Shotgun Is “Winner” In (inn Hattie As Man, 65,SlainInRaleigh ^ ^ ^ J, Evans Blames Raleigh Housing Authority Woman Facing Evictionin cnme THE Carolinian VOL. 37 NO. 35 Sorth Carolina*^ LnuRng Weekly RALEIGH, N.C.. THURSDAY. JULY 6,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c MOTIIKH I KIKS IN .Wtil Mrs. Julia Turner. <shown on the right on left photo) cries out in anguish as she is resirained by a friend, after leu rniiiK that her 2'vear*uld daughter, Kelley Turner (shown inarms of Firefighter T. A. Mays, in right picture), had died in a fire at their apartment complex June 2K. The child’s aunt. .Mb. Florence Hiovmi. who was visiting the Turners from Decatur, Ala., also died in the blaie. (I’PI) As Aosistiiiit I’rofcsBor Raleigh Native To Michigan School ARLINGTON. V'a. — Joanne A. Peebles Wilson. M.D., became an assistant proiessor ot internal medicine iGastro- enlerologv) a! the University 01 Michigan Medical School, Ann Harbor. Mich., on Julv-l. Dr. Wilson is a graduate oi CardinnI Gibbons High School, Raleigh. N.C.. the University 01 North Carulina-Chapel Hill, where she received a B.S. in chemistry with highest honors and was a member oi Phi Beta Kappa and the Valkyries Honorary Women’s Society. Duke Uniyersity Medical School, in 1973, where she was a member oi Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Medical Soc* iety and was president oi Medical Student Body She did her medical intem- ship and residency at Peter Bent Brigham Ho^ital (Har* yard), Boston, Mass, and tellowshlp in Gastroenterology at the V.A. Hospital in Washington, D.C. She is married to Dr. Kenneth H. Wilson, who will be a lellow in Iniectious Diseases at the Uniyersity oi Michigan. Dr. Wilson is the daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peebles, Sr.. 01 Raleigh, and the grand daughter ot Ms. Maggie Pee bles 01 Raleigh. Boy, 3, Left Parentless After Ijocal Murder-Suicide ■¥■■^4 Virginia Corrections Officer Reads Of Plight Fired Maid Gets Cash Says He’s Been In Position BY STAFF WRITER Two men, one old, the other young, allegedly got into a “fuss" that is said to have lasted all day Monday, July 3. Both men had deadly weapons - guns - one a pistol, the other a shotgun. The winner of the so-called "battle of the guns” was the young man, blasting with a.121 He is John Joseph Evans, 31, 2 Maple St., who is now languishing at Wake County Jail, charged with murder, and being held without bond, pending a preli minary hearing this week. William Darby. 65. ISOO-A S. (See MAN SLAIN, P. 21 DR. JOANNE P. WILSON MarchBy ERA Jn SC House OKs OC Sum Kini^’s Birthday COLUMBIA. S C. - The as lo whether honoring King South Carolina Senate has 'might be '•unhonoring*' the tentativelN approved a bill making the la'e Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birtlidav. January 15, a state holiday. b givet< ilnai approval thi& waek. the bill will Im returned to the House consideration ot a Senate amendment that would give the state's more than 54,000 employees the option 01 working on Dr. King’s birthday, Robert E. Lee's birthday on January 19, Con- tederate Memorial Dav on May 10 or Jeiierson Davis birthday on June 3. There had been heated debate by the all-white Senate WEATHER The five day weather forcast for.the period Wednesday, July S, Uiroogb Sunday, July 9. it as follows: Parly cloudy skies, seasonal temperatures and lower humidity existed over the state WeJnesdav and are expected lo continue through Umrsday. Highs hHI be in the (tOs with some 70s in the mounlalnt. Lows Wednesday ni^t were in the upper SOs. The extended forecast calls for partly cloudy skies and hot temperatures Friday through Suu^y. Daily highs will be in the upper 80s to low 90s. Lows at nl^l are expected to range in the low to raid-70s, with slightly cooler temperatures in the mountains during the period. Coniederate heroes. As it now stands, the only optional dav on would be Lee’s birthday. 