Blacks Originally Charged With Crimes, But One uittv-ikii wiiiMHiui# vjiinrBCii ▼▼ liii v^nnicof Dili Man Given 'TwoLifeTerms InKillings ¥■ ¥~ ^ ^ -k -k -k ^ ^ ¥ Another Raleigh Police Charge YotUh, 16, l/h Assaults Dad With Iron Pipe w The Carolinian VOL. 37 NO 20 yorth Carollna*$ Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY. MARCH 23,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c JL’Dr.F A.E. ROBINSON. JR. Black Judge]\{xes Mine Work Order WASHINGTON, DC. - A black tederal judge reiused Friday to extend a temporary restraining order directing i'.riking soil-coal miners to return to work, in eiiecl permitting the 160,000 union miners to remain on strike legally while they consider the latest contract oner. U. S. District Judge Aubrev E. Robinson. Jr . who said the miners "are not paving atten tion to what 1 dc anvhOH," set March 28 tor a heanng cm a permanent injunction tor the 102-da\ -old coal strike. The iojunctinn «as granted on March 9 iiiide' authontv oi the Tatt-Hartiev Aci ' the request 01 President Carter Robinson took his aciron as utility ojiicials m the areas aiiected bv the L'nited Mine Workers strike said the eiectri' dry crisu caused b\ the strike had eased, thanks to increased ihipnenli oi non-union coal, heavy pui chases oi power produced elsewhere and mild er weather Utiliities serving Wes Vir ginia, Pennsylvania. Ohio and other states had leared wide spread lavoiis and large-scale mandatory power curtailments because oi the strike. Meanwhile, it was becoming increasingly evident Firdav that the strikers, who walked out Dec 6 when the old three-year contract expired, were not iinancially prepared to go without pay tor more than three months. As 200,000 copies 01 the latest contract oner, approved bv the UMW's bargaining council Wednesday night, were being distributed through the coal- lields tor a vote bv the members, the proposal was drawing mixed reaction. The ratiiication vote is scheduled March 24. Good Friday. Man, 20, Held For Murder After His Grandmother Slain ★ ★★ ★★★ Wake Superintendent Murphy Perplexed School8*Fus8* Advance8 Tarheel Native Is Murdered! N.C.A.E. Ground Broken Education leaders and local government oiticials broke ground at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. March 18. tor a new education center in downtown Raleigh, The 38,400-square-ioot NCAE Center will house the state headquarters oi the North Carolina Aaaociatioo ot Edu cators (NCAE). which with its 8UJOO members in the largeat proiesaioaal asaociatioo in the state. The building ia seen as a .SecGROUND IS. P.a> KEP. DIGGS INDICTED >- WASHINGTON: The JiuUce Departmeat bad bo ronnent March 17 on a report columalst Jack Aaderseo that U. 8. Rep. Charles Diggs, Jr.. D^Mkh.. wiU be Isdicted this week. The indictneat Items from alie^^tians that UIms padded the leiarlea el coBgrrsaieeal aides, who la tarn, esed the extra mtarnty le pay aff Diggs* psrssesl debts, Anderson reported. tUPl) Officer Blaylock Hit With Pipe Raleigh Detective Joapeh Blaylock, a lormer CAROLINIAN newscarrier, was allegedly assaulted bv his 16-vear-old son with a heavy ircHi bar as the lather came into (he iront door last Monday at about noon. The eldm* Blaylock was struck on the head, according to Police Detective Lt. Horace Moore. A detective in the Juvenile WcA I Hen division. Blavlock was treated tiv.-day weath.r Walie Medical Center tor a about one inch in diameter. Detective Blavlock managed to subdue the boy, Moore staled. He is then said to have called "the law" and obtained an ambulance tor himteli. Detective Moore said young Blavlock told ouiceri that he struck his tather because he was airaid ot receiving a beating tor running away irom home. (See BEATS DAD. P. 2) SUFFOLK, Va. - Ac cording to information furnished tw the office of the Chief ofToUce to The CAROLINIAN this week, Michael Williams. 