MiMiMmm *1 I n5rrlB»« TJ1in| Brooklyn, N.Y. Native^ Dr. Stanley kX Smith New Shaw Prexy "k ^ ^ ^ ^ Educator Magnet School Proposal Reason As Plcd^CS Ligon*s Site Questioned Loyalty BY WILUE WHITE The Carolinian North Carolina*$ Leading Weekly VOL. S7 NO. 23 RALEIGH. N.C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 13.1978 SINGLE COPY 20c ARRhJSTED AS CROWD CHANTS “WE SMOKE POT" — Atlanta — Che Addams being arrested April 7 in Burt Park at a marijuana legalization protest. Addams was one of about 20 demonstrators that were arrested by Atlanta police. A crowd of about 400 young activists swarmed through downtown chanting, “We smoke pot.” (UPI) In Holiday Inn, North Robbery, Killings Over 300 Attend Baker Fund Fest BY ED BRADLEY More than 300 persons were on hand at the N.C. State Fairgrounds Saturday alter- noon, April 8, in an etiori to raise campaign lunds tor the candidacy oi John Haywood Baker, Jr., the only black Democratic candidate tor sheriii ot Wake County, subject to the May 2 primary. Mr. Baker is among live Demo crats seeking to replace Sheriii Robert J. Pleasants, who will retire in November, lollowing the general elections. The M-vear-old Pleasants has held the position since 1945 Baker, a Raleigh native and former football star for several proiessiona! teams alter grad uating irom North Carolina Central L'niversitv, Durham, was joined on the occasion, billed as the John Baker Superbowl F’jndraiser, bv such gridiron greats as “Mean" Joe Greene, deiensive tackle oi the Pittsburgh Steelers and Lem Barnev, deintsive back oi the detroit Lions Baker starred on both teams, but retired trom the Uons' aggregation several vearsago Also taking part was North Carolina State Uni versity's own Willie Burden, who now plays proiessional tootball with a Canadian League team. The trio came to Raleigh to show their support and respect lor Mr. Baker. The gridders talked to the many tans on hand, signed autographs a^ played touch tootball, while children and adults alike munched on hot dogs and other goodies in picnic-like atmos phere. Also on hand was Attorney Daniel T. Blue, Jr., a black candidate tor the N. C. House 01 Representatives trom the 15th Dist..ct, which includes Wake County. Candidate Blue gave his support to Baker during a short speech Other activities included the Shaw University jazz band, which supplied the music, while the children played tootball, volleyball and sottball with their parents and trieods (See OVER aOO. P. 2) Mother Sues Cops ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ *F1ne Slum Landlords^’ Howard Lee Tells Group staff Writer Shaw University has a new president. He is Dr. Stanley H. SmitlL a man who said here Tuesday afternoon that he "fell in love with Shaw a number of years ago." He also said, however, that it "tow me a loiu time to get here." Dr. Smith is a native of Brooklyn, N.Y. Speaking at a preca confer ence with ~)r. Georgp Mmam. vice chairperson of the Board of Trustees and chairman of the ExecuUve Committee, and Dr. John W. Fleming, int»im prealdent of Shaw, the 50-year> old president pledged an ad ministration devoted to a re duction in the cost of operating the university, but also pledged that this would not result in a decrease in the quality of edu cation. He suggested that some reorganization and adjust ments would be undertaken to ACTRESS IS FINED >- Los .Angeles Actress Cisil Fisher pleaded no contest April 10 to misdemeanor charge of making, owning or using a special device to avoid paying for long-distance telephone calls and was fined 1150. Miss Fisher, 42, who played the secretary on the Maanix television series, was also placed on probation until she pays 11.020.55 resiUation to the Pacific Tel^drane Co. and was directed to participate io a drag divertlM and edneatioo program. U'PIl Official : Of State Speaker ^Housing Pulieies Are Bad^ National Black Newo Sarvka WASHINGTON. D.C. - State and local