Federal Probe Seen* Board Members Qi«t Bnt EUtard B, Harrjk«»n ilbfor* »•"» Aw, a. C, 17610 WGO^sMrs* D» Allen Takes Siek Leave BakeVf GreenCf Erwin Victors Dan Blue Is 7th The Carolinian VOL. 37 NO. 26 yorth Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY. MAY<, 1978 SINGLE COPY 20c Teenaged Boys Jailed Cops Allege Girl Raped Here ★ ★★ ★★★ Republican Minority Ijcader Declares Carter ‘Jives’ Blaeks RALKKili VOTKRK AT THE POLLS— Kegtstrani. Mesdarart Onelia Eoiweil (1). and Moires Pridgeon <r) are busy at Precinct U <F. J. Carnage Junior High Schools with Earl Quiiler. fm’e* ground, and William Banks, background, lop photo, uhile in bottom picture. Moses drier shares a smile with the registrars as he prepares to vote. Mrs. Pridgeon said people were waiting for them to arrive at Precinct 3S at S a.m.. and the voting bad been brisk when The CAKOLINlAN's photo- grapher arriied to vote there around 7:M a.m. Tuesday. (Staff Photos by PaulR. Jervay. Jr.>. Raleigh Man Acquitted In Death Of Soldier soldier, who allegedly was beating Snow with a baseball bat. Snow, who had contended all thal be was (Mending Max C. King. Jr., son of Mrs. A. W. King of Wilmington, N.C. and the late Dr. Max C. King. Sr., became a Fellow in the American Collie of Radiology in a cmvocation (reremony at the 55th annual meeting of the DtH'er Snow . Jr., 417 Parnell Sireei. was acquitted hare last Wednesday on a charge of second-degree murder, follow ing the rifle death last September of a Fort Bragg himself, was found not guilty in Dr, Max C. K?h4y Jr, Becomes ACR Fellow WHITE PLAINS. N.Y. - Dr. A.C.R. in San Diego. CaUf., re cently. Dr. King is a graduate of Morehouse College and Meharry Medical Ci^lege and completed his residency in ra diology at the Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, and Long Island Jewish Hospital, New Yorit, N.Y. He is a former instructor of radiology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y. He is currently engaged in the practice of diagnostic ra diology and nuclear medicine in Port Chestn*. N.Y. Dr. King is a member and past president of the West Chester County Radiology Society; a member of the Board of Directors of the New York State Chapter of the American College of Radiology; and councillor of the ACR. While in San Diego, he was appointed to the College's Commission on Com munications. Dr. King is the author of nu- I>R. MAX ('.KING. JK. merous contributions to the radiology literature. *1^ B resident of White ■* MBAl-sl V Plains. N.Y. and a native of O Franklinton. N.C. His wife. J. Steele King is a A&T Pace " BV RICHARD E. MUDRE <>REENSBORO - When ierman Hawkins entered A&T jAate University 4 years ago, he he was "afraid of failing." quick glance at his college ^iSlfdes, however, makes one wonder about his apprehen sion, for Hawkins swept through A&T with only one (SeeFAILURE*. P. 2) WEATHER 'I be five-day weather fore cast, Wednesday through Sun day. U as follows; f'loudy hkiev are expected to return to .North Carolina, arcompaoied by rain, beginning Wednesday night. Highs Wfdnesday were in the fiOs. with some 5es in the moun tains. Lows Wednesday night were expected to be in the SOs inland and the UK in the west ern pftrtion ui the state. Rain is expected on Thursday, with highs in the 60k inland, except in the low 7iK on the roast. Fri day through Sunday calls for rain to end on Friday, with rlearing ikies over the week end. Highs will hr in the 7as. with lows in the Ms. the death of Charles Haggard Boyd (See HAN FREED. P.2> DOVER SNOW. JR. ...cleared of murder Arts P est To Aid Prisoners An Outdoor Arts Festival will be held on Saturday. May 6th, at the South Park Theater E^xpansion I. The theater Is located at 222 Smithfield Street, between S. Blount and S. Person Streets in Raleigh and is the home of the La Verne Players. The program will begin with disco music at 12 noon and continue until 6 p.m. with performances bv local (See ARTS FEST. P.2} Victim, 15, Late In Report A 15-year-old black Raleigh girl was alleged ly ra^ in the 700 block of Wexford Drive here on Thursday, April 20, and Raleigh police arrested two black teenagers on those charges Friday. Jailed and charged with rape were Thadis A. McLeod, 16, of 1203 Holman St. (walnut Ter race). and a 14-year-old boy. whose name and ad- di^ were not released because of his age. Deiecilve Li. Horace A. Moore, who is in charge of juvenile crim' tor the Raleigh Police Departmaoi. cosuirmed iba; boih bovs had been charged with die seM.