A Major Medical School III cS* Meharry Faces Problems ★★★ Several Geta ‘Ten’ Petition Trouble J. Carter Visits State 4rjfS? The Carolinian VOL. 37 NO. 19 North Carolina*i Leading Weekly P ‘ ’ ISIGH, N.C.. THURSDAY, MARCH 16.1978 SINGLE COPY 20c eitupension Recommended Campbell Axed? COMPKTENCV TESTING ^LTESTIONED — Coinmbta. S.C. — Rep. Joseph R. Morray. D- Chmrteston. debated from hit teal in tbe Route here Tuesday on whether federal edacatkmal fuodt could help pay cotU of a minimum competency testing program for the tUte't schools. (L'PI) ★ ★★ Durham Woman Held In Murder Case; No Bail DURHAM ~ The last chap ter in the Uie ot Jorian 'ntomas EQwrson. 49. the victim oi the alleged arath oi Ms. Kav Tlompeon Dixon, a well-known r-ook. w*ai held irom the .Seert)orough It Hargett Me- ;aoria] Chapel and Gardens. 3:30 p.m Saturdav with Rev. Saex Fields otucatmg. Bunal -■ns in Beechwood Cemetery Klkers^jn> bodv was lound lyfaig in the 800 block oi iRaodale Ave not too tar irom ^ Glendale where he lived, i^304‘< Glendale Ave where the suspect ts said to have '.nred Ms Otxun IS alleged to have laker, a pis. .. ti bur purse and Mioi Ukeraon in (be lace aud stomach No motive waa g*ven tor tbe >^Liden: Ibe • ‘im was taken to the □iirfaa.li County (leneral Hoa- - -..'*1 “ -I'lissatd \ s havr di»<i -• j * m n»e a.sr wa« arrestea at 7:33 I pm March I Xrrestiag otticers reported that thev tound a pistol in the woman’s ptw She was placed in jail, without tbe privilige ot bond. She waa still in jail at presa time and was lacing murder charge. MS. KAY r on ON P. ^itehell Gets Influential Seat I WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ji’hairman of the Congressional Isiack Caucus, Congrpssir.in iParren J. Mitchell (D-7lh- ■Md.). has been appointed by llhe Speaker of the House to l.‘’erve as a member of the Joint ■ Kconomic Committee of the Congress of the United States. He is the flnt black member of Congress to serve on tbe ex tremely influential committee which was established by the Employment Act of 1946 to advise Congress on an national MITCHELL, P. II Youths To Get Work WASHINGTON, DC. — Se- cretarv oi Labor Rav bfarshall announced that more than a million disadvantaged vouth, 14-21, will be hired this summer under tbe annual summer )ofas programs. Marshall said that 1706 million was being apportwoed among 450 state and local governments serving as prime sponsors under the Compre hensive EUnplovroent and Training Act (CETA). The lunds mclude MTO million oi the MR millkM appropriated bv Congress tor summer Jobs sod R7 million in last sum mer’s unspent tunds. The rcmauung >23 millKm will be UMd to lund the nauonal VocauooaJ Expkraiion Pro gram iVEPi and tor summer jobs programs to be operated by I4iyr* American prim« Manfaall aaid sponaori arc btng urged to begin planning earlv in order to iMvvide tor an enriched summer program ottering a variety ot employ ment and training activities aimed at meeting the needs ot the vouth in their communities. 'Ihe lunds announced are estimated to provide l million summer Jobs at tbe minimum wage OI 62.65 an hour. Funding estimates were adjusted in light OI the increased minimum wage to ensure that each prime sponsor receives enough to (See YOUTHS P. 2) Must Raise Millions ★ ★ ★ Irs. IdaKnight Gives Shaw 1500 For Land Purchasing Robinson Heads Fund Details Are Not Revealed BY WILLIE WHITE. SUHWriur One of Raleigh’s lead ing civic and political leaders has run afoul of his occupational super iors at Wake Coui^ ^ portunities, Inc. (WCCI). However, everyone con nected with the caac seem to be playing the referral game. The controveriy focusee ea e iSeeCAMPBEU.. P II Praises Value Of UNCF The president ot St. Angus- tine’s College here has been named president ot the preati- giou£ United Negro OoUege Fiitj, a nationwide organi sation which raises millions ot dollars each year tor black educational instilutioos. Dr Prezell Robinson, tre- quoitlv lauded tor his leader ship 01 St. Augitftine’s, said Tuesday that he will ‘push vi^oroutlv” several prioiltiea ot UNCF. Among tbe eiiorta will be the 150 million Capital Funds Campaign and 117 million (See HEAD. P.2) N.