govamnent bousing policies are wrecking havoc on citiee and are promoting racUJ and ecooomk oqp^tkm. an American Bar Association study chaigcs. “Housing For All Under Law," a 3-year atudy issued recently by the ABA'a Advisory CommiaalOD on Housing and Urban Growth, states that unplanned and haphazard growth has limited both bous ing choice and the opportunity for social mobility for mlUiooo of Americans. Funded by the U.S. D^. of Housing and Urban Develop- mait, the work is a product of intensive independmt research by a panel of practicing attor neys and legal scholars, public officials, planners, economists, and urbanologists. Over a half dozen majm* national associa tions participated with the biue-riM)on panel, which was created in Feb., 1974, and completed its study last August. Criticizing inaction by legis latures and courts, the reports claim that zoning and other traditional local land use con trols frequently have been used to deny access to decent hous ing. and to reinforce and even aggravate currat patterns of (See HOUSING. P.2) Cops Probe Beating Report DURHAM — Cily and county police last Fri day. began investigation into Ibe alleged beating o.' a black priaoner. repartedly by a oty police oincer. tf W. G. while Sbeiifi and Ibe Alien declared that his agency ' eby poliMUre lavesligatlng a re^ that aU Stftain snitched a loca! oHicer beat Jake WiUtaimi, «. on March 27. until Mr. Mil llama was almoat nncoaiciotts. The CAROLINA TIMES. Durham's only black-oriented — —■ that the de Pleaaan riented weekly newspaper, reported deputies Just stood Inr while Officer W. giants allegedly beat Mr. Williams, who was biter treated at Durham County HoapiUI and released, according to the newspaper. Officer Pleasants reportedly told a supervlaw. In a letter, that tie acted In self .de fense, clalmbig the defendant was being booked on a charge of public drunkenness when the assault allegedly transpired. 3 Leaders To Be Feted In NC City WINSTON-SALEM - The Honorable Howard Nathaniel Lee, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Com munity Development, last Saturday proposed that landlords in the state be fined for refusing to repair slum housing. He was the fea tured speaker for the Area Businessmen's Luncheon, sponsored by the Experiment in Self- Reliance and the TOOOl Career Association. Ibe Mcretary declared that “Industry can be fiaed buncL-ffli ef Mmusands 4^ duUan lor pfijhitw-fi ia our water or siaofct in ear air. 1 am of the opiidoa that ift time for us to do somcCfalag about the problem and the laod- lordi lor every day they de not fix up a house.” Reforing to the more than 400,000 substandard bouses in NiHth Carolna, Secretary Lee declared. “That means about one in four housing units is too crowded, iada running watm* is dilapidated." In reference to the county in which he was speaking, Lee stated, "There are 3.387 units which are substandard as de- (See HOWARD LEE. P.2) Mayor Is Charged In Suit BV STAFF WRITER Mrs. Freida Mae Hinton, mother of Rickey Napoleon Hinton, a young black man who was Aot to death during a robbery at the Holiday Inn, NtHth Nov. 10. 1977, by a Raleigh police officer, filed a $S million suit in Wake Superior Court on Monday, A|^ 10, against several local police officer^ including Ihe chief, Robert ET Goodwin, and the newly- elected mayor of Raleigh. Mrs. Isabella W. Cannon, c 'wroogtiddaalfa. DR. STANLEY H. SMITH usm Uw "fiUlMt utiliiatim" of the univenity's (acuity sad other rwouices. The schpoi has 1431 students and 78 foU-time faculty membera. Smith wilt siaiane tha Isad- srship of Shaw July 1 as the lOth prsaidsot of the pmdonln- *aUy biack. BapUat-alflUatad wdvsnily.HlstsmvacmMBoa Mrs.U>ati» UIISE Gamar lh« hasii of a iwlrtlveijr rapid Loop mTgs™? is bSSg PLEADS 'NOT GllLTY" TO KKUBACK RAPS — Washhig- tm — Rep. Chsrics Ddgfs. D-MkH.. taDs is repsrtera mmsMt t’.S. DIstrin Ceact .April 7 where be pitadsd “aol gaJlIy" darteg his arrslgamenl oa federal payroll kkkback charges. INggs «dd reporters be was inoMent of wreogdoiog and expects to be via- dkated by his trial. (UPI) aeslstad ia the suit by the Ualtad Church of Chrlst'a CemmMea for Radal Jasttoa. In a prtai sutaaaat. Rev to which he reepoBdad at TNaa- day's praaa ooafotaocc. Smith aaU tha seteal Is in of “stable laadcraUp." NAACPGroup In RaleiSh-Apex ‘Mad’ Lws Whlu, <Ur«Ur of U>* “IL'T****?' N.C.