Althoujlh Faculty, Staff Allegedly Not Paid *Shaw Has Money In D,C1,: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ In City Council *Squahble' Fleming Explains Recall Overtones Hover Position VOL. 37 NO. 29 yorth Carolina*$ Leadin^g Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY, MAY 25,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c FAVORS EXTENSION OF ERA RATIFICATION PERIOD — Washington ~ Rep. Barbara Jor> dan, D-Tex.. tells a House Judiciary subcommittee May 18 that she favors extension of the ratification period for the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. (L'Pli TUESDAY, MAY 30, LAST CHANCE TO VOTE BEFORE NOV. ELECTIONS Wiley J. Latham, Ex-City Questions Athlete, Businessman Dies Asked Of The FBI After 27 Years Murder Truth Out? ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ National Organization Will Honor Retiring *Mr8.NAACP* R. Hurley Wiiev Jacob (Bull) Latham died on Saturday. May 20,1978, at the age ot 70, alter aeyeral years ot illness. Funeral seryices were conducted here Monday. May 22. He resided at 1303 S. Bloodworth St. Mr. Latham was a native oi Raleigh, the son ot late WUev J. Latham and the late Mrs. Ella PerrV Latham and the stepson OI Mrs. Mable C. Latham. He was graduated irom St. Augustine’s High School In 1926, and ^aw University in 1930. For Iwo years, he was a teacher and athletic director at Kennansvitle High School. He was principal lor two years at Pleasant Union School in Wake served the Raleigh and neigh* boring communities. He was later employed by GROW (Greater Raleigh Op portunities Worthwhile) as a deputy director, lor three years. Latham was a charter member oi the Iota Iota Chapter ot Omega Pti Phi Fraternity. He was honored with a plaque from the Frater nity tor forty years oi devotion and distinguished service, dur ing which time he exemplified the Four (Ordinal Principles; manhood, scholarship, upUit and perserverance. Shaw Universitv presented him a plaque tor his contribu tion to the athletic program ot that institution. He also receiv ed a certificate ot apfu'eciatioa / i Co,mlv and lor lour year, pnor community to that, was a teacher and WILEY J. LATHAM was athletic director at the then black high school in Gamer. Early in his career, be was appointed director ot black activities, sponsored bv the Parks and Recreation Com mission 01 Raleigh service trom the Parks and Recreation Commission. For many years, he rendered his know-how to the athletic program ot the black Ralei^ Public high school. Ha was juneraiixed at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church For many yMra, Mr. Lat- J. CaUo- ham ownod imd oporatod me sector, otticiaUng DeLuxe Cab Company, which • - • CRIAAE BEAT BDiTOa'S NOTE: Tklf €•!•■> t (Mlw« to yrtSatii Im the paUte taUnM • Ilk ■■ aiM towarSa ellailaatlM Ui caMaato. Nhmtw ktoUvUMto ka«t n- MaataS Umi Uta; kt gtvtM tkc caMtSara- Uaa at atariaaklaa Ikair Itoltoi aa Uw wMtt MMtoT. TSto M »a«M uCt la Sa. Haaaaar. it to aa« aar aoaiUaa U ke Jads* Jarr. Wa auraty aaHtok Ika laata at aa •d Ikaat rrpattH by Ika armUaf at- raft. Ta kna oai at TSa Crinc Baal ■.Ift hem WAS a Uieloog member ot St. Ambroee. Interment was in CAroUnA BiblicAl GArdens here. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Fsnnle Vick LAthem; a son Wiley J. Latham, Jr. H. D., Richmond. Va ; a sister, Dr. LouiseM. Latham; two-grand- children. Ruth and Vicki Latham; a niece, Ms. Barbara F. Campbell, ot Philadelphia, Pa., a nephew, Theodore Fagan, ot Waahiogton, O. C.; and other relatives. Lightner Funeral Home handled the arrangements. Floral bearers were mem bers ot tbe Alpha Omega (!3iapter, A. K. A. Sorority. P^ bearm were members ot the Omega Psl Rii Fraternity and St. Ambrose Episcopal Church. Item. VOTING PRECINCTS With voting day Jest ahead (Tuesday. May 39). certainly all of us will want to exercise this rl^l if physically possible. As a reader eervlcc, Tlie