Houses Located Next Door To Each Other 3 Hurt In ^Shootouf *Not Serious^ 444 Raleigh City Resident Was 98 Years Old Famnies Washington Rites Held Involved The .Carolinian VOL. 37 NO. 34 .Vorf/i Carolina'$ Leadirifi Weekly RALEIGH, N.C.. THURSDAY, JUNE 29,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c s Raleigh Maid Allegedly Fired From Gamer School Job Gets 7 Job Offers 444 444 ALLEGKO RAPIST NABRRD — Lawrence, Mats. ~Carl D. Bogen (L, down). 25, ofl^awrence, wanted for allegedly accosting a junior high school teacher at knife point June 9, and for allegedly raping a l7*\ear*old Lawrence girl June 12, was seen on the streets of Lawrence June 23. Pursued by police, he took to the rooflops. Police gave chase over the rooftops whereupon Bogen jumped to the ground from a 2*storv house. lie was wounded by police fire, captured, and taken to the hospital. (UPli As Coach ClementB Is Euloitized “The Game Is Over,” Pastor Tells Mourners It is very seldom that BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor The Rev. D. A, Peace, minister oi the Laodicea United Church oi Christ, Rock Quarry Rd., appropriately and solemnly eulogized George Dewey Clements, Jr., as a S2-year*old lormer active ath lete, coach, advisor, humani tarian, devoted lather and one who always looked to the future with vigor, during linal riles last Saturday at 1 p.m. at the church. He was asisted by the Rev. John Daniels. Interment was in Hillcrest Cemetery, complete with tratemal rites, conducted by members ot the Eta Sigma Chapter ot Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., ot which the deceased was a member. Rev. Peace chose as a subject tor the luneral mess age, ‘The Game Is Over.” He said the deceased played the game to its tuUest extent, while he was physically able “and gave it all that he had to give.” The pastor stated that “George Clements was not so much concerned about the problem ot death as he was about the mystery ot lite and living.” The minister reterred to the pain that Clements endured, almost weekly white undergo ing dialysis treatments, but he never complained. Peace de clared. George Clements lived his 52 years as a man among men. "In the game ot lootball, which was his torte, he reminded the guards and the other players on his teams when they had missed assign ments. He was a man oi discipline and when a young ster did a good job, George Dewey Clements told him so. He never was disgruntled alter a loss because he knew that losing is a part ot the game ot liie. "When he reached the point physically, where he could no (See CLEMENTS. P. 2) Political ‘Web* On ‘Bull City* Group DURHAM - The tricks ot politics seem to be unraveling from many persons and or ganizations. Comes now the intormation that the Durham Committee on Black Political Atiairs was accused ot not reporting a girt trom 0. Max Gardner, 111, said to have been glva of McNeU Smith, in his unsuccesstul attempt to become the De mocratic nominee tor the U. S 444 Alleged Three-Time Killer Relates Prison Murder Spaulding Mrs. Allen Shows NoTells Of Goodwill BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor Mrs. Joan Allen, a black mother of 5 school- aged sons, who related a harrowing experience of having been fired by her white principal at North Garner Junior High School recently as a custodian, informed this writer Monday that she has received 7 job offers since the story first ap peared in last week’s CAROLINIAN. that a , . man on trial for murder rprs,Tr„‘er‘r''.8“e ^OW he kUIed ^e columns Ot The CAROLINIAN. Victim. This really where he continued to make his happened in Wake contributions to the world ot Superior Court Monday fCttA nr E'UC'M'TC t» ftV ^ « . m. * when Cardell Spaulding, an inmate of Central Prison, took the stand in his own behalf and told how he carried a Senate. “homemade knife,” ■me lailure was discovered known as a “shank” in by the State Board ot Elections as it reviewed the report ot P^son terms and contributions tor the May rammed it into the throat primary. The intormation was of Hal Roscoe Simmons. that the Durham group receiv- Even though he U being tried CRIME BEAT BOITOR'S NOTE: Thil er rntaiv a prtSwttd Im IS« mMU tetarcM wilb a* ala tavaria •IlMlullag III ed $500. and did not list it in its report ot contributions receiv ed. Ihe taiiure caused a stir between tbe leaders of the group. Ihe ottiem were not able to satisfy tbe State Board td)Out the maUer and Gardner, who served as treasurer tor the McNeil tunds is said to have admitted it was caused by a clolcel error. Gardner said he made the contribution at tbe suggestion ot Durham people, who worked tor lint-degree murder, he showed DO remorse in telling bow he RM the weapon In Ms shoe, went out into tbe re creation area and thunt it into the throat ot Simmons. The proeecutiOD presented evidence that Spaulding grab bed Simmons by tbe shouldtf and plunged the make shltt weapon into his throat. Even thoi^ he told the court that be had told SimmMU that he did not want to stab him, state BY STAFF WRITER Wake Medical Center’s Emergency Room was the culmination of the scene of a bloody ‘shootout’ between two local families last Friday night as three presons were treated there and released after suffering minor bullet wounds. Police are still investigatiiig a motive in the Alston Street encounter. According to Raleigh police, the victims were; Mrs. Sallv Lou Edwards, 62. 416 Alston Street, (located between E. Davie and E. Cabarrua St.); Alexander Jones, 46, 703 E. Hargett St.; and Otha Lee Harria, 19, 1 Naah Terrace (Chavia Heighta). All received gunshot wounds, someot which appeared to have come irom a .22 calibre rille, according to the cops’ statements. The shootmg, which took place shorUv alter 10 p.m. conlenti. .NHBBrrMH bast r*- sumM UmI Uwy be dvr* tbe llea •! everiMkUt Qiclr IbUu m Ibe f^ke btoUer. Tbb •• wwM liM t* 4a. flaarvtr. It b aat aor MaWaa la be jmdgt or Jrar*. We merely Mbkbh Ibefacu a* t fled laen reaertea by Ibc arreeUaa at- firen. To bee* oat ot Tbe ITIaie I i'olHauii, merny i 4 by a ■Tfe kceoft t