-Vs. office. Hid Uw desth ‘ wS^ SJehCwnmlUwi talrSTauHofscfioo, ih.ptainu«H.i-th.t."p.id police agent and informer met Archie Hargraves, iadkatloos with unknown members of the (See SHAW PREXY, P._2j_ DURHAM — The Durtiam Branch ot the NAACP, will honor Uirett ot its outstanding citizens st its 4lh annual Freedom Fund EHnner to be held at 7 p.m., at the Durham Civic Center, Friday, April 28. The honorees will be J.H . Wheeler, Mrs. Josei^lne Tur ner and N.B. White. Uiev were selected due to their unswerving devotion to the cause ot freedom. Mr. Wheeler has won the admira tion ot not oniv Durham, but America tor his contribution to the tlnanclal world. He is acknowledged as an outstand ing churchman in the A.M.E. Church and has three Uie memberships in the NAACP. Mrs. Turner is ctmsidered a tearless leader tor the cause ot freedom. She hat worked zealously tor human rights. . She has been in the toretront oi the tight tor better housing tor ' underpriviledged people. Po*- haps her interest in the cause ot defenseless people, cau^t in the toils ot the “law," is her chiei concern. She spends considerable time in the courts and penal institutions, pro tecting their ri^ts. | Mr. White has been in the light for equal jobs and wages. | He represents minorities on many ot the boards and agencies throughout the citv- He is a leader in the Bov Scouts program. The Rev. W.W. Beaslev is , chairman ot the sponsoring committee. Other members oi the committee are: Dr. Howard Fitts. W.M. GlUiaro, Mrs. Sarah H. Jones, Mrs. Annie M. Bvnura, Miss Richa- /-v w -w^ lean Tucker. Mrs. EWa P H OT De Jarman. Alexander Barnes, ^ _ _ .ShSLEADERS P 2. Jg Members of the Raleigh- High. Apmi Chapter of the Natltmal AU persona interested in the Association for the Advance- future of Ligtm School and in roent of Colored People seeking to tave s senior high (NAACP). are asked to meet at school built in the quadrant of 4:30 p.m. Sunday, April 16, at the city, are asked to be pre- Raleii^ Police Department to I plan a set-up of two black | males on armed robbery Charges in exchange for the | (See MOTHER SUSS. P. 2). CRIME BEAT WEATHER First Baptist Church. 101 S. Wilmington St. A pt^c meeting is caUed 6 p.m. at First Baptist, also. Members of the administra tive staff of the Raleigh-Wake Coimlv School Board have been invit^ to discuss the pn^Msed magnet school for Ligon Junior ations are solicited groups and persons. sent. All organizations and all groups interested in the con- of magnet schools and the future of this community are also urged to attend and voice their saitiments. Reports and/or recommend- from SIO Cheeks Given To Two Readers The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Ward is president of the Raieigh-Apex Chapter of the NAACP. HOWARD N. LEE Blocked Natioaal Black News Servkc WASHINGTON. D.C. — The Two readers ot last week’s edition ot The CAROLINIAN received checks ot $10 each alter thev reported to The CAROLINIAN ottice that they had lound their names listed in advertisements on the t^- preciation Money Page. The readers where Mrs. Charlotte Amker, oi 210 Idle- wild Ave., and Lynwood Smith, OI 1206 Mangum. Ms. Amaker was listed in the Pigglv Wiggly .advertisement, and Smith's name was listed in the Ralei^ 0//tcer8 Cleared In Gunplay Department oi Health, Edu- Tire and OU advertiwmenl. cation and Welfare said re- The name of Maurice Gunn, centiv that it had been blocked oi 2216 Keith Dr., was listed in for the first time bv new the Carsleigh Furniture