rvrr. k It aai aar Makiaa la br laSga Wa aural) tafeb Mt# (acta at *a b, tbe trratUat at- a« al Tb# Criata Baal SLJU.1 . tkyrs. Ta < laa. awrwy aiaa. awray ataaat aat bataa ra^ I b> a Milea anwrr la riiiriiasbbi iw ablr aa Sal). Sa ttaiM bfa*^ 'kiatlar'’ ta* yau *aa‘l a# laTb* (See PRISONER. P.2) STABBED BETWEEN EYES Rev. White RHtes An Open Letter To Blacks (EdHor't Note: Tbe author of the foliowing letter, the Rev. Leon White of Raleigh, is direc tor. N.C.'VIrglnia Office. Com mission for Racial Justice, and pastor of the Oak Level United Church of Christ in Manson. N.C.); My Brothers and Sisters: On Saturday night. Feb. ll. at the Jane S. McKimmoo Center, Raleigh, it was necessary for some black pet^ile to demonstrate against Gov. James B. Hunt at the Human Relatims Ckunmlssion banquet. He has, more than any other governor in my life time, violated tbe sanctity o' tbe bladt community. Insteai of being tbe guest td honor, h> should have used this occasioi to repent in “sack cloth am ashes. After more than a week of re flection on this event, I still find Jerome Hester was stabbed between the eves on the nose with a tork at some unknown address on South WUmington St. at 7:06 pjn. Saturday, according to pcdice reports. Hester suttered punctures snd bruises on the nose, and was it inconceivable that some treated at Wake Medical black pe<^ crossed the picket Onter. (&« REV. WHITE. P.J) (See CRIME BEAT. P.6) f KING CIL\PEL DEDICATED AT MOREHOUSE COLLEGE — AtlanU. Ga. -- Friend* and family of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., gathered at Morehouse College Feb. 19 for dedication of a rampuh rhapei named for the martyred civil right* leader. A* U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young (L) and Dr. Marlin Luther King. Sr. (R) look on. the ribbon is cut by King’* sUter. Mr*. Christtee King Farri* (CL) and bis widow. Mr*. CoreUa ScoU King (CR) prior to dedkaUoo ceremoole*. (I’Pl) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HUDSON-BELK DEPT. STORES •WHEKEQVAUTT.iCOKOSrAmSmeAtOmD" l\ A ’ f m SURROUNDED BY STUDENTS — Rome — Somali Foreign Minister Abdurahman QIama Barre (C) larrounded at Rome’s Leonardo da VUrl Airport Feh. 2t durteg brief stopover by some W Somali sludenU who have left Cuba, saying they were almost forced to leave by tbe bsoUle attitudeoftheC^banv. (UPl)