#' assault upon the also uutamed young girl. The detective also staibd that Detective Glen Westbrook lur- iher invesiigated the case and (See GIRL RAPED. P.2) Webb, 2 Others To Be Cited GREENSBORO - A&T State University will award honorary degrees to one of its former a(i- ministrators, one of the first 3 black astronaut candidates, and the state's personnel dlrec- J.Rhodes Luncheon Speaker BY AUBREY E. ZEPHYR NaUoul Buck New. Service WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Minority Lead er John Rhodes told a group of black Republi cans, who met here recently, that President Carter “sweet-talked" blacks into “almost soUd support at the polis,” but “many now realize they were jived’’ and that Carter "now feels be has other fish to fry." "Blacks need a party to IruU." Rbodea ukl. md Re- putilicana 'Haad their uippon to win, to try ianovathre. wort- able pro^wma that will baoefU Campbell Cleared Of Raps Ralph E. Campbell, Sr., 62, 804 E. Edenton St., suspended opera tions manager for Wake County Opportunities, Iqc^ headquartered at 567 E. Hargett St. in Ral- eim, was acquitted last Wednesday night on the final charge against him - that of abusing the a- S 's sick leave . Mrs. Dorothy Allen, executive director of the WCO, who had suapended Mr. Campbell, after meeting with the board of direc tors, announced that she was taking a leave of ab sence, due to her extended illness. Her re quest was granted for an indefinite period and it was announced that David Lorenzo (Boo) Haywood, coordinator of community services, was appointed as acting director of Wake Op. According to inlormation lumikbed to The CAROLINIAN earlv this week, the lederal ujpervuor, who oversees the Woke agency. Larkin R. Bell oi Greenstwro, haa asked that lederal inveatigaton be sent Into tile county to examine last Wednesday nighl's actiona oi the beard ol directors in handling the suapention of Campbell. nhadwi asadi thaws asaia- maiaa at Iht hafchtaa llailan ^ the first CoaowMiaiiaJ Cos- tmea of Um NatioMl Black Republican Cauncil (NBRCI. ATTORNEY D. T. BLUE. JR. JUDGE R-C. ERWIN (SaaCARTER'jrVED’.P g: NC Clergy Bakeff Kelly In Rttnoff; Plans Big Blue May Ask For Same Breakfast BY CHARLES R. JONES MxMielag Egitor In the hottest political contest in Wake County Tuesday, former orofessional football star. John Haywood Baker. Jr. surged ahead of Chief Wake County Deputy Sheriff Liester W. Kelly, to win the Democratic Primary by a narrow margin erf 150 votes • Baker had 15,249, while Kelly garner^ 15,099 ballots, followea by Wake l^hnical Institute's Rob^ (Hob) DeCatsye, Jr., who had 7,379 votes. DeCatsye's decision to back eitlwr candidate could very well be the deciding factor in a victory in the upcoming Tuesday, May 30, runoff elections. Wake CkKinty District Court Judge George Royster Greene, Sr., a veteran attorney and judge for the past 4 years, easily defeated his white op ponent. John T. Hail, by a margin of !9,666 to 14,560 votes. In the U.S. A^msU court di vision, black ju^e Richard C. Erwin, topped Austin B. Carop- briJ and thus became the fint Mack man in the hiatory of the slate to win a statewide judge- ship by election. The final tally there was Erwin 230,016, to C^mpbeH's 154,177. Raleigh lawyer. Daniel T. (See DEMOS WIN. P.2) The dergy-Cburch Co-op of North Car^lna will have a Charter Membership Break fast Wednesday, May KNb, at the Hilton Inn. Wilmington, at 7:90 a.m. Mrs. Eva Clayton, deputy director of (Community Deve lopment of the State Depart ment (rf Natural Reaources, and Marion "Rex" Harris, Fayetteville busineesman, will be tbe major spe^era. The Clergy-Church Co-op concept was conceived by Dr. Joy J. Johnson, president of the Cieneral Baptist State Conven tion of N. C.. Ine. and pastor of the First Baptist Church. N. Main St., Fairmont, in early January. 