laciiar*’. 3, nMrisNft isimrf \ VSn Uo* Dero Avji" KnlciijKj II .C, 27c io Campbell Files 300 Gs Suit After Suspension M M W i i A _ ^ ^ ^ ★ ★ ★ Hundreds Expected To Participate Jn ^ ^ ^ M. Boyd nunareas ti^xpected To Participate in gt 4^ Massive March Here Sat. orMove wilue whit The Carolinian SCIIOOI. CROSSING GUARD CITED BV PTA HERE - Mrt. Emma KuUi Jeffriet. left, of Raleigh, wa* cited on March 13 by the Parent-Teacher Aiaociation of the Millbrook Elementary School in a letter. The letter reada aa followa: '•It baa not gone unnoticed what a fine job you have been doing, protecting our atudenU and children at the comer of Millbrook Road and Falla tbe Neuae Road. We all realize that it la a very dangeroua croaaing. but tbe way you have Uken control there, has made ua feel much more at eaae. We want you to know you have our deepeat apprecia tion and strongest support. Many thanks." The letter la signed by Bill Barrow, aecreUry of tbe Millbrook PTA. .Mrs. Jeffries ha« served as a school crossing guard for several years and says, "I enjoy mv work tremendously." (Staff Photo). VOL. J7 NO. 21 IVorth Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N.C.. THURSDAY. MARCH 30,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c Son, 14, Allegedly Thompson,Malone Respond Kills Mom-Beater On Area Magnet School ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Raleidh YMCA’s Board Of Directors * Harris To Be Honored The Black Parents Association is working to stop more implementation of the magnet school concept in southeast Raleigh, according to association chairperson Brad Thompson. In an interview (his week, Thompson said that his organization has gotten information from the Dept, of Health, Education and Welfare and other agencies and still finds the concept unacceptable. I'lip magnet school proposal being advanced by Wake Schools Supt. John Murphy, and tentatively approved by the Wake County Board of Education, is "Not ir ne best interest of (he black community," he said. Thompson said the magnet school is "incidental to the problems that we have" and suggested (hat what is needed is a "more direct type educational curriculum." He said several magnet type schools are already in operation in southeast Raleigh, such as the Lucille Hunter and MaryE Phillips Schools Magnet schools are schools with specialized programs ' See MAGNET. P. 2) D. Stith Denounced By Blacks ttREENSBOKU - The re cent hassle over N. C. HUD operations in the slate oi North Carolina suriaced as nothing new to the minorities Division 0) the North Carolina Republi can Party. Leaders like John Hawkins, Warren Countv Republican chairman: A. J. Turner, Raleigh, lormer Wake County and state oiiicer; Don Pollock, lirst director oi the Minorities 'Division and prominent Kins ton attorney; the late James Hawkins, Durham, treasurer, Minoities Division; Dr. Tomm ie Young, tormer secretary, along with Alexander Barnes, Durham, who organized and made it a part oi the Plan ot Organization, warned of David Stith's operations, during the Holshouser administration. Hie lirst break with Stith was when he reiused to certUy the Durham Branch, NAACP, tor a grant to open and operate (SeeD. STITH. P. 2) liffl Saosm BY WILLIE WHIT : StaffWrlter Raleigh-Wake Ci izens Association ?re& dent Ralph Campbell, Sr., and former City Council candidate Michael Boyd are squared off for legal battle in a $300,000 libel suit, with Boyd vowing, “I have no intention of settling this thing out of court.” Campbell filed the suit Thursday after he was suspended from his work as anti-poverty director at Wake (See CAMPBELL, P.2) BRAD THOMPSON VERNON MALONE Ms. V. M. Jones Is ^Outstanding’ ATLANTA, Ga. — Ms. Vivian Malone Jones, execu tive director oi the Atlanta- basAKl Voter Education Pro ject, Inc., has been selected as one OI the moat outatandlng voung women or 1977 by Womaiest '78. Ms. Jones was selected along with 24 other women trom a group ot 100 dialingulshed nominees. The nominees were selected on the basis ot their personal integrity, public image, com munity involvement, and pro- tesaional excellence. ThU cri teria waa not only the basla tor selectlon-but it la also an expreaaion ot what the name ‘Womaiest’ exemplitiM The highlight ot the Snlav celebration (to be held irom March 31-April 2 in Chicago) will be the First Annual