CAROLINIAN Ilsta below names and addresses of potting places In predominantly black voting areas. For transportation to the polis and other voter information, call yonr precinct number or area beal^narters at 8t. Ambrate Eplsctmal Cbnrcb. Freeing no. Precinct Headquarters Polling Place kwj I fcy'i MUct .itVw to _ ... twdtop •kbeM ditoy. S* tlMply kc«a •Tl llwTBMl»r’' aBd ywi won'r be to TSe tyipiraMt. CUT WITH KNIFE Terry Lee Cooke told Officer R. H. Phillips that he was as saulted at Peyton and Poole Road at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, ac cording to police reports. Cooke, who resides at 611, No. 19 Peyton St., was allegedly cut with a knife, suffering a lacera tion of the left hand, which was treated. Timothy Howard John son. Rt. 2, Box 411-9, Wake Forest, was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. (See CRIME BEAT, P.2) Black Male Students, Others (]ited As Alphas Give $1,000 Grant 19 426 Peyton St.-829-1643 CUrencePoe 29 llSE.Davle8L-829-«791 Lucille Hunter 22 22I6SanderfordRd.-82Ml36 FlreSUUon Sanderford Rd. 25 1297 Holman 81.-832-3124 Walnut Ter. Rec. Center 26 24 Mecklenburg Ter. - 828-9719 Ugoo High 8cb. 34 K-S Washington Ter. • 828-9S92 Mary PbiUips 35 21 IS GllUamLn.-8284979 CamageJr.Hi 832-9227 49 819 Cooper Rd. - 832-4987 Charles Bugg Other phtwe numbers to call for rides: 833-8955, area headquarters, St. Ambrose Church: and 851-5997, indepen dent Taxi Co. BY ALEXANDER BARNES A recent expose, the result of a continuous in vestigation by the NAACP, of the heinous murder of Harry T. Moore and his wife, in their rural home located in Mims, Fla. on Christ mas night, 1951, seems to substantiate the news man's reason for saying to the FBI, “Don’t you think you can get more information from the sheriffs office and staff than you can get sifting that sand in Moore’s little orange grove?" It was quite evident that the sitter was marking time. (See MURDER TRUTH, P. 1) Coadjutor Nominee Unnamed Named at coadjutor nominee ot the Eplacopal Diocese oi N. C. ot a lift ot 14 contendors is Rev. Arthur J. Calloway, local Mack rector ot St. Ambrose Church, on Dazby St. The l62nd convention oi tbe Episcopal Dioceaae adjourned last weekend without electing a Ushop coadjutor. The preaid ing bisb<^ ot tbe dioceee, llwmas Fraser, had requested that a coadjutor be appointed to serve as his successor even . rCST GENERAL MOTORS' DECISION — Detroit ~ ^ M«(«rs Corp. cotoOrmcil May IS Uic aiithmtIeMy of a sccret'company merao outHuiag a cootlagescy plan, calling for close cooperation wttfa the South African mlHtnry H widespread violence erupted In that nation. However. OM chairman Thomak A. Murphy told ttocfcholders. during their annual meeting, the nuto ffa^ has '*do covert plans" Involving Us South African faculties in tkc event of nclsl upheaval, sad woutd resist natlonaUsatioa attempts. Before be spake. 59 protesUnn attempted to storm tbe meeting, bnt were removed by police. (UPI) Man Seeking To ^Dethrone^ Three BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor Dr. John W. Fleming, interim president of Shaw University, in an interview with this news man early Wednesday, said, *‘We are not ready ri^t now to release any thing about our financial con(3ition. We are almost sure that we will get the money, since we have some money in Washing ton right now.