20.128 S. 5th St., an alleged dope addict, was arrested and chargra with the murder of his grandmother, Mrs. Polly Beamon, 63, a native of Creedmoor, N.C. Additional information re vealed that the slain woman operated a beauty parlor near her home and was wak^ on a customer when she rapwtnbii- ed that she bad left aame clothes in her house. She is ra- poctad as havma inti ifci nn 111- Rter to pennit her Id faaad them out aad she wehU rshn. Uie information fuHhar revgaM that ahortly tiler she left b* place of buslneas, a shot vs hearil and investigation ftfml that she bad been mordma It is believed that MichaW was in the hnuea and shot her Mrs. Riiann was bom and rearediflONedmoor. N.C. She also (MHMed the schools of GranviBt County. She married Oscar Beamon and had lived here tor a number oj vesn. Funeral .vervicea were held Gangland Slaying? GOLDSBORO — The body of an unidentified black female, around 25 years of age. was found floating In Durham Lake, south of here Saturday. Wayne County Sheriff W. A. Adams said. The woman's body, Adams said, had been weight ed down by a concrete block. atUched to her by a rope. Her hands had been tied behind her with a sweater. The body has been sent to Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill for an autopsy. No leads had been discovered at C.\ROLINIAN press time. SMITHFIELD - The death penalty trial of James Henry Smith, Jr., 29. (Hie of two black men. both originally chargM in the murders of a white police officer and a white (ruck driver last year, has ended. Smith was sentencred to two life sen tences after plea bar gaining Monday of this week. David Ezra Stewart. 26. charged along with Smith, in the June 3,197/ slaymgi, plead ed no cofltebt to two charges of accessory after the fact of mur der and one count of aiding and abetting in armed robbery. Stewart, who claimed he went along for the ride last June that resulted in the two murders, was sentenced to 30 years in prison Tuesday td this week. Superior CkNirt Judge Harry C. Martin sentenced David St'*;"'**'' of Benson, to 22-24 (SeeMANCIVEN.P.jl Parents Attend Meeting BY Wli.UE WHITE Suff Writer The Wake County Board of Education Monday night took 3 significant actions in a long, often tense meeting, attended by scores of parents. Among other actions taken, the board gave B rovisional approval to I le magnet school con cept, moved 240 students _ from Broughton High B/f ¥« School to Enloe High, Ivian 18 and refused to give Supt. John Murphy a vote of confidence. PAUL POIVELL Amoni the black parent, •paakina balon the Ktaal a- liciala »ere Prancia L. Ro bert*. a teacher at BrgufbtcD, who repreiented the Blach Parent. Aanectatise. nnd who addresaed Ike Enloe enrcll- ment and the magnet echool concept; George Jonee, repre- ISeeSCHOOLS. P.2) At Wilmington Ten Demonstration ra«MXY DMARMEO— DETROIT. M^mbm sf the DetrsU PS^ DvpatUMM iwsb U disarm a fli>>var-aM mas whs buKuM klwaslf ta I* baiwv March M aad hrid paMcv sQ vllh a sAgw tar ahsat (ws ha«r*. PMke said the man fired three shata at Ibea, hot they dM aat retara the fire. At oae paint H •Sh. nad he was going ta turn the weapon oa himself, police said. Instead, be sarreadered. flie maa to beiag held for eOservalioB to Detroit General Hespital. poUce said. (UPI> when she Mtomdftunnw Rideigh Singers Thrill Over law." lOfOOO Protestors In D.C, WASHINGTON, D. C. - Raleigh, North Carolina was l-represented here last Sal- iffdav at noon as a well-known here Monday”i;ining': *°?fl***1f ®f®- bo^ was carried to the Piney Mamie Watson ft>pe (See GRANDMOTHER. P. 2) The forecast for the .Tiod of Wednesday through Sunday is as follows: Partly cloudy skies will prevail, along with unsea cut on the lorehead and released. Joseph Orlando Blavlock, the alleged assailant, was placed rM.bly'.7rm»r",lh;rt; “«• beginning of the Spring season. 8500 bond, pending a hearing on I lUK lacaiiavii. , , • , . T High, Urdncdav »rr. in thr 'h* charge, ot aseadt wtth a „pLr60,.ndlo.,Wrdnr,d.y (ted-Uv weapon. ser- nigh. In the 30,. .Sklr, are .0.^ bothiv injurv. trd to hr clrar oyrr Utr ■''P""*' •Utr Thur,day with high, in vonth had^ away iron, home the 00. and low 70,. Clondy end had been mutatog lor »>me skies are predicted for Friday u i ■«* » u , ^ a- j Jew - chw,.... is s'ud to havc returned throagh Sunday with • home Monday and when hia ot .bower, sanday. A high- ^.^or entered Ihe door around pre..urr,y..rm. located ov^ 5 youngster ‘L' a !"a , reportedly alruck him wiUi Ihe brt.k wind, to the .tale Wed- measured about three leet long and was Holdg Firm On Hiring Little has changed in the battle between the City of Ralei^ and the Office of Revenue Shar ing concerning the hiring of minorities and women. In a council meeting Tuesday night, the council maintained its previous 7-1 stance against the federal agency's demand that hiring and promotion patterns for minorities and women be changed. The problem focuses on the lack of women hired, and the number of minorities in higher level jobs. Councilman Wm. R. "BlU" Knight is the only city official standing with the federal agency. He said the citv's arnment that the demanded changes would resuft