m .i i riehori B,^.-.rrla,n ilbmry < iSupreme Liourt Kejuses Plea: Little Must Return f ★★★ TnBy Shaw UJn Funds * Drive The Carolinian Prior to joining the prison system, Harris was a recruiter with VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America), and served two years in the Annv. He has also served as coordina- LAUNCHE8 FUND-RAISING DRIVE- Dr. C. C. Craig (Zad from I). eiecuUve secreUry. 6eii- wal Baptist Convention of N.C., presents Dr. John W. Fleming (2nd from r). interim president, Shaw University, with a check for 131,4M to kick off Shaw’s Emergency Fund-Raising IMve. Also shown are: Lee Monroe (1), director of development, and Thomas E. Kee (r). director, university relations at Shaw. (SeestoryonPaael). New SupU Of Women^s Corrections Interviewed tor 01 the Community Volun teers Program tor the state. Harris will be the top administrator at the prison, in charge oi custody, inograras, service, and overall manage ment. His immediate goals will be to upgrade personnel train ing at aU levels and improve communication among slatt and inmates, to have a system udiere promotions and hiring will be based on merit. Hie salary tor Harris’ position will be $20,124 a year. When asked about his leel- ings on the JoAnne Little case, Mr. Harris said, “1 can't really comment on that case at this point. I have never wwked with Miss Little and to make a Judgment at this stage would be premature.” In closing, Harris stated that be and his stall will woA towards developing a highly MYanized system that will meet the demands asked tor by higher administrative otiicers. (SeeNEWSUPT.,P.2) VOL. 37 NO. 31 North Carolina'g Leaditifi Weekly RALEIGH. N.C.. THURSDAY. JUNE 8.1978 SINGLE COPY 20c BY JOYCE BASS. Staff Writer The N. C. Correctional Center lor Women has a new si4>erintendent. Kenneth W. Harris, an eight-year veteran ot the N. C. Department oi Correction, became the tilth superintendent in the last tour years at the center. A native ot Durham, Harris graduated trom North Carolina Central University and is presently completing work towards a master's degree in public administration at N. C. State University here. Head Of Shriners In City BY JACK JENKINS SUff Writer The Imperial Potentate tor The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order ot Nobles ot the Mystic Shrine, Inc. ot North and South America, Dr. Laddie L. Melton trom Beaumont. Tex., paid Raleigh a visit Friday. The Imperial Potentate is in North Carolina to attend a Shrine Ball in Raleigh. perUt I^terttSTb Menon wT to Citv Hall where he was greeted by Citv Councilman social issues, the American BUJ Kniidit, who is the only Bar Association told Congress tlieeSHKlNKHS’. P. 10) recenUy. U.S, Ijahor Dept. Officials In City CETA Probed ★★★ ★★★ African President Of The Gambia Declares Russia Is ‘Using’ U.S. Jawara KENNETH W. HARRIS Repay Attorneys; ABA NaUooal Black Newt Service WASHINGTON, D. C. — Federal lunds are needed to involved in litigation oi major State Consumer Edttcation Conference Here Friday “Be An Informed Consumer” will be the theme of the first annual statewide Consumer Education Conference. Hie conference will be held at the Jane S. McKimmoo Center for Con- tfaiulna Education, and is being sponsored by Wake Countv Opportunities’ Consumer Educa tion Mobile Outreach Project. The Mobile Outreach Project, directed by Mrs. Gla^s R. Todd, has scheduled the confer ence for Friday, June 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ApjMariM as guest sMaker for the conference win be Hiomas Rafferty, assistant regional director of Region 4*s Community ^rvlces Administration. The conference’s agenda will include the areas of employment and training, public serv ices and financial services, to be discuss^ on panels and in workshops by representatives of state and county agencies. Hie cimference Is opened to the public. Louis J. Ooitman, chairman ot aba’s Consortium on Legal Services and the Public Sub committee on Transier oi hegsi Fees, catled tor legisla tion to permit courts and administrative agencies to reimiHirse attorneys’ tees and other ezpoises to individuals and groups who prevail against the i^eral government in certain public interest dvil litigation. Testitying betore a House Judidarv subcommittee, Gott- man said such legislation would "contribute most lignd- cantlv to bringlog about the luU and lair reeoluUon ot impor- (See REIMBURSE. P. 2) 4 Men Seeking Answers Four U.S. Department of Labor officials began a review of the local ad ministration of the Com prehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) program Mon-, day. The investigators had been expected for several weeks to b^in a probe of the federal a- gency’s operation. Mayor Isabella W. Cannon has asked the labor ottidals to examine 31 