** Dr. Fleming said the uni versitv does not want anv publicity on the allied exist ing lack ot adequate funds to pav, in tuU. the taculty and Stan members at the ll3-vear- old institution, "because It could jeopardise our chances ot securing the tunds as last as we would like to", he stated. The situation concerning the failure ot Shaw to pav otf the April salaries ot Us mnploveed came to light last weekend. Although Fleming is alleged to have said Monday that representatives from the U. S. Diriment ot Health, Educa- Uoo and Welfare (HEW) did not come to the campus as hoped, to discuss the Instllu- tiOD's tinances, and had not contacted the scbocl to Indicate when they might come, he seemed coniident Wedneeday that tbe faculty and stall mmnbers involved wUl be tuUv coropmsated tor their ser- vicea, although he did not (See SHAW’S PUGHT. P. 2) Panther Leader’s Bail Up OAKLAND. CaUt. - The baU tor Huey P. Newton, Black Panther leader In a murder case, has been increased 178,(XM) as a result ot a t^swl s week ago in a small commu nity on tbe weat coast. Newton, wbo tied the United States end went to Cube in 1974, while terinf etaxqiH In the killing OI an Oakland prosti tute, is now free on a total bail in Oakland ot 9158,000 and, in Santa Crux, on a ball oi 180,000. WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tbe this Is where the aUefed dgbt Senate last week confirmed the took place. Veteran ‘Fighter’ ATLANTA, Ga. - The Honorable Maynard H. Jackson, mayor, and Bishop William R. Can non, resident bishop. United Methodist Church, issued a call to all who have known and many who have heard of the outstanding work done in civil rights to join in a mammoth tribute to Mrs, Ruby Hurley on June 3 at 7:30 p.m., at the Atlanta Hilton Hotel. The call was made as a fitting accolade to the retiring director ot the Southeast Region ot the Natimal Associ ation tor the Advancement ot (See MRS. NAACP’. P. 2) 1st Black Fed. Jiid^e For South BY ALEXANDER BARNES DURHAM — According to thoi^ he has DO immediate political soothaavers. there is more bidiind the tight to push two black members ot the citv council and one white member than raeeta tbe eve. The move was aUegedlv , . K- started by Harry E. Rodet- hUer the oo-v whiu, m«nb« OI the Durham School Board, plans to resign. ‘Ibe meeting, held in Ralei^ at Christ Church, adjourned with the naming ot a coadjutor leit with Bishop Frazer. coadjutor, a nominee needed to ^t.ta . rnsjority 01 both the *ho hM b«»i verv criUcl oi , „„„ boU.bodi»,.orwh..h..ik«lo .11.8-lh.lh.h.dmu. board. He eyes the city council with some misgivings, due to the inilueoce ot the blacks on it. He formed a one-man army to unseat the three council members, when it was learned that they wore In trouble about their tax matters. He circulat ed a petition, asking tor tbe recall ot Harris, the white, Clarence Brown, and Mrs. Thornton, both black. He convention. Thus, at the start 01 the sesuon, it would have u.h.. Uken 55 clersv and 35W “Su. "ta"" (See COADJiri'OR, P. 2) term, ‘‘looeeness and black » very getting his ideas over with the school BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor Ihe Phi Lambda Chapter ot Alpha Phi Alpha Fratemitv, Inc., at its 6th annual Recogni tion-Awards Night program, held Monday, Mav 22, at 7 p.m. in tbe Fine Arts Building on the campus ot St. Augustine’s College, awarded a 91.000 college scholarship to Michael Anthony PuUum, 220 Hill St., wbo is a senior at the Jesse 0. Sanderson High School. Many othm* outstanding black high school males irom Wake and Johniiton Countiea senior high schools ver; honored tor their arhie-. cnXuU in art, drama, vocal music, and muBt(^ instrument perform- snee. One oi the hijpUights oi the occasion was the awarding ot a plaque to Bish<^ Eva M. Lawson, tou.Tder m the Emer gency Home tor Families, with two Raleigh locations. Bishop Lawson, who has won 9 citations and awards during the past 14 months tor her never-ending eitorts in behalf Of the poor and underprivil^- ed, tied with another Raleigh ladv early this year to become Woman ot the Year tor an organization. Bishop Lawson was named Citizen ot the Year tor her many unselfish cootri- butions to the area's devel<^ ment and welfare. She was acclaimed as Citizen ot the Year bv the Alphas and was presented ber award by (See ALPHAS AWARD. P. 2) Carolina Action Holds Grits Luncheon Here Carolina Action's Senior man. Citizens United In Action held a grits luncheon Monday, May 22, at the Council on Aging to