Image Excellence Awards Banquet which will be held od Saturday. April 1 at Chicag'^’a Pick Congress Hotel. At tuu time, all 01 the honorees will be presented with a handsome statuette that symbolizes the beauty and excellence ot black womannood, which Is very appropriately named the "Kizzv". (Ihe iUtuetU was named in honor ot the uniorgetUble chareeter por trayed by LetUe Uggama In the television drama, "Roots"). The 2S recipients ot tbe tint annurl Kiuy Awards range in age troro 19-38 and socompaas a wide range ot proieaalons- trom upwatic K^ano, to chlet police prosecutor, to athletic (See VEPCO HEAD, P. 2) Durham School Heads Differ Over Methods DURHAM —This city's 4 to 1 the program. It it alleged that black-white ratio Board (rf Edu- he made the accusation at a cation is again confronted with workshop sesaloo of the bMrd. different ideologies that relate Weaver also said (hat the to a>ing the "Success in Begin- program was being used in the ning Reading and Writing" pro- second and third grades (at gram five city schools) without tbe Superintendent Ben T. school board’s authorization. Brooks (white) and Dr. Frank Asked whether he thought chil- Weaver (black), associate su- dren in those grades are getting perintendent, did not see eye to the "basics." Weaver said no. eye on the program, after Dr. Brooks came back with the Weaver is said to have accused following, according to a some (rf the principals of pres- reliablesource: Shotgun dt Used In Killing ROSEBORO Fi lends and neighbors of a U-year-old boy were both horrified and saddened here Monday of this week when it became known that he had allegedly shot and killed a man who was physically attacking his mother. A charge of murder has bean filed against Mathis in the of 28-year-oId Dawson of Stedmao. Young Mathis is being held, without bond, in the SampSon County JaU In Clinton. Linwood Hall, Sampson Clountv coroner, said the boy (See MOM-BEATER. P. 2) Governor, HEW Set On‘Mixing* National Black News Service RICHMOND, Va. - The State ot Virginia and tbe D^. ot Health, Education and Weltare recently agreed to a 190 percent increa^ in black enrollment at Virginia's public college:, over the next dve years. The agreement, announced jointly by HEW and Virginia Gov. John Dalton, mds more than a decade ot verbal squabbles over the deen^^ gatioD ot Virginia’s state colleges and universities. "There has been a dramatic change in our relatloRship with Virginia trom the moment Dalton took ottiee.” HEW (SeeGOV., HEW. P. 2) DR. NELSON K. HARRIS. SR. SS Accomplishments Have Been Many The Boaid ot Directors ot tbe Bloodworth St. YMCA wiU honor pr. Nelson Herbert Harris, Sr., ot Ralel^, on Thursday, A{ril 19, in the Shaw member ot the Omega Pti Phi Fraternity, he waa twice selected as Iota Iota's "Man oi the Year." 1959 and i960. Harrtf has served as a high Unlvenaity Student Union (See DR harric d Building. Dr. Harris will be n/in«ia. y cited during the YMCA Annual Recognition Dinner Meeting. A reception is sched uled tor 6:90 p.m. and the dinner at 7:90 p.m. Through (be years, Dr. Harris has been widely known as an exponent ot Higher Education. A native ot Rich mond, Va., he received tbe B.S. degree trom Virginia Union Unvirsity in 19S4; the M.A. and Ph. D. degrees In secondary education and aociologv trom the Unlvertlty ot Michigan in 1927 and 1938, reqiectivelv. 9uw University couierred tbe honorary L.L.D. degree upon him in 1969. He hai received scholastic recognition throu^ election to membership in honor societies, as toUows; Alpha Kappa Mu (general scholarship), Pi Gamma Mu (sociology), and Phi DeiU Kappa (education). As 2) ir Housing Confab Talked WASHINGTON, D. C. - On April 17-18, the National Com mittee Against Discrimination in Housing (NCDH) with co operation and support iron' the Department ot Houktng and Uroan Development will hold a Fair Housing (3omerence. The iheme-Ten Years ot Federal Housing Law: The Record and the Qiallenge-witl tocus on observing the loth anniversary ot the passaged Title VUI (the 1968 lair housing law) and on lair housing’s uminishid agen da. (SeeHOUSING.P.2) L. White Leading Strategy Another episode will unfold at ii a.m. Saturday in the struggle to free the Wilmington Ten and the Charlotte Three, The episode involves what promot ers hope will be a massive march and rally