Co. antibusing legislation trom advertisement, but he did not compeUing a school district to report before the Monday noon getegregale. deadline that he had loimd the The department told a Uriing. Florida school district that it Three names are listed on would turn the case over to the ibe page each week, the page Justice Department to seek is on the back ot the front busing ihroi^h a court order, sectioo. Deadline lor reporting Id • letter to the Miperin- to The CAROLINIAN ottice is (See BUSING IS. P. 2) oooa Moodav. LOCAL STEERING IX>MM1TTE£ FOR COL'NCTL OF DEUBEKAT10N » PtcteiW abete are mrBbm ef the Raleigh Meerhig c—hlce far the Narth Carriiaa Caeaci) ef DetihersUae aed Usefoblki. Jake P Graewr ifawrth freai left a« heck rew), is rkakeiae af the reaieilUee. while Jamesi harkesJahaaae (fifth frea leftaeberkrew>. is cwckakaaa. Jake R. Maarr (eatskewei sad Kahert Hodge (estreat left, beck rawi, sene as aseaher* af Ike seh raaakiee. Theae persons, alaag wrtth ether aseabers ef Ihe Masaes aad Ihe Lexel Ledtes «sho«o tested ae frawt rew). wBI pla> hoal la Ike N.C. Ceeweil af DeHberstiow aed AsseabUes. which will caexewe here AprU^S-ft at the HBCae lu aa HiUshaaafk MreeC. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK JOHNSON’S GROCERY 'insK nwcET Tw vnriEsrfai aucHusr HICKORY — Dillricl Altor- nev E>onal Greene said here last Thursday that be "see no reason to take action against law eniorceraenl officers in the weekend shooting ot 23- vear-old Carl Lee Brown, a black man. but the Hickory NAACP held a meeting that night to discuss the case. Mr. Brown was allegedly shot bv police around 2 a.m. Saturday, April 1, alter he reportedly tied on the ct^, who attempted to arrest him following an argument with another man. An Officer was woimded in the exchange ot gumire, but was said to be in stable condition Friday at Frye Memorial Hospital here. ITie State Bureau oi In- vestigaiioo (SBl) conducted an investigatMW alter some mem bers Oi Ibe black community repeated that thev briieved police had used excess) re force. The D.A.. Greene, said. “There is oot snv ex ideocc that ibesc men (the otiicers) acted unreasoaablv usder the exist- The five-day weather fere- cMt for the pnled Wedaesday tbroagh Snaday is as foUews: Sumy skies retnraed te the state Wednesday, bringlBg high temperatares is the 7Sb, except in the upper Sds in the raoen- talas. The month’s first mea surable rainfall fell Tuesday ni^t In the Triangle area, with .67 inches i -ported. A chance of showers will move Into the weslem portion of the state on Thursday as a new cold front enters. Highs are expected to be in the 76s. Friday through Sunday calls for a chance ef showers in the eest on Friday and partly ckiody shies for the weekend, along with raederate daytime aad nighttime temp era turn. KOITOR'S NOTB: ThU e«i«M or iMlan W ■rriiirii hi IS* >millc Mwrwl I fiB >llBfm«U«s iu a Mvf iw ■•Mlai OM Uin be #««■ Iht caMMara- (ha «t ■Tiri—ihii Mufu m th« mthm Umm. ZM* a* waSsBf to 4a Itoawir. U to Ml mt Mtoitoa to W tsOpi •r JMT. Wc atorcly iaMMiliw toett H *• IM li»m «twUu of- Ucm. T* hM» Mt m Itoc Crfae heat Ctouu*. mir^ ■mm ato htoB( iWto- ur*4 hy a paSM afflm to rMwrltol hto (laStott ahfi^ 4My. Sa touto kMp tir th« "itoUer" aa4 yM WM’f M to Hh CrhMBML SHOOTS INTO HOUSE Rooeevelt Thomas, 1126 Croes Uidf Rd., was arretted and charged with firing into occupied property. Officer Holloway reported the aasault Sunday at 3:35 p.m. at 1126 Croat Link Rd. Mi. Glenda Thomas of the Cron LiiA Rd. addren, wai in the bouie when it wai fired oa, the report coDtinued. No injuriet reeulted from the incident (See CRIME BEAT.P.2) Whd iSeeOFFICEBSARE.P 2) ONE STAR CONGkATVLATES ANOTffRR — New Yerfc ~ Stars sMggk as Dtnaa Ren (R > laned ep heckstage April It le rwagralateir ImegHwCoai after her pscffenci hi Che Breei wayshaw.eaTheTwcnrtrth CiaiBry.at^BL laewe Hmntre. flPli

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