in the dismissal of many lower level blacks (such as sanitation workers) “is a smoke screen." Proper planning wo*tld avoid major difficulties in this area, he said. Hod her Gospel Ittspiralon ot Jiet city set the heaiis ot more than 10,000 denumstralors "oa tire" during a proieat tor the releaae ot the Wilmmonn, N.C. Ten. At u»e Ti» the demonstration. President James Earl (JUnmv) Gorier. Jr., at whom the protest was aimed, was out ot the stale. Carter was being urged to tree the Ten." Hie event was billed as the National March on the While House. Included among the participants were Ms. Angela Davis, avowed Communist and a leader in civil rights activist jtm movements. Ms. Davit is national co-chairman ot the sptmaoring organizatioa. The national march was sponsored bv the North C^ro- (See PROTESTORS. P 2i Distin; wished Black Publishers Enshrined Tioo Readers . Ss ’W„ We,k-. " StfSs Appreciation WASHINGTON, D.C. - Five distinguished black newspaper publiabert, whose Journals were launched during (he 1866-07 era, were enshrined here in (be Black Press Archives and Gallerv at Ho ward Universilv bv the Na tional Newspaper Pubiishers Association (NNPA) on Fri- dav, March 17. The ceremony enshrining the ditiinguished publishers was held in the National Press Club Ballroom during a Black Press Week luncheon. The speaker was William O. Walker, editor and publisher ot the OeveUnd Call and Post and dean ot the Black Press. During (he ceremony at the National Press Hub. NNPA president Carlton B. Goodell, editor-publisher. San Francto- iSec PUBLISHERS. P tt .M \.VM\ K I SI At.El> — Na%li« ilto. Tran - .SrArral llMaMBd kiga aavtog draianrtra- toro gnthrrrd on Utr plau at Tcanr-ber'k .Sutr l 'ap*U>t \Urrb IS far thr uari el a praiest agatost Afrttan rik, ihni dtidlbr Da\ ( ti^ : -mo m^ulirN tWMr<-u ikr I .S aad.SauOi Vfrira. Two readers ot 'nst week’s CAROLINIAN tound lhau- names listed in advertisements on the Appreciation Mooev Page, reported them to the Mike bctorc the Mondav noon deadline, and received $10 checks aech. The reedara were Fanoar Brvam m no Bdtoon Rd., who was hatad in the Bakar's Shot advertiaement, and Benjamin MrOiUm, M Sll King Richard Rd.. who was listed in the Flower Mari advertiaement. Ms. Marv Jane Smith, oi 610 Glenbrook Dr , wm listed k the DizoohSpeoaer TV, loc. adverttoemaai. but did not report the name beiore the daadhM. Three namaa are Ustad on this week's Appreciatiaa Mooev Page. It is on the back M the iroBi aectiea. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK PKKSLY WKtIJI.Y - FOOD htorf:s i ttnufmmiaronvmTmKmjmauutrAtir , ED HALL. JR. ...MBg at While Heeae Mrg, Hayeg Elected Mrs. Margaret Charles Haves was rieeted Southern Reginal Directar m Tau Gam ma Deha Seraniv. held in Rak^ last weak. Mrs. Havas ia a cfaartar member m Gemma Chnaga Dead At 104 Paul Akwandar rmrall. m, died on Tuaadav. March 14. to Knigbtdala, loeatad to aaatani Wake Ctounty. A relative of the daceaaed said be was believed to have baen at least Hi yean of age at the Ulna of his death. rTtomal sm'vices wen held on Saturday. March 1$. at 3 p.m. at Watts Chapel Baptist Church, Rhamkatta, a ttihurb of Ralei^. Hundredi aUanded the rites. Burial followed in the Thomas Cemeterv. Mr. Powell is survived bv live sons, Paul Pr-w«ii, Jr., Wilson; James R. Powell, Knightdale; Wtllla.a and David Powell, Raleigh and sGeorge Powell ot davtoo; two dau^,«rt. Mn. Virgtoia P. Cotton OI Knightdale aad Mn. Gloria P. Laakc ot Famer: 21 grait'tchildren and 65 great gntndcbuui «»i Accordtog to a retaL ve. u ia not known from wbeih'e Mr. Powell originaled. R-WCA In Session At St.Anibrose BYMimj.E. HICKS The Ralaigb-Wake Citizens Aaaociatioo held its March mectinn at irll p.m Friday. March 17. at 8t. Ambroae copal Church instead a( the regular mretiag day Thuraday, March 16. ao that ettuena would be free to attend ceonty-wide Democratic preoact msatingi The meeting wm called ta order by Mrs Cliffomia Wimberly, vice prcaideni Chapiaia Chester Debuam offered an eloquent pfayer Prorrerting with the agenda. Mn WiaalMrty aihad Bernard Alton ta rend the mianlcs of (he Eiaenttvc Commniee. todud- lag a statement by the prcai- dant Ralph ramphiril, with the PUlUttlKMS ESSHKISED - TWm- Hxr auUUaJtog Mark araipapsr pahltokcri aere raakrtord an Friday. Marrk 17. m WsshtoglM. DC. IwfMwrlghl are: Jaha Mhrbrlt. KkhaMid FlMH; (hrwiBpnii j. t'erry. a Ida B WrIH Barnett. Memphto Free Speech; T. ' Fartaw. \r« lark Apr: and Jaha H. Warphy, Sr.. Bi .Urw-Aatrriraa. 4Ker«(ar> ahavel.