1978. The Co^ will be authorized to organize, operate, manage (See BREAKFAST. P.2) "KING" AND "gUEEN" -- IWl h KK. Katie I.Mmftterd and grandson, Germany DanieU; renter. Six. Nnnnie ('rooder and Kwnme IhiMhi. king: and right. Sis. Skenm C. Mnrphi and daughter. Clarita .Marph>. queen. The contest was spoasored by Purity (liapter, Nn. Z76, t>KS, at Smith Temple Freewill Baptist t'barcb. Raleigh, recently. HAKHIJMI. WKHH tor during (be 87th annual bac calaureate-commencement ex ercises Sunday. May 7. at II a.m. in the Greensboro Coli seum To be awarded doctcK^ of hu- (See WEBB TO. P.2) Alliance Welcomes Ms. Braden White-civil rights activist. Mrs. Anne Braden of Ky. will join K".' Aaron Johnson of Fayeiteviklo and Durham Attorney Jerry Paul at the 4ih N. C. Alliance Stale Conference in Raleigh on Saturday, May 6. Mrs. Braden, a journalist, active in Southern civil rights, civil liberties, anti-war and labcw movements, will be the keynote speaker at the c'on- (erence. Last November, she was one of 72 white Southerners to petition Gov. James Hunt, asking him to grant (he Wilmington 10 defendants par dons of innocence. •'The (conference will bring I See ALLIANCE, P.2) Lawrence Wray’s Critic Suspended Without Pay The dialogue is going on be tween Lawrence E. Wray, Raleigh's Intergovernment Coordinator, and W. Ames Christopher, as to how, by whom and when grants can be changed. Wrav is alleged to have suspended Christopher for sending him a memo criticizing some oi hit actions. The suspension is said to have been tor seven davs irom tbe S20.000'a-vear past. liie memo is said to have questioned the propriety of Wray changing an order in CETA programs and then applying to amend tbe grants after programs were changed. Wray is alleged to have suspended Christopher upon receiving the memo Monday of this week. Christopher is reported as not being willing to discuss (be memo with outside persons. He was said to have been ol the opinioa that the matter should Appreciation Cheeks Won By 2 Ixtdies Two ladies claimed 510 checks each in last week's Appreciation Money sweep- stakes. Mrs. Lucy C^. 21 Chatham Terr. (Chavia Heights) found her name in Jeffries Jewelers advertise ment. Mrs. Blanche McNeiU, 419 (SeeAPPRECIA'HON. P. 2) be discussed with L. P. Zachary, city manager. Wray is said to have the overall responsibilitv, delegated to him bv Zacharv and Mavor Isabella Cannon. Louis R. Garibay, federal CETA grant officer tor North and South CiaroUna, from hia Atlanta offke, ia said to have (Reel. WRAY.P.2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEKEK DIXON & SPENCKR TV, INO. “wmissEMyiaisjvsTAsmroKTAnAssALr (S«e WCO’S ALLEN. P. 2) Employees Of WCO Coneerned (EdiUr’s Nalt: ‘Pm MUwhif tofenasUaa was rslaaitd le 1W CAROUNIAN m MaMay. May i, by Leri Bart, a spalles parsaa tor the llt-aieMbar emplayaea al Waka Caaaly OppartaaMsi. lae.): In recant months. Waka County OppoftanlHaa haa ra- caivad much pubUeity dua u> aUagad pcrauanel Irragulari- tiaa at msasgsment laval Wa do not hit and to pralae aar cvMHasihaBaaadal Bare far what haa thus far tiwi- spirad. Wa da M. kaaisw . that aanM mauMaf Craaa thaaa of us that maka up tfaa ataff hare at Waka County Oppor- (unlHca ia in ordtr and thus maka the faOosring statement. Iha nth Coofrass of the U B. in 1914 enactad the Economic Opportimity Act with an objec- tlvo to mobUiae the human and financial resources of the (Sm employees. P. 2) Holloway Releases Comments (Edhar’s Nolo: This inforaia- Use was tappUed by J. Mllb Haliaway, ehairmaa of the baard of dheclars of Waka Cannty Oppartaaittet. lae.. last Sstarday maraiag.): Even though we feel that Wake County Opportunities, Inc. programs have been appropriately administered and stdwtaniial benefits have gone to the community, we fed jhe necessity to appoint a special committee to investi gate tba total agency's fman- cial management, uniform application of skk leave, board compoaition and general oper ations; because of tbe recent discusatons by our local news media. To ddve deeply into tbe above areas, ezpCTtise from tbe regioaal and national offices will be needed. We are asking the committee (See HOLLOWAY. P. 2) CRIME beat RDITOS'S NOTS: TfcK m CSeaWnTCmW i^taMOistws tu LAWRENCE E. WRAY MMtiS Wat nn fKw n« canUtr*- an wt niHaAs tio HMlM n Um aaSn WMar. tm «• muSISi la Sat Bamvar. a n aal an aaWUn la ha Ml ar Jan. Wa Mralji aaShUMneW M«a SaS ikaai rapartaf ha (ha nmilaaal- Heam. Ta haaa * Tka Crtan laai ChWnaa. annjr Maaa aat balaa raWa- maS hy a pUlaa WHcar te raawtWte CUTINBACh Vernon Wayne Williams. SOS Milbumie Rd., t(9d officer J. B. Defanara t^t he was aaaauited in the 400 dock of Hill SI. al 12:08 a.m. Wed nesday. according to police reports. Williams was alteged- ly cut with a knife, and suffered lacerations on the left side of his hack. He was tmated at Wake Medical Center and rsleased. (Sea CRIME BEAT. P. 2)

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