/ I ,:Uhiir l B. J >rrl8»n ll’.ir. ry MOO */• AW. r-.Mieh.»» c, 87r,io Raises ttlack Protests Gov. Hunt Issues Pardon ★ ★ ★ ^ ^ ^ Ferguson Several ‘Fired’ Objects Hospital Workers Fear in Letter AROLINIAN (EDITOR'S NOTE: Jamei E. Ferguaon, II, attorney for the Wilmington 10 and the Charlotte 3, has written Gov. Jaimes B. Hunt to North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 37 NO. 18 RALEIGH. N.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9,1978 protett what Ferguson considers inconsistent SINGLE COPY 20c TRAGEDY SC ENE — Raleigh firemen fight a Saturday afternoon fire amid thick amoke ilefti at 202 Selwin Alley. Right photo showi some of the smoke cleared awav. revealing the intense de- stniction to the home in which firemen found one resident dead. See storv. page i related nhirto page2. (StaffPhoto) In Saturday Tragedies Court Rules On HUD Community Funds 2 PERISH IN FIRE ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ WASHINGTON. D. C. - In 1976, Livonia, Mich, did noi include “expected to reside' goals in its Housing Assistance Plan (HAP) lor Communitv Development Block Grant lunds, and the Department ot Housing and Urban Develop* rneot accepted the city's application and awarded it •600.000 in lunds. DeMascio ot the District Court 01 Michigan, ruled that “ex pected to reside” goals are required in applications tor block grant lunds and that Hud and Livonia violated the 1974 Housing and Comm,mliv De velopment Act. The court ordered Livonia not to spend anv 01 the remaining $156,000 oi its 1976 lunds, and HUD not to Last week. Judge Robert provide anv lurther lunds until UNCF Tags Shaw University Grad thecitv set goals lor “expected to reside." The suit was brought beiore the court bv a coalition oi plaintiiis, including three mi- noritv residents ot Detroit. The plaintitis alleged in the suit that Livonia’s application tor block grant lunds did not assess accurately the condition OI the citv's housing stock, and did not provide tor the construction ot housing units tor lower income lamilies “expected to reside” there. The plan also made it impossi ble, the plaintiiis alleged, lor minorilv residents in nearbv Rumors Fly Southeast School OK*d actions in two cases, one black and the other white. In Uie latter case, Hunt Issued a “pardon of forgiveness" but refused a “pardon of innocence” In the former. The letter is printed in full.) Dear Governor Hunt: I have just read a news ac count of your recent action in granting an unconditional par don of forgiveneaa to John D. Gaddy, former Raeford city manager and nephew of State Sen. John T. Henley, president protem. CANDID To be perfectly candid. 1 am shocked and dismayed by this action to a degree matched Scores Watch 2 Think (See HUNT. P.2) Blaze They To Ihe National Alumni C^ouncii and Pre-Alumni Council oi the United Negro CoU^e Fund (UNCF) held its S2nd Annual Cimierence recently in Little Rock, Ark. Rapreten(8(ives from the 41 mamber schools encompassing 12 states were present. The eaoiereoce provides a torum lor members ot the UNCF ismilv: aiumin, pre-aiumni, college prestdenis, and other laculiv, stall and students to discuss wavs and means to advance the objectives ot the UNCF. During the conterence, na tional oiiicers were elected tor 1978. Elected national presi dent 01 the Pre-Alumni Ck>unciJ (See SHAW. P.2) Detroit to leave the inner citv and to locate in a citv such as Livonia where there were employment opportunities. One 01 the minorilv plslntiits worked in Livonia, two others wishes (0 work there. The three minorilv plaintiiis wanted to live in Livonia, but could nut lind homes that thev could aiiord. The plaintiiis conlend- (SeeHUD.P 2) Rights Body OKs Carter^s Policies JOHN B. HENDERSON Educator Receives Honor FAYETTEVILLE - John B. Henderson, assistant proiesaor 01 aociologv at FavetievUle State Universitv, has been selected tor inclusiMi in the t6th edition oi Who's Who In the South and Southwest tor 1978. According to Louise Halenar, editorial director oi Marquis Who's Who, Inc. ot Oiicago, Henderson’s complete bio graphical sketch will appear in the 16th edition ot the volume when it comes on the preu later this year. Last vear. Henderson was •elected to the 1977 edition ot Outstanding Young Men oi America. A native oi Lex'ngton, Henderson has resided in Favetteville tor the past six years. At Fevetteville State, he has •crved in numerous capacities, including chiei pholograi^er, public relations director, •ports iniormation director, advisor to the student news paper and yearbook, and NaltMial Black News Service WASHINGTON. D, C. While CartM* .Iministraiion eiiorts to improve eniorcemeni ot civil righta laws have he«) signiiicant, 'inemplovmeni and poverty con !nue to cripfde progress