'The Senate was told Uie amendment adding tlie other existing hokUaya to the optional Uat would be accept able to the 13*member Black Caucus in the House. Since Dr. King’s birthday would be a legal slate boUday, only state employees can choose it as an optional day on. Private business and ptd}lic schools do not observe Con iederate holidays. Dr. King was assassinated on April 4,1966, as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel, a black-owned facility. With him at the time were all of his top aides. The National Qrganizatiem ior Women has organixed a national demonstration in Washington. D. C.! on July 9, 1978. The demonstration ia tor the extension ratitication oi the Equal Rights Amehdment. There will be thousands oi women dressed in | white, and other organized lupporters irom across the country marching trom the^iatb atreat mall to the CapRalitor a rally on Sunday aflemetn. The Equal Righka Amend ment guvantees equal pro tection and equal ojMrtunilies to all men and women. It was Introduced in the tl. S. Con gress in 1623 and passed in 1672 with a seven year Ume limit. Presently, it is \hne states short 01 the thirty-ei^t needed beiore it can becofi^ law. Hie linai deadline ia Marich 22,1676. b linal approval not come by then, the bill dick. The extension is; need be- (SeeERA MARCH. P.2) May Put Youth Shelter In Black Neighborhood A 118-vear-old house located at till New Bern Ave. a black neighborhood, may become a county shelter lor abused children and teenage staus uiienders it negotiations be tween the Wake Department oi Social Services and the Catho lic Diocese ot Raleigh are successiul. According to James A. Wright, social services direc tor, the department and the diocese are discussing who will pay the estimated 82,500 tab in needed repairs on the house. A house on Gl«iwood Ave. was the original site tor the home, but some ared residents protested, saving me home would devalue their property. The New Bern Ave. house could serve about live diUdren aged 10 to 16 who arelabused or status oitenders. Stdtus otten- ders are youths guility ot violations that would not be oiienses it they were adults, such as habitual runaways. Wri^t says about 75 chll- droi need shelter any one time and that the ceuntv will continue to look for other houses. i BY CHARLES R. JONES MaaagiBg EdMor On the front porches of two Raleigh homes, there are 2 sets of gladiolas. These flowers signify death. One set is displayed outside 1340 Branch St. in the Walnut Terrace area, a public housing project for low- income families; the other stands at the front door of 1719 Poole Rd., a 2-story white frame structure. Two persons are dead - a young woman, 10, and a young man, 27, whose 28tn birthday would have come iu August. Inside, both houses, hangs as a pall of gloom' and despair. Following Mveral monU^ ot almost constant arguing qpd disagreement. Harden Lee. Jr., a driver tor ^Kwy Taxi Cb., comer ot S. Blount and E. Hargett Streets. al^edly chased his tormer girltrirnd, Ms. Cynthia Ann Harris. 19, a tew teet down the bloek trom her home at 1S40 Branch St., tiiot bCT in the heart, mung the woman instantly, then tamed the same .22 calibre pistol on himsdf and sent his own body hurtling into eternity hy way another single bullet. This newsman, who has personally covered murder- suiddes, rapes, bludgeon kill ings and just about every other •ort ot violence “in the book,” tound bimselt dismayed and almost overcome with corn- passion tor the surviving members ot the two deed victlms.fSee TWO DEAD. P.2) Low-Income Delegates On WCO Board BY JACK JENKINS STAFF WRITER Ei^t low-income sentativet irom Western, and Urban Wake County, were elected to the Wake County Opportunities, Incorporation Boaitl ot Direc tors last Thursday. The dected representative were: East Wake County- Waiter J. Rogers, Rt. 2, Wendell, and Fred Vick. Rt. S. Zebulon; West Wake Cbunty- Hrt. Araetta B. Jones, 629 Tingen Rd., Apex, and Delores B. Wilson, Rt. i, Holly Springs; Urban Wake County-Bobby Davis, 552 E. Jones St.; Swade Sanders, 615 Method Rd.; Julius R. Haywood, 1014 Holmes St.; and Gertrude Pope. 61$ Price St. In addition to the eight elected representatives, eight representatives ot local governments eight represent- (See WCO BOARD, P.2.) MISS CYNTHIA A. HARRIS ...UDednear borne HARDEN LEE. JR. ...commits suicide HUME OP MURDER VICTIM - This U 1340 Branch Stn^ the apartment te which Ms. Cynthia Ann Harris lived with her* family until she was murdered Saturday night. (Staff Photo bv PaulR. Jenray, Jr.). Ms. Rosa M. Quick “At End Of Rope” BY CHARLES R. JONES Muugfaig ESItor Bad luck ucmi to stalk Hs. Rosa Mae Qtdck as tar aa adequate housing is concerned, wherever ste goee. Some 12 veers ago, Ms. Quick was having trouble "getling mv (See EVICTION. P. 2) BY CHARLES R. JONES Maoeglng Editor As a result of two front page red headline stories having appeared on con secutive weeks in The CAROLINIAN concern ing the plight of Mrs. Joan Allen, 820 Ellington St., Raleigh, who was fir^ several weeks ago from her custodian’s po sition at the