\iiHVIU4E, Tenn. - One of the nation’s leadii.g black medical schools is facing seriottf f troblems or. several ronta, with the main one being economic. The school. Mdiarrv Medica. C>>U^e, has been round guilty 01 uitair labor pi.v^kea by Administrative Law Judge Hutton S. Brandon ot tbe NatitHi Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Added to that, Hoapi- Ul Corporation oi America (HCA) has aaaumed manage ment ot tbe school's Hubbaru HotpiUl because ot the boapi tai’s tinancial troubles. The Hospital (^rporatioo oi America ia a Naahville based group which either owm or manages M hoepitals in M stataa. The college will retain luU ownership and control ot the hos|MUl and health senriees unde its preoeat board oi irusteea. according to Mebam president Liovd C. The 3-vear contract with HCA toUowt bv several moatka the announcement that Me- harrv has been imable to make payments on a t2i millioa loan tor tbe new >>«4pi«a) The Department oi Hcnkfe. Edu cation and Weiiarc baa aaraB- ed the pavmensa. Sinee iba callage's dccaull on the ban, HEW auddon and consultants have been prepar ing reports on Mefaarry’s naanciai sKuation. A taderal audit is to be completed M tbe •SeeMEHARRY.P It Police Study Killing CHAPCLUILL- Cfaapel mu PoUce Harwoed A. Spi^, 3i. Rt. 6. arrived at tfaa eemer « Smaat Dr. nd WeM Raamary M. ia s ear and isuad lenuMi laeaa. iMgJ PagnOB 8i.. ChartaOe. siafad- iag there-He tainsjsdtekeve Mrs. Ida W. Knight, retired Itiome economist oi Raleigh, Ibas made a contribution ot 6500 ■to Shaw Universitv. The gilt is I to be restricted to the proposed I purchase oi land as designated |bv the Universitv. Mrs. Knight has through the J years, expressed interest in the ■ civic projects in the com- 1 munlty. She said that she Is I aware ot the impact thai Shaw I Universitv has made not only I in the Raleigh coummunity ‘ ut I also the state, the nation, ai I in toreign lands. She Is not an alumni ot Shaw, but said that she is a recipient as a symbol tor making the 01 the principles tor which the dream oi higher educational Institution was tounded. She opportunities accessible to all stated that as the "mother” people school to many ot the nation's Mrs. Knight has consistently blackcoUeges.Shawstandsout (SeeKNlGHT P 2) Medical Center Opens The new Sunnybrook Multi-Specialty Medical Crater at IM Sunnybrook Rd., will bold open house here Sunday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The modern facility Is the result of a long cooperative eff(»l by several black doctors to Increase medkal service to Haieigh and Wake County. Tie new, 2-itory modern structure louses eight doctors and a real estate firm. See details on pagei 13 through 16. DEATH ROW INTERESTS RUSSIA — Atmore, Ala. — Johnny Harris, an inmate at llotman PriaoQ, awaits death in the electric chair for the stabbing death of a prison guard. Tie .Soviet Union is waging a propaganda campaign built on Harris. The official Soviet press has pointed to the Harris case as an example of what it calls human rt^ti violations ,o the United States. Harris' execution has been delayed during his current a* peal. (UPI) Chavis Writes Third Letter To Carter; Supporters March DR. P. R. ROBINSON WEATHER The extended weather fore cast is as followt: Skies were expected to clear across the suie Thursday, with temperatures becoming cooler. Highs Thursday were expected to ^ in the SOs, but In tbe 6Ps In the east. Tbe extended forecast for Friday through Saturday called for fair but cold weather through tbe weekend. Highs Friday and Saturday will be in Uie 40s. A little warmer Sunday with highs in the Ms was ex pected. and lows Friday and Saturday will be in the 20s. except the 30s on tbe coast. Lows Sunday will be in the 30s. One 01 the NC candidatee tor the Democratic Nomination tor the U.S. Senate has announced that he will present a Wilming ton to petition to President Jimmy Carter when Carter visiu Wake Forest University in Winslon-Salem Friday morning. Tie candidate. Joe Felmet, said he has imormed the White house, the Secret Service and local and state law entorce- ment otilcials ot his plans. In his petition, Pelmet ssvs, "We the undersigned voters ot this country strongly urge you to use your power and iniluence on the Governor oi North Carolina and the U.S. Juatice Diriment to eiiect the immediate release and exoneration oi the WUington Ten. We are convinced that Me. Cotten Is Winner Of S10 Check Ms. Floya Cotten, of 2014 Edwin Dr., was Uie reclpier, of a 610 check after she reperted that she