lor minorities and women, the V S. Commission <m Civil ^ Vits said recently in a report on civil rights developments in 1977. Although the commission laid it was too earlv to measure the results oi tederai agencies' aliempls to make (heir eniorcement programs more eificient and eiiective, in its !2S-page report, titled “The Stale OI avil Rights; 19n.'' it praised the Administration's “commitments and initia tives.” It mentiMOd the reorganiza tion 01 ihc^ual Employment Opporlunilv Commission (EEOC) and actions bv the Departments oi Justice and Health, Educalioo, and Wd- lar* against discnmios. ion in laderallv-iunded programs as examples ot such steps. Kuwevn*, the commiuion said the lack oi economic gains lor minorities and women last vear “is especiallv disturbing since the costs oi meeting basic human needs continued to rise and the overall employment position 01 white males im proved." Measures to provide jobs and job training “lell short" OI the need tor such programs, a commission state ment said. In reviewing housing de velopments. the commibsion blamed rising costs, subtle kinds 01 discrimination, and tederai lailure to fund enough low-and middle-income hous ing lor “the lack oi anv measurable progress toward achieving the national goal oi decent housing lor all Ameri- (SeePOLICV.P 2) Tragedy struck twice in southeast Raleigh Saturday as lire swep( through a Bragg S(. home during earlv morning hours and at another blaze raged through a Selwin AUev home in the aitemoon. In the lirsl lire, at 725 Bragg St.. George Gemmona, 48, was killed alter a maliunctionliig heating svsiem caused a tire lo start in the home oi Ms. Odessa Dowd. She escap^ the lire. Fire oiticials on the scene Monday were trying lo dver- mine the events which led to the tragedy and were specula ting (hat Clemmons had tried to pul the lire out in the back portion oi the house and bad returned to a iront roonysna^ sat down in a chair. 'ihe »itr stSTted hUh’ B.m. in the second iragedv, firemen loughl a raging blaze as scores ot spectators lined the streets and vards near the 202 Selwin Aliev duplex whe>« John Clark, also 48, was lound dead. Fire otiicials believe the blaze was started trom a cigarette. Several other people lived in the structure but were a{^ar- enllv awav at the time the sire started about 1:40 p.m. Funeral services tor (Hark were conducted Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock with graveside rites at the Raleigh Memorial Park. Clemmons' services were not known at press time.. The two structures were damaged bevond repair. Onlv a small amount ot person..! belongings were saved from ihf Selwin Mlev horn#* Be Next (EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is a continuation of a story began last week, it deals with charges of discrimina tion and harassment by employees at Wake Me dical Center. Employees making the accusations are Ms. Ernestine Young and Joseph Green. Included are administra tion responses.) Mi. Graen told The CARO LINIAN. "We want lo make the public Bware of the preaaure coming from the adminlatra* (Ion. People are trying no hard to keep their Jobi and only receiving preaaure (rout the ad- ■Uiiictzi^w .MRS. THELMA .M. LINK Regional Sorority CAUGHT — Halllr Creek, Mich. — A 3K-yeBr-old narslag aititlant, Franklin Delano Richardson (foregronnd), apparently npset after receiving a 2-week dismissal notice, was arrested late Friday on charges of allegedly shewting and wounding the Veterans Hospital's chief nurse, a nursing super visor and a secreUry earlier Friday. Richardson's brother tR) and two unidentified policemen hold him after he gave blmself up at hib brother’s home. Police say (he three women were con ferring in an office when Richardson burst in and allegedly opened fire with a small handgun. He had been working at the hospital (or about lu months. (L’PI) Magnet Proposal Opposed By Group BY WILLIE WHITE Staff Writer The Wake Countv B^ ard ot Eklucation has unanimously agreed to build a new elemen- (See NAMED. P.2) WEATHER Tbe five-day weather fore cast for (he period Thursday through Friday is as follows: Ibursday, rain is expected to taper off to showers with si • becoming partly cloudy In the •MMiatalnB by sftemoen. Highs will be In the Sfs. Variable cloudiness sad mild tempera tures Friday through Saturday whh a chance of rala Friday. Lows are expeiArd lo the Ms Friday with blgbsjn (he Ms and warming Saluray and Sun day. Saturday ansSunday will be meatly in the 80i\ tary school in southeast Ral eigh. but some black parents are geared up to. fight what they fear will be a magnet school i stead of a traditional ;.!,if»ynnlnrv SChOOl. In '.ho loretroni ut this opposition is the Concerr d Black Parents Association, which last Sundav issued