be pulled costs 9S00. and my building, 616 Tucker St., for tbe social security check is loo Wake County delegates. The (SeeLUNCHEON.P.2) topic fcH* discussion was Medi- 4 • . • caid Apprectatton Senior citizens are concerned about two changes coming up for legislation: reinstatement of the dental care program, which was cut in the July 1977 session, and raising the income eligitnlity level for Medicaid re cipients from 9141 to 9177 a month, as allowed by the fed eral government. "We senior citizens are elder ly pe(^>le. If anyone needs to be remembered, it's us." said Gus Williams, chairman of the luncheon. "I eat grits every day. ’cause can't chew on something hard." stated one elderly wo- trouble in gettli^ the required 10,000 registered voters to sign the recall petition. He reported Monday morning that he had 10,200. However, he said, rince he had until Wednesday to submit the docum^t to the Durham County Board ot Elections, he would continue, so that in tbe event some Mrs. Clara Hilliard told the names mi^l be contested, he audience, "For all of my teeth (SeeRECALLSHOVER P.2) nomination of Robert F. Collins as a U.S. district court judge. He is the first black to be (See 1st JUDGE, P.2) Somali Warned NAIROBI, Kenya — Ethiopia has threaten ed to invade Somalia, charging that its gov ernment is continuing the war in the dispute Ogoden region with the h^p of the United States and Arab nations. Lt. Col. Men- gistu Halle Mariam, in a speech broadcast by tbe Ethiopian radio, charged that there are U.S. military advisers in Somalia actively helping that nation prepare for a strike against Ethiopia. A State Department spokesman in Washington said there are no American advisers in Somalia. The hi^w bail was set last Friday bv Superior Court Judge Blartin PuUch, and an hoir later, Mr. Newton waa releasod alter railing seeuri- tiea to cover tbe new bond. The Black Panther leader, who is DOW 36, is charged with . (iieePAfmiER,P.3) WEATHER The nve-day weather fere- cast for Wednesday, May 24, threagh Soadsy, May 28. Is as follows: A warm trend moved across the stale Wednesday, bringing mostly clondy skies and scattered thundershowers. Highs in the state Wednesday ranged Id the mld-79s to the mld-SOs. Lews Wednesday ni^t were In the upper 5es and 69b. Highs Thursday are cz- pected to he lu the 89s, except for some 79s In the moontslns. The extended foroenst calls for fair and warm weathw Friday through Sunday. Highs are ex pected to be in the upper 89s and mid-99s for Friday through Sunday. Lows arc expected to be in the 99t during tkoae days. Checks Claimed By Tvbo Men John Earl Collins, 800 S. Bloodworth St., and Charles L. Joyner, 3400 Bell Dr., were lucky recipients Of checks worth 910 each in last week’s Appreciation Money Feature. These two readers spotted their names in advertisements on the Appreciation Momv Page. Mr. Collins' name was in the Johnson's Grocery ad- and Mr. Joyner's name was placed in Hariev DavkSson's ad. Both (See APPRECUTION. P. 2) RECEIVES il.SM ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY SCHOLARSHIP HERE ^ Mkbarl A. Pallum. s sealer at Ike J. O. Ssadersou High Sekoel here, te showu ea the left, arceptiug a 91.999 schelarshlp cheek, presented hy members of the Phi Lambda Chapter of the .\lpks Phi Alpha FrateruRy, Inc., on Motodsy, May 22. Making the preseeutioo Is Brother Qulatou K. WsU ef SmRhfleU. Pallum wiU attend Mergaa State Univertlty. BsHlmore. Md. (Sec story). Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK CARALEIGH FURNITURE CO,li •mtBmuKusuvmaoKQUAinrnaB' PHraDENT rARTm HOm PRESIOENT OF ZAMBIA - PmUM CMr p,m , WU, HmkIwtoKMMb D. K,i>Aa. PreUrat,1 UkMZamMa. AatIaza Atttr „**** Awk. Tfce Iata IcaAm, IwU JaMaaBtc uB, kArlAA Pi ■■Miiai ^AA^ A HaH toWAAlUMlAA. PrAtUiAt CArtAT AaIM PrAlUtAt KAAaSA AA ‘ATuAkAMtai^ grBy kAA AATAT bAAA CkAllAAZtB. AAAAA tAAA AaaMaA."

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