questions dealing with policvmaking and possi ble program abuses. Lawrence Wray, a btaA. «bo is a grathi^ »t » Augustine’s CoUege here, was lormerly director ot tte CETA program. Mavor Cannon, in a letter dated Mav SI, asked the oiiicials to deto’mine wbetber the Ralei^ CETA program has a iMoperlv tunci toning advisory commiUee, whether all agencies bMdliig on training ctmtracta have been given equal time and aseistence In preparing Uds, and wbetber the program has adequate safeguards against coniUcts ot interests on the part ot citv otiicialt. Mavor Cannon listed Sl current and tormer ottidals OMmected with CETA who THE VILLAE BLACKSM1TH8 — Mnrpbysbavo. Ul. — For Jlra Deal (r), U. and his brother, Ben. 11, bUcksmUhlng to s way of life they have no Immediate plans of abandontag. They have been operating at the same tocaiioD for 40 years. They are shown uorkhtteUitoweeh. (UPI>' Emergency Project For Money Begins Press Acts WEATHER The nve.4.y we.lher fwe- oranw;™ wiin i;E.TA wno 'n.. amlorlhe|KrloilWedM«Uy. ^ JiiM 7, Ihiwith S1U18.;. Jme ' VFll M II, b u Itthiw.; Pertly eloiiJy, L. Jonei, the tnleral g kf bamM and warm weether 1. leader, said in an later. V.W W IIKIIIS BY STAFF WRITER Shaw University officials called a press confer ence Wednesday, June 7, to announce the launching of an emergency fund-raising campaign to cope with problems of financial crisis now facing the in- stituuon. la a special session on Uoodav evanlag. Jiaie S, Uie Executive Ooinmittee oi the Heard At Airport BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor “The apathy of the United States is being taken advantage of by the Russian people.'^' stated the Honorable H. E. Alhadji Sir Dawda K. Jawara, President of the African nation of the Gambia, during a brief B ress conference, held in le VIP Room of Eastern Airlines’ headquarters at the Raleigh-Durham Air port last Saturday night. Tbe iLngitoh-speaking leador was accompani^ by an entou rage ot his cabinet members, also some U. S. college presidents, as he headed tor t ehurst by cat' tor two days to )lay golf, kicking ou a 10-day virit to this country, during which time he intends to raise monies. He leit tor New Vbiit CUv to continue his ^ipeal tor tuodt on Tueoday ot this week. He is chairman ot an African grtMq), seeking countries in sear^ ot funds tor GamMa and seven other drought-stricken BY CHARLES R. JONES Maoiiging Edttor Although 24-year-old Ms. JoAnne Little has vowed that “I would rather be dead than to re turn to North Carolina to finish serving my prison sentence,” it seems that the young escapee from the N.C. Correctional Center for Women at Raleigh by allegedly scaling a 10-foot wall on Oct. 15, 1977, has little choice, since the United States Supreme Court re jected the latest appeal from her attorney, Wil liam L. Kunstler, for more time in which to show cause why it would be dangerous for Ms. Little to return to this state. In a desperate and tast minute eltorl to secure a stay ot extradiUon lor Ua. UtUe, Attomev KunsUer appealed to black U.S. Supreme Court JusUce Thtirpood Marshall last (See Bts. LITTLE, P. 2) MS. JOANNE CA Wins Favor In Reaction The NOTtb Caroline Reinam’- aace Facility Board ot Gover- nora Tueaday rcepmided taver- NC Inmate Grievance Body Reveals Changes BY JOYCE BASS. SUff Writer iU a meeting Friday. June 2, ha* a 6apers and broadcast facilities toiirt wadi accused rdired NAACP execu tive director, Roy WHUns, ot working wUh the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, in an attempt to discredit the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The story, originally aMwar- ing in The Washington Post, nded that an FBI memo actually reterred to Wilkins, who met with FBI assistant director, Cartha DeLoach on Nov. 27,19M, and {Mxmised to "tdl King that he can't win a battle with the FBI and that the best thing tor him to do to to retire trom public liie.” In tact, however, according to George Lardnmr, Jr., the (See HUY WILKINS. P. 2) Appreciation Feature Has No dinners There were no winners in last week’s Appreciation Money Feature. 'Three individuals could have wm $10 each, but they did not claim their checks by the Monday noon deadline. Mrs. Ullle Bell Keith, 314 E. Cabarrus St., did not claim her dteck at Pi^y Wiggly Food Stores. (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) General Baptist State Conven- Uon ot North Carolina met to review tund-ratolng i^ans to assist Shaw In the campaign. Dr: Jerry Oravton, chairman ot the Executive Committee ot the Convention, reported that thevotetosuppcMTt Shaw in this iund-raislng campaign was unanimous. At the close Of the meeting, Dr. C. C. Craig, the Conven tion’s Executive Secretary, (See FUNDS’ DRIVE. P. 2) nation* in the area ot Sahel, ^ which is. country oi eight natimis, s