a (SeeSCHOOL.P.2) regularities in tbe handling of snow days. She said that iait year Utc handling of mow days was left in the hands of the department managers, ^t on Feb. 3 of this year, a different procedure was used in which the matter wai taken out of the handis of the department man ager Ms. Young interprets this as being part of a plot of dis crimination and haraument. She said that tbe next week during another snow, the ad ministration did not send for anyone and she and Green called Ho‘:>'ever. the adminis tration had not made a deter- minatim about what should be done. She said that the fini shift was to have been on duty at 6:45. Ms. Young suggests that this shows a lark of con cern on the part of the adminis tration. She and Green also called upon tHo administration to answer fur whai (ite> a shortage of staff, suggesuit^ that the shortage of staff national basileuik of Gamnui Delta Sorority, Inc., will be the keynote $pmker at tbe 2lsl annual Southern Regional Conference Saturday at Holiday Inn. North. Members of 15 chapters in the Southern region are ex pected to attend (he conference. Mrs. Ora Bryant, of Durham, is regional director and Mrs. Margaret S. Hayes, of Raleigh, U assistant regional director. The swority is composed of business and professional women whose purpose is to promote higher ideals; estab lish reputable standards, aid in the education of worthy stu dents desiring business or pro fessional training; and render service to various community activities. During the regional confer ence. a scholarship will be awarded to a local student chosen by the host chapter, oai..tua OmoRu Mci..hers of the local chapte*’ arc; Martuu (SeeFEAR.l’ 2) (See MEET. P.2) Community-Minded Citizens Honored F or Many Serviees Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter OI Sigma Gamma Rho Sorori- Iv, Inc., presented its lourth annual awards and achieve- CRIME BEAT From Raleigh’s Official Police Filet KIIITOH’S \UTK: TSU celsam sr Iriliirr U la IW mSUc iMamI wllh aa sIm lataarS* rllMlaallag III raairaU. SaMrrwk MlkWMia Satr aimwa lhal Utr* be (iirta Uw cuKifa- iWa ol •tfrMilas DUlr IkUas aa Ibf ntiro SlaUar. ThU ar »aaM liC* U 4a. Itmrkrr, i Uaal awjNSHIaa U W hiSaa ar fan. Wa wml} mIMi Uw lavu u aa loMl Uia« rtp*riH b) tba arraWWl af- fkrra To kwp aM « Tba Crlata haal ' LOCAL AWARDS GIVEN — Bishop E. M. l.awson. (op right, was one of msay local cilitcas rereatly honored fur commonlty services here. Mrs. Mary Cart^ gives her the award for Ihe Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Kho Sorority. Dudley Flood, banquet speaker, observeb. KuUom. local doctors who were also boaored. Left-to-right are Doctors James Thomas. L. M. Burton, J. W. Wiley. B. D. Haywood (Mrs. Victoria Wallen, pretenting award for sorority). L.M. Burroughs, R. K. Gaither, and Colton. (Hee story). t'riatrHMi. FEMALE ABBAULTED Clarence Herriweather, 1888 Cantwell Court, was arrested and charged with assault on a lemale. according to Otilcer M. E. Cooper's police report. Merriweather is alleged lo have struck with hands and lists Johnnie Memwealber ui the Cantwell Court address Saturdsv at ii;26 i.m. Tlie victim suiiored mtiwr lacera tions to the nose and bruises lo the ucc the report ended, according to police. (See CRIME BEAT. P. 6) menl banquet Saturdav at the Hilton Inn here. Master oi ceremony tor (be banquet was television journal ist Bob Spencer. The entire ball was broadcast live bv W8HA Radio Station. Dudley Flood, aaalstanl su perintendent 01 Human Rela tions irun the State Depar* ment oi Public ’ .istrucUon, wa. the speaker Ihe theme tor this year's banquet was The Trade Winds Ol Our Time. Sevn-al distinguished black men and women were honored and Inducted liUo the Hall ot Fame tor their outstanding contributions toward the tultUl- ment ot total dlizenahip in our •ocletv. Mrs. Laura J. Hawkins, Northeast Re^on Svntaktes, received the Sigma Gamma Rho Hall 01 Fame Award lor her service tor promoting "greater pro^'ess." Bishop E. M. Lawson re ceived the Sigma Gamma Rho Hall Ol Fame Award tor ho* humanitaiian etiorts lo tbe communitv in providing hous ing tor the needv. Harold High received the Hall ot Fame award tor his (See HONORED,?. 2) 3 Readers Missed SIO Chances The Am>reciation "Pot" went unclaimed last week as the three people whoee names were select^, failed to pick up their checks. Melvin Hooker, Henry Lassi ter and Harvey McCullers abould be disappointed readers when they find out they missed a chance to (rick up some free "loot.” Hoofcer'6 name was placed in the Natural Health Foods (See APPRECIA’nON. P. 2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HAHLEY-l)AVIl)SON OF ralf:igh 'IMOOTK ECOSmCAL RfflWG"

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