North Gar ner Junior Hi^h School by her principal, the young woman received a cash donation of $10 from a corrections officer at State Farm, Va., who is employed at the Powha tan Corrections Center, WbuD Mrs. Allen, who is now working on another job, came into the oiticc oi The CARO LINIAN on Tuesday attemoon, it was plainly evident to this writer that she was “moved” almost to tears by the kindness exix'essed bv James Lewis, who wrote her the loUowing letter; “Dear Mrs. Joan Alien; “HopeiuUv, this letter will tiod you wdl and getting along line too. I am a native oi Smithileld, N.C., although I was bom in Raleigh. Mv parents moved trom Raleigh when I was 5 years old. I have been living in Virginia since 1672. “I subscribe to and am a regular readm* ot The CARO- UNIAN. While being Iciunnad ot your plight, which I read In the tront section ot the news paper, dated June 23. 1678, concerning problems you had encountered at your place ot (See MAID GETS. P.2) ^ _ SAVS FKENCH PKESl- DENT ARRANGED FOR HIM — New York. N.Y. — Black Panther co-founder Eldridge Cleaver, above, said last week that President Valery GUcard d'Estang of France personally arranged for him to reside legally in France in 1974. Clea ver. who fled this country 7 years ago. declares that be found refuge and religion in Europe. In an excerpt fram a New York raagaxine's interpre tation of his book. "Soul On Fire.” Cleaver said he met the President of France through a friend in the French under ground. He declared the Presi dent. then finance minister, made arrangements for him to remain in that couatry, but undercover. (UP!) US Caucus Commenth On Bakke WASHINGTON, D. C. - According to the Congressiocud Black Caucus, the U. S. Supreme Cotirt’s decisioo in the Allan Bakke case Is complex, and there may be a tend^v to tocus on the order that Bakke be admitted to the Davis Medical School. How ever, the real impact ot the Bakke declsioo is in that the majority oi the Court upheld the use ot race as a lactor in (See BAKKE CASE. P. 2) ‘No Personal Vendetta Against Christopher:* Lawrenee E, Wray EDITOa’S NUTK; TSU cvlHMa ar rnlva h prahTtS la tha mMIc taUrau aith aa ate lawanli ailaiiaaiInK Iu caalaaU. Saaitraai MKMaalt Sava ra- aaaatah that Osn ha gtea Iba caaaMara- tea of aaariaaiias tseir UaUai aa Ua pailca htelar. Thia «a «aM uCa to St. repre- ItMe^cr.hlaBotoorBaaiteBlahrJahga E..lern, S — - rican. Ta kaap aat of Tha tViaia Baal CelBfBaa. auraly aiaaaa aol hiiax raaia- laraS hy a aaUra ofnear la rapa^x hh fiaSbiXh ahllaao Suly. Ka klmaly kaap aff tha *Blaltar“ aad yaa aoa'I te la Tha • riria naat. FACES FALSE PRETENSE RAP Sammy Lee Robin, 615 E. Hxrgelt St., was arrested and diarged with talse pretense when he allegedlv UM>k $11.66 worth 01 groceries trom Se curity Market at 129 E. Martin St., last Thursday. (See CRIME BEAT, P.8) Appreciation Check Won By Moses Barbour The sole winner in last week's Appreciation Money leaiure was Moses Barbour, 3113 Idlewood Village Dr., who (See APPRECIATION. P 2) BY STAFF WRITER nounced Monday that he Lawrence E. Wrav, Ral- proposed to reorganize the eigh’s Intergovernmental co- toed CETA program into his ordinaUH*. who is black, an- own oiiice. By doing this, be will have most ot the responsi bility tor the operation oi its dav-to-dav {wograms. (.W WRAY SAYS. P.2) STILL FIGHTING FOR FKEEDO.M .\T .\GE 103 IN N.C.» Even though many have worked a long time for the cause of freedom, very few can boast of the record of Mrs. l4ila Vtptson. Chatham Counts Hranchuf (he N.X.ACP. shown in the center. She waslheguestof honor at iHe 1978 "Mothen*' Freeiioin Fund Celebration," held recently in Raleigh. Ren Hooks, national NAACP executive director, is show n as lie presents her a life membership plaque, given by the N.c] State Conference ul .NA.\('F Brandies. Others in the picture are. from left. Bill Gaines. I.auri^barg Brunch: Mrs. Surah Marsh, secretary. Statet'oorerence. and Kelly M. Alexander, stat^pre sident. ^WWWWWWWWWWWW Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK PIOOLY WKIOLY ^ POOD 8TORR8 "WHERE YOU GET THE VERr REST FOR W/CH LESS” STATE’S FIRST BLACK "MISS AMERICA" CONTESTANT— New BrUaln. Conn. - M,. Mory Alice FUntrey tmilet broadly after her crowning at the first Mach Miss CoanectkiU fa pageant history. The pretty and talented teenager, who will be 18 July IS. lives la Meriden, Cenn. She will represent Conneetkul in the Mhks America Pageant in Atlantic City In September. (UPI)

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