through southeast Raleigh, from Chavis Perk to the State Capitol. It is sponsored by the North Carolina Coaiiticn To Free The Wilmington Ten. Among participants in tne march and rally will be Raleigh City Councilman William R "Bill" Knight, according to the Rev. Leon White, one of the org ..liiers of the event. White said Knight has also urged his constituents to join in tbe Wilnington Ten support. Labeled "The Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Memorial Day Rally to Free the Wilmington Ten," the march will leave Chavis Park and continue east on Boundary St., turn south on State St., east on Brag to the N. C. Correctional Center for Women, north on C(deman St.. e«..t on Page St., north on Cumberland St., and north on Rock ()uarry Rd. From Rock Quarry Rd., the march proceeds west on Lenoir St. to ^8t St., where it (urns (See MARCH SET. P. 2) RALPH CAMPBELL CRIME BEAT , «o»Tpa s VOTE; nit («(•«. g. It mreAKt* U the ptMlc taUftM wUli tlM UMirAi tilalMtlai t'» fMUtu. NtMrwM MJvMult ba** rt- IlMl tkty bf ibt ctMWm- tAlctr la riftillbstt Lrlrif B<«i. STRUCK IN FACE Ms. Sharon Keitt told Officer K. L. Underhill that at 6:90 p.m. Sunday at 800 E. Jemea St., that she was assaultecl. accdxl- Ing to police reports. Ms. KeiU, Box 616 Utharn HaU. Sk Au gustine’s CoU^e, was allegi^ ly attacked by hitting across the face with hands, tbe report continued. Her injuries were nc, ireated. Lavon Seemon, 1062 Anderson Place, was ar rested and charged with as sault on a female. (See CRIME BEAT. P. 7}' suring the teachers into using PROTEST AFRICAN RACISM — Naihvllle. Tenn. — Brandishing signs protrsting African racism, several thousand demonstrators gathered at Tennessee's State Capitol last week to protest the Uavts Cup lennls Tournament which was under way here. (L'PL ‘I am most disappointed that associate superintendent Wea ver has accused our (uincipals of |M%S8uring teachers and has further accused our second and (See SCHOOL HEADS. P. 2) Ttco Readers Win Week's Appreciation 'I'wo 01 tbe readers ot last week's edition ot The CAROLINIAN tound their names listed in advertisements on the Aimreciatlon Uooev Page and received a |10 checx each. The readers were Manly Lane, ot IBOl Boaz Dr., and Various HaU, oi 628 Peyton St.. Lane’s name was in the Pigglv Wigglv supermarket adver tisement, and HaU's name waa in the Johnson's Grocery advert iatmenl. Ms. Gloria L. Patterson, ot 221E. Lee St., was listed in the Jetiries Jewelers and Gemo- logisla advertiaement, but she did not report linding her name beiore the Monday noon dead- Une. Three names are listed each week in advertisementa on the Appreciation Money Page. The pase is (m the back oi tbe tronl section. Readers who find their names should report to *17)0 CAROLINIAN beiore noon Mondic' African Ambassador Speaks On Angola War In Raleigh A 1 T... 1, A.J 04 ^ - 4 41. _ 4 laMa. *>.^.4 .4. 4 W .4 — — 4 — . 4 The United Statca, at the Uiite 01 the departure oi the Portuguese trom Airica, had no A:r!,^p(rficv, knd blunder ed .seriouslv wh^ It took its firs: major step into an Airican crisis cnie Angolan War), said His Excellency Philip J. Palmer, Ambamdor to the United States trom Sierra leone, West Atrica, when be spoke at St. Augustine’s Col lie on March 21. He stated that "Tbe U. S. was helpless on loreign territory trying to intervme on behali ot Atricans it did not know and had tried Uttle to know beiore." While the U. S. must not escape blame completely tor this inditieretice to Atrica, moat ot the blame must be i^ced on the British lor their apoareut stmpcHl tor Portuguese colooi- alism in Airica and their handa-ott doIItv in tbe develop ment ot independent Airica. It they, who were the ruiers, lelt that no change wiU take place that wUl disrupt w(M’ld poUtica, why should the Americans, who never had a edemv leel ditierentlv? Ambassador Palmer said that, "In general, the Weet demonstrated by their n^ect OI Atrica and their narrow minded conclusion on the Portuguese colonies that they had very little req)ect, It any tor Airican intdligence, and v«T little hope tor Airican development. He said that, despite its major set-backs, the Soviets did wd lesve Atrica. However, it la wrong to think that the Soviets staved on because tbev loved Atricans more than Americans or &itish or French. They, like other Europeans, are seddng