had found her name in the Warehouse of Tires adver tisement on the Appreciation Money Page. The page is on the back cd the front section. Three names were listed on the page last week. However, the other two persons listed did not receive the 610 chedis which had been (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) these people are political prisoners.” The petiUon is sponsored by the National WUington Ten Deiense Committee and haa 19 other signatures. In another development, the Rev. Ben Chavis, leader oi the Wilmington Ten. has written a third letter to Carter calling tor the President's intervention. (SeeCAKTER.P.2> and to havu away. Jones was taken to N.C. Memorial Hospil^, where he died at app’^xlmately 2:06 p.m. Sunday. Tie Investigating otticers, Lt. Homer Lloyd and PubUc Satety Otilcer Joe Jackaon, said that Jmes appeared to have been shot in the chest and torearm. Otticers were not able to determine the motive tor the sudden killing. A warrent waa issued tor Jones' arrest. It could not be ascertained whether Jones had been af^re* bended when The CAROLIN IAN went to press. Howard Lee Gives Students Challenge Student at Shaw University Career Days Assembly last week were told bv a state otiicial that it is important tor them to understsi.d that they have both challenges and reaponsibilitiea which they must lace. Howard Lee, aecretary ot the N.C. Department ot Natural Resources and Community Development, was keynote speaker at the Thursday assembly, which was sponsor ed March 6-10 bv Shaw and the Youth MotivatiMi Task Force 01 the National Alliance ot Businesamen. Also hearing Lee were taculty, statt, business- mra, alumni and guests. Leesaid, ’T’venotcomehere today to talk about hlatory, but to challenge you who are students here today, who are thinking ahead and who are in the midst ot planning your career, to understand the great challenge that tacea you. but more improtantlv tor you to understand the great responsi bility which has been placed on vour shoulders. "This is a time to think, a time to dream, a time to plan, a time to buUd; but more import antly, it is a time to strive for iSeeLEE.P.2) From Raleigh's Official Police FUes COtTOR'S NOTii: TXU (•!■■■ sr iMUr* ta praea««4 U iXt paMIc i«crM with slM uwirSi *ll■l■Bll■s iu leatnU NcauiwM hteKMaab rw iMBtfUlhBlU lh»t ihn he Uw wMlimi- »v»rlMte| Sflr HilltS •• Mtrr. Thto «• •<«» IMw tlOUAKl) I.Kh aoMlt UM • paara h.-... ftowror. a U M( Mr M firm. T* hrrp Ml m Thf CrtM* SmI I'olaniM. mrriy bimm hi brlu r«^ UrrS *-v ■ paUn altkrr U raMtUag M (MhiaB •(«&* M SM). Sa keeajS thr "BMlrr” aaS xn wM'f he la The t rlaa# BmI. CUT ON BACK Ms. WiUamens Currv Cov ington, 1360 Branch St., told oiticar D.D. Adams that at 2:50 p.m. Friday at 540 Dorothea Dr. in a parking lot. she was attacked bv cutting with a knite. according to police reports. The report show^ Ms. Covington receiving a lace ration on the left side ot the hack. %i1iich was treated, the was released. Robert Lewis Covington, 1360 Bran^ St., was arrested and charged with assault with deadly weapon according to police. (SeeCRIME BEAT. P.6) PRESENTS ( HECK — .Mrs. Ida W. Knight, left, presrots Mia» University mtenm president I John W. Fleming a contribution for Isod acquisition. .Mn. Knight Is the mother of Raleigh City [ Councilman Wm. R. "Rill" Knight. (Seestory). Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK BAKER’S SHOE STORE ‘•MAMEiRAmSHOESATAfTOKDABlEnUCtS- State NAACP Gears For Freedom Drive A check bv the public relations department ot the N.C. State Conterence ot NAACP Branches revealed that the 1076 Freedom Fund Drive will be the greatest ever heid. The tact that tbe annual trek to Raleigh ia one month later than usual. Fathers’ Day, June 16, seemed to have motivated the iM’anches to make extra ctiorti. The 1 jsquatank Branch recently slag^ a spectacular taihion show in the Student Union Building at Elisabeth City State University that attracted a tuU house. The otticers ot the branch, headed bv William Skinner and co ordinated by Bill (Hogg) Matthes, not only put togeth«‘ a real display oi the taahions that will be worn this year, thev also gave away more than 61,000 worth OI (Soor prizes. Tie grand prize waa a trip to New York City. The prizet were given by the (See STATE, P. 2)

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